Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1487: Black rat

Xiao Hua’s heart is dark, and these two strange beasts appear here at this time. If they are late, he will be able to take Qin Yun into the big mountain village and enter the holy city palace.

Now, these two strange beasts have appeared, and that big mountain village will definitely be strictly guarded. It is even harder to get in.

Qin Yun looked at the front door, and it was really closed. At first glance, I knew the two strangers and strange people, and alerted the people in the big mountain village.

"It's just a little worse!" Qin Yun felt a pity in his heart. As long as he could enter the big mountain village, he could hide it inside and look for a maneuver.

Now, the two strange beasts suddenly appear here, and the Grand Villa will definitely not open the door.

The two strange beasts became human, they were tall and handsome, and they didn't know if they were shaping their own looks.

The slightly taller man's face is slightly longer, with a pair of thick eyebrows and deep eyes. The two beards add a little charm to him. He wears a very ordinary black dress and can't see that he is a strange animal.

The other man, the eyes under the delicate sword, with a playful smile, the white face of the handsome face filled with a gentle smile, his white clothes are luxurious but not tacky, giving a feeling of cynical.

These two men, the momentum is very strong, but they can not see that they are strange animals.

Qin Yun’s perception is very strong, but he can’t see anything at all. Because these two strange beasts, the breath of the body is the same as humans!

The difference is that they all have a strange charm.

The handsome white man looked at Xiao Hua and asked, "Are you not a person?"

"This is a scorpion, the soul inside is the soul of man!" Xiao Hua calmed down, a touch of the road.

The handsome white man looked at the black man with two beards and asked, "Interesting! You said that in this state, is he considered a human?"

"Okay! He has a human soul!" The black man smiled.

He looked at Xiao Hua and said: "You don't have to be afraid of us! We are not as ferocious as you think!"

"I am Xiao Hua, Xiao Jia from one of the strange family, I am the owner of Xiao family!" Xiao Hua also saw at this time that these two strange beasts did not mean fighting.

"I am a black rat!" The black man touched his beard and smiled: "My body is a black mouse!"

"I am Bai Ze!" Junxiu's white man smiled.

Xiao Hua was a little surprised: "The legendary beast Bai Ze?"

Bai Ze smiled and nodded.

Qin Yun’s heart was also very surprised. Bai Ze’s beast was actually a strange beast.

The black rat laughed at himself: "I am a black mouse, without the noble status of Bai Ze!"

"Rat brother, don't be modest! If you fight, I am not necessarily your opponent!" Bai Zehaha smiled and said: "You guy, always in front of me!"

Xiao Hua suppressed the shock in his heart and asked: "Two, what is your purpose here? Is this the holy city of Akasaka your goal?"

The black rat said: "I just want to see the altar of the sun, nothing else!"

Bai Ze nodded. "Do you think that we are going to destroy the altar? If we really have that kind of mind, we have already shot it, and the city is probably over!"

"Of course, we can't attack it!" The black rat looked at the enchantment and said: "The enchantment of the big mountain is very strong, we can't attack it in a short time!"

Bai Ze smiled and said: "If you attack for a long time, then there is no problem!"

Xiao Hua was relieved at this time because he could see that these two powerful strange beasts are indeed not very ferocious. Otherwise, with their strength, it is sure to be able to slaughter this holy city.

Qin Yun has not spoken, he also found that the black rat Bai Ze, did not notice him, apparently did not find him very strong, which made him feel a lot more.

"Why are you going to see the sun altar?" Xiao Hua asked: "If the two really just want to see, I can help two!"

Bai Ze said: "Of course we really want to look at the altar of the sun, there are many strange lines on it, we want to see and learn the sentiment!"

The black rat smiled and said: "Xiao Lao, you said that you are from the strange family, then you must be a singularist? We are also singularists, we can sculpt grotesque!"

Qin Yun and Xiao Hua are very astonished. The black rat Bai Ze is a sky beast and a sun beast. If they can engrave the strange lines, it must be strong.

"Don't think that only humans can master the strange lines, we can also use the strange patterns to get ridiculous!" Bai Ze proudly smiled: "Do you want us to compare?"

The two of them are also rare to encounter relatively strong humans, but also grotesque, so they are very excited.

"Well, this is not the first time! I am going to communicate with the city owner of the Holy City!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "You are waiting for me here!"

Xiao Hua went to the door, he did not let Qin Yun follow.

Qin Yun has been standing there, and he is also looking at the direction of the gate.

"Little brother, who are you from Xiao Lao?" the black rat suddenly asked.


"Little followers!" Qin Yun laughed.

"Oh? Is it the next person?" Bai Ze looked at Qin Yun and asked.

"Yeah!" Qin Yun did not think that his hiding was so good, these two powerful strange beasts could not see the situation on him.

