Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1963: Scorpio

The shells that Qin Yun hit out were shelled out by the nine-day dragon lion. The shells themselves were made of many holy oils, and the barrels were reinforced. The flames that erupted were strong.

But now, the flames are like being swallowed by the huge crystal skull, and the flame is burning inside the crystal skull! "

Come again! "Qin Yun gritted his teeth and blasted a cannon.

When the bomb hits the past, the sound is not loud, and the flame bursts directly, and then the flame is swallowed by the crystal skull.

“What the **** is this?” Qin Yun exclaimed: “It’s not a virtual image, it’s a really big skull!”

Xie Qi softened his eyes and released his mental power to explore. He said: "I sense a lot of soul fluctuations..."

This thing didn't attack us, or don't waste time here, let's go to the Lord Tianling! "The night princess said: "In the ghost place, there will always be a variety of evil things, we are used to it!" ”

Qin Yun said: "I am not worried about this thing behind the ass!"

The crystal skull is so huge that after being bombarded with two shots, there is no fart, and it is like being covered with a flame skin. The flame that emerges from the skull is like a long flowing hair. "

Would you like to take a look at it? Said the dark night princess.

Ok, I am going to pass! "Qin Yun grabbed the cloud stick and looked at Xie Qirou and asked Xie Qirou for approval."

Ok, be careful! "Xie Qirou said. Qin

The cloud blew his hands and rushed over.

In the past, the floating cloud stick in his hand suddenly became very long and long. The knocking out of the end became very thick, and after being injected with a strong force, the waves were raging. "

Dead man, don't follow us! "Qin Yun jumped into the air, shouted, and then smashed the clouds.

The cloud stick fell on the top of the entire crystal skull, and it was only the whistling sound of the stick! stick

The thickest end of the child falls on the crystal skull. Although it has a strong power, it has no sound at all!

What makes Qin Yun's heart stunned is that the floating cloud stick trembled and shocked his hands. "

This stuff... can't beat it! "Qin Yun was shocked and returned to Xie Qi's soft night princess."

You hit a stick and have not been attacked. It seems that you will not attack us! "Xie Qirou said: "Then let us ignore him! Qin

The cloud snorted and put away the floating cloud stick and said, "Okay, let's continue on our way!"

In this way, Xie Qi soft night princess flew in front, Qin Yun behind a little, he looked at the huge crystal skull from time to time, beware of the sudden attack of the crystal skull.

The crystal skull is huge, but it is quiet when it moves. Ann

If you are quiet, you won’t be able to send it out. You don’t look at it. You don’t even know that there is such a big thing to follow. Do not

How long will it be dark?

After dark, the crystal skull is still burning with flames, illuminating all around.

What makes Qin Yun depressed is that the flames become more vigorous, and they are mainly concentrated on the top of the crystal skull, which is as elegant as hair.

The big night is so dazzling that it is easy to attract other things. "

Xiaoyun, this guy seems to like the flame! "Xie Qi is very reassured, and laughed: "The shells you shot out were gathered by him!" ""

This thing has no soul, but it has a certain consciousness! "The night princess said: "What is it?" "water

Why are the crystal skulls appearing, why are they going to follow them, and what are they doing? This is what Qin Yun thinks all the way.

They were followed by this crystal skull. Qin Yun was worried about the road and finally came to the next mountain.

This mountain is a mausoleum and a relatively large stone mountain.

However, this mountain is not half as high as the crystal skull. "

Xiaoyun, what is the next point? "Xie Qirou asked."

"The next point is a tomb city, a big tomb city!" Qin Yun said: "The tomb is quite special, surrounded by eight alpine tombs, and I don't know what the tomb city is!"

Along the way through the large and small mausoleums, Qin Yun wanted to open it and thought that there was something to be done. He could only hold back and not give birth. when

Of course, even if he wants to get rid of it, Xie Qirou will definitely stop him. "

Big graveyard! It seems that we have to be careful when we pass! Said Xie Qirou.

Only when you go to the next point and see the mausoleum drawn on the map, can you make sure that they have not taken the wrong path to determine the location of the next node.

So they have to go through those tombs.

Qin Yun said: "There is nothing to be afraid of this big fire! It is this big fire that can scare off many ghosts!"

Qi said softly: "It is also! This big fire looks very powerful!"

"I hit the two guns, he has nothing at all, can you not be awesome?" Qin Yun did not relax his vigilance even now. he

They took a break and were about to go on the road, but suddenly there was a white cloud floating over.

After the white clouds drifted over, they turned into a dragon! "

Yunlong predecessor, you finally came! "Qin Yun shouted."

Qin Yun... There is a big man behind your kid. Didn't you see it? "After the emergence of Yunlong, he shouted."

