Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 579: The truth is revealed

"Elder Hu...Elder Hu!!!"

Bai Ye shouted several times in a row before awakening the absent-minded Elder Hu.

"Sorry... I'm sorry, I lost my mind."

Elder Hu quickly apologized.

"It's okay." Bai Ye waved his hand.

"Dare to ask this adult..." Elder Hu looked at Qian Yizhen and said carefully.

"I'm just a follower of Master Bai." Qian Yizhen said indifferently.


Elder Hu was puzzled.

He also has the strength of a true monarch, but he is a wounded true monarch, his heavenly soul is damaged, but even so, he can still see that Bai Ye is just an ordinary heavenly soul person, a follower of the heavenly soul person, and his strength is strong enough Where? But if this old man is very weak, what is going on with Qi Yong?

Elder Hu felt that his head was about to explode, and he couldn't figure out what the **** was this inexplicable grandmaster?

"Elder Hu, what exactly did Shanhejie do to the Vientiane Gate? How did you make it like this?" Bai Ye Shen asked.

"There are many causes, and it’s a long story. I believe you know that the environment in the Zhiwu Continent is like this. Chaos, disorder, killing, and desire. On this continent, chaos is the main body. On this continent, killing is legal. Whoever is strong and has a big fist will be able to dominate everything. However, there is no rule without rules. If the Wu Continent continues like this, only destruction will be ushered in. The weak will not survive, and the strong will continue to fight and fall. The more excellent geniuses of the Nine Souls Continent are buried in this chaotic continent, so the general faction intends to establish the Vientiane Gate here, promulgate rules and order, restrict the strong, support the weak, and make the Zhiwu Continent be like other continents. , To cultivate more excellent and responsible souls, and protect the Nine Souls Continent. However, the general faction underestimated the level of chaos in the Zhiwu Continent. When our Vientiane Gate just took root here and initially stabilized, we suffered Destructive blow, we...were attacked by a great emperor!"

"The Great?"

Bai Ye frowned, vaguely guessing something.

"Yes, it's the emperor."

Elder Hu nodded: "In order to help us successfully take root in the Zhiwu Continent, the headquarters dispatched several Burning Heaven Realm presences to help. However, the Great Emperor took action and the heavens and the earth shattered, and even Burning Heaven was suppressed!!"

Elder Hu said gravely.

Burning the sky!

White night's nerves jumped.

Above Tianjiao, there is Burning Heaven, Nirvana, which can be called Tianjiao, the proud son of Heaven, Burning Heaven, destroying the sky with one hand, breaking and standing, and then building a Dingli Dao, stepping into the Great Emperor. If Tianjiao is the first to glimpse the threshold of the Great Emperor, then those of the Burning Heaven Realm are already on the road to the Great Emperor. As long as they step into the Burning Heaven Realm, it is equivalent to a foot on the edge of the Great Emperor’s threshold...

"In that battle, my masters of the Vientiane Sect were killed and wounded, the foundation was damaged, the orthodoxy was destroyed, and the sect almost ceased to exist. After the great emperor left, our sect still survived. Those masters of the Burning Heaven Realm were protected by the protection of the sect. They were punished by the general faction. Later, they took the initiative to transfer to the soul continent and accepted the punishment. The general faction re-sent masters to sit here, but as soon as those masters arrived, my Vientiane Gate became the eyes of the wolves in the four directions of the Wu Continent. A piece of fat, a large number of powerful men attacked us, plundering resources in our door, countless elite members died in battle, and the sect was in chaos. We began to ask for help from the general faction, and let them send the supreme powerful men who reached the peak to directly suppress the mainland. , However, those traitors in the Wu mainland are not only as wolves as wolves, they are even more treacherous. They blocked all channels for us to issue requests for help from the general faction, and pretended to be my Vientiane sect people, to send letters to the general staff, to report safety, and to the general faction. Communication makes the headquarters think that we have stabilized Zhiwu, so it completely controls us."

"At first it was a force called Sirius Cult that controlled us. Later, when the mountain and river boundary came, they were annexed by the mountain and river boundary, and we changed hands to be controlled by the mountain and river boundary. The people in the mountain and river boundary were very vicious. They plundered all our belongings at Vientiane Gate. I beat and tortured the people in Vientiane. The people in my door died and fled. Today, we are the only ones left."

When Elder Hu said this, he was already in tears.

He looked around with sunken eyes, looked at the scrawny and bruised disciples around him, crying: "The rest are people who sincerely maintain the Vientiane Orthodoxy and want to restore the order of the Martial Arts. They have a sincere sincerity. I am incompetent, I can't return to Wu to clarify, and I can't give an explanation to those compatriots who died at the Vientiane Gate..."

After that, the elder Hu cried, heartbroken and extremely sad.

The people around were also infected and whimpered.

Bai Ye didn't speak any more.

He already understood everything, those people in the Burning Sky Realm must be the seniors in the Little Unreal Realm.

Several seniors did not seize the inheritance of the monarchy themselves, and even prevented the inheritance of the monarchy from falling into the hands of Xiao Xiao, willing to suffer humiliation and punishment to enter the soul continent, how noble?