The black rat whispered: "Little brother, how is the level of the grotesque of Xiao Lao?"

Qin Yun thought for a moment and replied: "The level of the mysterious Xuanzong, how specific, I am not sure!"

Bai Ze smiled: "The strange pattern of Xuanzong, it should be able to engrave 12 levels of fineness, very good! Little brother, have you followed him to learn anything? Do you know strange patterns?"

"Slightly understand!" Qin Yun nodded.

"I think you are very pleasing to the eye, do you want to follow me to learn the strange lines?" Bai Ze looked at Qin Yun, and smiled and said: "Come as a teacher, I am very strong, can take you across this red oak marsh. !"

"Thank you for your kindness, don't need it!" Qin Yun quickly refused, but his heart was very surprised, this Bai Ze actually thought about collecting people.

The black rat smiled and said: "Little brother, you are following me, I master the sky... It is much more powerful than the white pattern of Bai Ze!"

"I..." Qin Yun suddenly hesitated, this black rat is actually a beast.

He thought that Bai Ze was the sky beast!

"Don't hesitate, Xiao Lao definitely agrees!" The black rat smiled proudly.

"Rat brother, I first saw this little brother!" Bai Ze smiled: "You are not so kind to do this!"

The black rat laughed: "I still choose who the little brothers choose!"

Qin Yun is very eager to follow the black rat, and learn his heavenly pattern, but think that he still has a lot to do, can only refuse.

Not long after, Xiao Hua came over.

"Two, He Yanyun, the city owner of the Holy City of Akasaka, is willing to sign a soul contract with you. As long as you promise not to attack the holy city of Akasaka, do not attack the altar of the sun, do not carry out any damage in the holy city of Akasaka!" Xiao Hua said: "If you want, if you want to sign a soul contract with them in the past!"

"Good!" The black mouse nodded.

"Yes!" Bai Ze also agreed and nodded.

Subsequently, Qin Yun followed Xiao Hua and the black rat Bai Ze, and went to the door.

Qin Yun was also nervous at this time, worried that he could not enter, this is his only chance.

Before, he had been worried about the two powerful singular beasts of the black rat, but now they don't have to worry, because these two guys will not attack the altar of the sun.

Xiao Hua is the same, completely relieved, don't worry about the outbreak of the strange animal.

With such a gentle humanoid animal, Xiaohua is also very surprised!

Of course, many of the Shenshan Mountains are occupied by powerful strange beasts, and many strange beasts allow humans to enter those mountains.

There are some strange beasts, and they are still very willing to live in peace with mankind.

After the black mouse Bai Ze signed the soul contract, the people in the big mountain village were relieved.

Qin Yun finally followed Xiao Hua, successfully entered the big mountain village, and looked at the huge sun altar at close range.

When signing the soul contract, the black rat Bai Ze also proposed their conditions, that is, the city owner promised that they would not be besieged after they entered.

He Yanyun, the city owner of the holy city of Akasaka, is a middle-aged man with a national face and looks positive. But Qin Yun thinks that this city owner is not a good thing.

Before, the holy city of Akasaka was wounded by Luo Dongchuan, and it must be the idea of ​​this city owner.

He Yanyun manages this altar of the sun and can be connected with the holy land. On the other side of the holy land, you must catch Qin Yun, and certainly promise to give a lot of rewards.

In order to seize Qin Yun, He Yanyun will certainly use whatever means.

Entering the big mountain village inside, Qin Yun followed Xiao Hua and walked to a big palace.

He Yanyun said with a smile: "Two, you are a powerful Tian beast and a Yang beast. It is our pleasure to communicate with you!"

The black rat said: "We have long wanted to communicate with you, but you have been guarding us!"

Bai Ze smiled and said: "Do we look fierce?"

"No, not... We are not defending you, but against the Qinyun!" He Yanyun shook his head and sighed: "You don't know, some people can be more brutal than the odd animal, that Qin Yun is! The guy is a villain, he killed many of us, and he has to tear down our altar!"

The black rat smiled and said: "Qin Yun? We heard that a friend of Xianxian desert had mentioned Qin Yun before, saying that he had removed the altar of the sun there, and also killed many people in the holy city of the desert!"

"But it's not! So we are guarding that guy!" He Yanyun said with a smile: "Two, if you live here for a while, you might wait until Qin Yun. If you want to fight humans, you can deal with it. That guy!"

"No, we don't want to fight! Besides, Qin Yun is very powerful, we don't want to be with him, lest it be killed!" Bai Ze smiled.

The black mouse Bai Ze is not stupid, they all know that He Yanyun wants them to deal with Qin Yun!

In the fairyland, the strange beasts that can be humanized have heard of Qin Yun more or less, because Qin Yun has removed the altar of the holy city of the desert.

There is also a very powerful singular beast in the Xianxuan desert. These geek beasts are all connected!