Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3142: it's me

Chapter 3142 is me

Seeing this, Feiying's face darkened, and he immediately led people towards the gate.

The guards rushed up immediately, blocking the way of Feiying and others.

"Master Feiying, please forgive me, the third master has an order, he is receiving distinguished guests, no one is allowed to enter!"

The captain of the guard clasped his fists and said.

"What kind of distinguished guest are you receiving? You have to talk behind closed doors? Could it be that there is some ulterior secret?"

Feiying sneered coldly: "Get out of the way!"

"Master Feiying, the third master has said that no one is allowed to enter! Please don't embarrass me!"

The captain of the guard looked determined, and drank again in a deep voice.

"So, you want to disobey me?"

Flying Eagle narrowed his eyes.

"In Wan Jiantian, I only listen to the top three!"

The captain of the guard gritted his teeth.

"Heh, what a third master, this Wan Jiantian has become his!"

Feiying laughed back angrily, and then waved his hand: "Pull them away for me, whoever dares to mess around! Kill without mercy!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The people behind Feiying immediately rushed forward, urging the power of their souls one after another to forcibly shake the guards away.


"Stop them!"

Not to be outdone, the guards all drew their swords and tried their best to stop them.

The people Feiying brought were not benevolent people. Seeing that the guards dared to draw their swords, they immediately became murderous and immediately released their killing moves.

The two sides fought fiercely.

But how can these guards be the opponents of Feiying and his party?

After a while, the wind fell, and a large number of people were injured.


At this moment, a loud shout resounded.

Everyone stopped.

Flying Eagle looked indifferently.

Bai Ye quickly walked out of the gate.

Looking at such a scene, Bai Ye's expression turned extremely cold.

He immediately walked up to the people and looked around: "Still put away your weapons?"

The guards sheathed their swords immediately.

"What? You don't accept it? Do you want to start a war with me, Wan Jiantian?"

Bai Ye looked at Feiying's subordinates and drank coldly.

Those people looked at each other in blank dismay, and then all cast their eyes on Flying Eagle.

Eagle waved his hand.

Everyone retreated immediately and put away their weapons.

"Master Feiying, what are you doing? Why did you force your way into my main hall?"

Bai Ye asked coldly, his eyes were full of unkindness.

"Jiuyang, you have to make it clear that the supreme star sent me here to supervise Wan Jiantian's work progress, that is to say, I need to personally supervise everything you do now. You send someone to block the main hall and close the door How can I not have the right to know what is plotting inside? If you insist on doing this, I can report to Lord Xingchen that you Wan Jiantian intends to rebel, do you know?"

Flying Eagle shouted lightly.

No one can stand such a big hat being buckled down.

Bai Ye hurriedly cupped his fists: "Master Feiying, I have neglected my duty, please don't misunderstand me, Sir Feiying, I am just receiving distinguished guests and have no other intentions, how could I rebel?"

"Accepting a distinguished guest? Who is that distinguished guest?"

Feiying asked calmly.


"What? Still a distinguished guest who can't see anyone?"

Feiying snorted coldly: "If that's the case, I want to see you even more! Get out of the way!"

"Master Flying Eagle..."

"What? Don't let me? Is it to prove your crime of treason? If so, then I can kill you Wanjiantian first!"

Feiying shouted, directly urging the power of the soul.

The terrifying situation shook toward Bai Ye like Mount Tai was overwhelming.

Bai Ye's body trembled wildly, as if unable to hold on, he backed away again and again.

The guards around were all nervous, and Qiqi put his hands on the hilt of his sword.

As long as Bai Ye gives an order, they will all take action.

However, at the moment when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, a voice came.

"Master Feiying, why do you have to embarrass Jiuyang? The person he saw was me!"

Then, a figure wearing a black cloak walked out of the main hall.

Feiying looked at the other party, frowning slightly.

After the man left the gate of the palace, he lifted up his cloak, revealing a face that looked like a middle-aged man.

"Zhao Wei?"

Feiying immediately recognized the person coming.

"I've seen Lord Flying Eagle!"

Zhao Wei cupped his fists.

"Why are you here?"

Feiying came back to his senses and made a faint sound.

"Reporting to Lord Feiying, Lord Yuzun sent me to give advice on Jiuyang's work."

"Guiding work?"

"You also know that Wan Jiantian's big head and second head have accidents one after another. The big Wan Jiantian can only rely on the third head Jiuyang. Yu Zun is worried that Jiuyang can't maintain Wan Jiantian alone, so he asked me to give some advice. !"

Zhao Wei laughed.

"Since it's a guide job, why did you block the main hall and make it so mysterious?"

Feiying snorted coldly.


Zhao Wei was silent.

"It was my subordinate's negligence at the moment. This subordinate thought that Mr. Zhao Wei came here for some serious matter, so he did this. After all, Wan Jian Tianmu is unstable. If Mr. Zhao Wei brings any bad news, his subordinates can also Immediately block it, so as not to let the news leak out and cause people to panic, I didn't expect this to be superfluous, but it made Lord Feiying misunderstand, and the subordinates deserve death!"

Bai Ye immediately stood up and confessed.

"Jiuyang, you should be more careful in the future."

Zhao Wei smiled, and then cupped his fists towards Feiying: "Master Feiying, I don't know this explanation, are you satisfied?"

Feiying frowned slightly, how could he fail to see that this was just words?

But without proof, he couldn't do anything to these two people.

"Be careful in the future."

Feiying said coldly, turned and left.

"Congratulations to Master Feiying!"

Everyone shouted.

When Feiying was gone, Zhao Wei turned around.

"Jiuyang, since this is the case, then I will explain the situation to Lord Yuzun and suspend the excavation of the energy soil. You first stabilize the situation of Wan Jiantian and wait for the instructions of the Lord, understand?"


Bai Ye nodded.

"Flying Eagle is the number one cruel official under the Supreme Lord Xingchen. He has very means. You must be cautious in everything. Let me go back and listen. If you have something to say, say it. Don't reveal a word that should not be said. Otherwise, if you give it to Lord Yuzun If you get into trouble, you must be the first to die!"

Zhao Wei whispered, then turned around and jumped, rushing towards Wan Jiantianwai.

Bai Ye watched silently, with bursts of light shining in his eyes.

"My lord, is this all right?"

Yuan Er approached and asked cautiously.

"about there."

Bai Ye said calmly: "It won't be long before Feiying should leave here!"


Yuan Er was stunned, and his eyes were full of joy: "If Feiying can really leave, it will be a great joy for Wan Jiantian."

"Now everything depends on Yu Zun's energy! I hope he has the means to deal with Feiying."

Bai Ye exhaled, turned around and walked towards the main hall.

Yuan Er didn't say a word, just watched silently.

Zhao Wei, who left Wan Jiantian, galloped all the way to Longjiao Mountain.

After entering Longjiao Mountain, he immediately went to kowtow to see Yuzun!