Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1144: Sacred fluid

Chapter 1144 God Liquid

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei, before they were worried about the evil spirits, they pretended not to break the seal, and then let them continue to sacrifice.

At this point, they are completely relieved.

"Crazy God, you broke the seal, will it be sealed again in the future?" Xiao Yuemei asked.

"As long as I don't make mistakes, it's okay!" The evil spirit smiled: "It was originally allowed to break the seal!"

Xiao Yuemei slammed his hand and shouted excitedly: "So now you can send us power?"

"Get out of the container!" Cthulhu shouted: "The gods will emerge from the altar, and you can use the spirit to introduce the liquid into the container!"

Qin Yun took out a few jade cylinders and smiled: "You can start!"

"Good!" The evil spirit should arrive.

The magic horn suddenly floated up, releasing a burst of golden light that penetrated into the altar and opened the altar.

After the transmission array was opened, a golden fountain suddenly spewed out of the altar of the altar of evil spirits.

"Come out, catch up!" Xiao Yuemei shouted excitedly.

Qin Yun quickly used his mental power to introduce the squirting liquid into the jade tank, and the heart was excited to pounce and thrash.

Before Qin Yun’s divine power from the tiny magical horn, it was too little to compare the gods at this time.

Soon, he was filled with three cylinders of liquid.

"Qin Yun, little girl! These gods are not water. When you use it, you should be careful. It contains very powerful energy! It is enough for you to use it for seven years!" The evil spirit said: "In these seven years, I will Always contact you, I will help you build a better altar!" The evil spirit said: "Now, you should believe me?"

"The evil spirits, the altar is very bad. Does it mean that when we sacrifice for you, you receive very little energy?" Xiao Yuemei asked.

"Yes! So this is a big loss for us! In the past seven years, don't make sacrifices for the time being, wait for the altar to follow up with the next layer, which is good for us!" said the evil spirit: "Good I just broke the envelope, went to find some friends, and asked about the 18-layer altar. The dragon **** is too much!"

"The evil spirit, what is the cultivation of the god?" Qin Yun asked.

"Don't worry about this, you should first cultivate with the **** liquid, let your body and soul familiar with this energy first!" The evil spirit smiled and said: "At your current level, it is not so easy to refine the liquid!"

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei do not believe, I intend to start experimenting immediately.

After he gathered the magic horn and the altar, he smiled at Xiao Yuemei: "Let's get started!"

"I try..." Xiao Yuemei put out a finger and put it in the jade tank.


Xiao Yuemei suddenly screamed and quickly pulled her hand back. She saw that the flesh of her finger was gone, only a bone.

"Nothing?" Qin Yunxin was surprised and hurried.

"It hurts me!" Xiao Yuemei looked at the gods with resentment: "This jade tank is fine, and I put it in my fingers and it becomes like this!"

"These gods are really powerful!" Qin Yun exclaimed.

Xiao Yuemei also uses her own strength to repair her fingers.

Qin Yun now knows that he can't just touch these gods.

"Moon, I will give you a tank!" Qin Yun said.

"Give me a small bottle!" Xiao Yuemei blew his own fixed finger and smiled: "It's okay!"

Her recovery speed also surprised Qin Yun.

Qin Yun took out a jade bottle and introduced the liquid with mental energy.

"Is a bottle really enough?" Qin Yun asked.

"I have been using it for a long time!" Xiao Yuemei laughed; "It seems that we can only absorb it by drop!"

Qin Yun nodded: "These powers are really bad to absorb!"

Ling Yun suddenly said: "Don't let Yang Yang know these gods, you can add a few drops in the dragon meat occasionally, the little thing may eat!"

Qin Yun took out a jade bottle and handed it to Yao Fang.

"Yao Fang sister, this is the reward that the evil spirit gave me, is the **** liquid!" Qin Yun laughed.

Yao Fang in the Jiuyang Shenque, after receiving this vial, was very surprised: "This is a good thing! It is also necessary to cultivate the nine yang dynasty, and these things are needed... The magic fairy often uses this kind of god. Liquid cultivation!"

"Yao Fangjie, which magic **** is the magic fairy?" Qin Yun suddenly very curious.

"Dragon God!" Yao Fang said.

Qin Yunhe was secretly surprised, and the Magic Immortal was actually mixed with the Dragon God.

"So what about the Great Emperor?" Qin Yun asked again.

"Xiandi is with Vulcan!" Yao Fang can read the memory of the Magic Immortal, so she also knows some things about Xiandi.

Qin Yun installed a small bottle, and he wanted to give the Nether Emperor a little.

"Moon Rose, do you want to adapt to this kind of **** liquid?" Qin Yun asked.

"Thinking! I went to the sixth floor, using the scent of the inside to condense the fairy liquid, and then put a drop of **** liquid into the dilution, give me a bath!" Xiao Yuemei smiled and said: "I was in the fairyland I have heard of this usage!"

"This way!" Qin Yun is also going to try.

Xiao Yuemei stayed at Jiupu Pagoda, and she was anxious to try those gods.

Qin Yun learned the transmission array inside the building through the Darkness, and went to the Sun Yangxing to find the Nether Emperor.

