Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1695: Extreme Monarch

With the arrogant and thrilling auras of a number of powers descending on the Five Elements Holy Land, the entire hustle and bustle of the Five Elements Holy Land was immediately calmed down.

The strong come, no one dares to make a second.

Back hall.

"Is the stadium set up?"

Master Ruan, who had just finished the enchantment placement, walked quickly and asked a person from the Palace of Divine Machine.

"Master Hui Ruan, everything has been set up. Now the contestants and people from all forces have begun to enter the field. The final election can start after a stick of incense." The man made a salute and said respectfully: "Is the scene here? Young giants, Master Ruan, do you want to meet them on behalf of our Shenji Palace?"

"Seeing is definitely to see. Now that the situation between our Divine Machine Palace and there is tense, we need to appease these forces. If they stumble us behind, it will be too troublesome for us! I emphatically explained this to me." Master Ruan touched his chin and said: "You go to stabilize the order of the scene first, and tell them that I will enter the arena together with the chief guard of the miracle."


The man clasped his fists, turned and ran away.

At this moment...


The void twisted for a while, then a space door was torn open, and a figure walked out of it.

Master Ruan was taken aback for a moment, and when he looked sideways, he discovered that the person here was the commander of the guard.

"Master Wei?" Master Ruan looked at him in shock, "Why did you come out?"

"Bai Lingzun has finished the formation, and I will come out naturally." The chief guard of the miracle glanced at Master Ruan and said calmly.

"Really?" When Master Ruan heard this, he smiled: "It seems that the magic circle arranged by Bai Lingzun should be unsurprising to you. Otherwise, it only depends on the two of you. Can it be finished so quickly?"

"Unsurprisingly?" Upon hearing the sound, the chief guard of the gods, his cold face unexpectedly revealed a strange look, as if thinking of something, the person was actually fascinated.

Seeing this, Master Ruan was immediately stunned.

He had never seen the chief guard of the miracle have such a look...

How is this going?

Could it be that I said something wrong?

Master Ruan was perplexed and asked eagerly, "Master Wei, what's the matter with you?"

"No...nothing..." Only then did the chief guard of the miracle react, nodding his head repeatedly, and said: "The race should be about to start, right? Master Ruan, let's go over."

After speaking, people take the lead to move forward.


The confusion in Master Ruan's eyes grew.

"Could it be that the magic circle set up by Bai Ye is unusual? It shouldn't be possible?"

Master Ruan knows the strength of the Divine Machine Guardian. There are not many things that can surprise him in Li Shengzhou. Although Bai Ye is quite special, it is enough to prove that he can occupy the sky with this kind of soul and become a force. He is not an ordinary soul, but even so, he is still far from a strong person like the master guard.

Can a strong ant kill an elephant?

"I really want to see what the magic circle Bai Lingzun has set up."

Master Ruan glanced at the gradually healed space door, whispered alone, and followed the head of the guard.

But they didn't take a few steps...

boom! !

A strange noise suddenly exploded.

The ground shook wildly.

Everyone in the Holy Land of the Five Elements trembled.

The chief guard and Ruan Shi, who were about to walk towards the stadium, stopped by coincidence.

"What's the matter?" Master Ruan's face changed transiently.

"This sound... seems to be coming from the center of the earth." The chief guard of the **** machine said solemnly.

"Could it be that there was an accident on Bai Lingzun's side?" Master Ruan said with a solemn expression: "The center of the earth is protected by a large number of enchantments under us. It is impossible for ordinary shocks to spread out of the enchantment... Grown up, go! How about we go and see?"

"no need!"

The chief guard of the miracle directly refused, shook his head again and again: "This is a normal phenomenon...Let's go to the stadium soon."

"What?" Master Ruan was stunned on the spot, staring blankly at the head guard of the divine machine: "It is... normal? But... judging from this sound, I am afraid that the barrier at the center of the earth is broken. ...Is this still normal?"

In Master Ruan's view, with Bai Ye's strength, unless he deliberately uses Hong Bing to attack the enchantment, he will never create such an astonishing shock.

But the supernatural machine guard's face was extremely solemn: "Master Ruan, believe me, let's go! Go there, except to disturb Bai Lingzun, it's a waste of time! There is no point at all!"


Master Ruan wanted to say something, but the commander of Shenji didn't even listen, and left directly.

In desperation, Master Ruan had no choice but to follow the chief guard of the Shen Ji to go to the arena.

The arena is set in an independent space on the right side of the Holy Land of the Five Elements.

It covers an area of ​​less than one hundred square meters.

But here is blessed by the unique magic circle by the Shenji Palace. Although it looks only 100 square meters from the outside, when you walk in, the space will be infinitely stretched and the area will expand infinitely, which is enough to resist the wind in the upper five elements. Area.

At this moment, the stadium was full of people. Everyone surrounded the martial arts field in a huge circle, either sitting or standing. The giants had their own unique seats, tea fruit, and even the dragon sedan was carried.

The crowds of people are speechless, and there are probably tens of millions.

Before the two entered the stadium, they heard the sound of tsunamis from the mountains.

"grown ups."

Shenji guards guarding the gate of the martial arts field saluted.


The two nodded and stepped inside.

At this time, a servant of the branch of the Shenji Palace hurried over. His face was ugly and his eyes were surprised. He held his fists at Master Ruan and the chief guard of Shenji, and said eagerly:

"Two adults, something has happened!"

Master Ruan was startled.

The chief guard frowned: "What happened?"

"Someone is smashing the court." The servant's voice trembled, "Now the arena is in chaos, please come and deal with it quickly."

Angrily grew between the eyebrows of the Shenji Guardian's eyebrows: "Who is so bold? Dare to run wild in my Shenji Palace?"

The servant hesitated, only then spit out a few words carefully.

"Yes... it's the ultimate master..."

"Master Ji Dao?"

When the two heard the sound, their expressions froze.

"So, the supreme monarch... is here too?" Master Ruan asked in a deep voice.

The servant nodded hard.

The expressions of the two of them instantly became ugly.

"It seems that they are also here for the final election of this event." The chief guard of the Shen Ji had a cold face and snorted coldly: "Quickly, send someone to inform Yu Zongmen of this matter immediately, and at the same time all the Shen Ji guards here Call it in!"


The man said busy.

"Slow!" At this time, Master Ruan yelled anxiously.

"Does Master Ruan have any ideas?" Shen Ji, the chief guard, asked Shen.

"The person who came is not good, we can't be reckless, will give him a chance!" Master Ruan said solemnly.