Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1144: unfortunately

Hearing Song Yuyu's words, the rest of the Jiange people were all discolored.

"Miss, think twice..." The old man hurried forward, trying to say something.

But when he was halfway through his words, Song Yuyu raised his hand and stopped.

"Since I have said what I have said, I will do what I say! My Yuhuajian Pavilion is also considered a famous faction in the Changxin area, and there is a face and face in the whole Shengzhou. If it is rebellious, wouldn't it be a joke if it spreads out? "Song Yuyu seriously said.

"But if you lose the treasure of the town faction, the joke will only be bigger." Someone said.

"The feathered sword suit is nothing more than a vulgar thing! Is it just because it has the word feathering in its name, it must be in my feathered sword pavilion? A vulgar thing is not worth our life?" Song Yuyu shook his head. To Bai Ye said: "This son, let me go back to the sect. When I go back to the sect, I will get the sword suit and give it to you! Don't worry, my father has already intentionally passed the sword suit to me, as long as I nod my head , The sword suit is yours!!"

"Ms. Song is so convinced. I really want to admire Lai Xia, but Xia Xia has no time to go to Yuhua Jian Pavilion with you for the time being. How about this. Let's make an appointment and sign a contract. How about?" Bai Ye said.

If the sword is mounted on this girl, that's okay, but now the sword is mounted in the sword pavilion, the journey is far away, he is anxious to go to the sword pavilion now, he has no time to go to the sword pavilion, so he can only choose another time.

"Sign the contract?" Everyone was shocked when they heard Bai Ye's words.

"Sign the blood contract and keep it by me! How?" Bai Ye said indifferently.

The blood contract is a kind of power that temporarily builds a link with the blood of the signatory. There is only one contract, and whoever holds it, as long as it is torn, the other person will definitely die.

If the contract is signed and placed in Bai Ye's custody, then in other words, Song Yuyu's life will be handed over to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye wants to kill Song Yuyu, just destroy the contract.

The old man strongly opposed this.

"No way! No way!!! Absolutely no way!!! Miss Jinzhiyuye, how can I sign a blood contract with others? If I return to the sword pavilion, how can I explain to the pavilion master? This is absolutely not possible!!!" the old man said eagerly.

"No, I promise you!!" Song Yuyu ignored the old man's words and spoke directly.

A group of people looked at her in a stunned voice.

"Little...Miss, this..." The old man didn't understand.

"If you don't agree, can anyone of us be able to contend with him?" Song Yuyu asked everyone.

People's expressions changed, and no one made a sound.

"Since he can't fight this person, it's easy for him to kill us. If that's the case, why not promise him? Anyway, my life is in his hands. If he wants to kill him, it would be better to sign a contract with him! Change your life!" Song Yuyu said calmly.

No one refuted.

Hearing the sound, Bai Ye nodded silently.

This girl looks young, but her mind is surprisingly mature and not simple.

"In that case, let's start now!"

Bai Ye raised the sword's edge and cut off his fingers, the skin and flesh broke open, blood overflowing.

Under the sacred force, the blood drawn a small formation in the air, which was a semicircle.

Upon seeing this, Song Yuyu immediately moved away, bit her finger, sacrificed blood, and once again drew a semi-circle, covering the blood of Bai Ye.

The formations of the two were put together into a circle.

Bai Ye reached for a package.


The circle formation suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had fallen on the back of Bai Ye's hand.

When the old man saw the scarlet circle mark on the back of Bai Ye's hand, he sighed heavily and stopped speaking.

"Your Excellency, are you satisfied?" Song Yuyu asked.

"Yes!" Bai Ye nodded: "In this case, let's make an agreement. I still have things to do right now. I have to delay about a month or so. I will also give you some time. Today, two months later, I I will go to the Feathering Sword Pavilion in person, ask for the sword outfit, and get the sword outfit. I will immediately terminate this contract!"

"Two months later, Yuyu is waiting for seniors to drive!" Song Yuyu bowed slightly.

Bai Ye nodded, stepped a little, and rushed forward.

Song Yuyu and the others watched him leave.

When he left, a crowd immediately surrounded Song Yuyu.

"Miss..." The old man opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

"It's a pity... if he goes to the sect, he doesn't need to come out of this sword outfit! The sect strong must be able to solve him before he moves me!" A strange light flashed in Song Yuyu's eyes.

When everyone heard it, they were frightened and realized Song Yuyu's plan.

This is to advance with retreat.

"Miss, then we..."

"Don't say anything, go back to Jiange first!"

Song Yuyu said in a low voice, her lips pressed slightly, her jewel-like eyes shining with something.



With the contract of blood, Bai Ye was naturally very excited.

I didn't expect to make a big bargain!

Feather sword outfit!

Bai Ye never thought that she would get such a good baby!

