Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 910: Holy pupil of the star!

   The outskirts of the secret realm of the cemetery of the Holy Lord

   Eight people flashed out with eight rays of light.

   There is almost no spiritual energy here, but a heavy death air permeates.

   There are tens of thousands of tombstones made of unknown materials standing on the ground.

   This means that since the establishment of Zhongdu Academy, the weaker ones among the peaks of the Great Sanctuary and Sanctuary have fallen by tens of thousands.

   This is simply a huge number.

   How long will it take to accumulate so much.

   It should be known that the strong of the Great Sanctuary has two thousand years of life, and the peak of the Sanctuary has four thousand years.

Here, Zhiling in the Saints Hall left five people: the Emperor Shen Yuan, Emperor Demon Sword, Emperor Ice Crystal, Emperor Zhan Fu Yu, and Emperor White Dragon. The three rays of light engulfed Han Feng, Emperor Dragon Emperor and Purple Elephant Emperor and left. .

   The inner circle of the Saints Hall.

   Han Feng three people appeared here.

   Han Feng discovered that the tombstones in the inner wall are much less, about a thousand.

   That is to say, the peak of the sanctuary that the Zhongdu Academy has fallen over so many years, there are still thousands of outstanding ones.

   can be called the best among the peaks of the sanctuary, at least it is the twenty-fifth heaven of the sanctuary or even higher, until the peak of the twenty-seventh heaven.

   The Emperor Dragon Emperor and the Purple Elephant Emperor were left here, and the Saint Hall Zhiling swept Han Feng to the core of the Saint Hall.

  Here is the master of the sanctuary Xiaoyuan realm who has fallen from the Zhongdu Academy for so many years (including the end of his life).

   These existences are all deputy palace masters of Zhongdu Academy, at least at the 28th Heavenly Level.

   no matter how high it is, it is extremely rare in the Central Capital Academy, and in the other four universities, it is a master-level existence.

   Five universities, and only the master of the Zhongdu Academy is the master of the sanctuary Dzogchen realm.


   "There are hundreds of them!" Han Feng was shocked.

   Hundreds of sacred perfections, every sacred perfection can live for 16,000 years.

  According to the ten or so sanctuary Xiaomengs of the Zhongdu Academy, the Zhongdu Academy has to exist for hundreds of thousands of years to accumulate so much.

   The light disappeared, and Han Feng silently walked to the tombstones with a very respectful expression.

  , all those buried here are Sanctuary Xiao Perfect masters. Facing such masters, Han Feng could not help being respectful.

   Han Feng put his hand on the tombstone, and the inheritance left by the strong in the tombstone burst out endless brilliance.

   "Light Wing Lan Xiang killed, the best inferior sacred knowledge, made by the light wing saints for thousands of years." A message appeared in Han Feng's mind.

   Han Feng regretfully withdrew his hand: "The inferior sacred school of the top grade is indeed a super sacred school, but unfortunately it is a fire attribute."

   "Indestructible Breeze Swordsmanship, not only the wind attribute but also special sword repair, it is not suitable for me."

   "Winding the sky, the best inferior sanctuary, and the wood attribute, no way."

"Wind and Fire Broken Soul is actually the two attributes of Wind and Fire. This saint must also be a legend in his lifetime. Sure enough, the top-ranking sanctuary is unique. This person is also a master of the 30th heaven peak of the sanctuary, far away from the sanctuary. Consummation is only one step away, but unfortunately, I don’t have wind attributes. Give up."

   "Drift ice strikes instantly, the best middle-class sanctuary is unique, ice attributes, give up."

   "Huh? The scorching sun burns the sky? The best grade is a medium-level sanctuary, and has a fire attribute. This kind of knowledge is good, and the level is not low. This is the best grade, but..."

   "The fit is not high with me, it's only 60%." Han Feng shook his head with a pity.

