Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1035: One of the powers

Anyone can see that the original yellowish drug seedling has just turned green and has returned to life. Everyone is more convinced of the words of Chu Yaowang.

"You are a very good level of singularity teacher, but you are not proficient in the medicinal materials, you still have to say a few words!" An old man of Diyang Palace said.

"Qinta Lord, you should not be worried, when you want to let you contribute? Rest assured, when the array, we will not let you shoot!" Shuiyanggong master laughed.

"Those herbs are very precious to us in Shuiyang Palace. They are also our secrets. They are not the people of Jiuyang Zongmen. We will not let him participate!" The water pharmacist said coldly: "Of course, Chu Yaowang and His apprentice is exceptional!"

An apprentice next to Chu Yaowang sneered: "If this is the case, then this should not be allowed to get involved. It should be let him go out, lest he should make irresponsible remarks here, affecting everyone's mood! ”

The woman in red smirked and said: "He has the drawings of the starry road. Is it eager to ask everyone to help build the starry road, so he is worried about summoning the **** of the earth and affecting his plan?"

"The road to the stars is also very important to us. We must also rush to build!" Chu Yao Wang said: "Qinta Lord, you still don't interfere with this matter. In terms of medicinal materials, I am professional!"

Qin Yun said: "Chu Yao Wang, the medicine in your hand, has not been completely resurrected... If you can let the medicinal seedlings completely resurrect."

The face of Chu Yao Wang changed slightly, and the sound was a bit cold. He said, "That's good, I will show you now!"

When he finished, he frowned and snorted, seemingly injecting a strong energy into the medicine.

It didn't take long for the drug to become angry and grow young leaves.

Seeing this scene, the teachings of Shuiyang Palace and Diyang Palace and a group of old people gave an exclamation, and then repeatedly praised the king of Chu.

"Since Chu Chuanwang can directly regenerate the medicinal materials, it means nothing to do with the **** of the earth, and there is no need to solve the curse by offering sacrifices!" Qin Yun said again.

Red women's cold voice: "Qinta Lord, you still go out! Your grotesque talent is good, but in the medicinal materials, you should not gesticulate! Because of your distrust, the master has to use three successes. Force, to restore the medicine, to prove your strength!"

"Hurry up and go out, don't welcome you here!" said another apprentice.

At this time, many people felt a little disgusted with Qin Yun, because a singularist was not proficient in the medicinal materials, but he constantly questioned Chu Chuanwang, as if he had nothing to look for.

Qin Yun also did not want to stay more and said: "I will ask another question! Chu Chuanwang, if you want to sacrifice, then you always need some sacrifices? What are the sacrifices?"

"Of course it is a living person!" A middle-aged sneer said: "Is the ignorant guy, the living sacrifice has not heard of it?"

Qin Yun suddenly laughed: "I understand that why Chu Chuwang could not wait until the seventh robbery!"

Chu Yaowang’s face sank and asked coldly: “Do you mean to say, because I am too heavy to kill?”

"The living sacrifice, there must be many innocent people to die! It is not a problem to kill too much. If it is killing, it is a wicked demon, but it does not matter! If you kill an innocent person, then you are Sin is very heavy, so God only broke your way of heaven!" Qin Yun said.

"Stop!" Chu Yao Wang screamed and rushed.

Xu Lun quickly stood in front of Qin Yun and said: "Chu Yao Wang, he is just a junior, and master the complete drawings of the starry road, you do not want to enter the ancient domain, we think."

The woman in red Jiao Jiao said: "Would you let him get out? He has already angered the master. If he didn't control the drawings of the starry sky, people like him would have died!"

The water pharmacist said coldly: "Xu Lao, you must let him go out!"

The Shuiyang Palace Lord sighed: "Qin Tower Lord, you just offended Chu Yao Wang, I hope you can sincerely apologize to him!"

"Get out of the way, or I will fight for it, but also fight you! Let you kneel to apologize to the master." A middle-aged anger.

The head of the Diyang Palace also shouted: "Young people, consciously go out, don't stay here for a shame! You know, how important are these herbs to us? It will enable many people to live longer and live more. Long!"

Jin Xuanhu said: "Qin Zongshi, let's go out, this guy is also this level!"

Jin He was also indignant for Qin Yun and shouted: "If you look down on the singularist, don't call us! Call us and don't talk to us. What is this? You Dan pharmacist is so powerful, solve it yourself! ”

"Qin Zongshi, you can wear the Xuan Dao Fu, you can easily get out the emperor source stone. Go to the refining and wear the Xuan Dao, go here and waste time with them!" Jin Xuanhu said.

Qin Yun shook his head and said: "The reason why I feel that Chu Yao Wang is a ghost is because I also have my discovery!"

"The medicinal materials can't grow and wither, because the sun is missing a sun, and the medicinal materials can't absorb the complete Jiuyang reiki!"

The water pharmacist sneered: "This situation appeared before the sun fell!"

