Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 537: He can do me

Cang Dang!

An enchantment rose up and completely closed the passage leading to the entrance gate of Vientiane.

And behind this barrier, there are thousands of Vientiane Gate Warriors.

The Vientiane Gate has abandoned most of the station and led all members into the forbidden area for defense.

Outnumbered, because the major families of Tai Chi City jointly planned this unrest, they coordinated and channeled the major families of Tai Chi City in advance, so that no one in Tai Chi City dared to help Vientiane Gate, and opposed those families, even most of them were engaged in Vientiane Gate. After receiving the news, the children of the family left Vientiane Gate as soon as possible. Only the Su family led a few small families to come forward, but still to no avail.

The soldiers lined up and waited in full array. After the champion and several elders guarded the barrier, Lin Zhengtian led Huan Shiying, Yin Xueyue and others gathered here, and did not leave.

There are souls outside, and they have no way to go. Once they leave the Vientiane Gate, they may not even be able to escape from Tai Chi City.

"Someone is here again!"

At this time, a cry interrupted everyone's thoughts.

At the end, a group of figures rushed over.

It was a disciple of the Vientiane Sect who did not withdraw in time outside.

"Open the barrier."

The champion is busy drinking.

The enchantment immediately opened a small opening, and these embarrassed people rushed in hastily, fell to the ground and gasped.

Dezong, champion and others walked over quickly.

"Take a few Ning Yuan Pills to them."

De Zong said while healed these people's luck.

Soon, most of the celebrities recovered.

"How is the situation outside? What actions have the major families taken? Have the disciples who have not withdrawn into the forbidden area left safely?"

It is a continuous problem that the champion speaks.

The person panted a few times, and said weakly: "Back to the elders, when the disciples arrived, they saw that most of the masters of the Taiji City clan were retreating, and their people concentrated in the direction of the front hall and rushed there. , When we came, we didn’t see the master of the family coming over for the time being on the road. As for whether the other disciples will leave safely, the disciples don’t know..."

"Those families didn't come here?"

The elders were taken aback.

"Our people are here, why didn't they come here, but went to the front hall?" The champion frowned.

"Could it be that they have any intentions?" An elder said.

De Zong didn't speak, lowered his eyebrows and thought.

It was Yin Xueyue and Fu Wuqing who came over.

"Master, can you see Grandmaster Bai Ye Bai?" Fu ruthlessly asked.

"Master Bai? I haven't seen it." The disciple shook his head.

Several people looked at each other, their faces covered with sorrow.

"I clearly heard Junior Brother Bai's voice just now. It's not wrong. He should have come out of the Primordial Battlefield." Yinxueyue lowered his eyebrows and said softly.

"Yes, I heard it too, it seems to be coming from the gate, it is indeed my brother's voice." Huan Shiying also said hurriedly.

"He is alone. He must be in trouble. We have to pick him up." Du Ya said.

"Not bad!"

Everyone nodded.

When Lin Zhengtian saw this, he immediately shook his head: "Don’t be impulsive, Junior Brother Bai is auspicious, and nothing will happen. As for the voices you hear... there are many doubts, maybe it is Junior Brother Bai’s voice, but maybe it is. Those members of the family deliberately sent it out in order to lure us to go. We should stay here right now. We must first make sure that it is Junior Brother Bai, and then find a way to bring him here."

"But the outside is full of vicious souls, did your brother come here?" Huan Shiying's face was pale and her voice trembled.

"Relax, Junior Brother Bai is not an ordinary soul-seer." Lin Zhengtian smiled, seemingly comforting.

However, at this moment, a figure quickly leaned toward this side.

Everyone was taken aback.


The champion drink.

But when they saw this person clearly, everyone was stunned.

"Yi Baixiu? Master Yi?"

"Master Yi is safe and sound!"


Everyone was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted.

"I have seen Master Yi." Some disciples of the Vientiane Sect hurriedly made salutes.

But Yi Baixiu ignored it, and hurriedly shouted at Dezong and the others across the barrier: "Is the master of the gate here? Can the master of the Vientiane Gate be here?"

"The sect master set up a magic circle in the forbidden area, Master Yi, what happened?"

The champion asked while letting people open the barrier.

"I hope the master of the door can quickly lead the elite of Vientiane Gate to the front hall of Vientiane Gate to help Bai Ye!" Yi Baixiu said, almost too late to gasp.

"Junior Brother Bai is okay?"


Huan Shiying and others have unlimited joy.

But Lin Zhengtian noticed it was wrong.

"Aid? Master Yi, what do you mean by aid? What is the situation with Junior Brother Bai? Why didn't he come with you?"

"He is using his example as a bait to attract masters from all major families in the front hall, and fight for you to escape here!" Yi Baixiu said in a low voice.

"what did you say?"

Fu Wuqing and Yinxueyue stepped forward, looking at Yi Baixiu in disbelief.

"Master Yi...what you said is true?" Fu Wuqing's pupils widened.

