Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 2401: Organ life


Dongying's expression finally became serious.

Not only serious, but also a hint of consternation.

He knows his own strength the most, and he can see through the strength of the person in front of him at a glance.

Emperor Jin period!

Although he hid well, the spirit he showed was the rank of Emperor Jin Dynasty!

How could such a terrifying strength exist in a mere Jin Dynasty level?

Could it be that...this person has used any special means or magic circle to enhance his strength?

Dongying contemplated, spinning and leaping forward with her feet a little bit backward, teleporting back to the side of the palace, and distanced herself from Bai Ye.

Obviously, he is now empty.

Bai Ye glanced at him lightly, "Are you serious?"

"Of course not. For some unknown opponents, if you don't go all out, the end will be extremely miserable." Dongying smiled lightly, twisted her palms together, and slapped Bai Ye suddenly.


The space above Bai Ye's head was immediately distorted, and a tearing shock descended on him.

The pressure and power are shocking.

But Bai Ye didn't rush, hit a time spell with his backhand, and waved towards the twisted space.


The power of time immediately covered this area, reducing the speed of this area to the extreme, and the twisting force in the space was also affected, and the decline was extremely slow.

Bai Ye walked out casually.

This trick was thus resolved.

But in the next second, Dongying disappeared again.

When he appeared, he was already standing behind Bai Ye, while holding a blue dagger in one hand, he stabbed Bai Ye's back fiercely.

Like a poisonous snake in the dark, suddenly attacked.

Bai Ye suddenly turned around and slammed Dongying with a punch.

Cang Dang!

Dongying's body was shattered like a bronze mirror, turning into countless fragments and floating on the ground.


And at the same time...


Bai Ye's chest was pierced by the blue dagger!

It turns out that the real Eastern Oriole is standing in front of Bai Ye, this is just a mirror!

"But so!" Dongying smiled.

"Really?" A cold voice sounded behind Dongying.

Dongying suddenly turned around.


His chest was pierced by a fist, and the minced meat was knocked out with blood.

Dongying's body trembled fiercely, and people widened his eyes, looking at the white night in front of him, only to realize that the white night in front of him had already gasified.

It turned out that Bai Ye also used a fake body!

And it's so silent, it's unnoticeable.

Even he was deceived!

What's the matter with this man's methods?

He is definitely not Jin Dynasty! surely not!

Dongying gritted her teeth abruptly, turned around with a low growl, and smashed her fiercely towards Bai Ye.

Bai Ye raised his other arm to resist, but the strength on his arm was so great that Bai Ye was shocked and retreated.


Dongying roared and threw out the blue dagger.

The moment the dagger flew out, it turned into a fierce blue beast, opening its blood door and biting it.

Bai Ye took off the token from his waist and incited the fierce beast.

call! !

The token spewed out a pale flame, directly swallowing the beast and burning it to ashes.

Dongying took advantage of this effort and stuffed a few pills into her mouth.


After the pills entered his abdomen, his chest injury immediately recovered, and even the damaged Heavenly Soul had recovered. Those pills were obviously some kind of god-defying medicine.

In fact, with the blow just now, Bai Ye was able to crush Dongying's heavenly soul, but his heavenly soul was really weird, and it scattered and fled the moment he shot it.

Yes, just fleeing, the Heavenly Soul would actually run away on its own, rushing to various parts of the body, so that Bai Ye lost the opportunity.

However, Dongying is still a good student now. Bai Ye is so weird that he knows that he is not easy to deal with. Although he may not be the opponent of this person in a strong battle, he can not guarantee that he has full certainty to kill this person.

Dongying snorted and stared at Bai Ye, her figure suddenly disappeared into the void.

At the same time, all the people on both sides of the agency came back to life, screaming one by one, and slaughtered towards Bai Ye.

These organs are extremely terrifying, their bodies are full of domineering spirit, one by one, more ferocious than the beasts, rushing over like crazy, smashing the earth to pieces.

"My lord, be careful!"

Those Su Ping who stood shivering on the edge of the palace shouted.

Bai Ye's eyes were cold, and he raised his fist and smashed at these organs.




His divine power and soul power were all used, and his strength was pushed to the limit.

But... this punch went on, but it didn't smash these organs to pieces.

No... let alone shattered! Even if they smashed them, they didn't manage to do it. These organoids just shook their bodies, nothing more.

Bai Ye's breath tightened, and the person suddenly raised his head, but saw that the terrifying fists of several organ people had blasted like a mountain.


Bai Ye's body was directly hammered on the ground, crushed fiercely, and the fists of the rest of the organs smashed to the ground.






With one punch and one punch, he smashed against Bai Ye's body severely.

The ground instantly cracked like a cobweb, splitting apart, it was extremely terrifying, and the power spreading round and round like ripples.

The Su Ping four over there immediately urged spiritism to resist the shock wave.

But how can their soul power compete with these organs? As soon as the spirit power came out, it was shaken out.

At this time, the organs raised their hands, and the bottom hand directly grabbed the white night underneath, and then raised it high.

The other officials immediately stretched out their hands, and fiercely wrapped the palm that grabbed Bai Ye.

Seven or eight palms held him tightly, making him unable to move and struggle.

Bai Ye didn't seem to be able to contend with this force. People struggled hard, but they couldn't escape.


Su Ping here is completely stupid.

"Big...sir is not the opponent of these organs?"

"How is it possible? My lord is an existence that even Dongying can defeat, why is it not as good as these organoids?"

Everyone is crazy.

If Bai Ye loses, then they all have to finish playing...

In the next second, the void burst open.

A figure came out from there, it was Dongying who had disappeared before.

"Haha, do you idiots think that these organs are ordinary organs? You are wrong. These organs are all made of living people, and they are all capable of doing it. Their strength is nothing. No worse than me. If you look down on these organs, then you are really dead, hahaha..."

"What? A living person is an agency person?" Su Ping was so scared that they were paralyzed...