Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1871: Blood of the gods

The four evil spirits are feeling that someone is here before they come.

Although Qin Yun and Situ Xiaoai are hiding in the big tree, the breath is completely hidden, but the evil spirits are very powerful and can detect that some people are still nearby.

"There must have been people here, and there are still two, they humans, it is impossible to run so fast! Even if you run very fast, you will definitely have a breath!" A big man licked the big knife in his hand and put the knife on it. The blood is dried.

Qin Yun and Situ Xiaoai in the trunk can see that these big men are full of blood, so they have eaten human flesh before, and they are still raw.

In the face of this powerful evil monster, the disciples of the Tiantianfu can also be one-on-one.

There is five people in a team in Chuangtianfu, but now it is very common to be destroyed by these four evil monsters.

What makes Situ Xiao love difficult to understand is that these five evil spirits have no injuries at all. It seems that they will kill the four disciples of Tianfu and drop their heads!

"Little love sister, evil spirits are so strong? The disciples of Chuangtianfu are mostly Jiu Xian Xiandi? How can you die so fast? It’s too watery!" Qin Yun also wondered, giving Situ Xiaoai Sound.

"I don't know... but I have a guess, that is, they are betrayed!" Situ Xiaoai responded: "There are five people in a small team. There are only four here... Is it being sold by the captain?"

Because there is a precedent for Liu Chuanyu, Situ Xiaoai has this kind of speculation. This is also quite reasonable. If it is not betrayed, four powerful Chuangtianfu disciples cannot be cut off from the head.

"Do you know who this team is?" Qin Yun asked.

"Those heads are ruined very seriously, I can't see it!" Situ Xiaoai shook her head, and she secretly gladly took Qin Yun, or she would certainly be killed by those traitors.

"If it is really the captain of the squad, that is to say, the captain is the four great goddess and the four great emperors?" Qin Yun was a little surprised, and asked the voice of Situ Xiaoai, saying: "The emperor...maybe become a traitor Who is the most suspect?"

This is also the reason why Situ Xiaoai can't be sure that his guess is right. The Tiantian Tiannv of Chuangtianfu has come to create the Tianjin Palace, from the Qizhi Temple, and from the Jiuyang Temple. In the Sky City, they are all very high. .

With such a high status, in normal terms, it is impossible to become a traitor.

Situ Xiaoai was silent, and he felt fear in his heart. There was such a terrible traitor within the Sky City. If he did not come out, the consequences would be very serious.

The four **** men are evil spirits. They are very sure that some people are hiding nearby, so they have not left yet, but searched very carefully.

Situ Xiaoai only has one person himself. In the face of four powerful evil ghosts, he can't win at all, so he can only hide.

Half a day has passed, and the four evil spirits have not left yet. Instead, they take some arms from the treasures of storage and wrap around while eating.

Qin Yun was secretly stunned. He thought that at night, he would almost be able to leave. I didn’t expect the four evil ghosts to be still there.

"This group of guys is really persistent!" Qin Yun said to Situ Xiaoai.

The two of them are in the big tree, and they are very close. At first, Situ Xiaoai was not used to it. After all, she has never been so close to a man who is not too familiar.

"Ghosts are like this, this is their nature! They are sure that someone nearby will wait a long time to go!" Situ Xiaoai said.

She had some concerns before that she would be discovered, but after a while, I felt that it was really safe within the big tree.

The environment inside the big tree is also good, it is a warm and warm space, and there is a very fresh air flowing.

"Qin Yun, what kind of method are you? Can you hide in the big tree so wonderfully, can you teach me?" Situ Xiaoai wants to master this method. After she asks, she adds: "Reassured, I I won't let you teach me! I have mastered a Tao, I can teach you!"

"The Tao is hard to learn!" Qin Yun shook his head.

"Your method is definitely hard to master? Exchange the Tao with me, you are not losing!" Situ Xiaoai said.

Taoism does not need to be mastered. In general, mastering a Taoist method and learning it well can benefit a lot.

Qin Yun’s mastery of the Taowei method is suitable for him. Although he is not fully proficient at the moment, he only realizes that the front is relatively simple, but it brings him a strong force.

"No, my method of hiding into the big tree is very simple, I can make it easy for you to learn!" Qin Yun smiled.

"That's good, I have a way for you to master my Tao!" Situ Xiaoai said: "My Taoist content is not much, it is a kind of ability!"

The ability method is that this method has strange ability, some are suitable for fighting, and some are not suitable.

"What is the law?" Qin Yun was suddenly a bit interested.

Situ Xiaoai just had to answer, and he heard a familiar voice coming from outside.

"How many of you, how are you here?" Suddenly a man spoke to the four evil spirits.

