Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 891: On the 6th floor of the Temple of the Lo

[891] On the sixth floor of the Saint Hall (second!)

   "This trick was originally used by the emperor to hit the top eight or even the top five, but I didn't expect to use it before entering the final assessment."

   "I have to admit that your strength is very strong, or that the overall overall strength of this session is stronger than the previous session. With your current strength, it has completely impacted the top five in the previous session."

   "But now, your primordial spirit's power has been damaged, and it has been swallowed by the emperor's secret method. Now you are afraid that you can no longer use much primordial power."

   "Without the control of the power of the primordial spirit, your explosive power at the moment may not be able to exceed the peak and semi-sage, even if it is surpassed, it will definitely not exceed too much."

   "On the other hand, the emperor, although the secret technique is also affected, but the impact is insignificant compared to yours. Now that the emperor will lose and the emperor will win!"

   "Next, the emperor will use the strongest blow to defeat you!"

   "The Dragon Crazy Tail!!"

   The Red Wing Demon King roared, the magic dragon phantom possessed his body, and the whole body turned into a huge magic dragon.

   The red dragon's tail mixed with black suddenly slammed towards Han Feng with the momentum of destroying the space.

  The terrifying force oppressed Han Feng. With this blow, the explosive power of the Red Wing Demon Emperor was also close to the top level of Rank 6 Semi-Holy.

  According to the Red Wing Devil’s previous estimation of Han Feng, this is the extent of the strongest Han Feng outbreak.

   Now that the power of the primordial spirit can not be used much, it is bound to be unable to compete with him.


   A light flashed in Han Feng's eyes: "What if you can't use all the power of the soul, I will still defeat you."

   "Even Your Excellency will keep a few hole cards, so naturally so does Han!"

  At this moment, Han Feng's Shengyuan broke out with all his strength, and fifty percent of the Shengyuan rose into the sky!

   "Fighting and shaking punches!"

   "A shock!"

   "Second shock!"

   "Three vibrations!"

   "Four vibrations!"

   "Five vibrations!"

   Doupo Vibrating Fist burst out a powerful vibrating force, one by one stronger than the other, like an endless wave that overwhelmed the Red Wing Demon Emperor's dragon tail.

   Sheng Yuan exploded to the extreme, Dou Po Vibrating Fist erupted to the extreme, even if Han Feng is not able to use the power of the original spirit, he can still explode with extremely terrifying aura and power!

   This power has even surpassed the Sixth-Rank Half-Holy, and rivals the Seventh-Rank Half-Holy!

   "What! It's impossible!" The Red Wing Demon King looked terrified, and he never expected that Han Feng would be able to explode with such a powerful force at this time!

   The power thrown by the ferocious dragon tail has reached the top of the sixth-rank semi-sage, but it was directly exploded by a punch under Han Feng's punch!

   Han Feng's fist went unabated and fell directly on the huge body of the Red Wing Demon Emperor.

what! !

   The Red Wing Demon Emperor let out a scream, and the bones in his body made a cracking sound. The Red Wing Demon Emperor turned into a human body directly, spraying bleeding mist and some small pieces of meat in his mouth.

   fell straight to the ground with a loud bang.

   Everyone looked at all this in horror, and took a breath.

   The Heavenly Fire Emperor is so powerful that this is because the power of the soul has been severely damaged. If not, how strong will the Heavenly Fire Emperor be?

   Thinking of this, everyone's eyes on Han Feng changed dramatically.

   If Han Feng's performance before, everyone just regarded it as a slightly stronger person among the semi-sages beyond the peak, then in their eyes, Han Feng is no different from the top semi-sages beyond the peak.

   The Holy Star Emperor's face twitched: "This guy is stronger than in the ranking competition. Could it be that he didn't use his full strength back then? Or is his overall strength soaring again in such a short time."

   It stands to reason that the second possibility is very slim. How much time has passed between the end of the ranking match and the start of the Five House Tournament?

   How could there be a huge improvement in such a short period of time? This is a semi-sacred realm, no, it is a realm beyond the peak and a semi-sacred realm, and the difficulty of its improvement is not comparable to that after the sanctuary.

   In such a short period of time, it is possible to grow so much strength, this... how can this be explained by abnormality, it is completely a monster above the abnormality!

   The Firefox Emperor and the Purple Fantasy Emperor both looked terrified. They provoke such a strong presence. This luck is too bad.

   However, apart from fear, the Purple Magic Emperor is also somewhat enlightened.

   The explosive power of the Red Wing Demon Emperor is not as good as the Heavenly Fire Emperor, but at first he was able to severely damage the Heavenly Fire Emperor, and once mastered the attack rhythm. If it weren't for the Heavenly Fire Emperor also hidden, the winner would not be the Heavenly Fire Emperor.

   Why is this?

   The Purple Magic Emperor had already understood at this moment, it was because the Red Wing Demon Emperor had hidden the two tricks of the Devil Dragon Xiao and the Dragon Spirit Devouring from the beginning, and they have never used them in the discussions of the Zhongdu Academy these days.

  I would rather lose in the competition, it is useless.

   This caused the Red Wing Demon Emperor to catch the opponent off guard during the battle.

   The Emperor of Skyfire is even more low-key. The four schools had never heard of such an existence before the Five Houses Tournament. It was not until after the Five Houses Tournament that they completely broke out, and even still hidden a lot of hole cards.

  If it weren't for this, how could it be possible to come back directly when the Red Wing Demon Emperor had the upper hand.

   "I really am...too self-esteem...too high-profile..."

"If I hadn't triumphantly used the purple illusion pupil before the Five Houses' Contending for supremacy, facing this Heavenly Fire Emperor, even if I lost it, at the very least, I would be able to catch the opponent off guard against a small loss. How could I lose so easily." Zi Huanhuang thought bitterly.


   "Huh, finally won, this battle almost capsized in the gutter." Han Feng wiped away his cold sweat.

"This Red Wing Demon Emperor is really insidious, and he has such a strange trick. The Demon Dragon Roar is not terrible, even if it is caught off guard, it will not have a big impact. In terms of the power of the original god, the Red Wing Demon Emperor is compared to the purple fantasy The emperor is far away."

   "But the Dragon Devourer is can directly swallow the opponent's primordial power. Except for the primordial attack, other attacks are ineffective and cannot be resisted."

   "The Dragon Devourer alone will certainly make people suffer, but it is only that. But the combination of the Dragon Roar and the Dragon Spirit Devourer can exert a great effect. Fortunately, I have a lot of hidden cards."

   looked at the Red Wing Demon Emperor who had fallen under the ring, Han Feng secretly said apologize in his heart, the situation was critical at the time, how could Han Feng stop, and the power caused by that punch down, Han Feng was very clear.

   This Red Wing Demon Emperor, the bones in his body are probably broken a lot.

   "Who else wants to fight?" Han Feng shouted, standing on the ring.

   As far as Han Feng's eyes were, everyone lowered their heads.

   Although Han Feng has only experienced five battles now, and one has not been completed, none of the remaining people dared to take the stage.

  Even the Red Wing Demon Emperor was defeated, and the defeat was so miserable, let alone them.

   Even if the other party is supposed to be badly injured and consume a lot of energy, no one dares to step forward and take advantage of that.

  Who knows what hole cards the other party has?

   There was no one to challenge anymore. Han Feng simply sat cross-legged on the ring, waiting for the birth of the winner of the ring on the other side, and then he could enter the sixth floor of the holy hall and enter the assessment of the last ten.


   Outside, several deputy palace masters were also shocked by the powerful combat power displayed by Han Feng.

