Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1832: Real sacrifice

Qin Yun heard Ximen Da Zhuang yelling at the big scream, but also crying and laughing, he comforted: "Big, you calm down! I will save you!"

"Uncle, I am going to die... Goodbye!" Ximen Da Zhuang was very frustrated and shouted: "I knew that Tiandaozi was uncomfortable in accepting me. He must have seen me handsome and only accept me. Disciples, then turn me into a sacrifice!"

"Da Zhuang, the reason why you are used to worship the heavens is absolutely irrelevant to the looks. I am very sure about this!" Qin Yun said: "You calm down and talk to me about the inside of the altar of heaven!"

Ximen Da Zhuang said: ‘My master is sitting on a chair and telling me that I will be a sacrifice to sacrifice heaven and earth, and then he will return to heaven! "

"In addition to these, what did he say?" Qin Yun asked: "Does he say what will happen after the sacrifice?"

Ximen Da Zhuang couldn’t calm down and cried: “I can’t remember, I’m dying, I can’t remember anything!”

"Big and strong, you believe me, you will not die!" Qin Yun shouted: "Get up a little, you cry like this, pass out not afraid of being jokes?"

"I am going to die, jokes are a joke!" Simon Zhuang believes that he is dead and full of pessimism.

Qin Yun has taken out the trespass, entered the trespassing, and looked at the mirror: "I am in the Tissot, and I will be able to go to the Tiandao altar soon. What is the situation there, let me talk about it!"

Ximen Da Zhuang was indeed stunned by the fear of death. He forgot a lot of things at a time. He heard Qin Yun talking about Yuesuo, suddenly saw hope and shouted: "Boss, Yue Tiansuo should be able to come in, you come over soon. what!"

Qin Yun feels that if he wants to know more about this sacrifice, he can only save Ximen Da Zhuang.

"I will arrive soon!" Qin Yun controlled the shuttle to Tissot.

Yuetiansuo does not mark the location of the sun altar, so it cannot be transmitted immediately. It can only shuttle through the space according to the direction.

Qin Yun just left the strange grain mountain, and he sensed that the night princess was nearby. He controlled the Tissot and sent the night princess in.

After the dark princess came to the main control room, he said: "Qin Yun, are you going to the heaven scene?"

"I have a friend in the altar of the day, I want to save him!" Qin Yun said.

“Is a very important friend?” asked the dark night princess, then sat in a chair and watched the scene from the Mirror’s scene.

Qin Yun nodded: "Yes, I must rescue him. He seems to be treated as a sacrifice!"

Yue Tiansuo began to shuttle to the front.

"If you are a friend, of course you have to save! Just after entering the heavenly altar, there may be danger!" The night princess said: "You must be prepared to deal with all dangers!"

Qin Yun nodded and asked: "Princess, how much do you know about this sacrifice?"

The night princess shook his head and said: "I don't know much, but I am worried about it for me! Because the guys in Jiuyang Temple have to catch me without success, then they will launch a sacrifice!"

"When they caught you, did you say anything to you? You are the only one who has the blood of the Jiuyang royal family. Do they want to revive the entire Jiuyang royal family?" Qin Yun also wondered why the Jiuyang Temple should catch the dark night. princess.

"Because I am the only one, they want to destroy me!" The night princess snorted: "How could they let me lead the emperor?"

Qin Yun also couldn't understand what the Jiuyang Temple and the Emperor were thinking. He sighed: "If I am the top of the Temple of the Emperor and the Jiuyang Temple, I will definitely cultivate you and make you stronger!"

"You are not them... If you are, you don't necessarily think so! Different positions will produce different ideas! You said that you will cultivate me well, because you have a good relationship with me, and I will not treat you. Produce any threat!" The night princess shook her head.

"But, the meaning of the Qin elders and the Qin clan kings, they will not refuse you!" Qin Yun frowned: "The Qin clan king, can represent the top of the emperor?"

"Can't! The Qin clan king is only the king of the Qin dynasty. The highest level of the empire is the gang of gods. They guide the general direction of the ruins in the wild, and the various priests will also do many things." I’m going to report it!” said the dark night princess.

Because according to what prophecy, the only blood of the Jiuyang royal family will destroy the emperor and the dark royal family.

The night princess has a special body curse, so no one dares to do anything to her, or kill her, and the black hand behind the scenes will be cursed.

And her body curse was made by her mother with her own life.

Although she is a reincarnation of the nine-yang goddess, she has a deep affection for her mother.

Just like Qin Yun, he knows that he has the past life of Yun Yun Xian Wang, but he has feelings for his parents, it is a blood-linked emotion.

The mother of the night princess was very miserable, mainly because of the emperor and the dark royal family, so both of them are worried about the night princess hatred!

Not long after, Yue Tiansuo came to the vicinity of the memorial scene.

The altar of sun in front of the altar is surrounded by a huge altar of heaven, shining with white glare.

