Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1700: First battle

As soon as Young Master Ji Dao took the stage, he immediately stopped those eager to try.

People looked at the Ji Dao master in the center of the martial arts with dreadful eyes, and their expressions became weird.

"Master Ji Dao? He... why did he go up?"

"So fast..."

"Master Ji Dao can't wait to come to the stage so impatiently, it seems that the Monarch of Ji Dao has bestowed him great strength."

"Let's go back later, and let those geniuses try his ability."


Many souls whispered.

To the south of the martial arts field, a man in a fiery red robe glanced at Master Ji Dao, then turned his head to the old woman standing beside him and whispered: "Mother-in-law..."

"Don't be restless." The old woman on the side narrowed her eyes and said hoarsely: "It's not as simple as you think. Hengmie and Jidao are too anxious. They didn't see clearly and act. As for You... don't worry, there is a time when you shine!"

Hearing the sound, the man chose to remain silent, and he looked at the Ji Dao Young Master again, but the strong will to fight in his eyes was still lingering.

"It seems that my apprentice taught by the old lady is really not stable enough!"

Not far away, a middle-aged man looked at this end playfully, with a smile on his face. He turned his eyes to a young soul-man beside him, and smiled lightly: "Yan'er, you can never Don’t be like him, always keep a calm mind, understand? This time the run-off is number one, our Thai family is bound to win!"

"Don't worry, father, Yan'er is already ready, just wait for those few to take action." The young soul took a breath and said calmly.

Master Ruan glanced at Master Ji Dao, his expression still.

On the contrary, all the people in the Palace of Shenji had cold eyes, staring at Master Ji Dao unkindly.

"Chief Wei, is this an upright cheating?" A divine machine guard looked at the Ji Dao master angrily.

"Since it's fair and honest, it's not called cheating...huh, it's hard for them to think hard about this way." The head guard of the **** machine looked cold: "It's a pity that Master Ruan has already decided on the candidate. They are afraid that they will be leaving empty-handed this time!"

"Indefinite?" The Shenjiwei was slightly taken aback: "Chief Wei, what do you mean by this? Could it be that...this run-off... is just a process?"

"The process is not counted. Don't worry, we are not involved in shady scenes, and we are not allowed to do so in the palace." Shenji Wei said indifferently: "I just want to tell you that Master Ruan has invited a number of masterpieces. The evildoers are coming, although the Jidao Lord has taken advantage of the power of the Jidao monarch, but in front of those evildoers, he will not be able to jump for too long! With them in this tournament, the place is already fixed!"

"That's it!"

The magic guard's eyes lit up.

"What's the matter? Is no one coming up?"

Seeing that no one was on the stage for a long time, Master Ji Dao frowned, glanced at the people in the audience, and immediately turned to Master Ruan over there and said, "Master Ruan, if no one is on the stage, I think this run-off can be advanced. It's over! You announce the result, the reward of the Palace of Gods, it's mine!"

Master Ruan didn't change his expression. He glanced at Master Ji Dao, then glanced down the stage, and drank.

"Is there no one on stage?"

The scene is boiling.

People look at me, I look at you, but no one comes forward.

Master Ruan frowned, thought for a moment, and said loudly: "If no one is on the stage, then...I can only announce that this runoff will be..."

"and many more!"

A cry sounded.

After all, someone couldn't help it.

People all looked towards the source of the sound, only to see a man in a green robe with a grim expression jumped onto the stage.

"Let me learn the tricks of Master Ji Dao!" the man said with a fist.

Young Master Jidao narrowed his eyes and looked at the man: "Who are you? You are so brave, dare to fight me?"

"It's just a casual repair under one."

The man's expression remained unchanged.

"It's a mere casual repair, and you want to compete with me?" The Ji Dao master smiled: "If that's the case, then it's good, let's use you to kill chickens and monkeys!"

"The son is so confident, but you won't be like this later."

The man hummed, and directly fetched the long sword prepared by the Divine Machine Palace, raised the sword, urging the soul power.

"Can both parties be ready?"

Master Ruan shouted.

The two stared at each other without speaking.

The people around the martial arts ground also fell silent. it going to start?

People stared.

Much attention.

But watching Master Ruan retreat to the edge of the martial arts field, he shouted: "Then, I announce that the first round of the finals will officially begin."

As he fell to the ground, the energy in the martial arts field exploded instantly.

I saw the man rushing over with his sword.

His heavenly soul is fully open, and his soul power is madly urged, one person with one sword, like a meteor from the sky, carrying an unstoppable and fierce intent to kill the Ji Dao master.

That ordinary sword is as sharp, surging and terrifying as a divine sword in his hands at this moment!

Seeing this, everyone around took a breath.

"This person... was so good!"

"This is too fast!"

"Who is this casual cultivator? How can there be such an amazing sword intent?"

Exclaims sounded from the crowd.

"Unexpectedly, in the first game, such a talented person will appear on the stage. In this way, you can just take a look at the current strength of Master Ji Dao!"

Some geniuses were contemplating in their hearts, staring at the ring intently.

But at this moment, they seemed to have noticed something, everyone's expressions were aside, and their eyes hurriedly looked across from the man.

But I saw that the place where Master Ji Dao was supposed to be standing... was empty!

"Master Ji Dao disappeared?"

Someone opened his mouth in shock.

"No! He didn't disappear!!"

I don't know who screamed.

Everyone trembled and looked hurriedly.

Only then did I find that the Master of the Great Dao had appeared beside that person at some unknown time.

The person's pupils shrank, and the person hadn't reacted yet, but Master Ji Dao stretched out his hand sharply and swiftly.

The man's body protection and sword intent were all torn apart, and the gesture was like breaking a bamboo, breaking through all his defenses in an instant, and grabbing directly at his strong neck.


There was a strange noise.

Just looking at the fierce figure that launched the offensive, it has become a headless corpse at this moment.

He carried the sword inertially and dashed forward for more than ten meters, and then stopped, motionless.

Looking at its head, I don't know when it was held in one hand by Master Ji Dao.

The blood fell to the ground along the man's broken neck, staining the ground red.

The event... has ended.

This being with the realm of martial arts... just fell.

The audience was silent.

"Okay, next one." Young Master Ji Dao threw the head of that person to the ground and looked at everyone present with a smile!