Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3295: action

Chapter 3295 Action

As soon as Bai Ye's question came up, everyone's eyes were focused on Zhang Luo.

Zhang Luo obviously knew that Bai Ye had asked this question, so he was not in a hurry. He smiled slightly and said, "Why is Lord Bai asking this? No matter who made it, it is an order from the Divine Court. Since it is an order issued by the Divine Court, you have to obey it." , isn't it?"

Bai Ye was silent for a moment, seeing that Zhang Luo didn't say anything, he opened his mouth and said, "My lord, as far as I know, Tonglingkou is one of the four resource points of the Lingting Court, and there are a lot of exotic flowers and plants planted in it, which are the cultivation resources of the Lingting people. The main source of this, this is the territory of the Lingting Court, how can we easily set foot in it?"

"What is the site of the spiritual court? This is clearly the site of my divine court! Palace Master Bai, please don't bend your elbows. The mouth of the copper bell has always belonged to my divine court, but it has been occupied by the people of the spiritual court!"

Zhang Luo snorted.

"But.... If we just kill him rashly like this, we may not be the opponent of Lingting people. If we go, we will just die in vain!"

Bai Ye said calmly.

"Then it's out of my control. Anyway, the order is here! If you don't go, you will be disobeying the order. Palace Master Bai should know the fate of disobeying the order of the court?"

Zhang Luo laughed.

Bai Ye frowned, nodded and said, "Since that's the case, our Wushuang Temple will set off immediately after making some preparations."

"Please prepare, Master Bai, as soon as possible."

Zhang Luo smiled slightly, then put down the edict and turned to leave.

As soon as Zhang Luo left, the entire Wushuang Temple exploded.

"My lord, he clearly wants us to die!"

"This is the conspiracy of Nansheng! It must be!"

"We can't go there. Tonglingkou is the Lingtian area with the richest resources in the Lingting Court. It is guarded by heavy soldiers. If we dare to approach, we will definitely be beheaded by the people of the Lingting Court."

"They made it clear that they wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, my lord!"

A group of Peerless Guards rushed to shout, expressing their dissatisfaction.

Bai Ye looked indifferently, then waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.


Drink lightly at night.

Only then did the people stop talking for a while, and stared at Bai Ye one after another.

"Actually, how come I don't know about this matter? This must be the meaning of Nan Shengzhe. It is impossible for the Marquis of God to issue such a stupid order."

Bai Ye said lightly.

"My lord, does the Nansheng want to get rid of us with the help of the Lingting Court?"

Liu Yang asked.

"I don't think...probably not."

Bai Ye said hoarsely.


"Didn't you hear what Zhang Luo said? Nan Shengzhe just wants us to guard the mouth of the copper bell, not to take down the mouth of the copper bell! What does this mean, can't you understand?"

Bai Ye looked at Liu Yang and said.

Liu Yang was taken aback, and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Guarding is guarding, and attacking is attacking. The so-called guarding is actually very simple. I just need to bring a group of people to stay in front of the copper bell. After all, they don't want us to attack anyone in the spirit court."

Bai Ye said.

"This...that's true...that is to say, we just need to pretend and stay for a few days before we can come back?"

Zhao Shang hurriedly said.

"In principle, it can be done like this."

"Then what's the point of doing that?"

Liu Yang asked puzzledly.

"That's what I'm curious about."

Bai Ye stroked his chin and began to think.

At this moment, he suddenly understood something, and his eyes became sharper.

"Liu Yang Zhao Shang!"

"The subordinates are here."

The two clasped their fists together and shouted.

"Go, call Wushuangwei immediately, and follow me to the battle."

"My lord, are you going now?"

"Yes, let's go now, without stopping!"

"Huh? This..."

The two were dumbfounded.

Is Bai Ye so impatient?

"My lord, how many people do you want to take?"


"What? All?"

"Go ahead and don't ask any more questions."

"It's... well..."

The two of them couldn't ask any more questions, they opened their mouths and could only agree.

Soon, the unparalleled guards in the unparalleled temple were all gathered.

Except for a small number of people guarding the temple, almost everyone gathered outside the main hall.

"I just received an order. The Divine Court asked us to guard the mouth of the copper bell. You will follow me on the expedition and return in a few days. Don't worry, the master of this hall will guarantee your safety and will not let any accident happen to any of the brothers."

Bai Ye shouted loudly.

"Swear to follow the Palace Master to the death!"

The Peerless Guards made the sound of roaring and tsunami.

"Set off."

Bai Ye waved his hand.

The team immediately drove forward in a mighty manner.

The temple team is huge and imposing.

In a quiet pavilion.


The door was pushed open.

The two guards standing at the door looked up, only to see Supreme Master Wushuang walking out slowly.

"Meet Your Excellency!"

The two guards clasped their fists in a salute.

"Why is it so noisy outside? What happened?"

The Unparalleled Supreme asked lightly.

"Reporting to Your Excellency, it was the Palace Master who took people out to perform tasks."

A guard said respectfully.

"Execute the mission? What kind of mission do you perform? Need to make such a big commotion?"

The Peerless Supreme frowned and asked.

"This...subordinates are not very clear!"

The two guards showed embarrassment and prevaricated.

The corner of Wushuang Supreme's mouth twitched, looking into the distance, as if he understood something, he chuckled lightly, then turned and went back to the pavilion.

The two guards breathed a sigh of relief.

And when Bai Ye set off in a mighty way, on a barren mountain in the distance outside the temple.

"My lord, let's go, he's really gone!"

A man looked at the direction where Bai Ye was going, and said a little excitedly: "And this guy brought a lot of people, judging by the number, I'm afraid he took away all the people from the Wushuang Temple!"

"With so many people?"

Zhang Luo raised the corner of his mouth and smiled contemptuously: "It seems that this guy is really afraid of death!"

"My lord, don't they really want to attack the mouth of the copper bell?"

The person next to him asked carefully.

"Do you think he is an idiot? Don't look at how many people he leads, just these stinky fish and rotten shrimps in Wushuang Temple, if you dare to touch the mouth of the copper bell, you are courting death!"

Zhang Luo snorted disdainfully.

"Then this is..."

The others opened their mouths.

"It's just the sense of security that the weak want."

Zhang Luodan said: "Send someone to contact Wushuang Supreme tomorrow, let him do it quickly! As long as the situation is well arranged, then everything will come to fruition, and the concerns of Lord Saint will be relieved!"

"My lord, this subordinate will do it immediately!"

The man clasped his fists and left in a hurry.

"By the way, send another person to watch Bai Ye, and make sure to watch him arrive at the copper bell mouth. If there is anything unusual about him, you must report to me as soon as possible! Do you understand?"

Zhang Luo drank seriously.

"Obey, my lord!"



The people beside Zhang Luo immediately ran down.

The corners of Zhang Luo's mouth raised, looking at the figure in the distance.

"A mere ants, how dare you fight against Lord Saint? It's ridiculous!"