Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 925: Jade Stone Stele

One of the eight heroes couldn't reach this level at the same age. This is still the case of having a lot of resources in his own family. Forrest Gump

What does it mean that the other party has reached this level without everything else? This means that once the opponent has sufficient resources and guidance, future achievements will not only be in the early days of the Great Sanctuary.

It is not impossible to become a comparable existence to the Four Masters.

If such an existence is forced to sign a slave contract, it will inevitably be resentful, and once the cultivation base surpasses in the future, it will be a disaster for the Liu family.

Rather than cultivating a master who will bring disaster to the Liu family in the future, it is better to make friends with him before the other party has really grown up.

This time, the man in black is an opportunity.

In other words, the interception by the man in black was the secret plan of the Liu family.

A bright light flashed in Liu Gongzi's eyes: "In this plan, in order to make Bai Xin grateful to the big brother from the heart, it is bound to die a few people, and those two people will be fine if they die."

Bai Ying said nonchalantly: "It's just a sideline, there are as many as dogs, it's okay, two dead have no effect on the villa." Bai Ying's expression did not treat Bai Sheng and Bai Liang as real people, as if they were one. brute.

Rao is Liu Gongzi from a big family. He was accustomed to the cruelty of family competition and couldn't help but twitch a few times: "This Baiyun on earth has it been managed so far? Is there no rebellion in the sidelines?"

"Even if my Liu family competes cruelly, it has not reached the point where the collateral line is inappropriate. As long as the collateral line shows sufficient aptitude, the status is not inferior to the direct line. If the collateral line has a strong cultivation base to break through to the sanctuary level, the status is more than ordinary The direct line is still high."

"This Baiyun Villa has just been established a hundred years ago, and if it continues to develop in this situation, it will collapse soon."

"If my Liu family didn't treat the collateral as a human being, the wife of the owner of Baiyun would not be a collateral from my Liu family. Although this Madame Baiyun is a collateral, she is also a genius with extraordinary qualifications. At the level of the first heaven in the sanctuary, arranging this lady Baiyun to the owner of the white cloud, it is the family that has taken a fancy to the potential of the owner of the white cloud, this white cloud owner is expected to become a master of the seventh heaven in the sanctuary."

"It's a pity, since he became the owner of my Liu family and took Mrs. Baiyun from my Liu family, the owner of Baiyun has gradually become arrogant. Without his previous enterprising spirit, a hundred years have passed and he has still been in the realm of the holy realm. To Erzhongtian. Once this white heart is reused by my Liu family, I am afraid this Baiyun Villa will be abandoned."


"White Cloud Palm!"

"Baiyun points!"

"Baiyun double push!"

The three of Bai Xin, Bai Sheng, and Bai Liang were surrounded by heavy siege, and soon became embarrassed. Especially Bai Sheng and Bai Liang were only in the middle stage, and they were already scarred.

"Baiyun palm!" Bai Xin yelled, and touched the black-clothed leader with a palm.


A wave of air rushed towards the surroundings, and some of the people in black in the early stage of the sky were blown away.

Step on...

One is the eight stars of the heavenly rank, and the other is the ten stars of the heavenly rank. The result is obvious, Bai Xin's palm hurts and his face becomes paler.

Bai Sheng and Bai Liang were already in danger, and they were about to be killed.

But at this moment, a red light fell among the crowd, flames rose into the sky, and waves of air burst out.

"What!" The black-clothed leader's complexion changed drastically, and he was immediately shocked by a terrifying force.

The rest of the men in black were even more unbearable, some of the weaker men in black in the early days of the heavens were directly burned to ashes by the flames.

"Who is this person? I fell from the sky and shook me up, and killed a lot of early-stage strongmen. This person is at least the twelve-star peak cultivation base, even semi-sage!" The leader in black was surprised Looking at Han Feng uncertainly.

Han Feng did not exude much coercion, so the black-clothed leader did not cause any serious problems.

The man in black wanted to investigate Han Feng's cultivation level, but he couldn't find out at all, which made the man in black even more jealous.

"This person is so young, even if the cultivation base is strong, it is impossible to be strong. With so many people on my side, it may not have the power to resist." The man in black did not think about Han Feng's pilgrimage to the sanctuary powerhouse.