"After getting the dead dragon sword, then get the sword outfit, with these magic weapons, killing the true saint is like slaughtering a pig and a dog!!!" Bai Ye's eyes condensed, and the person took a deep breath and accelerated the speed of advancement.

After walking the road of the bones, it was a big mountain, over the top of the mountain, behind it was a small town dedicated to souls to supply healing.

Bai Ye took a few pills and replaced it with a Pegasus, and ran straight towards Nowhere.

For the time being, I do not know that I have come to Li Sheng State.

And... he was wounded at the beginning, and there is not much left in his cultivation. If he wants to monopolize the Dead Dragon Sword, he must hide and practice, otherwise he can't hold the Dead Dragon Sword.

Although it is not difficult for a person who has been abolished to recast a heavenly soul with the energy conditions of the sacred state, it is certainly not easy to recover to the peak period.

But the cultivation base of the all-rounder is not high, if it can sneak in quietly and take away the dead dragon sword, it is naturally the best.

Let's take a look at what's going on in the first place. It's natural that it's best if you don't get mad.

I don't know if the Saint Twelve has taken refuge in it! Since he fled into Li Shengzhou, the news is still unknown.

Bai Ye pondered, riding a horse and raising his whip, speeding up the progress.

Wumen is also considered a super power in the Changxin area. Like Yijian Tiangong and Shangshenzong, it is extremely difficult to enter the sect.

If you want to understand Wumen, the first choice is naturally to go to several cities around Wumen that are under its jurisdiction.

Chongshan City.

One of the largest cities around Wumen.

It is also the most densely populated city.

Bai Ye rode a pony horse and looked around like a horse watching the flowers. Although the souls around were all semi-sages or saints, the costumes and dresses of these people, and even the accents of their speech, were completely different from those in the Guanglan area.

However, what surprised Bai Ye was that in this Chongshan City, there was actually a Heixuan auction house.

It seems that this auction house is owned by the entire Shengzhou chain.

For this auction house, Bai Ye is still very curious.

After all, this auction house is not only large in scale, but also terrifying in energy. Its scope of business is not only the sale of Horcruxes, elixirs, materials, but also bodyguards, escorts, killers, etc., and as long as it can pay a sufficient price, Even any information can be obtained with one hand.

Bai Ye walked straight into the auction house and walked to the intelligence window.

"Guest, what information do you need?" In front of the window, a man wearing a mask asked in a low voice.

"The best!" Bai Ye lowered his voice.

When the man heard the sound, a hint of surprise flashed in his exposed eyes.

Probably it was unexpected that a great sage would come to ask the top information.

But after all he was someone who had seen wind and waves, and soon returned to normal, and handed out a token from it.

Bai Ye took the token and walked to the small door guarded by Heixuan Auction House.

There was a token, but the guard did not stop it.

Entering the aisle, an old man with a rickety figure led him into the side door beside him, and the old man handed him a mask.

I have read the introduction before Bai Ye. This mask is to protect the privacy of the guests. After all, the level of information asked is too high, and the scope of it is not small. Hei Xuan Auctions has all the obligations to protect the personal safety of every guest. It is precisely because of this. , Hei Xuan auction house can bloom everywhere.

Bai Ye put it on and found that the mask not only changed his appearance, but also his voice and breath.

What a good baby, but it's a pity that I have to go back.

The old woman led him into a small dark room in the innermost.

The room was empty, with only a stool, which was placed against the wall, but there was a faint breath on the other side of the wall.

"Hello, guest, please sit down!!"

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded from the wall.

Bai Ye was stunned and nodded.

"Excuse me, what do the guests need to ask?" The voice on the other side of the wall came out again.

Although the other party's aura was completely hidden, Bai Ye could hear from the other party's voice that this was at least a very holy or even higher existence.

Even across the wall, I am afraid that the other party has already seen everything here...

Fortunately there is a mask!

Bai Ye took a breath and said lightly, "I want to ask about Wumen!"

"What does the guest want to know about Wumen?"

"Regarding the matter of the unending elder, I want to know his current situation, his current position, his strength..." Bai Ye said in one breath.

There was a brief silence over there, and after a while, the sound of a whistling air current sounded.

Bai Ye raised his eyes, but saw a lot of glowing words appear on the wall in front of him.

And these words are absolutely all the information about not scattered.

Seeing this, Bai Ye's expression suddenly changed.

"Why do you know so much about Elder Fufu? According to what I know, it takes half a day to collect news from the Hei Xuan auction!!"

He thought he would have to wait for a long time, but he knew that the other party had directly displayed a lot of information.

Is it because the reputation is too big and there are many people following it?

"That's because you are not the only one who came to ask about the matter of not leaving!"

There was a strange laughter from the wall.

Hearing the sound of the white night, his expression became serious.

It looks like... the news of the dead dragon sword has spread.