In the big tree, Qin Yun and Situ Xiaoai also saw that there was an extraordinary man in the dark woods, and a handsome man wearing white armor flew away.

That man, it is Situ no harm!

Situ Xiaoai suddenly stopped!

She did not expect that the captain of the squad, even her brother Situ was harmless!

Situ is not one of the four great emperors, or the son of Stuart elder, he turned out to be a great traitor of the Tianfu government.

"Situ Gongzi, we have been here for a long time, and we have not found anyone hiding nearby!" A big man said: "Who are you who are so powerful, can you hide so well?"

Situ did not hurt and frowned: "What happened? Is anyone really nearby?"

The few big men suddenly sensed that they had come over and told Situ that there was no injury.

Situ looked around and said, "I will take out the jade card and feel it!"

Situ Xiaoai is still worried, his heart full of shock, anger, and sadness.

Her brother is actually such a person!

"He took out the jade card!" Qin Yun was very anxious, and quickly sent a message to Situ Xiaoai: "Give me your jade card, fast!"

Situ Xiaoai returned to God and quickly took out the jade card to Qin Yun.

In the past, the jade card was put into the Jiuyang gods, and the sky was separated by several layers of space to avoid being touched.

The disciples of Chuangtianfu, their jade cards can sense each other.

"No, no one is a disciple of Tianfu!" Situ did not hurt the jade card and smiled. "It must be your illusion, or something like a soul!"

"We have a special perception of the living people, we can all sense it, certainly not an illusion, indeed two guys appear nearby, and then suddenly disappeared!" A big man is very sure.

"You got four prey today, have you eaten up?" Situ asked without a smile.

"Situ Gongzi, are you still not returning to Chuangtiancheng? You should have seen the evil dragon adult today?" The big man said: "You go back first, we will continue to find those two people, we must find them!"

Situ did not hurt and said: "The evil dragon let me go to steal the **** Jinshi, this can be difficult!"

"If it is done, what will the evil dragons give you?" A big man asked very curiously.

"The **** of the gods and evil spirits!" Situ did not hurt his eyes and suddenly filled with fanaticism.

The four great men are also very envious.

"If you get the blood of the evil dragon, you can quickly cultivate a powerful body!" A great man is very yearning.

"Why isn't anyway, I have to steal Qin Yun from the Shenyu Jinshi of Chuangtianjing Palace!" Situ did not hurt and said: "I have a way! I am going to grab my sister and use it. She threatened my father and asked him to give me the **** stone!"

A big man smiled and said: "Situ Gongzi is really a good move... But well, this will definitely be discovered! How do you mix in Sky City in the future? We need you to stay in Chuangtiancheng!"

Situ did not hurt, haha ​​smiled: "I don't need to come out! I will catch my sister as long as you cooperate. When my father only thinks that you are doing it, I will not blame my head, and my sister will not." Know this!"

Qin Yun is now more aware of the power of the "disaster stone". Although the elder Situ is only responsible for accepting his **** Jinshi, but now it has been remembered by many people.

Even his son wants to harm him!

He felt that if he had to follow Situ Xiaoai, Situ Xiaoai had already caught it and was used to threaten Stuart Elder to steal the **** Jinshi.

Qin Yun looked at Situ Xiaoai next to her. Her face was slightly cold. She could see that she was very angry, but she was very calm and did not control her emotions.

The mood of Situ Xiaoai’s love also made Qin Yun very admire. He felt that if he was himself, he might have been worried.

"Four brothers, let's go! Don't look for someone, no one is nearby!" Situ did not hurt and smiled: "We will take you to catch more discerning disciples, don't waste time here!"

The big men hesitated, and nodded their consent, and then left with Situ without injury.

After they left, Qin Yun waited for more than half an hour, was about to go out, but was pulled by Situ Xiaoai.

Situ Xiaoai shook his head and gave Qin Yun a voice: "They didn't go far! They are still nearby. If we go out, they will definitely come back!"

Qin Yun thought about it and understood it. The Situ was inadvertently deliberately took away the four evil spirits, then hid in the vicinity and waited for them to come out.

"Little love sister, you are so calm! This time, you can still calmly think!" Qin Yun praised.

"I understand my brother... this bastard, I will not let him go!" Situ Xiaoai does not hate it is impossible.

Qin Yun said: "This is not the way to go. Are we going to hide here for a long time? If those guys call for more helpers, it is not good for us!"

"Yes! So I plan to rush out, lead them, and then you return to Chuangtiancheng to report!" Situ Xiaoai said.

Qin Yun smiled slightly and took out a few small lightning dragons and said: "It is easy to lead them. You can try this first!"

He released a few small lightning bolts and quickly slammed in several directions.

Sure enough, the four evil spirits and Situ were harmless, suddenly smashed out and chased five small lightning dragons.