Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1973: Desire Sword Intent

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the Lord of God's Palace frowned slightly.

It was a long time before he made a sound.

"It's like this, although I can't say that I'm so proficient, but...I have basically mastered it."

"Then let the disciple come to demonstrate the second style for the hall master!" Bai Ye said lightly, and then once again set his posture, he wanted to urge the move.

The Lord of the Temple of God has no objection, but his hands are attached, standing aside and watching silently.

A terrifying magical power is staged in the forbidden area, sometimes reincarnation, sometimes reversed, sometimes time collapsed and gathered, sometimes voided, black holes tumbling, countless mysterious and exquisite powers completely rise and fall in the hands of Bai Ye, calling people directly Dizzy.

I don't know how long it has been.


The Lord of the Temple of God sighed.

Bai Ye stopped and smiled, "Hall Master, how?"

"Very good!" The Lord of God Temple nodded in a deep voice: "You did master the magical powers on these stone tablets! Very good!"

"Then we can comprehend the magical powers of the next stone tablet?"

"Yes! But before that, you have to tell me one thing!" The Lord of God Temple said with cold eyes and a deep voice.

Although this is only a clone of the Lord of the Heavenly Temple, but at this moment, the coercion and seriousness that he releases is not something that Bai Ye can bear.

Bai Ye's breathing tightened, and his heart slowed down a lot at this moment. He looked at the Lord of the Gods in a bit of surprise, and said in astonishment: "The Lord...what do you mean by this? What do you want me to tell you? ?"

"Tell this hall master, do you... have you ever trespassed into the forbidden area without authorization?" The hall master of God Heaven stared at Bai Ye and drank in a low voice.

"Breaking into the forbidden area? How is it possible? How could the disciple break into the forbidden area?" Bai Ye looked surprised.

"If you haven't broken into the forbidden area before, why can you master the magical powers on this stone tablet so quickly?" The **** of the temple said coldly: "No matter how talented you are, no matter how high your aptitude is, you can't Having mastered this forbidden land supernatural power in such a short time, Bai Ye, how do you explain to the Lord of the Palace?"

Zongmen forbidden area is not trivial, this is not some friction between Zongmen people, not a mission failure of Bai Ye! Here, the corpses of the ancestors of the Shentian Temple are buried in the most sacred place.

Since the Lord of the Temple of God is the owner of a temple, if he can't even guard the forbidden land, will he not be criticized by others? If Bai Ye really trespassed the forbidden area, then he would not only have no face, but he would also be unable to explain to the entire sect.

However, facing the question of the Lord of the Gods, Bai Ye didn't change his face and shook his head: "Hall Lord, I didn't break into the forbidden land!"

"Then why can you cultivate this supernatural power in such a short period of time?" The Lord of God Temple asked lightly.

There is a pressure to suppress Bai Ye's soul in every word of him.

However, Bai Ye disagrees, he smiled faintly, and said: "Hall Master, let me ask you again, how long does it normally take you to cultivate the magical powers here?"

"Didn't you already say it before? This hall master will take at least three days! What are you asking about this?"

"Don't do anything, the disciple wants to ask one more question, if Elder Yun Qingye or Niantian enters the forbidden area, how long will it take to cultivate the supernatural powers here?" Bai Ye asked again.

The Lord of the Temple of Gods hesitated, and said in a low voice: "Although the qualifications of the two of them are not very good, they will not be bad. It takes at least half a year to read the sky, and the words of Yunqingye will be longer, about Years!"

"So, the palace owner also feels that the speed of the cultivation of supernatural powers is affected because of aptitude, right?" Bai Ye asked rhetorically.

The Lord of the Temple of God frowned: "What do you mean by this?"

"Elder Yun and Niantian are not as qualified as the master of the hall, so they cannot complete their magical powers within three days. Similarly, I mean this too! Because the master of the hall is inferior, not as good as me, so the hall mainly spends three days Time can cultivate supernatural powers, and I only need an hour, the Lord, do you understand what I said?" Bai Ye answered calmly.

The words fell to the ground, and the Lord of God Temple was immediately stunned.

His qualifications are poor...

The aptitude of the Lord of the Temple of God is poor?

Speaking of this kind of thing, I'm afraid it is going to be a big issue, right? No one will believe it!

But... today I heard it from the disciple of this Soul Martial Hall.

Rao is the existence of God's Temple Lord, and he can't react to it at the moment.

However, Bai Ye hasn't stopped yet, he speaks again and makes another cut.

"Hall Master, I think it is because of your aptitude that you can't learn "Mind Test" for a long time. I think you still have to work hard." Bai Ye said.

When these words fell, the Lord of the Heavenly Palace was completely silent.

I don't know how long it took before he slowly spoke.

"It turns out...Is that so... My aptitude and talent... actually so bad..."

"In fact, it's okay." Bai Ye hurriedly comforted.

