Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3293: come back

Chapter 3293 Return

"What the adults said is absolutely true!"

Fu Haixian's eyes lit up, and he said immediately.

"Who is the person contacting Geng Shengcai?"

Bai Yedan asked.

"It's me at the moment, and I'm still wearing Wang De and Li Fa."

Fuhai Xiandao.

"Can Wang De trust Li Fa?"

Bai Ye turned to ask Zhao Shang and Liu Yang.

"We are all brothers who were born and died, and will not betray us because of immediate interests."

Liu Yang patted his chest and said.

"Well, these two people will be in charge of connecting with Geng Shengcai in the future. Fu Haixian, you are from Nanting after all. If something happens, once you are arrested, it will involve many problems. Now that the line is drawn, you You don’t need to contact Geng Shengcai, it’s not that I don’t trust you, but just to be on the safe side, I hope you can understand.”

Bai Ye said.

"My lord is worrying too much, and my subordinates understand."

Fu Haixian immediately cupped his fists and said.

"Zhao Shang, you go and take Fu Haixian to the warehouse to pick out some useful things. As long as Fu Haixian likes it, let him take it."

Bai Ye said again.

"Yes, my lord."

Zhao Shang cupped his fists.

Fu Haixian knelt down on the ground again: "Thank you for your reward, sir."


"Yes, my lord."

The two left.

Bai Yan looked at Bai Ye, hesitated to speak.

Bai Ye naturally knew that Bai Yan must have something to say when he came here suddenly.

"Bai Yuzun, it's okay to say what's the matter, it's okay."

Bai Ye said lightly.

"It's still about the energy soil."

Bai Yan pouted her lower lip, hesitated to say: "The energy soil of Dragon Claw Mountain is lost, the current Shenting thinks it is the work of the Lingting, and the Lingting will naturally not admit it, I received news that the Lingting is going to take this The pot was pushed to our Bai family in Qianshan City, but was stopped by my second uncle Bai Zhen in the end."


"My second uncle spoke to the Lingting Court, and asked the Lingting Court to throw all the blame on me, saying that I was guarding myself and stealing!"

"How can the Lingting court agree? Even if the Lingting court agrees, the people in the Shenting court will not agree. After all, you are also a member of the Shenting court in name!"

"It doesn't matter if Lingting doesn't agree, the second uncle said, if Lingting decides to put the blame on Qianshancheng, then everyone in Qianshancheng will say that Lingting ordered Qianshancheng to do this, dragging Lingting into the water, Lingting can only compromise..."

"So now you have a high chance of being blamed?"

Bai Ye frowned.

"Then what should I do?"

Bai Yan panicked.

She didn't want to be blamed for this for no reason.

After all, the person who really took away the energy soil was standing in front of her.

"no need to worry."

Bai Ye thought for a while, and said hoarsely: "The reason why Lingting is eager to find someone to take the blame is because it doesn't want to confront the people in Shenting, but as long as the people in Shenting know about Lingting's actions, this matter will be easily resolved !"

"Let the people in the court know?"

"Bai Yan, think about it, if you were the marquis of Shenting, if you knew that the people in Lingting were looking for someone to take the blame, what would be your first reaction?"

Bai Ye asked.

"There are ghosts in the Lingting Court!"

White smoke almost blurted out.

"That's right!"

Bai Ye smiled faintly: "If the Lingting Court is not tricky, why are they so eager to find someone to take the blame? So we only need to disclose this news to the people in the Shenting Court."

"But... how do I reveal it? It's not convincing at all if I just say it."

Bai Yan said with a sad face.

"This one couldn't be easier."

Bai Ye smiled lightly: "You should still be in contact with the Bai family in Qianshan City, right?"

"At present, there are only a few people who can be contacted."

"You get those people and go to the Lingting Court. I think there should be a lot of Shenting people's eyeliners in the Lingting Court. You just need to play a show and deliberately disclose this news to the Shenting's eyeliner. The Shenting people Don't you know about this?"

"Is... can this work?"

"There's no better way to do it right now."

Bai Ye shrugged.

Bai Yan hesitated for a while and asked, "My lord, will it have any influence on the Bai family in Qianshan City?"

Bai Yan actually knows that she has been used by Bai Ye all along, but she has no choice.

Although she was abandoned by the Bai family, her parents are still in the Bai family in Qianshan City, and she does not want her father to be implicated.

"Don't worry, Shenting will only attack Lingting, and will not involve the Bai family of Qianshan City. If Lingting really pours its anger on the Bai family of Qianshan City, there is still a way for the Bai family of Qianshan City to go."

Bai Ye said lightly.

"What way?"

Bai Yan asked subconsciously.

"Take refuge in the court of God!"

Bai Ye paused word by word.

When these words fell to the ground, Bai Yan trembled suddenly, her autumn eyes widened, her face full of disbelief...

In the end, without saying a word, she bowed to Bai Ye and turned to leave.

Bai Ye exhaled, sat down cross-legged, and began to meditate.

The next thing is up to them.

The next few days will be calm, and the Wushuang Temple will also be extremely calm.

But the calmer he was, the more difficult it was for Bai Ye to calm down.

At this time, hurried footsteps came from outside the main hall.

Before anyone entered the main hall, Bai Ye was awakened.

"Meet the Palace Master!"

The person who came in was Liu Yang, he looked hurried, and there was a trace of fear on his face.

"What's the matter? Get up and talk!"

Drink in the night.

"Report to the Palace Master, the Supreme back!"

Liu Yang raised his head and said.


Lin Yang was stunned, and then drank heavily: "He came back in only three days? This time, that means he was in Tianyun City for less than a day at most?"


"Then did he bring supplies?"

"I don't know, but judging by his appearance, he should have brought..."

Liu Yang said worriedly.

When these words fell to the ground, Bai Ye frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said directly: "Where is the person?"

"Already outside the temple."

"Just him?"


"Call him in."

Bai Ye said in a deep voice.


Liu Yang immediately turned around and ran out.

Bai Ye frowned tightly, his expression very unnatural.

He thought it would take ten and a half months for Wushuang Supreme to go to Tianyun City, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

He originally wanted to formulate a series of plans to drive the Wushuang Supreme out of the Wushuang Temple.

After all, he is from Nanting, with him as a time bomb here, Bai Ye can't use his fists at all.

And once he discovers the tricks of the Wushuang Temple, it can be said to be a disaster for Bai Ye.

However, before he finished his plan, the Supreme Master Wushuang came back.

This is also too fast.

According to common sense, it is impossible for him to do it.

Unless... those Nanting people?

Bai Ye suddenly thought of something, and his eyes gradually cleared up.

"Greetings, Lord Palace Master!"

At this time, the Supreme Master Wu Shuang came in from the outside, looked at Bai Ye and shouted loudly.

He didn't kneel down to salute, and his face was full of pride.

"How are things going?"

Bai Ye exhaled and asked lightly.

"It's done!"

Wushuang Supreme smiled lightly, and suddenly took out a large amount of supplies from a specific storage space...