Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3189: almost time

Chapter 3189 It's almost time

Hearing this news, Xue Zhongjian turned pale several times.

He never expected that the Starry Sky Temple would send people here.

If this is the case, then I obviously can't kill these two people. If the people sent by the Starry Sky Temple lose contact, I'm afraid it won't be long before the Supreme Star will come here in person.

In that way, Bai Ye's plan would be exposed.

Xue Zhongjian pondered for a while, and immediately shouted: "Prison their cultivation bases, and take them to see Lord Jiuyang immediately!"


Everyone said, and then took out the shackles they carried with them, and handcuffed the two of them.

"Are you crazy? How dare you catch us? Do you want to die?"

"Let us go! You are against the Starry Sky Temple! You are rebelling! You will die! You will all be finished!"

The two struggled frantically, shouting like crazy.

However, no matter how they called, it was of no avail.

Soon, the two were brought before Bai Ye.

"what happened?"

Seeing Xue Zhongjian escorting two people over, Bai Ye stood up and asked with a frown.

"My lord, these two people were sent by the Starry Sky Temple."

Xue Zhongjian clasped his fists and said.

"What? Starry Sky Temple?"

Bai Ye was stunned.

"My lord, the situation may be much more serious than we imagined!"

Xue Zhongjian said in a low voice, Bai Ye was silent for a moment, then looked at the two people who were bound by shackles, and asked in a low voice: "What is the purpose of your coming here?"

"who are you?"

The other party asked coldly.

"Lord of Ten Thousand Swords Heavenly Mountain, Jiuyang."

"Well, you Jiuyang, why are you here? And what's the matter with the people here? Do you want to rebel?"

The man cursed.

But as soon as the words fell, several sharp swords were directly placed on his neck.

The man trembled all over immediately, his heart jumped to his throat in fright, and he was speechless.

"It's good that you know, yes, we are indeed going to rebel, so guess what, will I tear your corpses into thousands of pieces, so that you will never be reincarnated?"

Bai Ye leaned closer, stared at the man's eyes and said.

This time, the two of them were completely shocked.

If Bai Ye really wants to rebel, then they don't want to use the name of Starry Sky Temple to frighten these people.

This group of people will kill them if they want to, without any scruples at all.

Having said all this, the two of them understood Bai Ye's determination thoroughly, and immediately trembled.

"Now, I will only give you one chance, if you hesitate or refuse to cooperate with me..."

Bai Ye winked at Xue Zhongjian.

Xue Zhongjian understood, and immediately forced the two to kneel down, and directly raised the sword high.

As long as Bai Ye gave an order, the sharp sword would cut off their necks.


Bai Ye looked at the two of them again.

"Understood, my lord, we understand!"

"What do you want to ask, what do you want us to do, just tell us, we will obediently do as you ordered, and we will never go back on our word!"

"My lord, please order!"

The two of them were like chickens pecking at the rice, nodding wildly, not daring to take anything with them.

Bai Ye nodded in satisfaction, and then asked lightly: "How often do you want to send news to the Starry Sky Temple?"

"Reply in half a day."

"Half a day? Are you working so hard?"

"Your Excellency is very concerned about the matter of Wuyue Mountain, and the main thing is that he is worried that the Wushuang Temple will cause trouble."

"So how do you deliver the message?"

"When the time comes, someone will come to respond, we just need to tell him the news we have found!"

"Then when will someone come over today?"

"At noon."

"That's another hour."

Bai Ye nodded silently, and then said in a low voice: "Listen, I want you to deal with the respondent and tell him that everything is fine here and nothing happened, understand?"

"Yes, yes, my lord, we know what to do."

"Very good, Xue Zhongjian, let's take them there, and deal with those who respond."

Bai Ye said.

"My lord, if they communicate with the person who responds, we will definitely not be able to show up. If he says something to the person who responds, wouldn't we be finished?"

Xue Zhongjian was worried, and lowered his voice, "Why don't we just kill one of them and pretend to be the other?"

"Makes sense."

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, as if thinking about something.

But in the next second, one of them suddenly jumped up and bit the other's neck directly.

Although his cultivation has been banned, his strength is still there.

The companion next to him was caught off guard and was directly thrown to the ground by the other party.

Xue Zhongjian and the others were astonished, and hurriedly pulled the two apart.

However, when the two were finally separated, the man's neck had been bitten off and he died on the spot.

Another person said with blood on his mouth: "My lord, now that he is dead, you can only keep me. Don't worry, I will definitely be loyal to you, I will!"

There was madness and fear in the man's eyes.

Bai Ye looked at him in disbelief.

Perhaps, this is the desire to survive.

In the face of death, some people's behavior is often unimaginable.

"He's a ruthless person!"

Xue Zhongjian and the others couldn't believe it.

"Xue Zhongjian, you pretend to be him, and follow him to deal with the person who responds."

Bai Ye exhaled, and said to the human: "You have killed the people of the Starry Sky Temple now, and you can't explain it to the Star Supreme. Now you and I are on the same boat. If you want to survive, just cooperate with us obediently, I promise What you have will only be more than the Starry Sky Temple."

"Don't worry, my lord, don't worry, my lord, I will be loyal to you!"

The man kowtowed wildly.

Soon, everyone retreated.

Bai Ye stared at the corpse on the ground with a strange light in his eyes.

At this moment, another member of Wan Jiantian hurried over.

"My lord, it's not good! It's not good!"

"What happened?"

Bai Ye was startled, and immediately looked at him.

"My lord, we found the Wushuang Temple on the outskirts of the Seven Mountains!"


Bai Ye's breath trembled, and he hurriedly asked, "How many people are there? Is the unparalleled Supreme coming?"

"There are probably hundreds of people on the other side, and no trace of the unparalleled Supreme has been seen."

The man clasped his fists and said.

Bai Ye frowned, thought for a while, and said hoarsely: "It seems that the Xingchen Supreme is not wrong, and the Wushuang Supreme is indeed unwilling to give up. If this happens, we will be in trouble."

"My lord, it is estimated that they will arrive here in half a day. Should we evacuate temporarily?"

"No need."

Bai Ye looked at the figures rushing to work all around, and said hoarsely: "Find a way to hold them back, and then quickly send a message to Wan Jiantian, asking Ma Yu to bring someone here quickly!"

"Obey, my lord!"

"It's almost time..."