At the top of the heavenly altar, a white light was shot into the air, and a white mist shrouded the sky.

"This sacrifice day should have nothing to do with me!" After the dark night princess came to the scene, she said: "In any case, the sacrifice of the heavens has nothing to do with me. After all, I don't know what this ‘day’ is!”

"The Temple of Jiuyang knows that they worship the heavens, maybe they need to gain the power of God, to strengthen them and use them to catch you?" Qin Yun said.

"Don't say this, think of ways to save your friends!" said the night princess, who was also worried that the Temple of Jiuyang would become stronger and then grab her.

After she wakes up the blood of Jiuyang, she does not want to fall into anyone's hands.

So she thought of Qin Yun, knowing that she is the safest together with Qin Yun.

"Great, I saw the altar of heaven!" Qin Yun said: "I will go in!"

"Boss, can you come in? I am worried that this will stop you from entering the shuttle space!" Ximen shouted.

"I give it a try!" Qin Yun responded.

The space here is really complicated, and it produces various spatial fluctuations. For example, he can connect with the magic mirror of Ximen, but he cannot determine the location of Ximen Dazhuang through the mirror.

Qin Yun controlled Yue Tiansuo to hide, and then flew forward.

The sky above the altar of the heavens creates a strong spatial fluctuation!

After Qin Yun’s past, Yue Tiansuo also sensed it, causing a violent shock.

However, Yue Tiansuo is still able to fly forward smoothly.

"The space outside is very volatile, but it is not mad, is opening a space very stable?" Qin Yun wondered.

To his surprise, Yue Tiansuo could easily get close to the altar of heaven and enter the altar like a mountain.

It’s like there is no enchantment to guard him!

Qin Yun went in very easily and went to an empty lobby inside the Heavenly Altar.

Ximen Da Zhuang is here, kneeling on the ground looking at the mirror, washing his face with tears...

Ximen Qing pity, this beautiful woman, dressed in a blue dress, is very elegant sitting on a stone chair, looking at the mirror, just like nothing, very calm.

"Uncle, I know you can come!" Ximen Qing Pity saw Yue Tiansuo appear, smiled and jumped up, kicked a big buttock of Ximen, and shouted: "Get up, Uncle is coming!"

Qin Yun controlled the Tissot and sent them to the main control room.

After Ximen Da Zhuang entered the main control room, he immediately became a personal, laughing and laughing.

"This guy..." Qin Yun shook his head and said, "What about Pippi pig? Where is it sealed?"

"On the top!" Ximen Qing pused pointed to the top.

Qin Yun controlled the shuttle to go up and went to another lobby to become a Pipi pig like a pig. He slept on the ground and was very calm.

"Seal? There seems to be no seal here!" Qin Yun frowned, and then brought in the Pippi pig that fell asleep.

The night princess asked: "The West Gate is strong, are you really used to worship the sky?"

"Really... my master Tiandaozi said this to me, he has already returned to heaven!" Simon screamed.

"Green pity, what is going on?" Qin Yun felt that he still asked Ximen Qing pity.

"Tiandaozi, the old **** stick, said that the fate of life, and he wants to return to heaven as a servant, he said that Da Zhuang is the chosen sacrifice!" Ximen Qing pity said: "This old **** stick, how to choose This guy is a sacrifice, it’s not a long eye!"

"Green pity, the reason why I can become a sacrifice is because the Taoist boy agreed with me that day!" Ximen Da Zhuang holding Pipi pig, very sure.

"The ritual ceremony has been going on for a long time. You are still alive. I think it is because you are too wonderful, and the sky does not accept you!" Ximen Qing politely chuckled.

Qin Yun said: "Let's go, back to the strange mountains!"

Just when he wanted to control the Tissot, he suddenly found that he could not shuttle the space!

Qin Yun's face changed dramatically!

"Uncle, what's wrong?" Ximen Qing pity.

"After the accident, Yue Tiansuo can come in, but can't get out!" Qin Yun exclaimed: "His mother, is this a trap?"

Ximen Da Zhuang said: "The **** heavenly son, actually took me as a bait, and brought the master!"

"Uncle, the goal of Heaven is you! No wonder he said that Da Zhuang is a sacrifice, and indeed because of the greatness, can you lead you!" Ximen Qing pity snorted and kicked Ximen a strong foot and shouted: "Great, what is your master's purpose?"

"I... I know what! I said all day that the boss is the enemy of heaven..." Simon sighed and said: "Boss, I am hurting you!"

"We are all going to die, why don't you cry?" Ximen Qing pouted.

"Because... because there is a boss, I believe that the boss will be able to get out of trouble!" Ximen Da Zhuang sat on the ground, caressing Pippi pig.

Qin Yun did not know what the heavens were doing, but actually introduced him in this way.

Ximenqing prayed: "The mirror is also broken. We are sealed here. Will we die?"