Nine Stars Killer

Chapter 647: Door of hell

Ye Feng began to wonder if those big sects also had such treasures, otherwise, where did these Yuanyuan Pills come from, relying on human refining, not to mention, who could waste so much time refining the pill.

To solve the problem of absorbing vitality, the next step is to engrave the inscription pattern. Ye Feng must engrave an inscription pattern formation in the Qiankun gourd to condense the Yuan Yuan Dan.

Divine Soul entered the cosmic gourd and began to engrave the inscription pattern. As the practice deepened, Ye Feng's understanding of the inscription soul technique became more and more, especially when he began to touch the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. This inscription soul technique was like a guiding beacon, constantly guiding Ye Feng The way forward.

Because Ye Feng Yuanshen had already broken through to the fourth level of Shenwu, it was not difficult to engrave the inscription pattern, but within an hour, a huge inscription pattern formation appeared.

The formation is like a spiral shape with a pointed end and an oval shape. When the vitality comes in from the oval entrance, when it comes out from the pointed side, it will be branded by the inscription in the middle.

For the time being, I don’t know if it will succeed. You have to experiment.

After placing the Universe Gourd in the Nine Prison Demon Cauldron, Ye Feng began to devour his vitality.

There is plenty of vitality here. There is no need to worry about the exhaustion of vitality. The surrounding vitality turns into liquid, enters the universe gourd, and instantly enters the oval entrance. The inscription pattern formation seems to be alive, and a large number of inscription patterns appear and fall on Above the liquid that comes in.

After a few breaths, Ye Feng guarded the exit, hoping to see the successful pill come out.

The effort paid off. After waiting for dozens of breaths, dozens of strange-shaped pills flowed out from the outlet, and I don't know what the effect was.

Looking at the irregular pill in his hand, Ye Feng gave a wry smile. Although it was formed, the shape was not correct, and the inscriptions on it were not neatly carved. It didn't look like the lines of heaven and earth at all, but it looked like a scribble.

"Big brother, don't be discouraged, you can continue to improve, and you will succeed!"

Seeing Ye Feng's wry smile, Anan said comfortingly.

"You don't need to comfort me, how could I be hit by this little thing."

Ye Feng restrained his emotions, constantly pondering, and reformed the inscription pattern formation method. In response to these deformed pill, Ye Feng also found some problems.

He huffed again, and a large amount of vitality entered the Universe Gourd, and continued to wait.

Dozens of breaths passed, and dozens of strangely shaped pills rolled out, but the shape was obviously much better than before, and the carved inscriptions were not so ugly, and the level was improved a lot, although there was no Yuanyuan Dan. Looks like, but at least it has taken shape.

After repeated trials and failures, Ye Feng almost changed the inscription pattern formation no less than hundreds of times. With each change, the quality of the pill will be improved. Finally, after thousands of trials, the pill and Ye Feng appeared The Yuan Yuan Dan in his hand is almost the same.

"Finally formed, although there are still some flaws, but it is enough to be fake!"

Ye Feng compares the two kinds of Yuan Yuan Dan, his own Yuan Yuan Dan has a brighter luster, while the Yuan Yuan Dan in exchange for Zhenbao Pavilion is dim, but after taking it, Ye Feng’s pill is slightly less vigorous and has a slightly heavier inscription. Advantage.

Ye Feng pays attention to engraving the inscription pattern, so the inscription pattern on each pill is much clearer than the Yuan Yuan Pill obtained from Zhenbao Pavilion.

It's a pity that Ye Feng didn't know how important the inscription pattern was to a cultivator. The vitality could be obtained through other methods, but the inscription pattern could not be obtained and could only be absorbed from the Yuan Yuan Dan.

Unless you are a peerless powerhouse, you can comprehend the patterns of heaven and earth by yourself. Those martial artists below the seventh level of Shenwu must rely on ingesting from the Yuan Yuan Dan, or slowly comprehend it. The process is very difficult, and even thousands of years can’t comprehend a trace. Complete inscription pattern.

"Big brother, the ingredients are almost the same, now it's good to be able to mass produce!"

Anan stretched out his hand and compared it with the Yuan Yuan Dan that Ye Feng took out. The difference between the two was not much.

"Well, let's do this for the time being. When my realm rises, I can paint more inscription patterns. I guess I should be able to imitate better Yuan Yuan Dan."

Ye Feng is confident that with the current realm of Shenwu First Layer, it is already very good to be able to imitate it. Once he breaks through Shenwu Third Layer, it shouldn't be difficult to refine Yuan Yuan Dan.

"With the current output, how much can we produce in one day!"

Ye Feng asked.

"I just estimated that it can produce about 10,000 pieces a day. Unless the formation is increased, more can be refined."

The speed that was refined just now, Anan, has been counted, and 10,000 pieces can be refined in one day.

"It's still too slow. My demand is at least one hundred thousand a day. This is the only thing in front of me. Let's break through Shenwu Second Layer first!"

There is no way, maybe to break through the Shenwu Second Layer, you can increase the formation, so the speed of refining will be accelerated.

Throwing the Universe Gourd into the Nine Regions Demon Cauldron, Ye Feng directly sacrificed the Nine Regions Demon Cauldron, and began to vomit the vitality of the surroundings, and crystal clear yuan yuan pill appeared.

"The task of protecting the law is left to you!"

