Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1409: White fox

Qin Yun put the Zhenyang God arrow up and sat in the floating cloud tower waiting for Xian Rujing.

The power released by Zhenyang Shenjian has long since disappeared, and it takes some time for Xianru to come over.

On the way to the moon, the moon is coming, and Qin Yun has to get out of the purple ice mountain. Because the moon is a fairy emperor, it is impossible to enter this holy land of Xuanxian.

Qin Yun took out the magic mirror and contacted Xiao Hei.

"Little black, where did you and Qinglong go?" Qin Yun asked.

"Can't tell you, this is a secret!" Xiao Hei smiled and said: "If you are a small mortal, don't envy me. I am so busy now! And there are many delicious ones!"

Qin Yun said: "You don't really like to eat dragon meat? How do you have a relationship with Qinglong?"

Xiao Hei proudly said: "We were originally good brothers! In the same year, Qinglong took me everywhere to kill the dragon, so that I like to eat dragon meat! Little mortal, this day, you envy not come!"

"Right, Qinglong got the Zhenyang arrow, is the task to be completed dangerous?" Qin Yun asked.

"I don't know about this. Anyway, I got the arrow of Zhenyang, there is nothing to be afraid of!" Xiaohei laughed a few times: "You don't have to worry about me! I still worry about myself. Last time, there was Several powerful kings are besieging you, all from the holy land, and the Taoist gods have already sent people!"

Qin Yun said: "The few guys came to me later!"

Xiao Hei was surprised: "Really? Are they still outside your broken stone building?"

"He has already died!" Qin Yunxiao said with a smile: "I found a strong backing, a fairy emperor!"

"Ah? Is this the coward of the magic mirror fairy emperor? This guy, shouldn't you dare to kill those guys?" Xiao Hei was somewhat surprised.

"Of course not!" Qin Yun did not tell Xiao Hei to get the Zhenyang God Arrow, so that he would not be able to pass it around.

"I don't think it is him, this guy is very timid!" Xiaohei smiled and said: "Small mortal, we have goodbye! I followed the big brother, don't be embarrassed!"

Qin Yun licked his mouth and then disconnected.

Lingyun said: "The cultivation of Qinglong should not be very high! Otherwise, he would be able to kill those few kings instead of just repelling them!"

Qin Yun also felt so, he thought that the cultivation of Qinglong was very high.

Later, when I saw the moon, I got the arrow of Zhenyang, and I easily killed the Emperor. He could probably know that the dragon was not very strong.

To his surprise, the dragon, the beast of the dragon, actually fell into the fairyland.

Just when Qin Yun wanted to take out the study of Zhenyang Shenjian, he suddenly heard a shout from outside.

"Help, save lives... Good people will save me!" The cry of the woman came from outside.

Qin Yun quickly opened the door, and saw a thin girl with a broken shirt, blood-scarred, running on the ice, the red feet, full of blood.

And there is a large group of people behind, catching up quickly.

Qin Yun quickly pulled the woman in and closed the door!


Qin Yun just closed the door, there is a large group of people crazy attack.

"Who are they, why do you like this?" Qin Yun looked at the woman whose face was a whip, whispered.

"I... I... got caught by them! I ran away quietly, and they were chased here!" The woman curled up in a corner with tears in her face.

Qin Yun took out some wound medicine and a set of clothes on her.

This woman is also a mysterious fairyland.

"Thank you!" The woman looked at Qin Yun and whispered: "You are a good person!"

"Who are those people outside? I saved you, you should always let me know who the enemy I am about to face!" Qin Yun asked.

"I don't know who they are, they are going to catch me!" The woman used the wound medicine and applied the wound on her body to make the wound heal quickly.

Qin Yun can see that this woman is very alert to him.

Ling Yun said: "This woman is not a human! It should be a beast!"

Qin Yun brows and wrinkles, said to the woman: "You are a beast?"

"Ah!" The woman suddenly screamed and looked at Qin Yun with horror, shouting: "You don't come over!"

"Do not worry, even if you are a beast, as long as you don't provoke me, I will not pay you!" Qin Yun shook his head and said: "Don't be afraid!"

When the woman saw Qin Yun’s eyes with kindness, she gradually put down her vigilance.

"I am a fox! Because there is a special ability to find the fruit, so I was arrested. The bad guy often hit me and forced me to find the fruit. I managed to escape!" Said, while leaving a sad tear, sobbing: "I have been beaten many times... Although I am a mysterious beast, but I have never killed anyone, I have eaten fruit and cultivated, why do they want Hit me?!"

“Hey!” Qin Yun sighed and asked, “What is your name?”

"I... my friends called me a white fox, you saved me, I will repay you in the future!" Bai Xiaohu eyes clear, looking at Qin Yun, full of gratitude.

