Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1741: Night club

Qin Yun did not argue with the dragon and they had their own plans.

Since there is no Kowloon Tianyuan array here, then it is only possible to follow the original plan and let the black rat Baize find the dragon with the dragon sky pattern.

As long as you have nine different dragon days, he can start to try.

"Let's go find Grandpa, ask him about the Dragon Statue and my mother's business!" Long Qing sighed and said: "Be careful!"

Qin Yun now understands why his own floating clouds are so strong. The original seal is the **** of the gods.

Nowadays, the gods are merged by the dragon, and he does not know how to restore the clouds.

"Night sister, Dragon sister, can you let me touch..." Xiao Yuelan hasn't finished yet, and the dragon and the dark night princess shouted in unison: "No!"

Qin Yunli’s horse, Xiao Yuelan, said: “Go!”

"I still want to touch..." Xiao Yuelan reluctantly said.

"They all wear masks, certainly not good-looking, nothing to touch!" Qin Yun vigorously pulled Xiao Yuelan out.

"But they are very good!" Xiao Yuelan said.

Finally, Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan left.

The night princess and the dragon have a long breath.

"Love, this Xiao Yuelan, how so awful, necrotic!" The night princess whispered.

"I didn't think of it! It's a bad girl!" Long Wei said with a sigh of relief: "It is Qin Yun, this guy, actually so serious!"

"Yeah, Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan are a gentleman!" The night princess said: "You said, can Qin Yun really get out of the Kowloon Tianyuan array?"

"Don't hold hope, it's impossible!" Long Wei waved his hand and said: "Let's go ahead of our plan, go to the gods and say, I can use the **** of the gods to make Jiu Tiantian The source matrix lends me!"

"The emperor is very strong, and he doesn't know if he wants to be a god..." The night princess is somewhat worried: "If he knows that you have a god, you might kill you!"

"I am dead, the gods will come down, and will not be won by him!" Long Qingqing shook his head and said: "He won't do that!"

"You are here with me tonight, I am a little complicated, I want to have someone to accompany me!" Long Qing whispered.

"Is it to see Qin Yun, is this the case? It seems that you still have feelings for him!" The night princess said: "You also saw, the big wife around him... Do you really want to be with them in the future? ?"

"Hey, Qin Yun's past life, really for my sake, let me get the **** of the Dragon God, he did not tell me at the time ... just let me believe him, I was sealed in the Dragon statue is good!" Dragon love Quietly sighed: "I was sealed for too long, really annoying and annoying, and then very hate him hate him!"

"After you merge the gods, know that he is good for you, don't hate him?" said the night princess.

"I can't say it!" The dragon is a sigh.

"Love, don't think so much, everything goes with the flow! If you really have a fate, you can continue the front!" The night princess said: "It is the moon, it is too bad!"

"It is true that next time I have a chance, I will take revenge and catch it back!"


After Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan left the mountain group, they walked out of Longzhuang in the middle of the night.

"Xiaoyun, don't you go to the dragon elders?" Xiao Yuelan whispered: "Where are you going?"

"Look at my old lady!" Qin Yun said: "My boss has a lot of secrets, hehe!"

"Ah? Really? Then hurry!" Xiao Yuelan said with a smile: "I haven't seen the old man for a long time!"

Qin Long is also among the divine temples. He is one of the leaders of the meditation.

Before she was quiet, she went back to see a glimpse, but as the leader of the Guanghan Palace, she stayed in the Temple of the Tetriarch for a long time.

Other major forces such as the Guanghan Palace and the meditation have arranged for some people to come to the temple of the emperor to exchange and learn from each other.

At night, after Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan walked out of Longzhuang, they went to a manor where the outsiders stayed.

"Xiaoyun, this temple of the emperor is really powerful, hiding several great gods!" Xiao Yuelan said with a smile: "Xie Lao Da, love, such as Jing sister, and you, there are gods!"

"Well, let's go to the old man! He must know a lot of things!" Qin Yun said.

"The old man has a mysterious dragon totem on his face, and he has been exploring the Yunlong Mountains for a while!" Xiao Yuelan nodded.

Not long after, they came under a stone-built building.

Qin Yun is based on chasing souls.

The window of the building was golden, and the people inside could not see the rest.

Qin Yun knocked on the door.

The door soon opened, and Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan saw a burly man wearing a armor and wearing a half mask.

"Daddy!" Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan laughed.

"Come in!" Qin Long came to see his son and daughter-in-law, and he was very happy. The stern and full of murderous broad face, showing a kind smile.

After Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan entered, Qin Long also closed the door.

"So late, is there anything?" Qin Long laughed.

"Daddy, how much do you know about the four dragon gods of the gods?" Qin Yun asked.

Qin Yunyi asked, the smile on Qin Long’s face disappeared and replaced with a serious face.

"Xiaoyun, what do you ask this?" Qin Long asked.