Ye Feng was sitting on the pool water, and he didn't need Yuan Yuan Dan for the time being. These spiritual water was enough for him to break through several realms.

"Do not worry!"

A man and a girl float in the air, protecting Ye Feng's law.

Quietly, Ye Feng took out the Jidan, swallowed it, and a strange energy exploded from Ye Feng’s body, as if the whole person had become extremely light-hearted. This is the legendary Jidan, only the foundation is successful. Can be regarded as a qualified cultivator.

Originally, Ye Feng's realm had reached the peak of Shenwu First Level, and he was only one step away from Shenwu Second Level. Now with the help of Zhu Jidan's power, this layer of windows was instantly pierced, and a force burst out of Ye Feng's body, terrifying. The early breath of Shenwu Second Layer instantly diffused.

When Ye Feng broke through, the aura in the lake madly poured into Ye Feng's body. I don't know how many years these auras had accumulated, but now they finally turned into a glycolic liquid and all flowed into Ye Feng's body.


Suddenly, the Nine Domains Demon Cauldron floating in the void changed, and the laws around it could not lock the Nine Domains Demon Cauldron, and pieces of laws were absorbed by it.

"The Nine Territory Magic Tripod will evolve!"

Ye Feng sensed it for the first time. With a movement of divine thought, the Nine Regions Demon Cauldron returned to Ye Feng's body.

Like a beast, awakened in Ye Feng's body, the Nine Regions Demon Cauldron is getting bigger and bigger. With boundless enlargement, more magic flames emerge from the depths of the Nine Regions Demon Cauldron, and even black flames appear. This is the purest hell. Flame.

"Nine changes of gods and demons, fourth change, rule change!"

Ye Feng successfully promoted the Nine Territory Demon Cauldron to the fourth change. The space inside the Demon Cauldron was continuously enlarged, and a terrifying portal appeared, as if it could lead to the Nine Nether Hell. The cold flame of **** was made from here. Emanated from the portal.

"The gate of hell, summon demons!"

I don’t know what’s going on, these words seemed like Ye Feng was born with it, muttering to himself, the huge portal suddenly came alive, and countless demons crawled out of it, entered the Nine Realms Demon Cauldron, and were burned by the magic flames. After that, it exudes pure hell.

Hell energy is different from vitality, but it is also the same. They both belong to the purest energy between heaven and earth. This is because of different needs.


Suddenly, there was a clattering sound from the Qiankun Gourd, as if the pill was hitting, Anan's divine consciousness immediately entered the Qiankun Gourd, and saw him grow up with his eyes, unable to believe what was happening in front of him.

"Yuan Yuan Dan, a lot of Yuan Yuan Dan!"

After the breakthrough of the Nine Territory Demon Cauldron, the absorption of vitality was dozens of times faster than before, or even more, which surprised him even more. These regional auras were integrated into the Yuan Yuan Dan, which improved the quality of the Yuan Yuan Dan a lot. .

Two completely different energies were perfectly fused together to form a new Yuan Yuan Dan, whose purity was several times that of Ye Feng's Yuan Yuan Dan obtained from Zhenbao Pavilion.

"Gate of region, summon demons!"

Ye Feng also discovered this situation, and called again, more demons appeared, constantly pouring into the Nine Territory Demon Cauldron, being burned by the demon flames, dissolving the pure **** air.

"So pure energy, even more pure than vitality!"

Ye Feng tried to absorb the energy of hell, and found that this energy can also be absorbed by himself, even better than vitality, and more pure.

Rumor has it that **** was an angel who was exiled. It was only when evil thoughts emerged that the pure angelic air became evil. Although the thoughts have changed, the purity is no worse than that of the angelic air, or even stronger, after passing through hell. The magic flame was calcined, and the impurities inside were all cleaned up.

In the early stage of breaking through the Shenwu Second Layer, Ye Feng needed a lot of vitality. Now that he has communicated with the gates of hell, a steady stream of **** demons are summoned by Ye Feng, directly turned into **** gas, and continuously supplied to Ye Feng for absorption.

There is a supply of spiritual water outside, and a supply of **** inside. Ye Feng does not have to worry about the problem of resources not being able to keep up. Let him relax and absorb unscrupulously. The nine dantians are constantly absorbing and compressing, and the energy in the dantian is gathering more and more. more.

"It's a pity, you can only summon low-level demons. If you can summon demons in the Divine Martial Realm, wouldn't it be invincible!"

Ye Feng was thinking about a crazy move. If he could summon a large number of demons, as his own fighting army, wouldn't he be able to sweep the entire Qin Li Zhongzhou.

Ye Feng didn't know how big the **** was. It would definitely be countless times larger than Qin Li Zhongzhou. Rumor has it that there are three thousand worlds in the world, and this **** world is one of them, and humans only occupy one world.

There are Dragon Realms, Buddha Realms, Ghost Realms, Martial Realms, Tools Realms, Demon Realms, Demon Realms... there are countless, and this **** realm is only one of them.

After spending a short period of time, Ye Feng successfully broke through to the second level of Shen Wu, and the Nine Domains Demon Cauldron was also smoothly promoted to the fourth change, with an additional function, which was able to summon **** demons, which Ye Feng did not expect.

After stabilizing the early stage of Shenwu Second Layer, Ye Feng took out the Concentration Pill and prepared to break through to the second stage of Shenwu Second Layer. It was not difficult to break through the small realm, and Ye Feng's foundation was very thick, so there was no need to worry.