Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3329: Sworn?

Chapter 3329 Worship?

"My lord's words are true and inappropriate. There are differences between superiors and inferiors, and orderly superiority and inferiority. Only my divine court can manage it better. I have been negligent before, and my subordinates will apologise!"

Bai Ye smiled and clasped her fists, her words were just right.

The man nodded again and again, and looked at Bai Ye with more appreciation.

"It is said that your position as the Lord of the Temple was hand-picked by Lord Shenhou. Now it seems that Lord Shenhou's vision is indeed vicious. Your name is Bai Ye, right? Yes, yes, Lord Bai, I am very optimistic about you!"

"Thank you for your praise, sir, but I still don't know your name?"

Bai Ye asked with a smile.

"You are not in the Shenting, so you don't know me. My name is Tao Wen, and I am the head of the main court of the Shenting!"

"I don't know why Mr. Tao came to my Wushuang Temple?"

Bai Ye asked.

Tao Wen smiled slightly, walked to those boxes, opened them, and nodded in satisfaction when he saw the dazzling array of rare treasures inside.

He originally thought that even if treasures could be produced in a place like Wushuang Temple, they would probably be tattered, and it was impossible for him to catch them.

But today he found out that he was wrong.

Unexpectedly, there are such coveted treasures in the small Peerless Temple.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that I, the Lord of the Divine Court, wanted to ask for the Spiritual Court, so I ordered me to notify the various temples and even Yuzun Mountain, asking everyone to mobilize, mobilize supplies, build a magic circle, and support the front line! Do you understand?"

Tao Wen said.

"So that's the case. Master Tao, don't worry, I will immediately order the people in the temple to mobilize supplies to support the front line."

Bai Ye smiled.

"Hey, you don't have to take it too seriously. We are all small. If the sky falls and there is a tall one to support you, you will be fine."

Tao Wen laughed quickly.

What does this mean, how can Bai Ye not understand?

"How can we do that? Our temple is also a part of the court of God. Now that the enemy is facing us, how can we not fight for the first place?"

Bai Ye shook his head, and then shouted: "Come here, quickly gather a batch of supplies and hand them over to Mr. Tao, and let Mr. Tao take them to the front line."

"Obey, Palace Master!"

Immediately someone ran down.

When Tao Wen heard this, he immediately smiled.

"Hahaha, Palace Master Bai's heart is attached to the temple. He is so loyal and benevolent. He is really the pillar of my divine court. Don't worry, Palace Master Bai. When I go to the front line and meet Lord Shenhou, I must say a few words for Palace Master Bai to Lord Shenhou. , a talent like you is really overkill to be the master of a small temple! Hahaha..."

"Master Tao is awsome, dare to ask Master Tao, will we deliver the remaining supplies?"

Bai Ye asked.

"Of course, but don't worry, I will give you a safe line, far away from the frontline troops. In terms of supplies, you have already delivered a batch to me, and you can take some of the rest. You don't need too much. After all, your temple The resources themselves are not many."

Master Tao lowered his voice and laughed.

"Master Tao, how can this be done?"

Bai Ye hurriedly said: "The people in our temple are all blessed by God's grace. Now that the court is in trouble, how can we shrink back?"

When Tao Wen heard this, he couldn't help being stunned: "What does Palace Master Bai mean?"

"Can... let's pick a route?"

Bai Ye went straight.

"Haha, let's go, let's do it, Tao is really touched by the kindness of Palace Master Bai!"

Tao Wen didn't talk too much, he took out a circuit diagram from his body and spread it on the table.

Marked on the picture are the support points of the entire defense line, some near and some far away.

However, most of the relatively close and safe routes are covered by some large temples.

These temples are the objects of personal training and care of the four great saints in the southeast, northwest and north, and they are also the reliance of the four great saints.

They naturally don't want anything to happen to their confidantes, so the more dangerous support areas are all in charge of some weak and small temples. These temples have transported supplies in the past, and five out of ten will come back.

Bai Ye glanced at the map, and directly fixed his gaze on the westernmost point.

"Master Tao, our Peerless Temple has chosen this route for material distribution!"


Tao Wen was stunned, his face full of disbelief: "Master Bai, you have to think about it, this route is long and dangerous, and the location is extremely remote, far away from our main force, if something happens to you, our Shenting Your masters won't be able to save you in a short while!"

"Master Tao, who is fine, our temple chose it precisely because this route is so dangerous and long. After all, if we don't go, who will go? In order to ensure the victory of this war, we must make sacrifices!"

Bai Ye spoke righteously.

Tao Wen was stunned, staring blankly at Bai Ye, then slapped his hands and said, "Okay! Palace Master Bai, you are really heroic, loyal and courageous! Admire! Admire!"

"Master Tao has won the prize!"

"Tao admires such a person too much. Master Bai, why don't we burn yellow paper to worship the sun and the moon and become brothers with different surnames?"

Tao Wen said with burning eyes.

"If Lord Tao doesn't give up, my younger brother will!"

Bai Ye immediately cupped her fists.

"Hahaha, good, good brother!"

Master Tao Wen then directly took out a white jade badge from his arms and handed it to Bai Ye.

"Brother Bai, take it now. This is my brother's personal amulet. Wear it on your body. If you are in danger, break the second amulet. It will surely save your life!"

"Brother, how do you do this?"

"Accept it, accept it, brother Bai, this is my brother's wish, why do you refuse?"

"This... well, since the elder brother is so enthusiastic, the younger brother will be disrespectful!"

"Brother, you must return safely!"

"When the younger brother returns, we must have a good drink with the elder brother!"

"I'm going to be the younger brother to take over the wind and wash away the dust!"

Tao Wen laughed loudly, then patted Bai Ye on the shoulder, and left straight away.

Bai Ye looked at Tao Wen's back indifferently, but the enthusiasm on his face gradually dissipated.

After Tao Wen left, everyone surrounded him curiously.

"Hall Master, this Tao Wen is so good, why should I worship you? Such a person who is greedy for profit, how can he be a person who is so righteous?"

Liu Yang asked with a frown.

"What? Don't you know? There is a rule in the court. If someone dies, 90% of his property will be handed over to the court, and the remaining 10% will be inherited by his relatives and friends!"

Bai Ye said lightly: "This Tao Wen thinks that I'm going to die, so he swore to me, and when I die, he can bring someone to search my house and confiscate it!"


"Did he come up with this idea?"

"This white-eyed wolf!"

Everyone was furious.

But Bai Yan understood the point, and asked in a deep voice: "Master Bai, the westernmost line we chose is so dangerous, why do we take this line? If so, we will suffer heavy losses?"