Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3455: Be careful and you will never recover

Chapter 3455 Beware of the inevitable disaster

"What? He...he is from the Reincarnation Heavenly Palace?"

Ming Xiao lost his voice on the spot.

Bai Ye also frowned in disbelief.

"Why do people from the Samsara Heavenly Palace come to Bixin City to be the city lords? Is it possible that the treatment from the Samsara Heavenly Palace is not as good as that of a resource city owner?"

Bai Ye asked in a deep voice.

"This is definitely incomparable. How noble are the adults in the Reincarnation Palace? We are just their slaves! Doesn't the master want to be a slave again if he doesn't do it?"

Bo Wu shook his head.

"Then what's going on with this guy named Wang Tianlong...?"

"Strictly speaking, this person is not from the Palace of Reincarnation!"

"Isn't he from the Reincarnation Heavenly Palace? Father-in-law, you just said, isn't this person from the Reincarnation Heavenly Palace?"

Ming Xiao asked in shock.

"He is indeed from the Reincarnation Heavenly Palace, but this person was expelled from the Reincarnation Heavenly Palace because he made a serious mistake, so strictly speaking, he is not a member of the Reincarnation Heavenly Palace!"

Bow explained.

"I see..."

Ming Xiao suddenly realized.

Bai Ye finally understood.

"Although this person has been expelled from the Heavenly Palace, his strength and influence are still there. The Samsara Heavenly Palace does not kill him, but only banishes him. This is enough to show that he may return to the Heavenly Palace in the future. Even if he cannot return, he The relationship with the powerful people in the Heavenly Palace must be many times stronger than yours. Strictly speaking, behind Wang Tianlong, there is still the Samsara Heavenly Palace, right?"

Bai Ye said in a deep voice.

"Yes, it is...."

Bo Wu shook his head and said with a pale face: "Although there are only seven people like this, they can suppress us all in Bixin City. The three pillars are trying every means to please Wang Tianlong. In fact, I We had this idea at the beginning, but when the three pillars took action, who would get my master? So we could only wait and see, accident happened."

"Our Bo family is responsible for the forging and processing of resources. After all the resources are collected by the Rui family, they are transported to my Bo family. After we complete the processing, they are handed over to the Rui family and continue to be transported by the Rui family to the Palace of Reincarnation. However, on this day , because my tribe made an error during processing, resulting in the product not being delivered on time. Strictly speaking, this is not a big deal. However, for some reason, this matter accidentally reached the ears of Wang Tianlong, who was about to come. My family is accountable."

"He is not a serious city lord at all. He handles matters in the city entirely based on his mood. After Wang Tianlong entered Bixin City, the most important thing he did was to squeeze the resources of the people in Bixin City! Those who were sent to the Palace of Reincarnation He didn’t dare to touch the resources, so he just wanted to take some food from our mouths.”

"After this incident, he made it clear that he wanted to come to my Bo's house and take a bite of his flesh. He almost immediately brought people into the Bo's house to hold my Bo's family accountable!"

"How could I not know Wang Tianlong's purpose? So I claimed that I was willing to pay a fine to settle the matter! I originally thought that Wang Tianlong would not go too far, but I never thought that the 'fine' he wanted was actually higher than we expected. A full eight times higher! Not only that, he actually set his sights on my Bo family’s treasure, the Heavenly Refining Technique, and asked us to hand it over!”

"But... how can this thing be handed over at will? The "Heavenly Refining God Art" records all the methods of alchemy and formation of my family. The reason why my family can complete the processing depends on "" "Heavenly Refining Divine Technique", if this magical skill spreads, my family will no longer have any advantage in Bixin City! How can we gain a foothold in the future?"

"So...I decisively rejected Wang Tianlong!"

"And this refusal completely **** off Wang Tianlong, and Wang Tianlong showed no mercy to my Bo family and started to crazily suppress my Bo family! First, he fined my Bo family a lot of resources on the grounds of timeout, and then let the three Da Qingzhu found various excuses to accuse members of our Bo family who were working outside and killed them!"

"So far, a hundred members of our Bo family have died at the hands of Wang Tianlong! If this continues, the Bo family will be exterminated sooner or later."

"Not long ago, the Rui family sent someone to deliver the news, saying that the Samsara Heavenly Palace had issued a mission to build a female palace in Bixin City! It was delivered to the Heavenly Palace, and that this female palace was to be inhabited by a powerful female from the Samsara Heavenly Palace. , so the construction of the female palace must be completed by women, and no man is allowed to handle it! The Rui family asked us, the Bo family, to send all the women to Beicheng District to start building the female palace!"

Speaking of this, Bo Wu clenched his fists tightly and his old eyes were full of anger.

"How can we do this? This is obviously going to attack our women!"

Ming Xiao roared angrily, his eyes full of anger.

"My virtuous son-in-law, how could I not know?"

Bo Wu sighed, shook his head and said: "Although the Rui family proposed this matter, it must have been Wang Tianlong's instruction. There are so many female powerful men in the Samsara Palace, but in so many years, have you ever heard that they want to build a palace?" Are you building a female palace? This kind of place is mostly used for cultivation. How can we compare with the divine craftsmen of the Heavenly Palace with our poor skills? How could they choose us?"

"Then you rejected this matter?"

Bai Ye asked.

"No, I'm just procrastinating..."

Bo Wu shook his head.

Ming Xiao's eyes narrowed, but he quickly reacted.

"It's right to delay. If you refuse, it will give the Rui family and Wang Tianlong a reason. They will definitely take the opportunity to attack the Bo family. At that time, the Bo family will really be removed from Bixin City! But! If it can be delayed for a while, how can it be delayed forever?" Bai Ye said calmly: "How will this matter be resolved in the end?"

"Not solved yet? Because I am ready to let the young and old women in the family leave. I plan to confront Wang Tianlong and others in person. I will face this matter personally."

Bowu said hoarsely.

"So, father-in-law, do you want me to take them to the spiritual court?"

Ming Xiao was stunned.

"Yes, we were holding a family meeting to discuss this matter, and you happened to be here."

Bowu said.

"I see..."

Ming Xiao secretly gritted his teeth, his eyes full of anger.

An upright person like him would hate such a thing.

Especially when these insidious and cunning people bully their own family...

"The Bo family has often been harassed and coerced by others during this period. The people of the Bo family are dying and running away. They are no longer able to gain a foothold in Bixin City. Commander Bai, I know that you have a good relationship with Ming Xiao. Are you willing? Bowu is already very touched for standing up for me, but the person he has to face this time is really extraordinary and cannot afford to offend him. This is why the three commanders are unwilling to mention this matter. I suggest you... Don’t interfere, because once you get angry, you’ll be doomed!”

Bo Wu said hoarsely, his eyes full of despair...