Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1452: Powerful crushing

Seeing the evil patriarchs so angry, other old people are secretly happy.

Because in the past, the evil patriarch often used the sacred horn to show off. There is also a sacred horn is also a strong weapon of the evil patriarch.

Now, the evil patriarchs can't use the holy horn for the time being, which means that the strength has weakened a lot and they can't be pressed like they used to.

"Grandpa, what should I do now?" shouted in the evil far inside.

Later, he used the sacred horn to smash a few stone walls formed by the floating cloud tower, which can only be played with bang and no use at all.

After the evil patriarch and other elders thought about it, they decided to use the strategy, mainly to soften the hard clouds of Qin Yun and swindle Qin Yun.

Of course, they all know that Qin Yun is very embarrassed, it is very difficult to lie, so they let the ten soldiers try their best.

Evil Yuan Lei holds the holy horn, which is the strongest one inside, so now he has the final say. Although other people are somewhat dissatisfied with evil and far-reaching thunder, they can only honestly listen to evil and far-reaching command.

"Xie Yaojun, you used to fool Qin Yun, you are his slave, you can get his trust!" Evil Yuan Lei said: "You go to tell me, we have to talk to him! We can give Some of his benefits!"

Xie Yaojun’s heart screamed, but the surface looked a bit humble: “This... I’m useless in the past. What you just did outside, he must know!”


In fact, Xie Yaojun saw the ten soldiers eating, and the heart was very happy. The ten soldiers also knew that Qin Yun was very difficult to deal with.

There is also a more sinful thought in the heart of Xie Yaojun, that is, I hope that these ten soldiers will be begged for mercy by Qin Yun, and only then will he be ridiculed.

Evil Far Thunder is a bit angry: "Let you pass, you will pass... Why are you low-key things, why don't you listen to me honestly?"

"Yes! Evil Yaojun, you quickly roll over and call your master!" Others also ignited and taunted.

"Xie Yaojun, you have to know, who is the boss of the first layer of this evil dragon mountain! It is no longer your evil lord, but the evil spirit of the big brother!" A middle-aged sigh: "You are evil, but you It’s a dog who begs for mercy to others!”

The evil spirits were angry and shouted: "Don't deceive too much!"

Evil Yuan Lei laughed: "Who are you? You are a dog of Qin Yun, but you confess to him!"

Suddenly, there was a middle-aged who raised the evil spirits and went to the hole.

Evil Far Thunder clung to the sacred horn and shouted; "Qin Yun, the puppy you just received, but in our hands, you will not come out, we will kill your dog slave!"

Qin Yun has been healing for a long time in the inside. With the recovery speed of his immortal sacred body, his injury has recovered almost.

Now it's just that there is a slight lack of power in the body, but he feels that it is enough to deal with the ten soldiers outside.

"The sacred horn of the guy is very good. Listen to them and it seems to be the baby of the evil patriarch!" Ling Yun smiled and said: "Xiaoyun, the holy horn is yours!"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "I will go out and see!"

He was about to go out, but he heard the screams coming and the sound of punching and kicking.

Xie Yaojun was screamed!

After seeing the three elders outside, they angered: "Look at what their children and grandchildren are doing, how can they fight Yao?"

The evil spirits chief calmly said: "The overall situation is heavy! Besides, if your grandson is so incompetent, will we get this?"

"The patriarch, you are throwing Qin Yun into, you are the culprit!" The three elders are very angry.

"Turn off my ass? You didn't figure out the repair of Qin Yun!" The evil patriarch was also annoyed.

"Don't quarrel!" Suddenly an old man shouted: "Qin Yun seems to be coming out, and the things stuck in the passage are moving!"

People outside can pass through the crystal wall and look at the situation at the hole.

Qin Yun really put away the Yunyun Tower and appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, he wore a clean blue dress, and cleaned the blood of his face, combing his hair, looking handsome and handsome, and he had a brave power.

Seeing the posture of Qin Yun, the evil-yang soldiers outside the hole were all shocked.

Especially evil Yaojun, Qin Yun, whom he had seen before, is not like this.

At this time, the spirit of Qin Yun was extremely incomparable, and there was a strong and powerful momentum.

"Xie Yaojun, who hit you?" Qin Yun walked out of the hole and looked at the ten soldiers outside, faintly asked.

"Yes... this guy!" Xie Yaojun pointed to a middle age.

"Is he?" Qin Yun also pointed to the middle age and asked.

"It's him, it's him! Master, fast... help me revenge!" Evil Yaojun was violently bruised and bruised, shouting: "And they... they all humiliate me and insult the master!"

Evil Far Thunder angered: "Xie Yaojun, are you really addicted to dogs?"

Qin Yun pointed to the middle-aged, cold voice: "You just hit my servant?"

