Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1775: Dragon Girl Help

Elder Qin was surprised: "Using Shenyu Jinshi to practice? This is impossible! Although many people want to get the Shenyu Jinshi, but few people can quickly take the energy of Shenyu Jinshi!"

It takes only a long time to absorb the energy cultivation of Shenyu Jinshi. However, once Shenyu Jinshi is exposed for a long time, the space that is released will fluctuate and will be felt by many people.

Therefore, in the outer heavens, Shenyu Jinshi is also robbed and robbed, and a grain of gods may reach dozens of Tianyu.

"I really have a way, just not good!" Xie Qi smiled softly.

"Well, then I will avoid it!" said Elder Qin: "This is definitely a secret, I will not listen!"

“It’s okay!” Xie Qi said with a soft smile: “If you want to take in the energy inside the Shenyu Golden Stone, you must have a Kowloon Tianyuan array. I mean, the real Jiulong Tianyuan array!”

The elder Qin just got up and heard the words of Xie Qirou. He sat down and shouted: "Is this true? Jiulong Tianyuan, actually has this effect?"

Xie Qi soft nodded: "But the Kowloon Tianyuan array is hard to get!"

"Longzhuang that group of idiots, if they do not destroy the Kowloon Tianyuan array, then now is not ... oh!" Qin elders regretted long sigh.

Qin Yun suddenly thought that his past life seems to be working hard to arrange the real Jiulong Tianyuan array, so he also ran to the Dragon.

He suspected that the dragon's love for the dragon's Jiulong Tianyuan array might be related to his Shenyu Jinshi.

"Hey sister, are you sure this is true?" Qin Yun pinched her lovely face.

"Of course it is true..." Xie Qi softly smiled, opened Qin Yun's hand, and then licked his little face.

The role of the Jiuyuan array in Kowloon is so great that Qin elders lamented again and again.

Their emperors, who have had a long history in Kowloon, have never known such a thing.

"So many people want to get the Jiuyuan array in Kowloon. Do they know that they can quickly get energy through the Kowloon Tianyuan array?" Qin Yun asked.

"No!" Qin Elder shook his head. "The reason why the Kowloon Tianyuan array is attractive is to cultivate within the big array and release the potential to the extreme!"

"If you cultivate in the Jiuyuan array in Kowloon, the potential of the body can be stimulated a little bit! In normal circumstances, it is difficult to stimulate the hidden potential!" Xie Qirou said: "Kowloon Tianyuan array can Balance the energy and the body!"

Elder Qin said: "This is indeed the case. For example, in the Tianyuan array in Kowloon, even if the energy is very violent, the body will not be blasted because of the strangeness of the release of Jiuyuan Tianyuan. Energy can play a balancing role and protect the human body!"

"So, the energy of Shenyu Jinshi can also be balanced by Jiulong Tianyuan, so that it will not be exploded!" Xie Qi said softly.

"But... the energy inside Shenyu Jinshi is very violent, can the Jiuyuan Tianyuan array really hold back?" Qin Elder had some doubts.

"Yes, no problem at all!" Xie Qirou said with certainty: "The current problem is that we don't have a Kowloon Tianyuan array!"

Speaking of this matter, Qin Elder is another sigh, patted the thigh: "I blame the idiots of Longzhuang, if they are not so rigid, to listen to those **** prophecies, they will not self-destruct the Kowloon Tianyuan array!"

"I will go to other elders and talk to them!" Master Qin knows that other big forces will definitely come to the door soon, so he will say hello to other elders in advance to prepare them.

After Qin Elder left, Qin Yun touched Xie Qirou’s face and smiled: “Hey, Sister, you didn’t mean to tell me before? How did you tell me later?”

"I also listened to your sister Yan Yan to talk about some things, so I feel that you really need to take the energy of Shenyu Jinshi, in order to go to the Yunlong Mountains!" Xie Qirou's little hand, also placed on Qin Yun's cheek, vigorously Pinched.

Qin Yun said: "But I don't have a Kowloon Tianyuan array now! I want to arrange the Jiuyuan Tianyuan array. I need to collect nine different dragon sky patterns!"

The sky pattern is not the same as the ordinary grain pattern.

Qin Yun also saw the sky pattern, Kang Yiqing's twin sky pattern, the night invites snow's mysterious sky pattern, that is all kinds of strange lines condensed into a group, is a three-dimensional strange pattern.

It is like a myriad of silk threads that are regularly entangled in a ball.

If you want to get it out, you have to know it very deeply.

He now understands why so many people are very certain that the Kowloon Tianyuan array cannot be made out and can only be born.

Also, he has not seen the real Jiulong Tianyuan array!

If you can see it once, it might be easier.

"Xiaoyun, as far as the Yunlong Mountains are concerned, if you go now, it will be very dangerous!" Xie Qirou said.

"What about you? Isn't it dangerous?" Qin Yun said.

"You only have one soul... Your eight souls and nine scorpions are sealed! If your soul is gone, you may be sealed forever!" Xie Qi softly frowned and said: "You have so many hands." Things will disappear with your soul!"

"Well, I will try to get out of the Kowloon Tianyuan array as soon as possible!" Qin Yun said.