I certainly know that it has been a long time with us! Qin Yun turned and looked at the giant crystal flame head, and said: "This is not the case. I was bombarded with two guns before I started to fire!" ”

"Oh, don't you know what it is? Actually dare to beat him, you really haven't died!" Yunlong exclaimed.

"What is it?" the dark night princess asked quickly.

"The head of Scorpio! This thing is a scorpio!" Yunlong shouted: "You must get rid of this thing, continue to let him follow, will be finished!"

The Scorpio in the middle of the story is like this!

Qin Yun, Xie Qi soft night princess, all face changes, face to face!

"How do you get rid of it?" Qin Yun asked.

" can think of it yourself, I will leave!" Yunlong said: "There are several wars here, I am going to collect the corpse..."

When the dragon ran, there was no shadow. He also sensed the call of Qin Yun. He came over after he had finished.

"Hey Sister, have you heard about Scorpio?" Qin Yun said: "Do you know how to get rid of Scorpio?"

I only know that Scorpio is guarding the tomb! "Xie Qi soft eyebrows, looking at the huge crystal flame head, shook his head: "I don't know how to deal with this kind of thing!" ”

"Yunlong has no way to deal with it, so he ran, and he was afraid to be stared!" The night princess snorted. Qin

The cloud said: "This stuff is always following us, not attacking! It is really annoying!"

Come, they don't care much about this huge crystal flame head, but Yunlong ran over and said it was the head of Scorpio. This

Under the son, Qin Yun, they can not continue to calm down. day

You are guarding the tomb, and they are going to visit the Lord Tianling!

Xie Qirou said: "Scorpio follows us, do you know that we are going to the Lord Tianling? No, this thing is very strong and will definitely stop us!"

The cloud thought about it and suddenly shouted: "I have a solution!"

He took the Tianding Town Dragon Ding! day

Under the control of Qin Yun, Lion Town Long Ding suddenly became very big.

The huge Tianshi Town Long Ding can be suspended in the air, and it has not been impacted by that pressure. "

Cover this stuff! "Qin Yun fully released his mental strength and urged Tianding Town Longding.

Tianding Town Longding came to the top of Tianzhutou and then covered it.

boom! day

After the lion town Longding was covered, Qin Yun took a breath and smiled: "Successful! That stuff can't run out!"

He controlled the Tianding Town Dragon Ding gradually getting smaller. day

After the lion town Long Ding became smaller, he flew back to him.

Xie Qi's soft night princess saw Qin Yun's success, and all showed a happy smile.

However, when they turned to hurry, they saw a huge fire skull in front of them!

Qin Yun quickly took out the Tianding Town Longding, to see the internal situation, the crystal skull is not inside! "

This stuff..." Qin Yun whispered: "How difficult is it to deal with? "thank

Qirou said: "Don't worry, we go directly to the Lord Tianling! Time is tight, this is the place where the funeral is happening, more and more situations happen, we go to the Lord Tianling early!"

Cloud nodded: "This is the only way!"

They are only a day and a half away from the main Tianling.

It can be said that I will be able to go soon.

Scorpio is the place to protect the burial sky. Although it appears, it does not attack Qin Yun, but just behind them, causing panic to them. day

傀儡 is very powerful, Qin Yun also feels, but does not know how to deal with it.

Half a day later, the sky has alternated several times in the dark. Qin

Clouds they finally came to the big graveyard!

This tomb is an octagonal, thick golden wall that is octagonal. There is a thousand-foot alpine tomb outside each corner.

This magnificent and huge tomb city, the wall is as high as a thousand feet, the top is sealed, can not see what is inside.

In the distance, Qin Yun can see many ancient strange patterns on the wall. Have

A very powerful seal sealed the tomb.

Although the tomb city is huge, but the crystal flame head behind Qin Yun behind them is much shorter. on

Even the eight alpine tombs outside the tomb are much smaller than the heads of the Scorpio.

"I don't know what ghosts are sealed inside, so there must be at least tens of millions of people in a big tomb city?" Qin Yun said.

He has the **** of heaven in his hand and can open any mausoleum here.

Xie Qirou looked at the gate of the tomb city and said: "Which direction do we take next place?"

The cloud pointed to a direction and said: "When you continue, you will be able to enter the area where the burial place is located. From the map, there is a red earth area."


The gate of the huge tomb in front of it suddenly made a loud noise!

The golden giant door was shaken and shook, as if it were to be blasted! Qin

Clouds immediately retreat! "

It has been sealed for so long, and the stuff inside is still so strong? Qin Yun was shocked: "I won't run out?" ”

boom! Qin

The cloud voice just fell, the door was once again hit, this time the power is stronger than before!