"What about me?" The middle-aged Qin Yun was very spirited and really shocked, but he felt that there were ten people on their side, and that there was a sacred horn in the hands of evil. Not afraid at all.

Evil Far Thunder smiled and said: "A Liang, you are going to kill this guy! Let him see the evil of our evil-yang warriors! Lest he think that our evil-yang warriors are all evil things like this! ”

"Good!" That A Liang, the big knife in the handshake.

Qin Yun pointed at the A Liang, condensed with a fierce finger pointing through the mountains.


A crisp sound, the powerful finger force, with fierce momentum, fierce through the past, hit the head of the A Liang.

"Ah!" The A Liang didn't even call out, and the head was run through.

At the same time, Qin Yun did not know how, and flashed to the front of the evil fare, grabbed the tip of the holy horn with one hand.


A powerful turbulent force screamed out from the Qin Yun arm.

Qin Yun clasped the tip of the sacred horn and passed the turbulent force.

Although the evil spirits thunder gripped the sacred horns, but they were shocked by the violent shock of the hands, they had to let go of the sacred horn!

It all happened so fast that it made people feel stunned and couldn’t scream.

Especially the evil patriarch of the outside, the arm trembled pointing at the Qin Yun on the crystal wall, so angry that he was smashed, and his sacred horn was so robbed by Qin Yun.

"This group of idiots... evil thief this idiot, when Qin Yun came out, why not directly rush to take the lead?" The evil spirits are so angry that they want to vomit blood.

And the grandfather of A Liang, also an elder, A Liang was spiked, and the elder was so angry that he was yelling again and again.

When Qin Yun got the sacred horn, he knew that it was a very good thing. He was happy in his heart and took the sacred horn into the Jiuyang oracle.

Later, he turned the floating cloud tower into a floating cloud stick and took it in his hand.

Xie Yaojun saw that A Liang was smashed, and her heart was so happy.

At this time, a snake suddenly came over like lightning.

Qin Yun quickly waved the tower of the cloud in his hand and hit the snakehead, and he also injected a force of arrogance.


The long stick fell on the head of the snake, and a white flame erupted. I saw that the snake's head suddenly cracked and spattered a large white flame.

Qin Yun hurriedly called out the Qiankun Fengqu, and made it bigger, covering five warriors, and several ghosts of several meters long.

In this way, he can alleviate a lot of pressure.

Now, as long as he faces four fighters, it is also a breeze for him.

This first layer is very tall, with a height of a hundred meters. The shackles of the singularity of the singularity of the singer can cover a large area.

The warriors and ghosts that were covered by Qiankun's magic bells were all insanely attacking and wanted to come out.

The soldiers outside, but they were scared, they let the small ghosts fly over.

However, those ghosts are very vulnerable to the power of the arrogant and the clouds.


Qin Yun holds the long floating cloud stick, and smashes the ghosts and monsters that flew over. A stick will blow a ghost beast, and those pieces will be splashed everywhere.

The prisoners on the wall, but they were scared and shivering, they were worried that Qin Yun would eat people and they would eat them.

There are a lot of ghost beasts on the ground. For those prisoners, they are delicious, but they don’t even think about it. They are afraid of being killed by Qin Yun!

What makes the prisoners feel at ease is that the ghosts are dead, meaning they will not become rations for ghosts.

Those old people watching the outside, but now they all know what Qin Yun is doing, they dare to conclude that Qin Yun is a heavy fairy!

The evil-yang people who watched outside the evil dragon mountain know how terrible people are chosen by Zhenyang.

Qin Yun was seriously injured and went in, not only to fight the evil Yaojun, but at this time facing ten powerful and heavy fairy warriors, but still able to handle.

There were four warriors who were not covered by Qiankun's magic bell. They saw that the ghost beasts were broken by Qin Yunyi stick, and they also knew the approximate strength of Qin Yun.

"I...we are on!" a middle-aged shouted, waving the giant axe in his hand.

The other three fighters also shouted and rushed over.

On the ground, suddenly there are many trees and vines, and they are tied up!

Qin Yun’s flashing past, the floating cloud stick in his hand slammed down, with a fierce power.


The seemingly broken stone stick, as if with the power of the mountain, fell on a warrior who was wearing a warrior, and the soldier was beaten.

The most frightening thing is that those armor were actually smashed, and the body splash with the blast was everywhere.

Finally, another soldier was killed, and the death was much worse than the previous one.

"Master... Master... Don't kill me!" A soldier suddenly shouted, he wanted to kneel, but because the body was **** by the tree vines, he couldn't go down.

"A servant is enough, you are superfluous!" Qin Yun said, and he went down with a stick.


After three consecutive sticks, the three evil-yang warriors bound by the tree vines were instantly blasted.

The people inside and outside the evil dragon mountain were shocked by this terrible force.