If Xie Qirou is dead again, she is not afraid, because she still has a avatar and can be born again.

"That's good, you have to be careful. If you can't get along, come to the Guanghan Palace!" Xie Qi said softly: "Guanghan Palace is still very safe!"

"Do not worry, even if there are multiple Tianyu guys to catch me, I can't take it for me!" Qin Yun said confidently.

"Well, I will go back!" said Xie Qirou.

Qin Yun sent her out of the Temple of the Emperor and watched her use the transmission to send away.

Its daybreak.

Qin Yun stood in the square of the gate of the temple of the emperor, watching the three suns rise slowly.

The temple of the emperor was suspended in the air. The sun that was seen at this time seemed to be slightly larger, and the sun that was felt was warmer.

"It's good to see the sun!" Qin Yun had an inexplicable emotion against the sun in the sky. He thought that these suns were falling into the wilderness, and he was a little embarrassed.

He turned and returned to Qinzhuang.

Just after he came back, he learned about the elders of the dragon and the emperor of the Xianhuang, waiting for him in the living room of the elder Qin.

Qin Yun immediately rushed over.

Fairy Dragon Emperor is still very helpful.

Qin Yun walked in and smiled: "Long elders, what do you think about exchanges?"

"Qin Xiaozi, the character of Longyouqing is quite special. If she can follow you, it would be good!" Long elder laughed: "We don't want to seal her forever, but we plan to wait for her to become stronger, then let her go out." , this will be more secure!"

The fairy priest said: "Qin Xiaozi, the elder dragon has promised, willing to exchange with you!"

"Really? Great!" Qin Yun did not expect that things would go so smoothly, he can also see that Longzhuang really needs a bone of a dragon.

"Qin Xiaozi, you really have the ability to actually tame the barbaric dragon, this girl is in our Longzhuang, but it is very noisy!" Long elder laughed: "You can take her away, that's best!"

Qin Yun took out a magic weapon of storage and handed it to the past. He smiled and said: "The bones of the dragon are inside, and the elders of the dragon will accept it!"

Long Elder took over and looked at it. He smiled and said: "Very good, very good! Where did you get it from?"

"I... oh!" Qin Yun can only use the reasons he often uses.

The fairy priest shouted: "Long elders, you promise me, part of me, don't repent, otherwise I will smash the entire Longzhuang!"

Qin Yun smiled in the heart, this fairy priest, and really got some from it.

"Do not worry, my credit is still there! Let's take Qin Xiaozi to pick up her savage dragon wife, hahaha..." Long elder laughed.

Qin Yun was speechless, and he did not know what the fairy dragon said to the elders.

In this way, Qin Yun followed the dragon elders to Longzhuang and went outside the hill where the dragon was hidden.

The elders of the dragon opened the enchantment, and the dragon was very happy. Hahaha laughed and walked out, but after seeing the fairy dragon, he narrowed his neck and refused to let it go.

She is very clever standing next to Qin Yun, bowing her head and not talking.

"Qin Xiaozi, lead your dragon wife to go! Remember, don't bring her back to Longzhuang!" Long elder laughed.

The dragon was a bit worried, she wanted to say something, but she didn't say it.

Qin Yunli took her out of Longzhuang and returned to Qinzhuang.

"Cloud brother, what are you talking about... What is the ghost of the dragon girl?" The dragon whispered.

"Your grandfather said nonsense in front of the elder dragon!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "This has nothing to do with me!"

"What? You look down on me? I don't think I am worthy of being your wife, isn't it?"

"It depends on Yuelan!" Qin Yun said.

"Hey, Yuelan that female hooligan... or you are better!" After sitting down, Long Xiaoqing smiled and said: "Cloud brother is powerful, actually made me out. Right, how did you let the dragon elders put I put it?"

"I exchanged the body of a dragon with the dragon elders..." Qin Yun said.

"Hey?" The dragon slammed up from the chair and shouted: "This... too bad! Cloud brother, how are you so stupid! Are you smart and savage in your previous life?"

"Love, I got you out!" Qin Yun said.

"But... this is a big loss! You don't need the whole body of the dragon, you can use half of it! Half of the half may be enough!" The dragon is very uncomfortable, and sighed, "Why don't you?" Let me discuss and discuss!"

"Love, your grandfather said before, let me not exchange you, but give him the whole body of the dragon!" Qin Yun said.

The dragon gnawed his teeth and said: "This **** old man... He must have benefited a lot from it, otherwise he will definitely not let you take the whole dragon to exchange!"

Qin Yun thinks about it, it is really like this, this dragon is not the granddaughter of the Dragon Emperor.

"Love, I have a big event! I can't stay in the Temple of the Emperor!" Qin Yun said: "Yue Tissuo has already arrived, I have to escape everywhere!"

Long Weiqing smiled and said: "Cloud brother, your **** Jinshi, it will not be placed in Yuetiansuo? You found it?"

"Well! You know?" Qin Yun remembers, he did not say this to the dragon.

"Of course I know! Don't be afraid, you have told me some things in your previous life... You are still so good to me in this life, then I will definitely help you!" Long smiled.

Qin Yun had some accidents. He suddenly felt that this dragon girl might have something to do with the Jiuyuan Tianyuan array!