Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1375: Sister

Hearing Wang Jin's voice, Bai Ye thought that he had heard it wrong.

When asked who the visitor was, Wang Jin also didn't know.

Entering the chaotic realm is very simple. Everyone will not care too much about those who break into the chaotic realm. Those who just want to enter the chaotic realm and fight wildly are still very rare.

It was the second time he had encountered such a fierce person, and the first time was naturally with that woman by Bai Ye.

Bai Ye meditated for a while, and immediately asked Wang Jin to summon the strong from the Chaos Domain to resist, and then the descendants rushed to the scene in person.

However, when he arrived at the scene, Bai Ye was stunned.

This is the end!

He stood behind with the Raksha Girl and the others, and in front of them were more than a hundred men and women in gray robes.

These men and women are particularly terrifying in strength, one by one is extremely powerful, like a **** of war.

More than a hundred people rushed in, and the powerful people of the chaotic realm that had been killed were retreating steadily and it was difficult to resist.

Bai Ye looked solemn.

When I looked up, I discovered that these men and women were not high in their soul realm, and the strongest were Yang Sheng, and most of them were even Wu Sheng.

But they slaughtered the Sun Sage and the Shocking Realm people, just like slaughtering pigs and dogs.

They all have a layer of aura on them, this aura is especially unique, even the aura of a person in the world-shaking realm cannot be compared with it.

This is definitely not the aura that ordinary martial sages can possess, nor is it something they can control.

This breath... amplifies a lot of their power!

"White Night, long time no see."

Seeing Bai Ye walk out, he finally said nothing.

"End Yan?" Bai Ye looked around and said calmly: "So these people are all of you from Montenegro?"

"Yes." Yan finally said calmly.

"When has your Black Mountain become so powerful?" Bai Ye Shen said.

If Montenegro has always been like this, the Guanglan area is probably the territory of Montenegro.

"Naturally thanks to our master." He finally said lightly, turning his head slightly.

Bai Ye saw that there was a huge sedan chair behind Zhuan Yan.

Sitting on the sedan chair was a cloud of phantom, unable to see clearly, only a vague outline could be seen, he was sitting on the sedan chair cross-legged, as if he was recuperating, and he paid no attention to the fighting around here.

"Master? So, does the Lord of Black Mountain have the power to kill the people of the Shocking World?" Bai Ye Shen asked.

"Cut, what are the people of the Shocking Realm?" Raksha female disdainfully said: "If my master is willing, who can't kill the people of Shengzhou here? A little Shocking Realm, nothing to say!"

Hearing the sound of the white night, my heart was frightened.

Although the Raksha girl has an exaggeration in it, it will not exaggerate too much.

And in this way, the strength of the Black Mountain Lord is far from being comparable to that of Outlanders.

"Since your Black Mountain is so powerful, why are you still entrenched in an outer land like the Guanglan area?" Bai Ye asked again.

"Don't you understand the principle of hiding in the wild and hiding in the city?" The Raksha girl smiled: "Although my master is strong, he is low-key and likes quietness, so he takes us to the Black Mountain to stay in the outer domain, for Don’t be disturbed, and try not to take action, but slowly cultivate us there."

Bai Ye keeps silent.

Things are definitely not that simple.

At this time, the Raksha girl continued: "Bai Ye, I really didn’t expect to see you for a while, you have become the lord of chaos...unbelievable, but even so, in front of my master, your That little method is also pale, feeble and weak. I advise you to immediately hand over the inheritance of the ancestors that cover the sky, and then hand over your Death Dragon Sword and Abandoned God Sword. If this is the case, I want to have a friendship between you and me, I I will beg Master not to hurt you, let alone abandon your cultivation. What do you think?"

Bai Ye said nothing, frowned.

At this time, a large number of powerhouses in the chaotic domain have rushed from all directions.

"Oh, a group of Wu Shengyue Sheng, dare to be wild in the chaos?"

"Dare to touch our Lord of Chaos?"


"Kill them! Kill!"


The surrounding powerhouses poured out here like a flood.

Shouting and killing sound shook the sky.

Although the hundred-odd people received the blessing of special strength and their strength, tens of thousands of powerful people rushed around, and they couldn't hold on to it.


At this time, the group of ghosts on the sedan faintly spoke.

The sound is faint and shocking.

"The disciple is here, what is the master's order?" Yan finally nodded.

"It's too noisy here, let them be quiet." Xu Ying said lightly, whirled and waved gently.


A faint thick mist hit Jun Yan's body.

Final Yan's body immediately burst out with a faint light, and his popularity became completely different.

Bai Ye's expression was startled, as if he had realized something, his face changed instantaneously, and he immediately yelled, "Retreat quickly!"

But it was too late.

Just watch the final yan pull out the prison sword, and it will stab the crowded place.


