Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 2101: VIP

Bai Ye's words made the person very surprised.

He seemed a little bit unable to believe his ears, perhaps he had never heard such words.

Dare to yell with Sifang Xuantian... Are you mad?

The man asked Shen immediately: "What...what did you say?"

The voice was full of questions.

"Your ears are not so good?"

Bai Ye shook his head and said blankly, "Next time we meet, we will be enemies. I just don't know if you can razor my dragon with the hundred people you randomly dispatched! I look forward to it!"

With this voice falling to the ground, the person behind the space door was furious.

"Ants! Are you...really going to rebel against my Sifang Xuantian? Go to war with us?" The voice that resembled thunder rang over, enough to rupture a person's eardrum.

"Since you don't treat us as human beings, why should we bend our knees to you? Since we are going to fight, come on, I have never been afraid of anyone in Bai Ye!"

Bai Ye said coldly, without any fear on his face.

When the man heard the sound, he nodded his head in anger, and smirked: "Okay! Good! Very good! In that case, let's wait and see, is Long Jue? Let's see if you Long Jue can still survive a few days later. exist!!"

The man yelled furiously, then raised his hand with a wave.

Cang Dang!

A delicate space door collapsed immediately.

The figure of that person also disappeared as the space door collapsed.

"My lord! My lord!!"

The black thousand envoy here hurriedly shouted.

But the other party ignored it and soon disappeared.

Hei Qianshi raised his hand and stared blankly at the disappearing place, finally paralyzed to the ground, losing his strength.

Bai Ye took a deep breath, turned his head and said sinkingly: "Immediately gather all the forces in Outland and prepare for battle immediately."

"Yes! Your lord!"

Huang Yao's face was heavy, and he ran off immediately.

The expressions of Yinghua Jian, Entangling Snake and others are also unnatural.

Everyone knows that Long Jue has provoked an enemy this time!

However, no one knows how big the gap between Long Jue and Sifang Xuantian is...

"My lord, I suggest we take people back to Cangtian Cliff immediately!"

At this time, Xu Ziming walked over with the support of a general’s mansion soldier. He clasped his fists and whispered: “This Sifang Xuantian, I have heard a little bit. This momentum group has a big background. My Dragon Jue strength is absolutely not. It may be contending with them. For the present, we can only rely on Cangtian Cliff’s unique geographical position and the most internal Shenji guard to defend, otherwise Sifang Xuantian will take action, and the people here will... For coke!"

Xu Ziming's words are not exaggerated.

If the strength of the souls has risen to a whole new level, the gap between strength and strength cannot be smoothed out in number. The strong can kill with one breath and a punch. It's a scene where the sky and the earth are split, how terrifying.

Although the number of Long Jueren is extremely large, the strength of the souls here is generally not strong. Even the Black Thousand Envoy can only rely on the white night to clean up. Then, what about the person behind the space gate? How powerful is Sifang Xuantian?

No one knows.

However, what people can foresee is that once Long Jue confronts Sifang Xuantian, it will undoubtedly hit the stone with a pebble.

Xu Ziming’s plan can be said to be the only choice that Bai Ye can choose. After all, there are many people and there are many benefits. Bai Ye can use these manpower to maintain the knot of Cangtian Cliff.

Realm, in a short time, turned that into a solid fortress.

But one must make a choice!

That's the choice of this great punishment!

"If we go to Cangtian Cliff, what should we do about the Great Punishment Formation this day? The people from the four directions will surely destroy the Great Punishment Formation. Then, isn't our effort for so many years in vain?" The snake immediately stood up and opposed.

"That's right, we build this big array day and night, without stopping, I don't know how much manpower and material resources have been invested in it, wouldn't it be a pity if we just give up?" Ji Di was also somewhat unacceptable.

The consumption of this large formation can be said to be about to hollow out the entire outer domain, and the Saint Immortal Domain and Cangtian Cliff are also constantly transporting materials here.

It is precisely because of this that the strength of the big formation threatens the big formation Sifang Xuantian possesses.

Following the speeches of Zanshe and Ji Di, people also expressed different opinions.

Some people agreed with Xu Ziming's suggestion. Others felt that they should not give up the Heavenly Punishment Great Formation and would rather stay and fight with Sifang Xuantian. Others believed that they should seek help from the Divine Machine Palace.

But Bai Ye knew that the current Shenji Palace had no extra power to deal with trivial matters. Otherwise, before he had an appointment with Qiu Tian Maharajah, the Shenji Palace would not only send a Qi Xin to guard the dead dragon sword.

And **** battle is even more impossible.

"First gather the strength, prepare for war, whether to withdraw or defend, let me think twice."

Bai Ye let out a foul breath, then waved his hand, and walked towards the Black Qianshi over there.

People stopped talking and looked towards the white night.

But Xiao Bai Ye walked to the front of the Black Qianshi.

