Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3138: human nature

Chapter 3138 Human Nature

Yangxin peak outside.

Feiying led Bai Ye and others to arrive.

Looking at the quiet Yangxin Peak, Feiying frowned.

There are so few guards outside, which means that there are at least a thousand guards in Yangxin Peak.

How can it be so quiet with so many people crammed into such a small mountain?

Feiying walked inside with doubts.

Yangxin Peak is full of birds singing and fragrant flowers, full of aura.

The entire mountain is surrounded by a large natural aura, and those who enter Yangxin Peak will be nourished by this aura, and their injuries will recover quickly.

In addition, Yangxin Peak is full of various exotic flowers and herbs. These herbs are holy medicines for healing, and injured people can pick them at will.

Flying Eagle stepped on the flat white jade road, watching everything around.

But all the herbs were intact, even if some were picked, they were harvested very neatly.

Going further inside, you can see some female monks walking towards the house with boiled soup and pills.

Seeing this, Feiying quickly stepped inside.

But as soon as he entered the room, Feiying was stunned.

I saw a space technique in the room, unfolding this small room, there are hundreds of beds in the room, and there is a person lying on each bed.

They had scars all over their bodies, and the wounds had been treated well.

The female monks who came in distributed the elixir to them.

The person who got the elixir immediately sat cross-legged on the bed, swallowed the elixir, and digested it carefully.

Although there are many people in the entire ward, it looks orderly.

"Master Feiying, you have also seen that many of us Wan Jiantian were injured when we captured the traitor Wentian. They really had no choice but to do so. Please forgive me."

Bai Ye said.

Feiying didn't make a sound, his eyes were fixed, he walked towards the beds, and began to observe carefully.

Soon, Flying Eagle patrolled around and returned.

There was a hint of doubt on his face, and he stared at Bai Ye coldly.

"How can you be so disciplined?"

"My lord, I don't understand what you mean."

Bai Ye asked perplexedly.

"From the moment I entered Wanjiantian to here, the entire Wanjiantian is orderly. Even though the guards are sparse, the miners are not slack, but there are so many guards here, but everyone is quietly healing, even chatting. No one, all of this is too deliberate!"

Feiying said coldly.

A look of solemnity flashed deep in Bai Ye's eyes, but his face still pretended to be confused and incomprehensible: "My lord, is it wrong to obey the rules?"

"That's not what I mean."

"Rules are something that is intentionally followed. Now that Wan Jiantian is no longer a traitor like Wentian, he is organized and operating normally. If your lord thinks there is a problem with this, please tell your subordinates how to change it."

Bai Ye clasped her fists together with a humble look.

Feiying snorted coldly, and said expressionlessly: "Send someone to tidy up a room for me, I want to live in Wanjiantian for a while."

"Yes, my lord."

Bai Ye nodded, and then asked Yuan Er to rush to make arrangements.

After a while, Flying Eagle settled in a peak next to the main peak.

This peak is called Ertian Peak, it is only a little shorter than the main peak, and it was hand-picked by Feiying.

Bai Ye understood that Feiying wanted to monitor the entire Wan Jiantian on Ertian Peak.

After all, this is the best observation place.

"Is it arranged?"

In the ward, Bai Ye asked faintly as soon as Yuan Er entered the door.

"Reporting to my lord, the arrangements have been made!"

Yuan Er said respectfully.

"That's good!"

Bai Ye nodded.

"My lord, I think this cruel official has already suspected us. I'm afraid it will not be easy to hide the truth!"

Yuan Er clasped his fists together: "This person is too strict, and he seems to be impermeable in his work. If he has lived here for a long time, we can't hide it. Once he finds out any clues, then the whole Wan Jiantian , will be pushed to the limit and completely wiped out.”

Speaking of this, several people's faces showed worry.

"My lord, this is a cancer that must be removed!"

Yuan San said in a deep voice.

"Then what do you think should be done?"

Bai Ye asked calmly.


Yuansan's eyes showed viciousness.

Bai Ye immediately shook his head: "If you do it directly, you will only scare the snake. What's more, if you kill this cruel official, what should you do if you anger the Supreme Star? If the Supreme Star is angry, how should we deal with it?"


Yuan San opened his mouth.

"Yuan San, things are not as simple as you think? Besides, even if one cruel official is killed, Xingchen Supreme will send more cruel officials to come!"

Yuan Er shook his head.

Yuan San was stunned, with a look of confusion on his face: "So... what should we do now?"

Yuan Er didn't speak, obviously worried about this matter.

But at this moment, Bai Ye suddenly said: "Mr. take care of Feiying."

"My lord, what do you mean, give him the panacea first, the magic weapon?"

Yuan Er asked.

"No, don't give one, just serve him well. Whatever he wants, we will give. If he wants something good, don't give anything."

Bai Ye shook his head.

People were stunned.

"My lord, he wants benefits, but if we don't give them, I'm afraid he will be angry..."

"Don't worry, it's okay! Just do it."

"This... ok."

A few people could only nod their heads.

"Everything remains the same."

Bai Ye waved his hand, turned and went back to his pavilion.

The guards also continue to heal here.

Those who were injured were arranged to inspect Wan Jiantian.

As for Wan Jiantian's slaves, it will be miserable.

Because of the presence of Flying Eagle, they can no longer use weapons and can only mine with bare hands.

On the guard side, Bai Ye is not worried, but this group of slaves is not easy to deal with.

Although many of them are grateful to Bai Ye, not all of them are always grateful.

As the saying goes, Sheng Mi is kind against Mi Qiu. After enjoying the convenience brought by the utensils before, if they continue to mine with bare hands, some people will complain.

Some people even questioned whether Bai Ye had the ability to lead them out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Once the resentment of these people gradually grows, there will be a thunderstorm and they will be captured by Feiying.

Bai Ye is naturally aware of this.

After going through so much, he also has a thorough understanding of human nature, so he had to send Yuan Er to comfort these miners secretly in the name of inspection.

Feiying sits on the Ertian Peak every day with his eyes closed and rests his mind, as if he is practicing.

Looking at it from a distance, it didn't feel like he was watching Wan Jiantian.

But Bai Ye knew that everyone's every move was in his sight.

This cruel official is truly terrifying.

There must be a way to send him away.

Bai Ye returned to the pavilion, thinking silently.

However, after Bai Ye meditated in the pavilion for a day, Yuan Er hurried to the pavilion.

"My lord, something has happened!"

"What's wrong?"

Bai Ye walked out of the pavilion abruptly and asked in a deep voice.

"On the mountain in the southwest, someone is making trouble!"

Yuan Er's face was tense, and his voice trembled.