Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1310: Strange animal movement

Qin Yun smashed, and rushed to grab the West Gate and drag him into the Star Tower.

"Big brother, I have encountered a blue snake before, is a strange animal, I almost got rid of it!" Qin Yun face dignified: "The singular beasts, no one is a good class!"

"Really? What kind of snake did you encounter?" asked Simon's big surprise.

"It's very strong, at least the level of the mysterious beast!" Qin Yun said.

"If it's an attack type, then it should be careful! But my compass is looking for something that won't attack!" Simon patted Qin Yun's shoulder and smiled. "Qin brother, if you are afraid If you look at it here, I will let you open your eyes and see how I used the ancestral mystery to conquer the strange beast!"

Qin Yun also has some understanding of the strength of Ximen Da Zhuang. If you don't need odd-grain equipment, it is a knife, and you can get a second. If Ximen is strong, it will be very powerful.

"This is the case... Are you sure that your compass, the strange beast that can be found, is a milder one?" Qin Yun also had some faith, because the previous little gray cat was not a combat type.

"Of course sure!" Ximen Da Zhuang nodded with certainty, said: "Qin brother, you look older than me, older than me, a bit like uncle, I will call you as Uncle Qin later! You call me strong Just fine!"

Qin Yun has an urge to vomit blood, and quickly took out the mirror and found that his face is very young and handsome, that is, with a little beard, how is it like an uncle?

"You can call me Ayun!" Qin Yun smiled lightly.

He secretly said: "You are the uncle! Your family is uncle!"

"No, you are not as good as I am! But you are my elder, I am a ceremonial person, can not be chaotic in the title of the generation! Uncle Qin, I went to the past to accept the strange beast, your old man is here. Just look at it!" After the West Gate said, he rushed out.

Qin Yun really wants to take the Ximen out.

"This guy with a gluten is really blind! I am so handsome, so young, actually said that I am a plain uncle!" Qin Yun took out the mirror and took photos, a little doubtful about life.

Lingyun giggled: "Xiaoyun, this wonderful can come here alive, it is really a big life!"

"Not so! Even I want to beat him!" Qin Yun took out the lion gun and looked at the back of Ximen.

Ximen Da Zhuang took the compass and rushed to the white spot in front.

Qin Yun, through the lion's cannon, can see what kind of strange beast is the white light spot. What makes him feel surprised is that the white spot is actually a big white pig, covered in snow and white, shaking his tail and running in the desert. Run away.

"This big white pig also went to get the golden grapes before!" Qin Yun said: "How can this strange animal become a pig?"

"I remember that this big white pig can make his body bulge, and then float in the air, it is very powerful!" Ling Yun smiled: "Maybe the strange pattern evolved into a beast, accidentally referenced a pig !"

After Simon’s greatness, he saw that the strange beast was a pig, and suddenly he was disgusted, then turned and ran back.

Qin Yun felt very boring, and he also planned to see how Ximen Da Zhuang would accept the strange beasts!

What makes him feel funny is that the pig actually rushed to Simon.

Don't look at the pigs in white, but the speed of running thieves is fast, even Qin Yun feels that his speed is not as fast as a big white pig!

"The speed of this big white pig, even the blue snake must be willing to go down the wind!" Qin Yun was shocked: "These strange beasts, really really very powerful!"

Ximen Da Zhuang shouted: "Uncle Qin, save me! I don't want to conquer this strange beast!"

When he had just finished shouting, the big white pig flew out and pressed Ximen Daqiang to the ground, and then arched a few times, making the Ximen big screaming.

Qin Yun was also stunned by watching, and Ximen Da Zhuang was actually pressed to the ground by a pig.

There was a sudden glow of light on the white pig, like a lot of strange lines, poured into the head of Ximen.

"I am finished..." Ximen’s big man was innocent and yelled: "I am not alive..."

Qin Yun looked frowning again and again, and did not know what the big white pig was doing.

Big white pig eyes are wretched, it seems to be laughing, watching Ximen strong.

Ximen Da Zhuang was sitting on the ground, looking at the very white pig, who looked like a dead man.

"Big, what happened?" Qin Yun shouted.

"I... I have conquered a strange animal!" Simon was very frustrated.

"Is this not a good thing?" Qin Yunxiao laughed.

"Well, how are you? This...this strange animal is not very powerful, can't take it!" Ximen Da Zhuang stood up, a pair of unbearable love, and went to the Star Tour Tower.

Qin Yun is understandable, it is the wretched big white pig, who relies on Ximen.

Ximen Da Zhuang simply does not want such a strange beast.

"This... great, this little pig should be very good, very fast!" Qin Yun comforted: "If you don't, you can give it to me!"