The Nether Emperor was pointing his disciples to practice during this time, so he was busy, but when he heard that Qin Yun wanted to see him, he immediately came over.

Qin Yun waited in the secret room of the Nether Emperor. After seeing the Emperor of the Nether, he smiled and said: "Father, give you something!"

Nether Emperor took the bottle and smiled: "Don't say it, let me guess what is inside!"

"You guess!" Qin Yun laughed.

"It must be a good wine!" Nethered Emperor thought about it and smiled: "When I was in the wild, I liked drinking very much! You guys deceived his holy wine from the hands of a fairy king in order to give me a birthday. Later you were chased by him for hundreds of years!"

Qin Yun shook his head and smiled: "Not wine!"

"Oh? What is that?" Nethered Emperor hurriedly opened, saw the golden light shining inside, exclaimed; "It is God!"

"The evil spirits gave it!" Qin Yun laughed.

"Small clouds... These gods are good things, but you don't want to kill innocents in order to get more gods!" Nethered Emperor snarled.

"Know it!" Qin Yun nodded.

"This small bottle of liquid, enough for me to use for a few years!" Nether Emperor is very happy.

"Yifu, I still have it here!" Qin Yun felt that the Nether Emperor was very good to him and wanted to give more.

"I don't want too much, you keep it yourself! You have more potential than this in your life, and I have something to do!" Nethered Emperor took a shot of Qin Yun's shoulder and smiled: " You are so young, you can get the **** liquid, but this is a very fast start!"

"Yifu, I can introduce the evil spirits to you!" Qin Yun said.

"No, I have my own way to go!" Nether Emperor laughed and said: "You kid, I really know how to care for people! Right, I heard that your little wife is in Xuan Xin, I Will let them often enter the Holy Land to cultivate!"

"They are not my wife, just my friend!" Qin Yun said.

"Small clouds, when confronted with the dragons, you have to take a look! Rest assured, I will not let you shoot, my meditation disciples can solve them!" Nether Emperor is very confident.

"I have a student named Xu Xiaoba, who has the soul of the world!" Qin Yun said: "I can arrange him to come over!"

"This is OK!" Nethered Emperor nodded.

Later, Qin Yun also talked about Xie Wufeng.

Nether Emperor frowned: "Xiaoyun, you can't thank the boss. I have seen his swordsmanship... I guess he got the inheritance of the Holy One. He should have had an adventure and can inherit the inheritance of the Holy Power!" ”

"This is good!" Qin Yun also thought of it.

"I will reuse him in the future!" said the Nether Emperor.

"Yifu, I got the soul of the yangyang, and soon I will return to the super-Xuanhai area!" Qin Yun said: "I want to enter the fairyland through the fairy gate of the super-historic sea!"

"Small clouds, your ability is very clear, although this kind of thing is difficult to do, but I believe that you will succeed!" Nethered Emperor smiled: "You are so anxious to go to the fairyland, it must be those intermittent memories in the ghost What?"

Qin Yunxin was deeply moved, because the Nether Emperor was really good to him.

"Father, my friends, I will ask you later!" Qin Yun laughed.

"Know it! I will make them stronger, and then go to the fairyland to help you!" Nether Emperor also knows that Qin Yun has many enemies in the fairyland.

Qin Yun did not bother the Nether Emperor to point the disciples and hurried back to the floating island.

Xu Xiaoba also came back at this time, and he killed another dragon.

Qin Yun let Xuan Xin come over and bring Xu Xiaoba to the Mingyang Star to see the Nether Emperor.

On the seventh floor of Jiuju Pagoda, Xiao Yuemei is soaked in a large white jade basin.

"It’s just a drop of **** liquid, it makes me feel so painful!" Xiao Yuemei frowned and endured the pain: "Brother, do you want to come down and take a bath with me?"

"A drop of **** liquid is not enough for me!"

Qin Yun pinched a face full of pain in Xiao Yuemei and smiled: "You are really weak!"

Xiao Yuemei muttered: "Don't despise me, I will become very strong right away!"

Qin Yun came to the corner and took out a small bottle of **** liquid and introduced a drop of **** liquid into a piece of dragon meat.

It was a fleshy dragon, and it was not immediately destroyed by the gods, but it was well absorbed.

He took out some spices and then used the oil to raise the flame and bake the fairy meat.

Xiao Yuemei soaked in the bathtub and smelled a barbecue scent. The resentful said: "Brother, you are not kind! I am very painful, but you are eating at the barbecue! I want to eat too!"

"When you absorb that drop of God's liquid, let's talk about it! My roast dragon meat has two drops of **** liquid. Do you really want to eat it?" Qin Yun laughed.

"I don't!" Xiao Yuemei can only give up, continue to sit in the bathtub and endure the pain.

Qin Yun felt that the roasting was too slow and he released Yangyang.

"Yangyang, you grow very fast, they have become so big!" Qin Yun touched the beautiful feathers of the nine-day blackbird.

"Oh..." Yang Yang called a few times, and picked up the piece of dragon meat, and swallowed it all at once.

"Scratch, not cooked yet!" Qin Yun whispered.

Yangyang ate the piece of dragon meat, very excited, dragging the nine long purple-gold feathers, flying around.