Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1883: covet

Countless people all around looked at the figure.

That was a disciple wearing Ling Xuantang costume.

He lowered his head, his expression was a bit flustered, and he was rushed and uneasy. He was also a little unsteady when he walked. He waited to walk into the Mulong Hall and hurriedly saluted the elders with his disciples: "Meet the elders."

"Chen Nanqi?"

Ling Xuantang's elder Wen Xiaoxuan looked at the people who came by, and was immediately stunned: "Why are you here?"

"Because this person is a witness!"

Without waiting for Chen Nanqi to speak, Nian Tian said directly.

As soon as the words fell, the scene was shocked.

"Personal testimony?" Wen Xiaoxuan was stunned, he hurriedly looked at Niantian: "Second elder, this...what the **** is going on?"

"Isn't it clear what's going on?" Niantian looked at Chen Nanqi, and said lightly: "Nanqi, don't be afraid, there are so many elders standing here, so you can tell everyone what you have seen. Right, this elder will take care of you thoroughly!"

"Yes...Yes...Second Elder!"

The disciple named Chen Nanqi once again bowed, took a deep breath, and said with a trembling voice: "Elders, brothers and sisters, this is how things are... A few days ago, I accidentally made a small breakthrough while practicing. Thinking about going to the Soul Martial Hall to practice hand skills, unexpectedly, when I was near the Soul Martial Hall, I saw Brother Monqi and the three of them were talking to Brother Bai at the door of the Soul Martial Hall. I was curious for a while, so I approached. Listen, it turns out that they were plotting to steal Elder Niantian’s treasure. Nan Qi was scared for a left."

Speaking of this, Chen Nanqi glanced at Bai Ye secretly.

"Then why didn't you tell Elder Niantian earlier?"

Yun Qingye asked Shen.

"I... I thought they were joking..."

"Since you think they are joking, why do you feel scared?" Yun Qingye asked again, staring at Chen Nanqi, seeming to want to see through his inner thoughts.

Chen Nanqi suddenly panicked.

But at this moment, Niantian spoke.

"Nan Qi was really scared at first, but when I went back and thought about it, I thought it should be impossible, so I thought it was a joke, isn't it, Nan Qi!"

Niantian looked at Chen Nanqi.

Chen Nanqi immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, the second elder, that's it!"

Yun Qingye heard the sound, frowned and looked at Nian Tian, ​​without saying a word.

As his words landed, the scene instantly exploded.

"Gosh, this... is this true?"

"Senior Brother Bai really did this kind of thing?"

"Unexpectedly... this person is so despicable!"

"Oh, I have seen this person's character a long time ago!"

"Don't say that. At any rate, Senior Brother Bai also won the group battle for our God Temple. If it weren't for him, the current situation of our God Temple would be in trouble."

"Hehe, don't think of him as the savior. In fact, the next few battles are just like that. Bai Ye is lucky. If Senior Sister Zhan is on the stage, it might be the same effect. After all, he is only a true king. .

"You mean that Brother Bai can win the battle between the sects... is it luck?"


There was intense discussion among the disciples.

Some people who saw Bai Ye not pleasing to the eye began to slander him.

People all stared at the white night. Some were puzzled, some were confused, and some were disgusted and angry.

For a time, Bai Ye has become the center of the entire Mulong Palace.

On the elder's side, Liu Yue secretly smiled.

Shao Feijian squinted and smiled, and the mockery on his face was particularly obvious.

On the contrary, Yun Qingye and Zhang Shenwu looked at each other, obviously still unable to accept all this.

"Bai Ye, do you have anything else to say?" Nian Tian said lightly.

"Second elder, is this proof also considered as evidence? In this case, I can find as many proofs as you want!" Bai Ye shook his head and said.

Although he did instigate this matter, Chen Nanqi said that he heard it outside the Soul Martial Hall a few days ago... This has proved that everything was fabricated by Chen Nanqi, and it is very likely that Chen Nanqi got the work of Niantian and others. Instructed, came here to deliberately falsify evidence.

"Now the evidence is conclusive, don't you admit it?" Niantian was too lazy to talk nonsense with Bai Ye, and made a big move, shouting angrily: "Come here!"

"The disciple is here!"

The elite disciples on both sides shouted together.

"Disciple Bai Ye, plotting the elder's thing, the crime is very heinous, and now he refuses to admit it, the crime is aggravated, it is unforgivable! Wait, listen, quickly put Bai Ye into custody! When this elder reports to Sect Master Ming, no matter how bad he is! If you dare to resist, let's kill it!" Niantian shouted.


The disciples shouted together.

Then he went to get Bai Ye.

The scene was quiet a lot in an instant.

People looked scorchingly, not daring to speak.

But at this moment, Bai Ye suddenly turned his head and glanced at the elite disciple of the Mulong Palace approaching.

"My strength, you should have seen it in the battle of the sects? Those who said that I was just lucky to win the battle of the sects, have they forgotten the fate of Huangyue Sect lord Li Guyi? I’m afraid I’m trying to kill myself, so I advise you not to mess around!"

When these words fell to the ground, the elite disciples of the Mulong Palace that came to stagnate, and it was difficult to move forward.

