Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 2745: Seal Pool

Seeing the white night that came out, all the magic guards suddenly became nervous.

"What's the matter? This person... why can he get out of our restraints so easily?" The Shenji guard suddenly stood up from his chair.

The people around also hurriedly urged the Heavenly Soul, drew out their swords and stared at Bai Ye vigilantly.

"He... he only exists in the Jin Dynasty! Our forbidden enchantment can easily imprison anyone under Yujun! This person can't come out!" One person trembled.

"Could it be that... this person is a madman and a killer above Yujun? Impossible! No matter how the aura on his body is in the Jin Dynasty, it is absolutely impossible!"

"Then what's the matter?"

"No... I don't know!"

Everyone trembled and whispered.

"What are you talking nonsense here? The most important thing now is not to say something useless here, but to quickly take this person down for me! Go up! Go up!" The Shen Jiwei shouted.

After hearing the sound, everyone gritted their teeth secretly, one by one still bite the bullet to rush forward.

But just as they approached the white night.


A strong shock came here in an instant, directly pressing on the bodies of those Shen Jiwei.

These magic guards immediately couldn't make any progress, they were struggling, and it was difficult to move forward.

"Bastard! How dare you resist?"

"court death!"

The crowd was furious.

Although these people are also the souls of the Shenji Palace, they are still different from the Shenji guards who are stationed at the death dragon sword. Their soul state is not high, and the methods can only be said to be ordinary. Bai Ye has to deal with these People are simply a breeze.

"Okay! How dare you resist? Very good! In that case, don't blame us for being impolite!" The Shenji guard was furious and immediately yelled at his hands: "Quick, let me know right away, yes The Xiaoxiao thief is making trouble, please come here quickly to clear the thief Xiaoxiao!!"


The person next to him shouted and turned his head and ran out.

But in the next second, the white night disappeared in an instant, and when it reappeared, it was already standing in front of the soul person, raising his hand, instantly lifting the person, and then throwing it into the crowd of Shen Ji guard.


The crowd was suddenly dumped and turned over, screaming screaming.


That Shenjiwei's face changed horribly.

The speed and power shown by Bai Ye has completely exceeded their imagination...

"Take them off!"

White night said indifferently.

Everyone was startled, and then they understood Bai Ye's intentions.

It turned out that from beginning to end, all this was White Night's plan.

He is the one who intends to pretend to be the Palace of the Divine Machine, and then look for the treasure!

"My lord, wonderful! This kind of place must be separated from the outside by sound, no matter what happens inside, you can't hear it outside! It's convenient for us to disguise it!" Zhao Hui clapped his hands and said with joy.

"My lord is wise." The old ape hurriedly called.

The ink red blade was also startled.

"Don't talk nonsense, do it quickly," Bai Ye said.

"Good lord!"

Zhao Hui approached the old ape with a smile.

But how could these gang of supernatural guards succumb so willingly? One by one they lifted their swords and cut them to take down Old Ape and Zhao Hui.

"Bastard! Looking for death!"

Mo Hongyi shouted and directly lifted the knife, and he wanted to kill all these magic guards.

"You'd better not mess with the dead hand. Every Shenji guard has a life card in the Palace of Shenji. If they die, the life card will go out. They are the people in charge here, and their life card is gone. We will be very troublesome." At this moment, Bai Ye said suddenly.

Mo Hongblade was startled, whirled and snorted, and didn't do it again.

Bai Ye raised his hand again, increasing the momentum of the general trend.


All the people from the Palace of Divine Machine lie on the ground, and can't get up again.

The general trend of the thick shock made them unable to resist any more...

Bai Ye sacrificed a touch of heavenly soul, the soul gas turned into sword gas, and walked towards those people.

All these magic guards opened their eyes wide and looked at Bai Ye in horror.

"But having said that, since we are not members of the Palace of Shenji, we should have no scruples about killing them. After all, the Palace of Shenji is also hard to protect. How can we care about the life and death of these people? Kill them, let's rush, Shenji Palace It can't help us."

When the voice fell to the ground, everyone's faces instantly paled to the extreme.

"You... what do you want to do?" the magic guards tremblingly shouted.

"Ask you a question. If you answer me obediently, I'll let you make a living, how about?" Bai Ye walked to the person, crouched down, and said.

"You... don't think about it! Even if I die, I won't succumb to someone like you! We are not afraid of death!"

The man gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Okay, I'll try it!"

Bai Ye said, actually raising the Qi sword, and without hesitation, he chopped it to the man's neck.


The man screamed with fright.

Bai Ye stopped immediately and looked at him strangely: "What's the matter? Aren't you afraid of death?"

The man recovered, but his mouth was open, looking at Bai Ye not knowing how to answer.

"Tell me! Where is the sealing pond! After you said, I will let you go!" Bai Ye leaned a few minutes closer and whispered.

"I... I don't know..."

"In this way, don't I have a reason to let you go?"

Bai Ye shook his head, and said to Mo Hong Blade: "I take back the previous words and kill them all!"

"it is good!"

Mo Hongblade immediately drew out the magic knife, he must do it with murderous aura!

"I said! I said!"

The Shenji Guard shouted eagerly.

Everyone stopped their movements.

The person tremblingly told the location of the sealing pond.

Bai Ye shook his head.

"Although I don't like the Palace of Shenji, it is sad to have you scum in the Palace of Shenji!"

After speaking, the clothes and tokens of these people were stripped off for a hundred years, and they were put in prison.

Everyone disguised themselves and walked outside the house swaggeringly.

"grown ups!"

The souls outside immediately bowed respectfully.

"Watch it! Don't let people in and out casually."

The headed Bai Ye disguised his face in armor and whispered.

"Yes! Your lord!"

Everyone nodded.

Bai Ye nodded slightly, glanced at the direction, and headed towards the sealing pond.

Everyone seemed quite nervous.

In fact, Zhao Hui and Mo Red Blade are okay, but Old Ape's body shape is not very natural.

Although it deliberately shrunk its body using magic techniques, it was still two meters tall.

In addition, the unique smell permeating its body is difficult to block, and it will arouse some people's ideas if it goes all the way.

"Are you Lord Zhao Hong?"

At this time, a shout sounded, and then a soul-seed trot to this place, stopping the advancing Baiye and others.

Zhao Hong? The magic guard who was in the low room before? ?


Bai Ye asked.

"Oh, Lord Zhao Hong, come here, I am a little busy here and I want to ask you to help." The man smiled.