Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1891: Tianfufeicheng

Qin Yun thought about it carefully, but he was shuddering. It was too dangerous for him to absorb the power of Zihong Shenyu.

Ling Yuner said: "Small cloud is not afraid, there is a suppression of the yang, as long as you do not lose control, others can not break out the evil power within the meditation!"

The most powerful force inside the meditation is the kind of evil power.

This is what Qin Yun had when he was very young, and he was hidden in the depths of his body and soul.

Later, he got the meditation, the mysterious demon power, also entered the depths of the interior of the meditation, has been suppressed.

Only when he is in a state of mental breakdown, the terrible evil power will burst out.

Qin Yun smiled and said: "Princess, this is nothing strange. It only shows that I am a very pure person, hahaha..."

"What is the terrible evil power in your body?" The night princess snorted: "There are a few beautiful women you carry with you... Are you still pure? I really thought I would believe that you are Qin Laoshi?" ?"

Qin Yun licked his mouth, I really hope that Xiao Yuelan is here, playing the night princess's ass.

Only Xiao Yuelan dared to hit her ass, Qin Yun did not dare.

When flying, Qin Yun took out the chasing soul, which was Xie Qi's soft Xiao Yuelan.

Xie Qi soft Xiao Yuelan is together, far away from him.

"Who's chasing soul?" asked the night princess.

"Yuelan!" Qin Yun said: "I really want Yuelan!"

“Where is she?” the night princess asked: “Wu Lan came to the Yunlong Mountains, why didn’t he enter the Sky City?”

The night princess used to be with Xiao Yuelan. Although she was often taken advantage of Xiao Yuelan, she was not very angry.

"I don't know!" Qin Yun shook his head.

"Qiao Feng is coming?" asked the night princess.

"She is still in the Guanghan Palace!" Qin Yun said: "There are not many people coming to the Guanghan Palace this time!"

When Long Qiaofeng was in Longzhuang, he often stayed with the night princess.

Qin Yun took out the chasing soul of Xiao Yuemei and Long Qing, and was surprised: "The two gimmicks are not far from us!"

"The direction they are in is there... Are they also at the lion's tomb?" said the night princess.

"These two gimmicks don't know what these days are doing in the Yunlong Mountains!" Qin Yun suddenly speeded up and said: "We have to hurry to the lion's tomb!"

"Yeah!" The dark night princess knows that Qin Yun is worried about Xiao Yuemei and the dragon.

In Longzhuang, the night princess also often has a feeling with the dragon and affection. In her eyes, the dragon is a rare sister.

Knowing the horror of the lion's tomb, the dark night princess is now as eager as Qin Yun, and wants to hurry to the lion's tomb.

After two days.

Qin Yun and the dark night princess are close to the lion's tomb.

Qin Yun flew in the air, and he saw a cloud of smoldering in front of him.

"Qin Yun, your core crystal, do you have enough energy to save?" said the night princess.

"I let the buns and sisters help save!" Qin Yun nodded.

"It's not a last resort. It's best not to use the sun! First replace it with other weapons!" The night princess said: "The soul weapon should be used at a critical time!"

"Princess, that nine gods knife..."

When Qin Yun didn't ask, the night princess interrupted him: "The Nine Wildness Knife is temporarily placed there for you! When we enter the land of the funeral, I will say that my memory is not complete yet, don't mess up!"

In addition to the Jiu Shen Shen Knife, there is also a mysterious **** sky box.

Qin Yun took out the floating cloud stick and held it in his hand. As they kept coming close, they felt that there was a violent wave of gas.

"The war broke out before, and I don't know if it ended!" Qin Yun took out the soul chasing of Situ Xiaoai and reacted.

"I will go to Stuart elders first!" The night princess said: "You go with me!"

Qin Yun wanted to go to the Xianhuang Longdi, but he thought about it, but decided to follow the dark night princess to find Stuart elders.

Soon, they entered the area of ​​evil spirits.

Qin Yun was in the sky and saw two huge black objects in front of him, hidden in a black cloud.

"Damn, two evil yang!" Qin Yun whispered: "The evil yang appears here!"

"Not just evil yang, Jiuyang Palace and those altars, maybe it will come!" The night princess snorted: "This is not surprising, after all, this is a very powerful energy that can help break the lion's tomb. seal!"

Qin Yun is in the air and sees a huge city on the ground.

The giant city was filled with black air and condensed into a black Tiens head.

Within this huge tomb, there are nine large tombs, and nine powerful Tianshi Tianshi are sealed in the tombs.

The two evil yangs are suspended above the Tianshi Tomb, protecting the tomb from being destroyed.

As early as before, Shenyu evil dragons have already taken people to occupy the Tianshi Tomb.

Although they have been occupying for a long time, they have been unable to break the nine tombs.

"The seal is still there!" said the night princess: "They can't break a tomb palace!"

Qin Yun said: "There has also been a great war here, and the dragon's dragon power fluctuates! It seems that the dragon's strength is not weak, and it can fight against the gods!"