"It shouldn't be wrong." Yi Baixiu bit her teeth and sighed.

"It's no wonder that people from those big families have all gone to the front hall. It turns out that they are going to kill Grandmaster Bai!" said the champion.

"This...what can I do about this? Will something happen to my brother? What should we do?"

Huan Shi Ying's anxious tears rolled in her eyes.

"What else can we do? We can't do anything. Here, people in the Sun Soul Realm cannot protect themselves, let alone us?" Feng Qingyu smiled bitterly.

"Do we have to be indifferent here?" Fu Ruthlessly gritted his teeth: "We have to save him!"

"Don't be impulsive, I can understand your feelings, but if you go to help Bai Ye now, it is undoubtedly a death. In this way, not only the gain is not worth the loss, but also the sacrifice of Bai Ye to you." At this time, the elder Dezong said .

"Senior, what should we do now?" Lin Zhengtian asked.

"Wait." De Zong thought for a moment before spit out a word.

"When will you wait?" Huan Shiying asked anxiously.

Dezong did not speak.

However, at this moment, a figure came.

"Open the barrier."

A soft and graceful voice floated.

At first glance, it was red.

"Master Hong, you..."

"Open the barrier." Hong said lightly.

"What are you going to do?" the champion asked immediately.

"Save Bai Ye."

"You can't beat those true monarchs outside."

"So, do you think that Bai Ye fights over?" Hong turned her head, staring at the crowd with star-like eyes on her veil.

Everyone was stunned.

"There are so many true monarchs, Bai Ye can't fight, but why does he dare to go? Because he wants to cover us to leave, if he dares, why don't I dare?" Hong said, screaming at the Vientiane Gate disciple next to him: "Open Enchantment!!"

"This..." The disciple was in danger.

But at this moment, the barrier suddenly opened, and a figure flew out of the forbidden area and fell directly in front of everyone.

People were overjoyed when they saw this person clearly, and they hurriedly went to worship and shouted, "See the master!!"

"Meet the master!"

The cries are like waves.

This is the master of Vientiane!

"Don't be polite, just get up."

The host said lightly.

"Thank you, master."

"Top pick."

"What is the command of the master?" The champion came forward.

"How many disciples have not come?"

"This...preliminary estimate, there are about two thousand people..." the champion said with a hesitation.

"Two thousand people?" The master was silent for a moment, and said lightly: "There are a lot of people..."

"The master...I have sent someone to inform the disciples who cannot evacuate to the forbidden area, so that they will take off the Vientiane Gate disciple order for the time being, return to Tai Chi City first, and find another way to escape, as long as they can live, whatever they want. "De Zong said.

"But it's not a way after all." The sect master looked into the distance and said indifferently: "These family members are completely blinded by their interests and lost their reason. Since they dare to start, they will inevitably not compromise... Dezong, You stay here and I will save people."

"Sect Master, I will go with you, and please support Bai Ye quickly."

Red stood up first, and the graceful voice spread.

Fu Wuqing and Yin Xueyue looked at each other and walked out immediately.

"Although our role will not be great, we are willing to make a contribution and ask the sect master to allow us to follow." Yin Xueyue said firmly.

"I'm going too!" Huan Shiying also walked out.

"And I."


"Okay, okay, then count me." Du Ya sighed helplessly.

Lin Zhengtian smiled slightly, said nothing, but also walked out.

Entangling the snake didn't step forward, just standing inside holding the Prajna.

Several disciples of the Vientiane Sect walked out from the crowd. They seemed to be infected by Lin Zhengtian. They were excited and sincerely spoken: "Sect master, our brothers and sisters may still be at odds with those greedy souls. They are fighting. , And we are hiding here. How do you let us endure? Sect Master, please lead us to rescue them!"

"Rescue my Vientiane clerk and drive out those greedy people!"

"Fight back!"

The Vientiane gatekeepers stood up and shouted excitedly.

Upon seeing this, several elders were silent.

But it can be clearly seen from their demeanor that they have been suppressed for a long time.

Upon seeing this, the doorkeeper sighed slightly.

"It’s not that I dare not fight against those greedy people, but you are waiting for the important task of your body. Don’t mess around. If I wait to fight against those greedy souls, let’s not say win or lose, we will all be greatly affected. The weakened strength of, once so, entering the soul continent may have to get rid of the constraints of the Vientiane Gate and become a realm similar to that of the Zhiwu Continent... But everyone's will is hard to violate, since you decide to kill back, so good, I I will go with you."

After the doorkeeper said, he waved his big hand and headed towards the front hall.

But at this moment, a group of family members rushed over.

One by one they were disheveled, their bodies were covered with scars, and their expressions were full of fear.

When they saw the Vientiane gatekeeper here, they saw a straw for life.

"Help! Help!"

"Please, save me, save us!!"

The masters of these families screamed and ran madly, like frightened rabbits, kneeling directly in front of the crowd, howling and howling...

Everyone is stupid.

"So what happened?"