Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1220: Tracking tiger turtle

Fairy Snow Belt Road, Qin Yun and Xian Rujing followed, and went to the Unreal Mountain marked on the half map.

After a few hours of rushing, Qin Yun suddenly received the voice of Ji Zhenxiao, and he hurriedly took out the magic weapon.

Before Ji Zhenxiao and Qin Yun cooperated, they got great benefits. Later, they knew that Qin Yun was a strange master, and naturally he had to hold Qin Yun’s thigh. He now sends a message to Qin Yun, which is to pass the latest news.

"Qin Zongshi! We cooperated with the Jijia and the Siren Kings. We are now at a place marked on the half of the map. There is a illusory mountain here..."

Qin Yun said: "I know about the mountain!"

Ji Zhen smiled again: "We came to this mountain, we didn't know what secrets were hidden... Just when we observed, there was a turtle running out inside, the turtle was amazing, the speed thief was fast, the elders We are now chasing the past, I guess there are another half of the map in the turtle!"

Qin Yun was shocked and the tiger turtle was discovered!

"Okay, thank you very much!" Qin Yun took the sound magic weapon up.

Xian Rujing and Xianling Snow also stopped.

"What news did Ji Zhen laugh to you?" asked Xian Rujing.

"The tiger tortoise has appeared and is being pursued!" Qin Yun frowned. "You go to the illusory mountain first, observe it nearby, I will go to the tiger turtle myself! You must be careful, don't be caught. !"

Xian Rujing nodded: "Reassured, I understand this!"

There is a fairy like Jing, Qin Yun is not too worried, after all, it is a reborn snow goddess, although a bit stupid, but all aspects are quite good.

In this way, Qin Yun and Xian Rujing are divided into two ways.

Qin Yun followed the protection of thirteen to find tiger turtles. And Xian Rujing, they are going to the vicinity of the Unreal Mountain.

Protected thirteen and tiger turtles have induction, knowing where the tiger turtle is.

Qin Yun from time to time to protect the thirteen out to determine the direction. Because the speed of protecting the thirteen is too slow, he can't let him run in front of the lead, otherwise he will not catch up with the tiger turtle.

Tiger turtles are constantly moving and are being tracked.

Qin Yun only wants to find the tiger turtle quickly and protect it. Only in this way can he know where the fairy home is in the treasure.

In fact, he is not very interested in Xianjia Zhibao. He just wants to know what he has borrowed from Xie Qirou in his previous life, and the clues he left here in his previous life.

"Xiaoyun, I think you can let Xianling Snow help you to breed the sorcerer's soul!" Lingyun suddenly said.

"My martial arts are very special, all inside the meditation! Not ordinary martial arts..." Qin Yun sighed.

"Also... you don't have the soul of the meditation sun? Maybe you can evolve!" Lingyun smiled and said: "You got the soul of the yang, you haven't used it yet!"

For the soul of the yang, Qin Yun and Ling Yun did not know how to exert the strongest strength, only to wait for him to become stronger in the future, in order to use the mysterious soul of the sun.

"Is the soul of the meditation to the half-sacred crystal of Ling Xue's sister?" Qin Yun asked.

"Of course, through the way of training, Ling Xue's half-life of Jing Xue, can not stand the soul of the sun!" Ling Yun said.

"Let's talk about it later!" Qin Yun does not dare to tamper with the soul of the sun.

On the way to tracking the tiger turtle, Qin Yun is also very difficult, because the tiger turtle is very fast. And it is still changing direction, it should also be to avoid being caught.

"The speed of the tiger turtle should be very fast. Why is it constantly changing position?" Ling Yun said with a puzzled voice: "Is he locked, and once he stops, he will be found?"

"It is very likely that this is the case, so it will run around!" Qin Yun is more worried.

If the tiger turtle is caught and the most important half of the map is obtained by the group, then the clue is broken.

After a few hours, Xian Rujing passed the news and said that they went to the strange mountain nearby. There was no discovery for the time being.

There are many people in the vicinity of the Unreal Mountain, all from the major families.

The two great people also studied there, and many geeks were looking for traces of the enchantment, breaking the mystery of the strange mountain.

Qin Yun here, for a time still can not determine the location of the tiger turtle.

Now, he suddenly feels relieved.

Because the tiger tortoise is very embarrassing, so the east is hiding in Tibet, and the speed is still very fast, let alone catch it, even if it is to catch up, it is not easy.

In the process of tracking, in order to speed up, Qin Yun constantly uses the power of the holy shrine to let his body move fast with the white light emitted by the eyes.

The holy scorpion will consume a lot of energy, and Qin Yun does not dare to use it for a long time. It uses an hour and rests for a few hours.

Only in this way can you pull in the distance between him and the tiger turtle.

The place where he is now is a mountain. Because he can't fly fast in the air, the speed of advancement is not fast.

"Hou's people can fly! Fortunately, there are no Houjia people chasing the tiger turtle!" Qin Yun remembered the former Hou Jiazi who pursued Xian Rujing.

In this mountain, he suddenly sensed the scent of six robbers and half celestials, meaning that the strong man who had six robbers and half celestials passed through here.