"You have been abandoned by Sifang Xuantian. If you are willing to submit to me, I can spare your life. What do you think?" Bai Ye said indifferently.

"You want me to submit to you?"

The black thousand envoy crouched on the ground, grunted, and said weakly: "Dream are just a bunch of ants, a bunch of rats waiting to die. Soon after, the strong from Sifang Xuantian came here. , Massacre, you have no life, you must die, and submit to you is also a death, why am I not killed by you now? That way, I can at least get a good name, am I?"

After finishing speaking, the black thousand envoy directly closed his eyes, with a generous gesture of righteousness: "Do it!!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ye was instantly dumb.

What this person said... really makes sense!

Bai Ye opened his mouth, and didn't know what words to use to refute this person for a while. After holding back for a long time, he directly shouted at the Yinghua sword next to him: "Take it down and close it first."


Yinghua Jian was also a little dazed before reacting, and hurriedly led the two of them to drag the Black Thousand Emissary down.

The black thousand envoy is unreliable.

If he was willing to surrender, Bai Ye would still have a reliance, and now it seems that this reliance is unreliable.

At this time, Bai Ye did not have many choices.

"It seems that I can only give up the Heavenly Punishment Array!"

Bai Ye stared at the huge array covering the ground and clouds in front of him, with a touch of helplessness and exhaustion on his face.

At the moment, you can only deal with the Sifang Xuantian by holding on to the Cangtian Cliff. It is a pity that after so many years of hard work by Long Jue, today it is all about to be lost...

He exhaled, took off a token from his waist, and poured a touch of soul energy into it.


The token immediately splashed out a strange halo


After a while, a vague voice floated from inside.

"Lord White Dragon, is there anything wrong?"

This voice was the voice of Erfu, the person in charge of Heixuan Auction House.

"Your task seems to have been postponed a bit. I have encountered something here. Let's talk about it after I finish dealing with things here."

Bai Ye took out the letter given by Erfu, looked at the seal gradually dissipating on it, and said calmly.

Erfu was silent for a while, and asked in a low voice, "I have no time to delay that matter, how long will long?"

"do not know."

"I don't know?" Erfu was a little surprised.

"Yes." Bai Ye said calmly: "This time the people from Sifang Xuantian are harassing my Long Jue. Judging from their attitude, they are already preparing to attack my Long Jue in the future, with the intention of eradicating me completely, so in this case Before the matter is resolved, I don’t have the time to pay attention to other things for the time being. Later I will send someone to send your letter back. If Erfu-sama has other suitable candidates, let others do it for you!"

After speaking, Bai Ye cut off the token.

He didn't bother to explain anything to Erfuduo. Now he couldn't protect himself, and Bai Ye couldn't divide his energy to deal with other people's affairs.

At this time, Huang Yao from a distance flew over here.

"grown ups."


Bai Ye put the token on his waist and asked calmly, "Have you ordered it?"

"It has been ordered, the power of the Outland has begun to gather, I believe that in a day, all will be here."

"Then get ready and go to Cangtian Cliff." Bai Ye glanced around and said calmly: "All the resources are gone. Go to Cangtian Cliff as soon as possible. So many people will all settle in Cangtian Cliff. Cangtian Cliff will be crowded and score points. Some people are sent to the Saint Xianyu, the layout of the Saint Xianyu must also be changed, so as not to make troubles there..."

"Enter Cangtian Cliff?" Huang Yao was stunned, and asked hurriedly: "My lord, have you decided to give up the Heaven's Punishment Array?"

"The Great Array can still do it again, but if the people are gone, then there will be nothing."

Bai Ye waved his hand and drew in a low voice, "I have decided, let's do it!"

Huang Yao opened his mouth, and finally sighed. Without saying anything, he hugged his fists at Bai Ye before leaving.

Bai Ye took a long sigh of relief, and turned around to sit cross-legged to regain some strength.

However, at this moment, the token on his waist trembled again.


Bai Ye frowned and took it straight off.

He glanced at the token given by Erfu, thought for a moment, and connected it.

"Master Erfu, I have already decided. I know you are very unwilling, but I am also helpless, sorry." Bai Ye said lightly.

However, on the other side of the token, Er Fu Ningsu's voice came: "Lord Bai Long, don't say so much, where are you now?"

"Outland! Master Erfu, what's the matter?" Bai Ye was a little puzzled.

"Outland?" The Erfu thought over there for a moment, then suddenly lowered his voice and said: "Lord Bailong, I have a plan to protect you from the harassment of Sifang Xuantian, but you need your cooperation, but I don't know if you are Willing to use my strategy?"

"Do you have a plan?"

Bai Ye's breathing suddenly tightened countlessly, and then he quickly asked in a deep voice, "What can you do?"

"It's very simple!" Erfu paused, and whispered slowly: "VIP!"