Yunfeng Nation is a sixth-rank empire, and the surroundings are also under the sixth and even seventh-ranks. The black-clothed leader's knowledge is really limited. In his impression, the sanctuary powerhouses are basically elders, and some are in the sixth rank. Those who step into the sanctuary at the age of seventy will certainly be younger, but they may also remain like a middle-aged person.

As for the sanctuary geniuses like Sijie, they all maintained their appearance in their twenties.

Han Feng is too young, he was less than twenty when he became a sanctuary, and his face has naturally remained at about seventeen or eighteen.

Such a young genius could not be a sanctuary in the eyes of the leader in black.

"Who is your excellency? You can't intervene in this matter. If your excellency is interested, let's leave." The black-clothed leader suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice.

The Bai Xin trio stared at all this in a daze, and never expected that someone would rescue them at a critical moment, and their fateful expressions suddenly changed. But hearing the words of the leader in black again, the expressions of the three changed again.

Bai Xin said bitterly: "This gentleman, we are the people of Baiyun Mountain Villa. This man in black is not afraid of Baiyun Mountain Villa's attack on us. There must be a strong sanctuary behind him. Sir, he has such strength at this age and is admirable. The woman also thanked her husband for his rescue, but because of this, you should leave, husband. Your future is great. There is no need to offend the sanctuary powerhouse because of the little girl and fall into crisis."

Bai Sheng and Bai Liang wanted to say something, but in the end they shut up.

The black-clothed leader smiled: "This little Nizi is right. There is indeed a strong sanctuary backing behind Xia. Seeing that your age is less than twenty, there is no need to take a trip to this muddy water. Otherwise, your future will be a bright future. Great, it could have become a strong or even stronger in the sanctuary, maybe it will fall because of this. There is no shortage of genius in this world, and many geniuses fall before they grow up."

"Have you said enough?" Han Feng's expression was faint from beginning to end, until then he gave a cold snort.

The voice of the leader in black stopped abruptly: "What did you say?" The man in black stared at Han Feng.

Han Feng said indifferently: "I said you said it's enough? If you didn't catch it, let me hear it this time."

"Good boy, looking for death!" The man in black was furious: "Give it to me!"

With an order, a group of people in black swarmed up, and various tricks were released along with the fluctuation of the true essence.

Han Feng raised his wrist, the five magic rings burst out a bright light, and a fire demon with a strength as high as that of the holy realm and a heavenly level condensed.

At the moment the fire demon condensed, terrible power roared out.

The fire demon roared, and the besieging man in black split instantly and died, with blood pouring into the sky.

But the attack of the man in black fell on the fire demon, and he did not even hit the water drift.

"Holy...Sanctuary!" The black-clothed leader opened his eyes wide and turned into blood mist unwillingly.

The Bai Xin trio at the rear were also shocked, looking at Han Feng speechless for a long time.

It was Bai Xin who reacted first, and hurriedly bowed her knees and said, "Little girl, thank you for this adult's help!" As soon as Han Feng showed his hand, Bai Xin immediately changed her name. She was a husband before, but now she has become an adult.

Even if this is not Han Feng's own strength, but relying on an inexplicable bracelet, Bai Xin still treats Han Feng as a sanctuary powerhouse.

Bai Sheng and Bai Liang reacted at this moment, and after taking a deep breath, they quickly lowered their heads to say hello.

"My lord?" Han Feng raised his eyebrows. He was younger than these three, but Han Feng didn't say anything. In terms of strength, it's okay for these people to call him an adult.

After all, the world is respected by the strong.

"Since I am grateful for saving you, how do you want to repay you?" Han Feng asked with interest.

Bai Xin's face changed wildly, and her heart was disturbed.

The hearts of Bai Sheng and Bai Liang suddenly burst. Could this guy...

Thinking of this, the two secretly became anxious. Even if the other side rescued them, Bai Xin could use his body to repay them. This is too...

But the two of them couldn't do much except anxious, but the other party was able to summon monsters at the sanctuary level, which was definitely not something they could contend with.

Bai Xin gritted her teeth and took a deep breath: "If an adult insists on doing this, the little girl is willing to..."



Thank you ‘15024640725’ and ‘896021154’ for the great rewards! O (∩_∩) O novel source: Forrest Gump Novel Network