"The current Shenyu evil dragon is not in the peak state, otherwise we can't stand it!" The dark night princess looked at the southeast direction of the Tianshi Tomb City and said, "Go, let's go there!"

Qin Yun took out the chasing soul of Situ Xiaoai, and Situ Xiaoai was in that direction.

The atmosphere of the fairy dragon Emperor came from another direction.

The situation of the Tianshi Tomb City is more complicated, and all kinds of tyrannical energy are everywhere.

The strange grain mountain is still behind, and it will not take long to get there.

Qin Yun feels that with the current strength of the strange grain mountain, once again facing the Shenyu evil dragon, it will certainly be able to withstand for a while.

Qin Yun and the night princess in the air, after flying over, saw a black giant city suddenly emerged from the black thick clouds.

"This is... Tian Chaozong?" The dark night princess quickly pulled Qin Yun and prevented him from flying forward.

"I thought it was Jiuyang Palace!" Qin Yun clenched the cloud stick and snorted: "The site of Tianzongzong is really big!"

There are two evil yangs in the sky above the Tianshi Tomb City. There is actually a huge flying city pool patrolling.

The city is slowly flying, and it is quietly hidden in the thick clouds.

Fortunately, Qin Yun and the dark night princess can be found early, so they did not crash.

At this time, Qin Yun suddenly sensed a familiar atmosphere.

That is Stuart's elder!

"Tianshizong dog thief, you a group of watchdogs, there is a kind of roll out to fight with us!" Stuart elders on the ground, with a powerful force of the Emperor.

Tiansongzong is flying around the city. Because of its strong enchantment, it is difficult to break through, and the city gathers powerful forces to inspire powerful killings against the siege.

It is not easy for Stuart elders to attack the city. If they want to rush into the lion's tomb, they must destroy the outer defense.

"The weak people of Chuangtiancheng, you can resist this and you want to fight against the evil dragons? The evil dragons are cracking the enchantment of the seal Tianshi, and they have not come to pay attention to your weak things, otherwise you will die!" The person who responded to the sect responded, and the person who spoke was an old man.

"Tian sect of the dog thief, timid like a rat! If you are a group of **** in the Tianshi Tomb, we have already wiped you out!" Stuart Sergeant shouted: "You don't forget, you guys Before, we were beaten by us!"

When Qin Yun flew over, he also sensed the breath of those people of the Dark Royal Family.

What puzzled him was that the Emperor Xian and the Emperor of the Immortal did not participate in the war.

The Alliance Army, the Allosaurus and the Sun Souls are participating in the war.

The evil forces that come from the wild, the reason why they must follow the gods and evil dragons, is also because the gods are the most likely to find the land of funerals.

Tiansui Zong’s huge Feicheng city heard another voice. It was still the old man. He laughed and said: “We are just too lazy to fight with you! You also saw that the fairy priest released the Kowloon Tianyuan array. Can't help us! I heard that the Jiuyuan Tianyuan array was given by Qin Yun, hahaha... Qin Yun’s junk goods are not very good!”

Qin Yun clings to the cloud stick, and his heart has long been a fire.

Tianzhaozong is the enemy of the strange door. He is very clear how Shu Yihui and Sanyao were tortured by Tianzhao.

Today, Tianshen is in front of you!

Qin Yun looked at the huge and sturdy flying city in front of his eyes, his face gradually gloomy, and he took out the nine-day dragon and lion gun.

"Qin Yun, you want to shoot?" the dark night princess whispered.

"You go down and tell Stuart elders, let them prepare for the big battle, I want to break the city!" Qin Yun looked gloomy and said: "I want to break with Tianzongzong!"

The night princess nodded and said, "Okay, then be careful!"

Qin Yun made the nine-day dragon and lion gun bigger, and he took out a relatively large shell.

The star artillery shell, but made with a huge star energy source, through the refining of the Dantian furnace, also ingested a lot of holy oil, and the power of the gods.

The Jiulong Tianyuan array inside the nine-day dragon and lion cannon is also beginning to accumulate power.

Qin Yun is urging the Jiuyuan array to absorb the power of a large number of stars.

The nine-day dragon and lion cannon trembled slightly, and the energy stored was getting stronger and stronger.

The kind of energy swelled up, and it actually rolled up a gust of wind, blowing away the dark clouds in the air.

Only a moment later, the sky above the lion's tomb became very clear, and you could see the boundless sky.

The black giant city of Tiansongzong is also present in the sky.

At this time, the people inside the Tianzongzong found that there was a very powerful energy in the dark.

"Who is arrogant?" Inside the huge flying city, an angry shout came out: "You are not a person in Sky City? They have such a strong!"

"Who are you?" Qin Yun asked quietly.

"This powerful Tianzongzong is in charge of me!" The old man's voice with a sneer, proudly said: "I am the teacher of the heavenly rebellion!"

Tian Chaozong’s teaching is exactly what Qin Yun is looking for!