Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 2789: Refining

Jun Changqing didn't know what it meant to be soft-hearted, and as soon as he bound the white night, he immediately began to wipe it away.

This sword carried the terrifying spirit of the Abandoned God Sword in the prosperous age, as if it was about to destroy everything.

But at the moment when this sword struck.


The Dead Dragon Sword suddenly flew out of its own accord and crashed into the Abandoned God Sword.


The blade of Abandoned God Sword was knocked open.

Jun Changqing frowned and raised her head suddenly.

Only then did I see a group of great soldiers, such as Ye Yaojian, Lihuang Sword, and Shattering Spear, descend from the sky and directly fell to Jun Changqing.


Jun Changqing was a little surprised, her eyebrows were also frowned, and she snapped her sword to defend herself.

He drank again, and suddenly several avatars exploded behind him, each avatar holding the Abandoned God Sword, and constantly attacking the fallen soldiers.

The Abandoned God Sword was swung by him one after another with small black waves, and each black wave would bounce off the soldiers.

But after these soldiers were smashed away, they would not give up, but madly harass Jun Changqing.

Seven soldiers besieged it frantically.

This is swordsmanship!

Jun Changqing could see it.

But this kind of swordsmanship is enough to control ordinary flying swords, to control the red soldiers... isn't that kidding?

How can Hong Bing be able to use this technique to control it?

Jun Changqing was puzzled.

But this is not the time to chat about this.

"Maybe my understanding of Hongbing is not as deep as yours, but I have to tell you! What you are facing right now is not just a Hongbing, but eight! It is the eight with dead dragon swords! Do you think you can Did you deal with these people?"

Bai Ye drank low, and then controlled the dead dragon sword, and slashed towards Jun Changqing.

Jun Changqing's face tightened, and a double flashed out.

Bai Ye's sword pierced the air.

But the pressure released by this sword was to shake Jun Changqing away.

He volleyed back and landed on the top of the mountain, staring at the white night again.

Bai Ye didn't drive the Hong Bing to pursue Jun Changqing, after all, the energy consumed by such a close-range sword was huge, and he couldn't afford it.

Jun Changqing did not launch an offensive anymore, Bai Ye directly used the breath of a dead dragon to release the restraint on his body.

He landed on the ground again, raised his hand, and the Death Dragon Sword fell on his wrist by itself.

Bai Ye looked at Jun Changqing and walked towards him step by step.

"It's interesting, it looks like I have to re-examine you! Although your Jin Dynasty existence is not high, but your eyes and temperament make me feel excited! No one has been able to fight me for many years! Today! , You and I have to fight the song!" Jun Changqing laughed, and then killed with a sword.

This time he didn't have the slightest scruples, and directly slammed the sword.

Whoosh whoosh...

Sword energy tens of meters long burst out from the sword of Abandoned God Sword, flying towards the white night.

White night drank, Xuanbing fan flew.

He grabbed the Xuanbing fan and waved towards the airflow over there.

Suddenly, the cold wind covered the scene.

That terrifying sword energy was actually driven away by the cold wind.

When he reached Bai Ye's body, there was no more feeling of destruction...

It was just a very slight strong wind.

People watched silently, and everyone's face was full of complexity.

Relying only on the abandonment of the Divine Sword...I am afraid that it really cannot deal with this white night.

However, Jun Changqing did not give up, not even annoyed or angry, but a smile was raised at the corner of her mouth.

He again swings a sword, or pierces the ground, or points to the sky.

boom! boom! boom……

The body of Abandoned God's sword flashed with energy frantically, either injected into the ground or into the sky.

After a while, the earth shuddered crazily, and the sky became dim, like the end of the world.


Bai Ye wouldn't give Jun Changqing too much time to prepare. With a low drink, the seven Hong Bing flew again and killed Jun Changqing.

It's very close now.

Bai Ye held the Death Dragon Sword and chopped it towards Jun Changqing.

Jun Changqing didn't dare to force the power of the dragon sword!

Although the power of the Abandoned God Sword was equally impressive, no one dared to face the Dead Dragon Sword head-on, even Jun Changqing who was very familiar with Hongbing.

He could only step back and avoid Bai Ye's edge.

But Bai Ye understood that the more at this time, the less he could give the other side a chance to breathe.

He leaped forward again and dashed over.

Xuan Bing fan instigated towards Jun Changqing, and the terrifying cold wind blew wildly. The robe on Jun Changqing's body immediately condensed a layer of frost, and even his retreating road condensed into an ice wall.

The Split God Spear fell again, directly piercing the defensive magic weapon and even the spirit of Jun Changqing's body.

Then there are Li Huang Sword, Ye Yao Sword, Jingxi Sword, Tyrant Sword...

Every Hong Bing is showing great power at this moment.

Jun Changqing was particularly embarrassed, either dodge or dodge, or avoided or flee.

In a short while, he was killed by several Hong Bing soldiers.

Bai Ye seized the opportunity, suddenly a word of God's power came into his mouth.


The voice fell to the ground, and Jun Changqing's body immediately froze in place, unable to move any more.

Bai Ye seized the opportunity, and then slammed into his body.

Roar! ! !

An angry roar came from the dead dragon sword.

In an instant, the terrifying dead dragon sword power directly engulfed Jun Changqing's body.

Jun Changqing disappeared on the spot.

The world's breathing trembled.

Bai Ye stared coldly.

This time, Jun Changqing should be a dead place, right?

as predicted!

After the dead dragon's sword power dissipated, the person who was supposed to stand was nowhere to be seen at this moment, not to mention the corpse, not even a single piece of debris.

Only saw a sword stuck in the ground over there.

That sword... is the Abandoned God Sword!


"No... isn't it?"

"Lord Jun Changqing died like this?"

"I don't believe it! It must be fake! It must be fake!"

Those great powers trembled one after another, all recovered one by one, and fled madly.

"Where are you going?"

Bai Ye's eyes were hideous, and with a low voice, he wanted to pursue these people.

If Jun Changqing is dead, what he has to do is naturally to kill.

But he just wanted to chase those people. .


A weird voice spread.

Bai Ye was startled, and looked sideways, suddenly!

His pupils shrank.

When he came back to his senses, Bai Ye realized that his arms had been cut away with a sword.


Blood spurted out.

Bai Ye didn't feel any pain...

What a fast sword! !

He looked back abruptly, but he couldn't see who had cut his arms!

However, without waiting for Bai Ye to recover, another terrifying murderous intent permeated.

Bai Ye's breathing trembled and looked into the sky.

I saw a large number of dark and blood-red red talismans appearing on the sky at this moment.

At the same time, a terrifying huge array appeared on the earth.

And the energy of the magic circle and the talisman... is completely condensed by the strength of the Abandoned God Sword.

Bai Ye's pupils trembled, and he looked up busy.

"Jun Changqing??"

"You can't kill me, now, let me refine you by myself!"

A light voice was uploaded from the sky.