Nine Sun God King

Chapter 112: Internal sword

Next to the Lingjia rhinoceros Lingquan, it seems to be sleeping. Qin Yun took water from time to time and did not wake it up.

The storage bracelet he made this time was more than an hour faster than before.

"It's too hard to grind on small things, be careful, and be slower."

The second storage bracelet of Qin Yun refining was prepared for Qi Meilian, the younger sister.

Next, he began to refine the storage spirit to Xie Wufeng and the three of them.

Qin Yun and the three of them have experienced several battles during this time. They have a sense of trust in each other and are friends worthy of contact.

He went out and asked Huo Zhong three of them, they all want to store the belt, because they think that the storage belt is already very high grade.

Of course, for them, having a simple storage bag is not bad.

The belt is much larger than the bracelet, so Qin Yun refining is also easy and fast, and it will be completed in a few days.

"Three old brothers, look at the blood!" Qin Yun smiled and handed the black belt over.

The belt is forged with a spirit iron. After special treatment, it can be very flexible and not easily damaged.

Xie Wufeng did not pick up, but asked: "How many crystal coins?"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "What are you polite with me? I will take care of you in Sanxuanyuan in the future!"

Huo Zhong frowned: "How can you not use the crystal coin? The storage of the belt shape is valuable! The crystal coin of my body is only 500,000. I will give it to you. I will earn more coins in the future. Make it up!"

Not to mention the honest and honest Huo Zhong did not dare to accept, even Murong Daren this guy is also the same, also gave Qin Yun 500,000 coins.

Xie Wufeng's crystal coins are more, there are 800,000. After he took the belt and dripped blood, he sighed: "Cloud brother, your level of refining is really brilliant! Right, after going back, in exchange for the mysterious point, it is all by You come to control, this time if it weren't for you, we didn't have such a bumper harvest."

Huo Zhong and Murong Daren also smiled and nodded.

Finally, they can have their own storage spirit, but they are broken.

In particular, Huo Zhong put his long stick in it, then took it out and put it in again...

"My baby stick, I can finally carry it with me!" Huo Zhong smiled.

Xie Wufeng also smiled and began to accept the bodies of evil beasts that could not be loaded.

"Cloud brother, wait for me to earn enough coins, and then find your custom spirit!" Murong Daren smiled and said: "You little boy, no adult, can refine the storage spirit, have this ability,娶Two Xiao Yuelan are not a problem. If you go to the Star Xuanwuyuan, the beautiful little beautiful people inside are not coming."

Xie Wufeng was calm, but his heart was shocked and it was difficult to calm down. Because Qin Yun's talent for refining is really amazing, it can match many old singular masters.

We must know that many people in the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the life, it is difficult to achieve Qin Yun's current achievements.

Qin Yun asked: "Xie Boda, do you have any weapons? I feel that you have a strong sword in your inner strength, do you want me to take time to help you refine a sword?"

Xie Wufeng shook his head with a smile and said: "I am obsessed with kendo, and after practicing a sword, I will sculpt the sword and soul, and the inner and the martial arts will merge and cost the sword! It is not a last resort, I will not release it. This sword!"

Inner Yuan Ning Jian, the device of the life!

This made Qin Yun feel amazed and said: "The martial arts road is really strange, all-encompassing!"

Suddenly, in the depths of the hole, a slight squeaking sound, a few days of jade rhinoceros, finally got a little movement.

Xie Wufeng said: "Lingquan will be exhausted, and the last energy will be absorbed by the Jade Rhinoceros. Let's go, its injury will be fully restored, don't worry about it."

Qin Yun nodded and was about to leave. The surrounding winds suddenly burst into flames. The movement was very big. His face changed and he hurriedly said, "It is a group of evil beasts!"

There are also evil beasts coming!

"Black cockroaches are not the heads of evil beasts? There are other evil beasts, how many such evil beasts are in the Yunlong Mountains!" Murong Daren stood in the hole and prepared for the war.

Xie Wufeng was calm and looked at the forest in front of him. He said: "As long as there is no black-headed beast leader, we don't have to worry. With the strength of the four of us, we can deal with hundreds of evil beasts."

Huo Zhong first rushed out, Qin Yun followed him, Xie Wufeng was flying above.

Murong Daren is in front of the hole, and with Qin Yun, they can also prevent evil beasts from entering the cave to disturb the rhinoceros.

Huo Zhong, who was rushing to the front, was first attacked by evil beasts. He was a cockroach with a body shape like a cow. He was dark and had many cockroaches on his back. He sprayed a green mist in his mouth.

"Huo Laosan, cockroaches are poisonous!" Xie Wufeng saw this, waved an internal strength, like a sudden storm, blowing the big tree, but also blowing away the poisonous gas.

"You don't want to be close to the poisonous beast, just give it to me!" Murong Daren shouted in the distance, and the folding fan in his hand flew out, like a sharp-edged blade, wrapped in a layer of fierce temperament, will be split into two halves. .


The wolf screamed, and countless red-eyed giant wolves flew out. Most of these evil beasts are giant wolves!

Qin Yun held the hammer in one hand, and held the knife in one hand. The six styles of the hurricane and the six styles of the forged dragon were simultaneously displayed. The black wolves that flew toward him were killed by the detonation.

"It’s just a fifth-order evil beast! Even knowing how to send a drug lord to lead the battle, thinking that we will be poisoned." Qin Yun sneered.

He blew his foot, and the scorpion smashed to the wolves that were about to come over. The hammer and the hammer were used together. The hurricane shook the thunder, and the wolf was not close, and he was killed by the bombing.

The wolves are only a large number, the strength is much worse than the sixth-order evil beasts. Huo Zhong and Qin Yun both will kill most of them!

The rest were injured by Xie Wufeng and Murong Daren, waiting for Qin Yun and Huo Zhong to fill the knife.

"Come to send the mysterious point!" Huo Zhong sneered, while using a long stick, he would poke the mourning wolf.

"The wolf king did not appear, may be scared away by us." Murong Daren smiled.

In this way, they easily got the bodies of dozens of evil beasts, a total of more than 130 heads.

Qin Yun frowned, looking at the stinking forest, suddenly said: "It seems that there are evil beasts... wrong, not evil beasts! People! Many people!"

Suddenly there are very many people, most of them are students of Sanxuan Academy who have come in and practiced!

"It must be a student of Sanxuanyuan. They are more terrible than evil beasts." Xie Wufeng said coldly, standing in the hole, his eyes full of cold cold light.

Qin Yun, they are all guarding in front of the hole. There is a jade rhinoceros inside. If they leave, the jade rhinoceros will probably be killed!

More than forty students, the woods flew out in all directions, they saw a mess here, many trees were broken, the blood of the beasts of the earth, know that many evil beasts were killed here.

This is the people of the two teams.

A square-faced man in blue came out and his face was cold.

His name is Yu Sen, who is the son of Yu Xiaoyu's family. He looked at Xie Wufeng coldly and asked with a sullen look: "Where are the wolves? Are you killed?"