But the Lord of God Temple has no idea what to say.

He is not the kind of person who likes to get angry, nor the kind of person who likes to escape. If you change to a boss or leader who is a little bit more bossy, and you hear that your own talent is not good enough, you will definitely feel that the other party is belittling yourself and then get angry.

But the Lord of God Temple is different.

Because he couldn't comprehend "Mind Test", he had some doubts about himself.

Now that Bai Ye was able to cultivate supernatural powers so quickly, this made his doubts even stronger.

Could it be that... my talent is really not as strong as I imagined?

The Lord of the Temple of God frowned.

However, he didn't know that, in Bai Ye's eyes, the talent of the Lord of the Gods Palace was already strong enough to pervert!

Because even in the white night, none of the magical powers has been successfully cultivated in three days!

However, since he dared to practice the next set of supernatural powers, he had already figured out his rhetoric. After all, the practice of "Mind Test" was unsuccessful, and Bai Ye also had reasons to push in other ways...

"It looks like I blamed you, Bai Ye, let's continue to practice!" The Lord of the Temple of God spit out, then looked at Bai Ye and said faintly.

"it is good!"

Bai Ye nodded, and walked to the next stele.

With the master of the gods and deeds next to him, preaching and clarifying doubts, Bai Ye's understanding of the magical powers of these stone tablets instantly improved. Before that, he had always been here alone, and he could only learn about it. , This time, with the help of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, he has already mastered it completely.

However, when demonstrating to the Lord of the Temple of God, he would still deliberately keep some, so as not to doubt the Lord of the Temple of God.

Bai Ye just immersed in the forbidden area without knowing the time, completely forgetting himself.

The Lord of the Temple of God was also patient and stayed by the side.

I don't know how long it has been before, unknowingly, Bai Ye has come to the center of the forbidden area.

The Lord of the God Temple frowned slightly.

Bai Ye's expression also became serious.

The tombstone in front of me, carved entirely with blood and sword, is full of endless violence and killing.

This is the tombstone of the third lord of the Supreme God Tiandian, Prison Invincible.

Bai Ye had comprehended countless days and nights on this tombstone, but so far he has not comprehended even a single path.

"White Night, with this tombstone, the Lord of the Temple may not be able to help you too much!" The Lord of the Temple of God lowered his voice and said.

"Why?" Bai Ye was stunned, and asked hurriedly, "Could it be that the magical powers of this stele are not allowed to be spread?"

"There is no such saying, just the magical powers of this stone tablet. So far, the master of the temple has only a little knowledge and has not fully grasped it. Moreover, it is not easy to cultivate this magical power. Death, so the Lord of the Palace feels that it is more appropriate for you not to learn this technique!"

Speaking of this, the Lord of the Temple of God took a step forward, walked to the stele, and then raised a finger to point on the stele.

In an instant.

Whoosh whoosh...

Countless breaking air sounded instantly, and intensified, and the sound became louder and louder. Bai Ye only felt that his flesh and soul was trembling crazily in an instant, and there was a chill that was extremely cold.

Bai Ye's face was pale, and the person was retreating again and again, and the whole person couldn't resist any resistance, and there was only one thought in his heart.


Yes, escape!

The farther you escape, the better!

Fortunately, this anger only lasted for a moment, and there was no trace.

Bai Ye also quickly recovered.

"How could this be?" Bai Ye murmured, with a deep jealousy in his pupils.

"This is the strongest trick of the Hallmaster of Prison Invincible, destroying the sword intent!"

The Lord of the Temple of Gods hoarsely said: "If you can control these supernatural powers, in Li Shengzhou, let you gallop!"

Let me gallop?

Bai Ye murmured, and the whole person was lost.

What kind of supernatural powers can gallop in Lishengzhou?

This is not a time spell, nor a space spell!

Can a mere sword intent possess such amazing power?

Bai Ye cannot imagine.

But after a while, he seemed to have thought of something. The man lowered his voice and said in a deep voice: "Then the lord, if I insist on learning, can you help me?"

"Do you really want to learn?"

The Lord of God Temple frowned: "I have a way to get you started quickly, but this method is still too harsh for you now, you can't bear it, so I advise you to give up!"

"Hallmaster first tell me what your method is." Bai Ye asked.

"That kind of sword intent just now! Can you feel it?" Shen Tian Temple Lord asked Shen.

"Naturally feel it!"

"What do you think of that sword intent?"

"It's terrible!" Bai Ye exhaled and said with a lingering fear.

"Very terrible? Yes, it is indeed terrible, but if I want you to soak in that sword intent for a whole day, you...can bear it?" The Lord of God Temple asked lightly.

As soon as these words fell, Bai Ye fell into silence...

Soak for a whole day?

His scalp is a little numb.

He just couldn't bear it just for a moment...soaking for a whole day...not the same as suicide...