Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1458: Ye Tianjun

Bai Ye's words not only shocked Young Master Heiyang and the others, but also shocked the others.

"My lord...I...we don't quite understand what you mean..." Chuan Daojun said cautiously.

"Huh, what else is hard to understand?" Young Master Heiyang returned to his senses and immediately snorted: "Either surrender to our adults or die here. Is there a third choice?!!!"


Everyone stared at each other, pale in amazement.

Surrender to this person?

They are all leaders of one party, the characters who dominate the Saint Immortal Realm, how can Chen Chen easily bow to others?

But looking at this person with such a method, he is obviously not a general, if he resists, he will probably not survive.

Even the immortal master was wiped out with a single blow, is this still an existence that everyone can contend with?

For a time, people's minds were complicated, and they all fell into silence.

However, Bai Ye didn't have much patience.

"Why? Do I have to give you one day to think about it?" Bai Ye's expression was cold, and even his tone was as cold as a knife: "My time is very valuable, I don't have the time to spend time here! You choose quickly, if so If you want to fight, you can shoot at any time. I accept the challenge of any one of you, but you have to think about it carefully, because once the battle is defeated, the consequences are extremely heavy! After all... there is only one life!"

As soon as the voice fell, many people numb their scalp, and started to sweat.

A big man finally couldn't help it. He suddenly stood up and shouted at Bai Ye: "How can can..."

The big man wanted to say something, but he saw Bai Ye and Young Master Heiyang looking at this side together, and immediately shivered all over his body, and the brutal tone also softened, and finally said tremblingly: "How can... Surrender? I... I surrender to you, surrender to you... My lord, please let me go... let us go..."

When these words fell to the ground, the others no longer hesitated, and knelt down one after another.

"I am willing to surrender."

If you don't surrender, you will be beheaded.

How much money can the so-called dignity be worth if you lose your life?

As everyone knelt down and worshipped, tens of thousands of people all around returned to Bai Ye.

The scene is very magnificent and it makes people trance.

Qi Mei saw some dreams, but her little head hasn't reacted yet.

This guy... came to the Sea of ​​Bliss by himself. Not only did he pierce the Sea of ​​Bliss, but he even had a powerful force... so good.

Although Qi Mei didn't value Bai Ye at the beginning, she still has to admire Bai Ye today.

This man is simply a man who can create miracles.

However, this force is based on the force of Bai Ye, so it is not stable.

Each of these people kneeling on the ground has a different mind. Bai Ye can force them to surrender, but it is difficult to control them, and there will be a lot of abuses in the future.

But it doesn't matter.

At this time, force suppression is the first choice.

Stabilize the situation first, everything can be adjusted slowly!

At least for now... they are respected by the white night.


Bai Ye nodded in satisfaction, glanced at the crowd, and said lightly: "All the leaders of the sects come here, stand in line! Quick!"

What is this for?

People are becoming more confused.

But no one dared to provoke Bai Ye's brows, so he bit his scalp and leaned over, lined up according to what Bai Ye said.

Upon seeing this, Bai Ye looked around and picked out the five most powerful beings from within.

Maharaja cold day white jade.

Venerable Astral is dark.

Thousand Buddhas Hand Chen House.

Hua Tianlong ran a knife.

In addition to this, it is Mr. Chuan Daojun.

These are all powerful people who are famous in the Quartet. Among them, the white jade and Hua Tianlong are even the existence that can compete with Heiyang Tianjun.

Are these people here too?

Only then did Young Master Heiyang notice them, and he couldn't help but confuse his tongue secretly, what kind of people did Master Dark Dao surrender...

The five were extremely nervous, not knowing what Bai Ye was going to do. Everyone around was confused. You must know that these are the existence of the immortal lord and even the real heaven near the immortal lord.

But at this moment, they are like docile sheep, standing in front of this masked man, afraid to say a word...

Just watching Bai Ye flip over his palm, five dark green pills appeared in his palm, and later generations passed them.

"One per person, take them all." Bai Ye said indifferently.

"Big...sir, this...what is this?"

"Huh?" Bai Ye raised her brows, her voice raised an octave, "Are you qualified to ask?"

People trembled all over.

"The adults tell you to eat, you just eat, which is so much nonsense!" The Young Master Heiyang said immediately.

Of course he understood what it was, and seeing these guys be like himself, he was naturally gloating and very happy.

The five are not fools, how can they not understand what this thing is?

But this is the end of the matter, and they have no other choice but to grit their teeth and swallow the pill into their abdomen.