Qin Yun said: "The sun has died before falling!"

His Jiuyang Shen hammer, also before the sun fell, there was a problem.

"Hey, they are all disciples of Jiuyang Zongmen. Do you know more about Jiuyang?" Chu Chuan Wang sneered.

"I have a character here, you can condense the aura of Jiuyang, you can try!" After Qin Yun finished, he threw the character to the Shuiyang Palace.

The Shuiyang Palace took a look and shook his head: "One way!"

Qin Yun said: "Lets, leave!"

When he finished, he went to the door, and Jin He and Jin Xuanhu followed.

"It's a nuisance, it's time to get out of the way, actually say my master!" The red woman sneered.

"Master, please anger, he is just a guy who doesn't know how to be tall!" A middle-aged comforted.

"Chu Yao Wang, the Qin Tazhu is indeed a bit young and young, he just said, don't worry about it!" Huoyang Zhang teaches laughter.

"The little devil, who is it? Actually so arrogant! Right, his eleven fineness, is it true?" Diyang Palace owner asked: "And, what is the wearing of the Xuan Dao? ”

Later, Xu Lun began to talk about his encounter with Qin Yun in Baitamen, and Xu Xiaoba was defeated, and Qin Yun mastered the technique of the strange lines, and finally talked about the comparison between Qin Yun and Jin Xuanhu...

After Qin Yun walked out of the hall, he left Xiao Yuemei and Huayimei and left the crystal dragon boat.

Jin Xuanhu, a group of them also left, went to the hotel to eat and drink.


In the hall, Xu Lun also finished the matter of Qin Yun, which is really shocking.

In particular, Xu Lun also tried to wear the Xuan Dao on the spot.

Seeing so easy to take out the emperor source stone inside, so that the strange singers on the scene were amazed again and again.

Even the arrogant young geeks brought by Chu Yaowang also want to study the kind of wearing Xuan Dao.

Xu Lun looked at the Shuiyang Palace and said: "What is the Taoist character given by the Qin Tower?"

The Shuiyang Palace owner quickly took it out and looked at it. He shook his head and said, "I don't understand. Who can see?"

Jin Yangzhang taught: "I am coming!"

"Jinyang's teaching is a singularist who can refine a semi-centralist. You should be able to know what it is!" Xu Lun said.

When Jin Yang’s teaching came over, his face suddenly changed: “It’s a positive pattern! The top is engraved with extremely complex sun lines, and there are several kinds of stars and moons...this is not an ordinary road sign!”

The Yang pattern is very rare, and everyone in the hall is shocked.

"Let's try it out, can you let those medicines reborn?" said the Shuiyang Palace owner, pointing at the withered flowers: "Try those!"

Jin Yangzhang taught to go over and inspire the nine-character road sign, only to see a burst of nine colors of light and fog.

The ray of light covered the wilted medicinal seedlings with the guidance of the Jiujidaofu.

Amazing scene, suddenly appeared!

The mature medicines on the flower buds suddenly became green and green, and the withered flower buds gradually recovered their color.

"Fast... Let's get the other little pills together!" Shuiyanggong was excited and shouted.

Chu Yaowang and his apprentices were also shocked, but their faces were not good.

The people in the hall were surprised to face each other, especially the people who had just driven away Qin Yun, all of them felt embarrassed and bowed their heads and dared not speak.

Of course, the most painful face is the apprentice of Chu Yaowang. They were just now, but they blew the king of Chu medicine to the sky, but at the same time they kept down Qin Yun.

But now, a cloud of Qin Yun, let those herbs regain their vitality!

This is not only to make the group of old pharmacists feel uncomfortable, but also the singularity of the presence of the singer.

"Open...Flower!" An old man from Shuiyang Palace shouted: "There is actually the medicinal material to bloom in advance!"

Everyone looked at the beautiful and fragrant flowers, bathed in the colorful light, and took a deep breath.

"This... This is the purest power of Jiuyang, and also carries the essence of the stars and moons! The essence of the sun, the moon and the stars are all there!" Chu Chuan Wang eyes wide, the voice with a slight tremor.

"Chu Chu Wang, then... If there are many such symbols, do you still need to sacrifice?" Shuiyang Palace Lord, from the shock and excitement, came back and asked quickly.

"Nature does not need!" Chu Yao Wang's face is somewhat ugly: "The little brother said that it is right, the wrong one is me!"

The Shuiyang Palace owner hurriedly said: "Come and invite people!"

The face of the water pharmacist is also very difficult to see, because she just did not give Qin Yun a good look.

At this time, someone came in and said: "They have long left the crystal dragon boat!"

"He must be with Ahu Ahe, I will give them a voice, let them bring the Qinta master!" Jin Yang teaches quickly, his heart is also very happy, because his son, and Qin Yun's relationship well.

The group of people in Diyang Palace, who just fell through Qin Yun, seemed to feel what they lost.

The arrogant apprentices of Chu Chuanwang’s group were all low-headed and silent.

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