Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 357: insult

Bai Ye, who was cultivating in the black bowl, suddenly opened his eyes, with a trace of killing intent in his pupils.

Since the enchantment of Venerable Heavenly Soul was broken, he could faintly hear the voices of the outside world, especially Ling Zhantian, who was closest to the black bowl, all his words and words were in his ears.

"Ling Zhantian?" Bai Ye looked cold and closed his eyes again, closing the last chance for the supreme.

He is a man who must repay him.

Outside the black bowl.

Zihuan Goddess walked gracefully, her complexion was rather pale, and she had obviously not been able to get out of the storm in the Goddess Palace.

Originally, she did not intend to come to Midtown, but this duel was too shocking. Considering the future of the palace disciples, she had to select a group of elites to come here to observe, hoping that they could do their best from this battle. Get good.

As soon as the goddess of the palace appeared, what Linghu did not expect was that many sects immediately greeted them, greeted the goddess Zihuan, and started talking, vaguely, it seemed that the goddess Zihuan was the master of this midtown.

Zihuan Goddess was also a little unexpected. She once thought that after she made the matter public, she would be overwhelmed by public opinion and rumors in the future. The souls of the sect domain would only sneer at herself, adhering to disdain. Contempt, at least it should be disgusting.

But then she found out that she was wrong.

Her child is not an incompetent person, but a panic-stricken first sect killer Bai Ye!

Most of the sect forces in the sect domain have already convinced him, knowing that his future is unlimited, who dares to offend the Goddess Palace?

However, the Ling family was different.

Just when the Zihuan Goddess was treated like the stars holding the moon, Ling Zhantian spoke again.

"Goddess Zihuan, dare to ask, who did you give birth to Bai Ye with? Bai Chuzong's father...who?"

As soon as the words fell, the audience was silent.

Everyone looked at Ling Zhantian dumbfounded, and never expected Ling Zhantian to say such things at this juncture...

As the saying goes, it’s not a slap in the face, or it’s not a shortcoming. There is no doubt that the Zihuan Goddess is not a glorious thing. She won a son without marriage, and... the sons are so big, although Many female monks in the sect domain do not pay attention to fame. In order to gain strength, many female monks even conduct double cultivation with those powerful souls to gain benefits, but high-ranking female monks like the Zihuan Goddess are different from others. People, she represents the face of the whole goddess palace, chastity is naturally very important. And... the man who is rumored to be the Zihuan Goddess seems to be a man with an extremely low level of cultivation. If the Zihuan Goddess man is extremely powerful, then it's also said that in the past, the weak obey the strong. , But the strong obey the weak, don't they laugh generously?

The reason why these sects surround the goddess Zihuan like the stars holding the moon is just because of Bai Ye's deeds. After all, Bai Ye's deeds are really shocking. Today, no one dares to provoke Bai Ye.

But Ling Zhantian was different. He was originally the Qingtian First Sect, and even the first in the First Sect. Backed by the Wanxiangmen and Ling Family, his talent was not much worse than that of Bai Ye, so he naturally didn't need to give Bai Ye face.

But no one expected that Ling Zhantian would say such things in public.

This is not only not giving face to Bai Ye, but also completely despising the goddess palace people!

"Ling Chuzong, how can you say such a thing?" Huan Shiying stood up immediately, gritted her teeth and shouted.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with what I asked?" Ling Zhantian smiled slightly: "I admire Bai Chuzong as a person, and I also care about what kind of person can cultivate such talents, Goddess Zihuan. Although Zhantian doesn’t pay attention to her as a person, she also knows that she is lewd. She is not obedient to women. As for her man, I naturally care about her.”

As soon as the words fell, the crowd was silent.



I don't know what to say!

This is everyone's evaluation of Ling Zhantian.

However, Ling Zhantian has the capital to say such things, because even if Bai Ye is standing here, he has to bow his head to him. After all, he is the first sect and the first genius recognized by the group! Who is he afraid of?

The goddess Zihuan's face was very pale, her pupils trembled slightly.

She has no feeling for Bai Chen. What happened at the beginning was nothing more than a young impulse. This matter has always been the knot of her heart. However, when this matter is told in public, she will naturally not be happy. Moreover, Ling Zhantian is naked. Humiliated, humiliated her, and humiliated the Palace of Goddess! !

However, she had no choice.

"Ling Chuzong... things are not what you think, it seems that you have a deep misunderstanding of my goddess palace... this matter, Zi Huan doesn't want to talk more about it, just let it go..." Zi The goddess Huan took a deep breath and calmed down.

But the goddess palace people can't stand it.

"Palace Master, the people of the Ling family are too damnable! If we just let it go, how can we stand in the Goddess Palace in the future?" a disciple gritted his teeth.

"That's right, mother, he openly humiliated you, don't you ask for justice?" Huan Shiying was also filled with indignation.

The Goddess Zihuan sighed again and again, glanced around, all the forces around were watching, no one said anything. Obviously, they were planning to go to the theater, too, they could not care about it.

Zihuan Goddess is extremely helpless, fair? Can you get it back? You know, Goddess Palace and Ling Family are not comparable at all, genius? What kind of genius does the Goddess Palace compare to the Ling Family, and the strength... The Goddess Palace is far from the Ling Family's opponent...

When things got to this point, she could only give in.

"Since Ling Chuzong said so, Zi Huan has nothing to excuse. We are not speculative. Today... Goddess Palace for the time being..."

"Ling Chuzong, Palace Master Zihuan is your elder in the end, so you humiliate her, don't you feel that you have lost the manners of your Ling family? I hope you can publicly apologize to Palace Master Zihuan!"

At this moment, a group of people squeezed over, and the person who spoke was Miao Yifang.

Ling Zhantian narrowed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were full of jokes.

"That's right, Ling Chuzong, a true Chuzong, is not only because of his strong talent and unparalleled strength, but his character is also very important. In this regard, you can't compare to Bai Chuzong." At the same time, the world Qin Xinhong of the peak also came over, actually standing at the end of the Goddess Palace.

"Hehe, a bunch of rubbish, are you leaning against each other to keep warm? In my eyes, you are no different from the colony of ants on the ground! Get out, get out of Midtown while I'm not angry, otherwise, I will take action later, and you will regret it. and!"

Ling Zhantian smiled and said very domineeringly.

He wants to make a move, none of these three sects can stop him, after all, he can shake the existence of the Heavenly Soul Realm, unless Tianxia Fenglang Tianya is still alive.

The three of them changed color at the same time.

If the people of the three sects leave Midtown today, then in the coming day, these three sects will not be seen by any souls in the group sect.

This is a complete insult!

Zihuan Goddess was silent, her face pale.

Miao Yifang trembled all over.

Huan Shiying clenched her hands tightly, staring at Ling Zhantian viciously, while Qin Xinhong sighed again and again, reluctantly tightening.

The fist is not as big as others, and all the words are actually pale.

But at this moment, a cry came out.

"Ling Chuzong, you are so domineering!"