Among the crowd of onlookers, the faces of those who slandered Bai Ye before were also red and blue.

Indeed, if fighting before the white night is a fluke, then how about killing Li Guyi?

Also a fluke?

That is the lord of a sect, can it be killed by luck?

These elite disciples of Mulong Palace had all witnessed Bai Ye's methods on the arena before, and they naturally knew the cruelty of this person.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, one by one immediately didn't dare to move any more.

Seeing that Bai Ye had shocked his disciples with just one sentence, Nian Tian was furious.

He abruptly got up, pointed at Bai Ye and drank: "Bai Ye, are you resisting arrest?"

"Niantian, as an elder, you are turning black and white and distorting facts and truths. You are clearly messing up my god's temple. What do you intend to do? You are not bought by those power people, want to Get rid of me?" Bai Ye was not afraid, glaring at Niantian and drinking coldly.

When the words fell, everyone was frightened.

Including Niantian.

His eyes dazzled, and he stared coldly at Bai Ye: "Don't talk about talking here! What was bought by those outside the clan? Who do you think I am?"

"Then why do you conclude that all this is my order only based on a personal testimony that can be forged at any time?" Bai Yedan asked, "If there is no physical evidence, I am not convinced. I will ask you, do you have physical evidence?"

Niantian frowned.

"Can't you get it out?" Bai Ye snorted coldly, "I knew it was just you here turning black and white. Niantian, you can't even produce evidence, but you want to condemn me in a hurry. Did you fall? I have a deep hatred with you by Bai Ye, do you have to do this? I think it must be you who colluded with those outside the sect. I won the battle of the sect for the sect, and those outside the sect must hate me to the bone , So they bought you and asked you to find a way to get rid of me! Right?"

As soon as these words fell, many of the people in the Mulong Palace changed their faces.

The disciples onlookers were also surprised.

Niantian's expression was unnatural, and he snorted coldly: "Nonsense! It's nonsense!"

"Nonsense?" Bai Ye snorted, "Then I ask you, if I die, who will fight the next Qunzong battle? Brother Qi Wushuang? Sorry, Brother Qi Wushuang is still in retreat, if it's the next Qunzong battle. He is also in retreat, how to resist?"

"Do you think that there are no talents in our God Temple?" Nian Tian said annoyed.

"Talent?" Bai Ye raised his brows and said calmly: "Well, except Qi Wushuang, if you can find someone who can beat me, then I will accept your punishment! Although this is not my responsibility, But I will still cooperate with you to admit, what do you think?"

The words fell to the ground, and the audience was in an uproar.

Niantian was also secretly surprised.

The elders were even more stunned.

Seeing Bai Ye's swearing appearance, many people became confused.

"Senior Brother Bai said that it makes sense. If something happens to him, those outside sect powerhouses come to make trouble again, it is really difficult for us to resist.

"Senior Brother Bai defeated countless tycoons by one person and frustrated their plans. I am afraid that in the hearts of those tyrants, Brother Bai is already in their eyes. They will definitely do everything possible to get rid of Brother Bai."

"Then what do you mean... can it be said... everything is really as Brother Bai said?"

"I...I didn't say, I would never think that Elder Niantian was bought by someone."


The disciples discussed again.

Although people spoke very quietly, all the elders heard it.

Niantian's brows darkened for a while, and his face became increasingly ugly.

He probably never thought that Bai Ye would actually refuse to admit it like this.

Find someone to defeat Bai Ye?


Not to mention whether anyone can win the battle against Bai Ye, just to say that Nian Tian agrees to Bai Ye's method is almost equal to the realization of his hope that Bai Ye will die.

After all, without hard evidence, he still insists on doing this. Isn't that what else could it be if he wanted to die quickly?

In this way, everything that Bai Ye said was confirmed!

Even if there is no evidence to prove that, Nian Tian will be suspected!

Thinking of this, Niantian fell into silence.

The elders also whispered.

However, at this moment, Bai Ye spoke suddenly.

"Elder Niantian, let me ask you, now that I have made great contributions in the battle of the sects. According to the rules of our sect, what rewards will I get next?"

As soon as the words fell, the silent Niantian raised his head slightly.

He did not speak.

Zhang Shenwu next to him spoke up.

"You will have the opportunity to enter the forbidden land of our ancestors in the temple of God to gain chance inheritance!"

"Yes." Bai Ye nodded: "Besides, the Lord also rewarded me with a large number of extraordinary treasures!"

After the words fell, he threw all the treasures rewarded by the Lord of God from the Qianlong Ring to the ground.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh...

A large number of treasures were piled on the ground, and various halos bloomed one by one.

But when Bai Ye said again: "I have so many babies, why do I want to use your Awakening God Orb? Is any of these treasures worse than your Awakening God Orb? It’s Elder Niantian, as soon as this group of sects is over, you Can’t wait to clean up me? Have you been bought by someone? Or... are you coveting these treasures that the Lord of the Gods will reward me? Can you explain?"

As soon as these words fell, the inside and outside of the hall instantly exploded!

Niantian's eyes widened too, and she couldn't speak in shock...

This white night... actually put him in the army?