"This is a complicated matter! I have offended a dragon god..." Qin Yun told Qin Long that he had offended the Dragon God.

"Hey, that **** is just the weakest dragon god, nothing to be afraid of!" Qin Long looked disdainful.

"Daddy, you know him!" Qin Yun surprised.

"You are also a dragon god!" Qin Longxiao said with a smile: "Relax, go to the gods in the future, I cover you!"

Qin Long does not seem to know that his son is the king of the gods.

Qin Yun was not surprised, because he had seen the dragon totem on Qin Long's face before, it is already a god-level dragon totem, and it is still evolving, and can evolve into a totem of the gods.

After he saw the dragon and the dark night princess, he remembered something.

The dragon and the night princess are all wearing masks. It is very likely that the dragon totems appear on the face, but they are temporarily out of control, so they can only wear masks.

Xiao Yuelan thought about it carefully and understood it. "Daddy, is the dragon totem on your face, is it out of control?"

"Yeah, otherwise I won't wear this **** mask! But, after a while, I can almost suppress it!" Qin Long said.

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan, at this time, feel that the night princess may also have the **** of the dragon god, otherwise she and the dragon can not be connected.

This temple of the emperor has three dragon gods!

"Daddy, what dragon **** are you?" Qin Yun asked.

"I am a dragon!" Qin Long proudly said: "I am the strongest of the four dragons!"

"What about Dragon God that day?" asked Xiao Yuelan.

"Dragon is also very strong, of course, Tianlong God is not in place now, the strength is not good! After I go to the gods, I am definitely the strongest dragon!" Qin Longxiao smiled.

"There is still a dragon god? What dragon god?" Qin Yun asked.

"Yuelong God, very special, specifically what the situation, I do not know!" Qin Long shook his head: "In short, go to the gods, I am not afraid of them!"

Qin Yun frowned: "That old man, can you sense other dragon gods?"

"If you are nearby, that is definitely no problem! I am here, did not release the power of the gods, this is the Territory, they are not very good!" Qin Long said.

Qin Yun suspected that the dragon had been inducted with the gods before, so she was discovered.

"What do you ask this?" Qin Long said.

"I can be sure that Tianlong God is here! Another one is suspected of the Dragon God!" Qin Yun said.

"Is this true? You offended these two dragon gods?" Qin Long was surprised.

"It is not!" Qin Yun looked at Xiao Yuelan, but Xiao Yuelan was rude to them.

"Come on me and talk about it!" Qin Long said.

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan told Qin Long about the dragon and the night princess.

"The night princess, it really is a dragon god! No wonder when I saw her, there is a very strange feeling!" Qin Long surprised: "Yuelong God, it should be her! As for the Dragon God, I I have never seen it. But, since it is a little girl, I am not afraid of her!"

Xiao Yuelan smiled and said: "Daddy, they all wear masks! You said, why do they wear masks?"

"That is because the dragon totems appear on the face, this will last for a long time!" Qin Long smiled: "If this is the case, it is very certain, they are all like this!"

"Is it a **** totem?" Qin Yun asked.

"It is the **** totem, it can be regarded as a kind of dragon totem!" Qin Long nodded.

"Daddy, is your dragon **** totem, related to the dragon sky pattern?" Qin Yun is very curious.

"There is no relationship! The dragon sky pattern is a very special Tianci grotesque, I also want to get it!" Qin Long shook his head and sighed.

"Daddy, I am going to meet the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon. Have you heard of him?" Qin Yun said with a smile: "I have a little holiday with him, but I want to see him again!"

"The old man? I have heard of him of course. I have said a few words to him before! You want to see him? I will go with you, what is the festival, I will help you solve it!" Qin Long is very confident. Smiled: "You are old, I still have a few thin faces!"

Qin Long has Zhenyang Shenjian in his hand, and his strength is unfathomable. It is said that before he used the Zhenyang God Arrow to kill a lot of the dragons of the dragon.

"I called the Dragon Elder by the way..." Qin Yun said.

"Don't call him, I will do it!" Qin Long whispered: "Some things, you can't let the dragon elders know, it's not that the elders of the dragon are not good, but the elders of the dragon are very caring for the emperor!"

Qin Yun also understood the meaning of Qin Long and nodded.

Xiao Yuelan said: "Xiaoyun, do you want to be called Jingjing?"

"This is OK!" Qin Long said, he knew that the Guanghan Palace was taking care of Qin Yun.

"For the old man, what happened to the righteous father?" Qin Yun asked.

"Your righteous father has to become a god, this guy has gone for a dog, and he does not know how the **** of the gods actually passed the **** to him!" Qin Long smiled: "Xiaoyun, you both are God who has a god, go to the gods, don't be afraid of being bullied, we cover you!"

Xiao Yuelan smiled softly, but she knew that Qin Yun had the **** of the gods in her hand. She did not say it, but she was afraid of hitting Qin Long.