Bai Ye nodded repeatedly and said indifferently: "From today, the five of you will be responsible for these guys. The five of you are the strongest among them. If any of them dares to violate my orders, you will be responsible. Kill them! I don’t think there should be any force here that can compete with the five of you to join forces?"

The people around were shocked when they heard it, and they all understood Bai Ye's intentions.

He used the hands of these five people to control these potential races.

"Don't worry, adults, we will do what the adults say, and we will never make a difference." The five hurriedly clasped their fists.


Bai Ye nodded, and the people glanced at the group of Young Master Heiyang and Daojun Chuan, and with a flick of his palm, a Dou Zhan Ling Zun Ling covered by the Dragon Sword Qi appeared in his palm.

The token is still the appearance of the fighting spirit order, but it is different from the ordinary fighting spirit order.

Its whole body presents a supreme golden breath, which is completely solidified by the death dragon sword aura. Its power is so powerful that it shocks the world. When it appears, the breath of anyone around is suppressed deadly and immobile. , Not close to the token.

too horrible! !

Everyone stared in a daze, their hearts frightened, and they couldn't guess who this adult was sacred.

Someone quietly raised his head and glanced at the token, only to see a huge "night" on the token.

"From today, you can call me Ye Tianjun! As for who I am and what I look like under my mask, you don't need to find out. I am not someone you can provoke! The less you know, the better for you! In addition, in the future, I will use this token to give orders to you. Seeing this token means that I have arrived! Anyone who dares to disobey my order, I will razing their clan! Understand?" Bai Yeda drink.

"Yes, my lord!"

The voice is like a wave, scrolling everywhere.

Bai Ye glanced at everyone, very satisfied.

There are only tens of thousands of people at the scene, but these are just some of these sects.

If he mobilized all the power of these clans, he was afraid that it would be enough to gather an army of one million people.

"Although this power has not been fully controlled and is not very stable, it is enough!" Bai Ye took a deep breath and muttered to himself: "I will be able to rely on the dark dynasty in the future!"

Thinking of this, Bai Ye waved his hand and said indifferently: "Okay, all go away!"

"Yes, my lord!"

People heard the sound and left in a hurry.

Tens of thousands of people did not dare to approach anyone, and even Young Master Hei Yang hurriedly fled here.

Obviously, people are still very afraid of Bai Ye.

"Let's go back too." Bai Ye said lightly.


"Of course it is Yulou!"

"Wait...I am worried that these people will send someone to follow us and investigate your identity. If your identity is revealed, they will notify the Shrine of God, that will be a problem."

"Hahaha, don't worry, no!" Bai Ye laughed.

"You are so confident?" Qi Mei frowned.

"It's not self-confidence, but the way things are." Bai Ye smiled and said: "I can easily kill even the immortal lord. In their hearts, I am already an omnipotent god. They don't know who I am. How strong is my strength, and how dare I send people to follow me indiscriminately? Don't worry, we will leave now and nothing will happen."

Qi Mei heard the sound and nodded silently.

Sure enough, after leaving, no one dared to follow Bai Ye.

Seeing this, Qi Mei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She never thought that this line of white night would have such a harvest...

With a mess of thoughts, the three returned to Yulou.

Still calm all the way.

Except for Xiao Lian, there was some trance.

After all, she grew up so big and had never seen such a formation, especially when she saw the amazing guys crawling next to this big brother, she felt that her little heart was about to jump out of her throat. Up.

Who is this big brother and why... so powerful? ?

Xiao Lian wanted to ask questions several times, but she still didn't dare, she could only shrink behind Qi Mei, still a little frightened.

The jade building looked deserted and deserted.

Knowing that Bai Ye and Qi Mei had returned, Mo Qingbingyu left the customs ahead of time and stood on the top of the jade building, silently waiting for the two to arrive.

"Young Master Bai!"

Su Wanxue greeted Bai Ye with a smile on her face, and also bowed to Qi Mei: "Master Qi Mei."

"Where is Bingyu?" Qi Mei asked.

"The Immortal Lord is waiting for the two in the Yulou!" Su Wanxue said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Qi Mei nodded without talking nonsense, and hurriedly headed towards Yulou with Bai Ye.

Soon, the two led Xiao Lian to the top of the Yulou.

"Is everything going well?"

At the top, Mo Qingbingyu tilted his head slightly and said, that beautiful and shocking face appeared in the sight of the two.

Seeing this, the little pity next to him was completely stunned.

"Big are so beautiful..." Xiao Lian whispered, completely demented...