  The fit of 60% is actually not bad, but the fit of the Heavenly Flame Thousand Boundaries Sword that Han Feng is now cultivating with the Fentian Emperor Zunzhi is too high, and Han Feng's appetite has been raised.

   The normal fit is no longer satisfactory to Han Feng.

   Han Feng’s goal is 80%, at least 80% fit.

   Han Feng continued to browse the tombstones.

During   , I encountered a lot of high-strength sanctuary knowledge that made Han Feng greedy. Unfortunately, either the attributes were discordant, or the bloodline was needed, or the attributes were the same but did not fit well.

   walked through most of the time, but never met a satisfied one.

"Holy Dragon Essence and Blood!" Han Feng was surprised: "There is the essence and blood of the Sacred Dragon Family Sanctuary Xiao Perfect Master! I remember that the Emperor Sage Dragon belongs to the Sacred Dragon Family. Could the Emperor Sacred Dragon **** the first thing... …"

   "No wonder the Emperor Sacred Dragon looked at me so bitterly. The Purple Elephant Emperor, the Demon Sword Emperor, and the Divine Ape Emperor, who were originally planning to hit the top three or even higher rankings, did not do so even if they lost."

   "I thought it was the reason for xinxing, but now it seems to be more than that."

   But Han Feng smiled, the Sacred Dragon family had already fallen, and it was in the Middle Continent instead of the North Continent, so why be afraid.

   is about to leave anyway.

   "The palm of the sky clumps the strong clouds, the superb superior sanctuary, the fire attribute, the fit is 80%." When Han Feng's palm was attached to a tombstone, Han Feng's eyes lit up.

   "About one-third of the tombstones are left to look at. If there is no better one afterwards, I will choose Cong Lie Yunzhang this day."

   Tombstones passed by. When there were only a few dozen tombstones left, Han Feng felt that there was nothing more suitable for him than Tiancong Lieyun Palm. The inheritance in one tombstone aroused Han Feng's interest.

"Star Sacred Eye, this kind of talented magical powers turned out to be acquired by the day after tomorrow. If the Star Sacred Eye has successfully cultivated, he will inherit an extremely powerful illusion ability. The power of the illusion will increase as the level of the Star Sacred Eye increases, and this The compatibility between the Star Sacred Eye and me is as high as 90%, this..." Han Feng looked uncertain.

   It stands to reason that as a fire martial artist, he should choose the palm of the sky cluster Lieyun, but the holy pupil of the star also moved Han Feng.

If it’s a natural magical power, it’s fine, but it’s acquired through cultivation. Anyone who succeeds in practicing can have this sacred pupil of the star that is no less than natural magical I own the nine-flame skyfire tower, whenever I am When the mental power cannot resist, there will be a clear stream to help me. But once or twice is okay, if there are more, I will definitely become dependent. In fact, I am already a little dependent now. It is precisely because of this that I will suffer some small losses in the Five Houses Contest. "

   "If the Red Wing Demon Sovereign hadn't been strong enough, when I was caught off guard at the beginning, I might have lost because of carelessness."

"Let the nine-flame sky-fire tower help me down, one day, I will become completely dependent. Once the nine-flame sky-fire tower is gone, maybe I will panic, and the will and spirit will also form my shortcomings. ."

   "The shortcomings are getting bigger and bigger, and one day it will become my fatal flaw."

   "It's decided, choose the sacred pupil of the star!"

   Immediately, Han Feng slapped the tombstone, and a brilliant light enveloped Han Feng.

   All the inheritance of the sacred pupil of the star is passed into Han Feng’s Spiritual Consciousness Sea, which floats in the primordial core of the Consciousness Sea.

   Time passed slowly, for a long time, Han Feng opened his eyes, and a flash of light flashed: "So, the ten-star holy pupil technique, is this the holy domain technique for opening up the star holy pupil? It is amazing."


   Fifth more complete! Seeking flowers!

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  The five-family contend for hegemony plot is over. Tomorrow, pig's feet Han Feng will cross the sky and become the sanctuary, so stay tuned.