"You don't have to repay, save you is just a hand!" Qin Yun looked at her face and said: "The speed of your self-healing is very fast, and you will be able to get better soon?"

"Well, thank you! Good-hearted, what is your name?" asked Bai Xiaohu.

"Qin Yun!" Qin Yun finished, came to the window and looked at the people outside.

He felt that if the immortal came, he might fight with the group.

The little white fox bit his lower lip and looked around. He also saw the group of people attacking wildly and could not break the tower.

"Qin Gongzi, I am sorry, I am tired of you!" Bai Xiaohu said a little slyly: "I also sensed someone here... so I plan to try my luck! Your repair is not high, you will be trapped here." For a long time!"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "Nothing, my friend will come soon!"

Said, he took out the mirror and contacted Xian Rujing.

Xian Rujing got the Zhenyang God Arrow, even if the temporary gains dissipated, but relying on the Zhenyang God Arrow can still be very strong.

The people outside are Xuanxian, but they are not very strong. The nine-ups are just like the immortals. If Qinyun wants to go out, he can kill them with Zhenyang Shenjian.

"Little fox, who is outside, who hit you?" Qin Yun asked.

The white little fox slowly stood up and came to the window and looked at the people outside. He whispered: "That is the one who wears lavender clothes... before he grabbed me, then I ran. He chased me with a large group of people, and said that whoever caught me, I can sleep with me."

The little white fox was full of **** faces, full of doubts. She whispered: "Really, what good is sleeping with me? Can't you sleep?"

Qin Yun can see that this is a very simple little fox.

"It should be the guy in the Purple Ice City!" Qin Yun took out the Zhenyang God Arrow and said: "I will go out and teach them!"

"Qin Gongzi don't take risks, they have a lot of people!" Bai Xiaohu quickly pulled Qin Yun.

Qin Yun smiled and said: "I am not afraid of them!"

Said, Qin Yun opened the door, and the outside group also quickly retreated.

The sword of Zhenyang in the hands of Qin Yun is more than two meters long. Like a golden pike, he is held in his hand and braving the flame.

"Let my fox be released! That's what I caught!" A young man in a lavender dress shouted at Qin Yun, and he didn't dare to attack now.

There are more than one hundred people in this group, and there are quite a few in the nine. When they saw that the cloud tower had a strong defense, they knew that the people in the tower were certainly not weak.

"The little fox ran away, it is no longer yours, now it is mine!" Qin Yun said: "And, you broke my tower, I want you to compensate me!"

"What are you talking about? Your broken tower is like this. It was like this before we played!" The young man said with anger: "It seems that you not only don't want to return the fox to me, but also want to marry me! You know Who am I? I am the Holy City of Purple Ice, I am from the Holy Land, and I have cultivated the Holy Spirit of the Holy Spirit!"

"Oh!" Qin Yun said faintly: "I have heard that many people who have cultivated the Eucharist have died a lot in the Holy City of the Desert!"

"That is the waste of the holy city of the desert!" The young man proudly said: "My Fan Kaili is a mysterious fairy, but not a group of weak chickens!"

The Zhenyang God Arrow in the hands of Qin Yun suddenly spurs forward, the speed is very fast, and his attack is also unexpected.

Fan Kaili is a double-minded fairy. It is worthy of the Holy Land. He can sense Qin Yun’s determination to attack suddenly, so he quickly evaded, but he was slower.

"Ah!" Fan Kaili had to sideways to avoid, but the shoulder was still pierced by the Zhenyang arrow.

Fan Kaili has good equipment, but still like a piece of wood, was pierced by people at once.

"You just attacked my tower, and I still hate it so much!" Qin Yun sneered: "I will not let you go!"

When Fan Kaili saw Qin Yun so powerful, he suddenly panicked and shouted: "They all have attacks!"

He didn't dare to move at this time because he knew that Qin Yun could pierce his head at any time!

Qin Yun cold eyes swept over the hundreds of people, and then slowly said: "The person who attacked the tower just now broke his arm! If you want me to do it, then I will take your life directly!"

", we are all people who join the Purple Ice Holy City! You are now in the Purple Ice Mountain, the site of the Purple Ice Holy City! If you have something, just wait for our reinforcements of the Purple Ice City. At that time, you have a good look!" The middle-aged shout of a purple ice holy city shouted. They saw Fan Kaili being bitten by Qin Yun at this time and did not dare to go forward.

Qin Yun took back the Zhenyang God Arrow, and Fan Kaili shouted again.

"Well, I will wait for your reinforcements in the Purple Ice City! If they are shooting at me, I will let them **** power!" Qin Yun said coldly; "And, who dares to run, I promise to blow his head!"

As he said, he spread his finger on the mountain and hit an iceberg a few thousand feet high in the distance.

boom! Rz90

The iceberg was hit hard, bursting into a blizzard, and smashing out with countless broken ice, it was terrible.