"I won't tell you!" After seeing Qin Yun, the big white pig quickly retracted to Qin Yun and said: "You guy has a very strong bird! The big blue snake is eaten by you and the bird." I don't want to be eaten by you!"

Qin Yun was dumbfounded and said: "You are just like this, it is not enough to eat, I will not eat you!"

Ximen Da Zhuang looked at the big white pig and sighed: "Forget it! Since you are the first strange animal to be destined for me, then I can only obey the fate! Right, do you have a name?"

He touched the head of the big white pig.

"No, you give me one!" The big white pig laughed: "Help me get a name!"

Ximen thought about it and looked at Qin Yun. He asked: "Uncle Qin, you are a well-informed old river, you give him a loud name!" r90

"It's called Pippi pig!" Qin Yun said casually.

"Good, good name!" Ximen Da Zhuang felt very good, nodded quickly.

The big white pig did not say anything, obviously it was the default, and he smiled very satisfied.

Qin Yun thinks that the big white pig and the west gate are strong, and it is also a suitable combination.

"Great, I am going to the altar! That place is very dangerous, you should not follow it!" Qin Yun said.

He wants to see what happened to the sun altar, why Nangong Xuemei and Song Fengchen will run back.

"Big and strong, go together!" The big white pig suddenly said: "There are good things inside the altar of the sun. If you can get in, you can get it! Let's go and see, maybe we can get something!"

Simon’s eyes brightened and asked: “What good things are there inside the altar of the sun?”

"I don't know! But the strongest grotesque beast in this desert, after learning that the sun altar has landed, immediately rushed over and removed the altar of the sun!" The white pig said: "Great, I am very powerful!" I protect you, I will definitely not have an accident! I am the strange animal you are destined for. You are so extraordinary, I am your strange animal, not a universal!"

"That is!" Simon Shuang was photographed with a flattering, and he rejoiced a lot, shouting: "Let's go, let's go to the sun altar!"

Qin Yun put away the Star Tour Tower, but he saw Ximen Da Zhuang riding a big white pig and shouted: "Phi Pig, let's go!"

The Great White Pig is very fast, and even if you are strong in the West Gate, you can fly in the desert.

"Wait for me!" Qin Yun shouted, but also ran wildly, but he could only follow behind the big white pig.

Before Ximen Da Zhuang, he was very disgusted with the big white pig, but now he is happy to open the flowers, laughing happily.

When Qin Yun was running, he took out the magic mirror and contacted Xiao Yuelan: "Moon Lan, I am going to the altar of the sun. How is your situation on the other side?"

"I saw the altar of the sun! But for the time being, there are a few very powerful beasts near the altar of the sun, all of which have eaten golden grapes!" Xiao Yuelan said: "Are you with you?"

"I am with another friend, the strength is not weak!" Qin Yun said: "I will look at it!"

He wanted to find a chanting, and he also knew that he had signed a master servant contract with the little gray cat, just like the big white pig and the big man.

The little gray cat who chanting can freely transfer space, so he can enter the star tour tower with his chanting.

If you find a small gray cat, you can easily enter the interior of the sun altar!

The altar of the sun fell, but it was stared by many powerful singular beasts, which may not even surprise those of the Jiuyang Zongmen.


Above the magic mirror, a message came from Song Zhushi, saying that his son died in the desert of Xianxuan!

This news has only caused a small discussion, because there are more exciting news.

At the top of the Yangshen arrow of Jiuzhen Town, nine powerful golden dragons suddenly flew around the top of the Yangshen Arrow in Jiuzhen Town.

After Da Yu Xiandi flew up, he was seriously injured by a dragon.

Inside the holy sites, there were various news, and many of the strong men who went to find the altar of the sun were seriously injured and even killed by the beasts.

When Qin Yun ran, he browsed the mirror and knew that there were many strange beasts, and they had to capture the Jiuyang altar!

"Small cloud, the strange animal will not die! The blue snake you killed, there seems to be no soul, only the bones... should be born again!" Ling Yun suddenly said: "I don't know when the blue snake will be born again!"

Qin Yun is also somewhat worried about this matter. If the Blue Snake is born again and is still so strong, it will definitely come to him for revenge!

Two days passed, Qin Yun and the giant Ximen of the pig ride, also saw the Jiuyang altar in the distance.

"Sure enough, like the altar in the floating cloud city!" Ling Yun was slightly surprised: "Xiaoyun, there is a Jiuyang altar hidden in the city of Yunyun, probably you got there in your previous life!"

"But inside the Jiuyang altar in Yunyun City, there is nothing in the sun's core!" Qin Yun frowned: "Do I have to collect the other cores of the sun altar to open the altar of the floating cloud city?"

Lingyun said: "Don't worry about this, think of ways to enter the altar in front of you."