Even if it is six robbers and half a cent, when chasing the tiger turtle, it will have to cross the mountains.

Tiger tortoise is very familiar with the terrain here, so when you run away, the way to go is also the best to go.

"I don't know if this tiger turtle will attack me when I see you!"

Qin Yun has such a worry, because the strength of the tiger tortoise is very strong, if you do not recognize him, but also hit a big shot, then you can only let Nangong water out.

Qin Yun has a 13-point guide, so I can accurately know where the tiger turtle is.

If the tiger turtle does not move, he may have found the tiger turtle.

"The group of people have been chasing the tiger turtles... It must be that after they found the tiger turtles in the strange mountains, they gave the tiger turtles a trace, so they can continue to pursue the tiger turtles!"

Qin Yun secretly thought that if he could catch up with the tiger turtle, he could use the character to help the tiger turtle hide the breath and soul fluctuations, and it would not be caught by the tracer.

At night, the light clouds over the seabed are no longer bright, and the entire seabed is very dark.

The plants in this deep mountain are relatively ordinary, and did not release the glow, so the mountains are also reaching out.

Qin Yun put out the guardian thirteen and let the guard 13 locate the tiger turtle.

"The tiger turtle does not move!"

"Do you not move? Can't you run?" Qin Yun stunned, surprised.

You know, this whole day, the tiger tortoise is running fast, it must be huge, and there is still a serious injury.

After determining the position, Qin Yun immediately passed the fastest speed.

According to the positioning of the Thirteen, the tiger turtle is not too far away from him, only half an hour away.

Qin Yun quickly rushed over, and on the road also sensed a strong six robbery and half-scent!

"At least ten of the six robbers and half celestial chasing the tiger turtle, this is really terrible!" Qin Yun was more worried.

Soon, half an hour passed, and he saw more than a dozen old men, surrounded by a hill.

When he took a closer look, he saw the old man of the Kraken royal family, and the five sea patriarchs and the three pirate gangs, all of whom were powerful forces from the Chao Xuan sea area.

The tiger turtle should be in that hill!

"Xiaoyun, use the old way!" Ling Yun suddenly said.

Qin Yun quickly summoned several heads of the Tianyu Tiens, ran to all directions, went to roar, and issued the Tianshi Xiaotianyin.

Later, he summoned a black dragon and issued a series of screams, which made a big noise at once.

Qin Yun This is the illusion of the dragon and lion battle deliberately made, to lead the group of old people.

His plan was halfway through, because eight old men were led, and they should all want to capture the powerful Tiens and Black Dragon...

Qin Yun also squats now, hides and rushes to the hill.

When he approached, he discovered that there were many flags in the vicinity of the hill.

The group of old people just laid a flag array and formed an enchantment, sealing the entire hill.

Qin Yun used the mental power to lock the key flags, and then secretly moved his hands and feet, destroying the entire enchantment, and then using the Shenxuan Shentong to enter the hillside of the hill.

At this time, the outside of the six robbers and half cents also found that the enchantment was destroyed.

An old man yelled: "Someone is destroying the enchantment nearby, and the technique is very clever! Come back soon!"

After Qin Yun entered the mountain belly, he saw a tiger-backed bear, a bearded and mighty old man.

The old man was brave and strong, full of blood and shocking scars. He wore tiger skin trousers and several knife marks. The bones were visible.

Qin Yun confirmed that this old man is a tiger turtle that becomes a humanoid!

There is a glowing stone in the cave, although it is not very bright, but it allows the tiger to see the face of Qin Yun.

"You...the boss of the cloud!" The tiger turtle shouted excitedly, his voice trembled, and the eyes of deep and resolute, could not help but shed tears.

Before Qin Yun was worried that the tiger turtle would not believe him, but when he heard the tiger turtle shouting, he immediately understood that his predecessor knew the tiger turtle.

"Leave here and say it again!" Qin Yun took out a few characters to disperse, and those characters were automatically posted on the tiger turtle.

Qin Yun quickly grasped the tiger's wrist and applied it to the mysterious god. He took the tiger to leave the mountain to the outside.


Just as they went out, the hill was smashed by the power of six powerful and half-seven. R90

Qin Yun took the tiger tortoise and concealed it in the darkness, away from the dozens of six robbers and half centuries at an extremely fast speed. The celestial Tiens and the poisonous dragon of the meditation area were summoned by him.

Qin Yun grabbed the tiger's wrist and could feel the excitement of the tiger turtle along the way.

After half an hour, Qin Yun took the tiger tortoise into a mountain forest, and then asked Nangong Water if he had some healing medicine and gave it to the tiger turtle.

"Are you really a boss?" Tiger turtle looked at Qin Yun, and he now finds that Qin Yun and his cloud boss are somewhat different.

"It is not!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "Let's say, my past life is the Yunyun Xianwang, but I have no memories of past lives!"

He said, he put out the guardian thirteen.

The tiger tortoise saw the thirteenth, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Thirteen can bring you to me, indicating that your soul is still the soul of past lives, but there is no memory in the past life, then you are still my boss!"