The sword power burst out, like a ring of sound waves, instantly shattering the void, tearing the flesh of countless people, no plaything, any defense or flesh, all were hollowed out!


Finally Yan drank low, another sword in the backhand, stab at the dense place.


The sea of ​​blood broke out again.

Thousands of people died.

The final strength at this moment has been horrendously strong.

Is this the power bestowed by his master?

Bai Ye's heart sinks.

Those in the Chaos Domain around them even had numb scalp and screamed.

How come the current Moon Saint Martial Saints are more perverted? ?

However, no one can explain for them.

Bai Ye will not wait and die.

But he is not an idiot either, he will definitely die if he rushes to shoot.

Moreover, it is meaningless to behead a culprit, and if you want to kill, you have to erase his master.

He raised his hand slightly and touched the hilt of the dead dragon's sword, planning to make a move.

But at this moment, the phantom suddenly drank.

"Huh! Normally you are called to be a good student to cultivate. You don't listen. Now people who ask you to deal with some noises can't do it? It's really a shame to be a teacher!"

The voice fell, and the ghost raised his hand and grabbed it.

In an instant, a shocking force spread from all directions.

This power is profound and profound.

It is actually completely connected, turning the entire Zhan Dinglong palace into a huge cage, and then shrinking toward the middle.

not good!

Bai Ye immediately retreated, drew out the abandoned **** sword and cut it towards the edge of the cage.


A hole was torn out.

Wang Jin and a few sharp-eyed souls hurried out.

But most of the souls cannot escape at all.

Just look at that force shrinking and shrinking, getting smaller and smaller.

They were completely trapped inside and could not escape at all.

One by one could only show despair, violently bumping and slapping the shrinking force.

However, they can't shake a half point!


The people inside were slowly squeezed, deformed, and tragically killed, and eventually turned into meat sauce one by one.

The cage has been compressed into a ball the size of a thumb, before it stopped...

The people around were stunned.

Also includes White Night.

Tens of thousands of people... are actually compressed into such a small ball? ?

And... was killed by this person? ?

Is this something human can do? ?

Are you crazy? ?

Are you a human? ?

The surviving people such as Wang Jin trembled crazily, and all of them went crazy.

Bai Ye's face was extremely ugly.

Also understand that the next battle may be hard.

He took a deep breath and released the dead dragon sword.

At this time, relying on the Death Dragon Sword is no longer enough, and all kinds of pills and magical instruments are needed...

He settled, thinking about the countermeasures.

If it doesn't work, you can only give it a go.

But at this moment...


The void burst suddenly, and then a huge door of space appeared.

Everyone present, including Jun Yan and others, breathed tightly and hurriedly looked towards the space door.

The Lord of Black Mountain who was sitting on the sedan chair also stood up.

"Huh? Still an acquaintance?"

The Lord of Black Mountain made a voice of doubt.

"It's her, that adult, that adult is here!"

Wang Jin exclaimed with joy and excitement, then knelt on the ground, and quickly bowed his head.

"There is really a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you break in! You traitor! I didn't go to you, but you came here? Good! Very good!"

A cold voice came out.

Bai Ye was stunned and looked towards the source of the sound, only to find that the sound was coming from the woman inside the space gate.

"Do you know the Lord of Black Mountain?"

Bai Ye asked subconsciously.

"This person came from the same place as me, but he is a despicable and humble traitor!" The woman said coldly: "He came today just right! I cleaned him up here! Take him back for disposal!"

"That's great!"

Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief: "I also said that this person is not easy to deal with. Since you can solve it, it will be handed to you!"

The woman is silent.

The Raksha girl was taken aback for a moment, looking at the woman, her eyes full of horror.

Finally Yan turned his head slightly and said in a deep voice, "Master, this is the woman!"

"I know." The Black Mountain Lord said lightly.

"Master, do you know this woman?" finally asked indifferently.

"Strictly speaking, this person is my elder sister. I didn’t expect that she would be the one to **** the inheritance of Zhitian Taoism, but I want to come. With her means, only she can feel the inheritance of Zhitian Taoism for the first time. I was able to board first, but I didn’t expect that she and I would meet in this situation!"

The phantom shook his head: "The reason why I hide in Black Mountain is to avoid these people from chasing and killing them. I didn't expect to run into them in the end... nothing more..."

After all, the Lord of Montenegro stepped on the air and walked out.

Just looking at the rippling of the void, the cloud covering him suddenly disappeared, revealing a middle-aged man wearing a brown cannon with a goat beard.

The man looked at the woman faintly, and said: "Sister, it's been a long time, how are you?"

"It was not good before, but when I saw you, I suddenly became very good!"

The woman's cold voice came out, her long fiery red hair wafting in the wind: "Now, are you going back with me obediently, or should I interrupt your hands and feet, dig out the heavenly soul, and take you back??"