Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1: Fallen prince

The heavens and the earth opened, the earth was dark and cold.

A few years later, the nine-wheeled glory day should come out of the sky, hanging high above the sky, shining brightly on the earth, and giving birth to the nine-yang aura.

Reiki nourishes the heavens and the earth for millions of years, bred all the things of the universe, forming the Xuanqi's Jiuyang land.

I don't know when it started, human beings appeared in Jiuyang. They realized the heavens, glimpsed the heavens, created the Taoist martial arts, and took the nine yang spirits to practice the body and refine the gods, and cultivated the power of the heavens to become the master of the universe in Jiuyang.


Tian Qin Empire, Imperial City Imperial Palace.

At night, the palace is brightly lit, the fireworks in the sky bloom, and the colorful sparkles hang over the palace of the thousand thousand pavilions. This is to celebrate the prince who has just been booked.

South of the palace, in a secluded old building.

On the top of a small building, a teenager frowned and looked at the beautiful and splendid fireworks in the night sky. His persevering eyes flashed and seemed to be thinking about the past...

The young boy named Qin Yun, this year fifteen, the father is the Emperor of Tianqin, the mother is the queen, but has passed away for many years.

He was a prince who was murdered five years ago and was abolished!

Five years ago, Prince Taishi was determined to be a person who cultivated magical powers, a magical warrior, one of the cultivators or one of the taboos!

After the incident came out, it suddenly caused an uproar, and the whole country was shocked!

Taishi fled the palace in order to protect himself, and it is still unknown.

Later, the veteran ministers jointly called for the Emperor Tian Qin to demand the abolition of the Prince. The reason was that the Prince was counseled by the Taishi from a young age, and it is very likely that he would secretly repair the magic. Moreover, they also let the emperor re-establish the prince to reinvigorate the country.

The emperor may be under pressure from the ministers and can only do so, so the position of Prince Qin Yun was abolished.

However, the veterans are still not dying. They are worried about Qin Yun’s grievances in the heart, secretly cultivating the magic power, and seize power in the future to revenge them.

Therefore, they "snapped first and then played", seized Qin Yun, who was only ten years old at the time, and hardly took away four of the five spiritual veins in his body.

Qin Yun is born with five spiritual veins. These martial arts talents are very rare. After being deprived of four spiritual veins, there is only one left.

The original genius Prince became a mediocre prince overnight!

The monastic martial arts, the spiritual pulse is extremely important!

The more the spiritual pulse, the more the aura that is perceived, the faster and richer the aura, and the faster and smoother the practice.

Qin Yunben is a five-yang spirit, talented and can induce the aura of Wuyang. After being brutally deprived of the four spiritual veins, there is only one spiritual vein left, which can only sense the aura of the sun. In the future, no matter how hard you try, it will be difficult to become a powerful warrior.

"You conspiring to frame me and my sister-in-law, not only take the position of my prince, but also destroy my spirit, break the foundation of my martial arts, and this great feud does not share the sky! He and Qin Yunxiu are successful, and will definitely uproot your power. Up!" Qin Yun swears in his heart, he is so arrogant, thanks to the group of wicked ministers.

"Queen, Prince, don't think that I don't know that you are involved in this matter! It doesn't matter if I don't be a prince, but it will destroy my veins and break the way of my martial arts. I will slowly count with you for such great hatred!"

Qin Yun has five spiritual veins and is a prince. He will be a strong martial artist in the day. He will see the vast and mysterious world of Jiuyang and Jiuyang. He will never be in the eyes, because he has the strength to be everything. !

After he jumped off the roof, he wore special weight-bearing equipment and began to practice in the evening.

The various weight-bearing equipment on his body combined to weigh more than 500 kilograms. Because there is only an ordinary spirit, different from the past can quickly inhale the spirit to quench the body, so only through this arduous way to hone the body to gain strength.

"I must become stronger, my destiny must be in my own hands!" He wears a few hundred pounds of heavy equipment, playing a set of "Linghu Boxing."

This set of boxing is the big road goods that he bought with all his savings. Although he is low-grade, he can absorb the aura while quenching the body.

In the past five years, in order to change the destiny, Qin Yun has guarded the dignity in order to have power. Every day and night, it is such a hard and rainy practice.


Celebrate the fireworks of the Prince until it stops late at night. The smoke is covered in the palace and the smell of gunpowder is strong.

Qin Yun has been exhausted and unable to do so. Although the practice of staying up all night is very bitter, he feels that his strength is improving, and he is the driving force for his persistence!

"It’s really tired today, it’s definitely a big deal, take a break.”

He came to the well, was about to take a bath, and an old man suddenly came.

This old man is the general manager of the palace.

"General Manager Wang, what's the matter?" Qin Yun saw the old man and asked quickly.

"Five princes!" Master Wang said seriously.

Qin Yun saw the look of the general manager Wang and became serious again: "Well!"

"The emperor has orders. After ten days, the emperor who failed to step into the four majors of the military body must join the army and go to the frontier to fight against the orc army." General Manager Wang looked serious and his eyes flashed a sympathy.

Qin Yun listened, his face suddenly changed, his body suddenly trembled, and then he squeezed his fists and made a "giggle".

The fifteen-year-old prince who failed to step into the martial arts is considered to have no connection with martial arts...

It is very resource-intensive to raise a group of emperors. If you arrange the emperor to join the army, you can not only get the good feelings of the people and soldiers, but also enhance the goodwill of the empire among the people. This is also the rule of the Tianqin Empire over the years.

There are nine heavy weapons in the body. The first three are mainly practicing Qi. If the spirit is too bad, it is difficult to sense the sun's aura between the heavens and the earth, and it has a great impact on the practice.

Qin Yun has only one spiritual vein, which can only sense the aura of the sun, which is the main reason for the slow cultivation! If you change to others, you must give up practicing martial arts, and only he is struggling!

"If you escape, you will be tortured and executed if you are arrested..."

The voice behind the head of the king, Qin Yun could not hear, and when the general manager Wang went, he did not know.

He was kneeling beside the well, his mind was blank, as if he had fallen into the depths of the cold well, he was struggling. This sense of helplessness made him desperate...

When he was ten years old, he was still a young child. He was taken away by the traitor and the drug lord. Four people were taken away. At that time, no one helped.

Since then, he has made a vow to become stronger no matter how much you eat!

Only when you become stronger, will you not be oppressed, and you will not be taken away by everyone, so you will not be desperate in the face of difficulties!

At this time, he was once again in desperate circumstances, once again swallowed by despair, making him seem to return to the five years ago, when he was taken away from the pulse, the painful moment...

In the past five years, he has been ridiculed in the palace, and he has not let him give up practicing martial arts!

After hard work, he finally ushered in a glimmer of light!

He finally stepped into the martial arts environment!

At that moment, he was in tears, hard practice, and finally paid off!

Since then, he is even more convinced that as long as he makes unremitting efforts, one day he will become a strong martial artist and reverse his fate!

At this time, he will be forced to join the army to fight the brutal orcs, which is undoubtedly the death sentence for him, completely ending his martial arts!