However, it can be seen that the Vientiane Gate is not a clear river. If there are no spies inside, how can the communication between the Vientiane Gate and the headquarters in the Wu Mainland be so easily blocked?

"Elder Hu, I have a general understanding of the situation, but I still don’t understand. You are now injured, weak, and worthless. Why do you still keep you? Why do the mountains and rivers take pains to control you ? And the previous Sirius Cult? What is this all for?"

"It's said... for the inheritance of the monarchy!" Elder Hu hesitated and said slowly.


Bai Ye's brows tightened slightly, and he said solemnly: "Then do you know about this?"

"It seems that my Vientiane Gate was attacked by the great emperor at the beginning. Because of this incident, the powerful people who had guarded my Vientiane Gate took in a wounded emperor. Later, the great emperor fell and left the inheritance. This is the reason why people flock to us, but that time is a bit old. I heard from my master. My master is said to be a disciple.” Elder Hu said: “After the mountains and rivers control us, every time The Japanese will send people to torture us severely and ask us about the whereabouts of the monarchy inheritance. However, we don’t know anything about it, and we can’t say why, but the people in the mountains and rivers don’t care at all. I don’t know how many children in our door are affected by them. Beaten to death..."

Elder Hu clenched his fists tightly. Although his expression was calm, the sadness and anger in his eyes could not be concealed.

Hearing this, Bai Ye became more convinced of his conjecture.

He exhaled and glanced at Qi Yong, who was lying on the ground and couldn't help breathing, his face was extremely cold, and he kicked.

Qi Yong exhaled in pain.

"My patience is limited. What I ask you now, you will answer whatever, if you dare to hesitate, die!"

Bai Ye savagely said, a general trend was instantly suppressed, Qi Yong was horrified to find that his aura had collapsed, and the pure and pure aura of True Monarch was like paper in front of this Heavenly Soul Realm person.

Is this still a Celestial Soul Realm?

Qi Yong was so scared that his flesh was trembling, and he hurriedly shouted: "Big... adults, please tell me! The little ones must know everything..."

"Is Shanhe Boundary about to start entering the Soul Continent?" Bai Ye yelled coldly.



Qi Yonggang hesitated, suddenly the pain of tearing came from his arm, and when he looked down, one arm was torn off by Bai Ye.


Qi Yong clutched his arms and rolled on the ground, his face distorted and painful.

The guardian next to him was stunned.

Heavenly soul...

"It will be your head next time."

Bai Ye threw the broken arm aside and said coldly.

Qi Yong didn't dare to hesitate, despite the painful cold sweat, he still yelled: "Yes, lord...the realm master, they really want to do something on the soul land. The adult who sheltered me before was sent to the soul by the landlord. The mainland is going to observe the situation. Because of this, I want to use you to please Yuantou who is stationed here, hoping to rely on him to deal with Wenhua!"

"Who told you that the Vientiane Gate has the monarchy inheritance?" Bai Ye asked Shen again.

"This is just a rumor, everyone has heard of it, but few people really believe it..."

"Rumors? I think your world masters believe this!"

Bai Ye hummed.

"This one..."

"I will ask you one last question."

Bai Ye stood up and stared at Qi Yong condescendingly: "In the mountains and rivers of the Wu Continent, besides Tianma City, how many points are there?"

"You...what do you ask this for?"

Qi Yongzhen said in shock: "It's possible that you want to..."

But the next second, his head was torn off alive by Bai Ye.

The column of blood soars.

"You guessed it, I want to kill you!"

Bai Ye carried Qi Yong's head coldly, and then threw one of them and rushed out the door.

Qian Yizhen saw this and immediately got up and followed.

"My lord, don't affect your emotions because of anger. We are still in the mountain and river realm. If you attract the masters of the mountain and river realm, we are afraid that we will be in danger and it will be difficult to get out."

Qian Yizhen seemed to see Bai Ye's thoughts and hurriedly persuaded him.

"Don't worry, since I dare to come here, I am not afraid of him!"

Bai Ye's head sidewardly shouted: "Send a signal."

Qian Yizhen didn't ask much, nodded, and immediately raised a tiger's whisker and a feather, gathered his breath, and threw them into the air.

The tiger's whiskers and feathers glowed and drifted away.

Qian Yizhen saw this and said, "My lord, there will be some time before the two of them come here. Let's wait here first."

"Qian Yizhen, do you think I'm here just to see the status quo of Vientiane Gate?" Bai Ye snorted coldly.

Qian Yizhen was stunned, and suddenly thought of something, his face was full of astonishment: "My lord, is it possible... Are you really... coming towards the mountain and river boundary?"

"Otherwise you think?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he watched Bai Ye jump up and jump into the air, staring at the magnificent palace in the distance, and roared with a roar like thunder.

"The Vientiane Sect Master Bai Ye is here, and the Lord of the Mountains and Rivers appears quickly!!!"

The voice oscillated in all directions, reaching thousands of miles, like the voice of a god.

All of a sudden, there was a commotion in Tianma City.

A halo burst out from the luxurious palace in the distance.


(These chapters are the tranquility before the the tranquility is over)