Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1970: Jiuyang Undead Army

Xie Qirou knew that there was a seal of Yangdi's strange spirit, and Qin Yun let her help it before, but she couldn't help it.

Qin Yun also thought that there is a way to get rid of the gods.

He now suddenly feels that this day is a good **** shop, which allows him to get the Yangdi strange spirit in advance. Yang

The divine spirit can make it easier for him to master the sun.

It should be known that the main lines of Dou Yan are mainly positive, and some of them are strong and difficult to engrave.

If there is a Yangdi strange spirit, it will be much faster.

Yunlong said: "Do you want to go out? The situation outside is chaotic! The Jiuyang undead army of the Jiuyang royal family is fighting everywhere in the land of burial!"

"Jiuyang undead army?" Qin Yun remembered the monks of the Jiuyang royal family.

"In the beginning, the land of burial was the heroic cemetery of the Jiuyang royal family. Although the Jiuyang royal family has perished, their undead army still guards this heroic cemetery!" Yunlong said: "If you meet them, maybe there will be Danger!"

"We are not afraid!" Xie Qirou said: "We have to hurry out and grab the gods of the sun and the souls of the soul!"

To get together Qin Yun’s nine souls of the Sun, it’s enough to have a few. "

I don't know if the gods will come! Qin Yun said: "The heart of Shenyu evil dragon can not be retrieved, then his strength will not be much stronger! ”

Before Qin Yun faced the evil dragon, he felt that the pressure was not small, but now he is not afraid, mainly because he cultivated a strong sun heart.

Can let him play the powerful power of Zhenyang Shenjian. Qin

The cloud took out the soul-souling beads and said, "I will integrate the Eight Souls and the Nine Dragons and go!"

Yunlong laughed and said: "This takes a long time! Slow is three years and five years, and soon it takes a year and a half!"

what? How long does it take? Qin Yun was shocked, then looked at Xie Qi's soft night princess. Xie

Qi said with a smile: "Xiaoyun, that is the memory of your life, and the eight souls are very strong... If you are a fusion, every time you have to suppress the powerful soul, lest you will get rid of your Body!"

Before, Xie Qi softened Xiao Yuelan, because they awakened the soul of the past life, so from time to time to retreat to suppress the soul.

As their cultivation improved, they gradually adapted to fully integrate the souls of past lives.

Qin Yun's Eight Souls and Nine Heroes, carrying the memory of his several generations, will certainly not be fully integrated in a short time. "

Let's go, we still have a lot to do! "The night princess said: "Many of the tombs in the land of the burial have arrived at the seal period, Tiandao Shenyu, Zhentianmen and Lingtian, and the ancient tribes, and must try to break those tombs and get things inside! ”

Xie Qirou nodded: "We must get the soul of the sun as soon as possible!"

At the beginning, Zhentianmen, Tiandao Shenyu and Chuangtiancheng all participated in the construction of these mausoleums. After they were built, those tombs were transmitted to the land of burial.

Qin Yun took out a mask and said, "I have to bring a mask! I feel that the ethnic group or the guy who was sealed in the land of the heavens may recognize me!"

"Really? The Ling Tianzu guys don't recognize you!" Xie Qi said softly: "Have you seen them before?"

Not only have I seen it, but also let the Ling Tianzu’s genius Ling Fei fly into a shameful shame, it can be said that the new hatred is superimposed. "

Maybe I am so handsome in this life, they can't recognize me! Qin Yunxiao smiled and said: "Let's go, let's go out!" "he

When I spoke, I also aimed at the little scorpion.

Yunlong quickly pulled the little scorpion behind him and smiled and said: "Qin Yun, don't make any thoughts... This little scorpion is not mine, it is heavenly!"

Is this little thing sold? Qin Yun said.

"Sell, 10,000 tablets of Shenyu Jinshi!" Yunlong smiled and said: "Do you want it?"

"Wait, wait for me to become stronger, I will borrow again!" Qin Yun said.

He knew that the little sky was strong and could turn into a big crystal skull.

This small Tianzhu was besieged by a large group of purple-winged people. There was nothing at all, and it appeared safely here, so Qin Yun wanted to have such a small thing.

Xie Qirou asked: "What are the dangers of Yunlong’s predecessors?

Yunlong touched Xiaotian’s small crystal skull and smiled: “In the land of burial, only Scorpio is dangerous to you, and other dangers are nothing!”

What about the day? Qin Yun asked: "Before, the Heavenly God of Heaven and God, control the eye attack! In the land of burial, we will definitely have conflicts with the guys in the Tiandao domain. When they come to deal with us with the eyes of the sky, what should we do? ”

"They borrowed from the sky, the power is limited, don't be afraid!" Yunlong smiled and said: "Qin Yun, I remember you were suppressing the attack of the eye!"

But I am afraid that the sky is getting stronger and stronger! Qin Yun said.

"If you are stronger, you can't go anywhere, you can definitely block it!" Yunlong said. "

Yunlong predecessors, you are now the treasurer of Tiandao **** shop, then your Yunlong world? Asked the dark night princess.

"My Yunlong world will have a big change, and it will become a new warehouse for Tiandao pawnshop! It is also a new land of funeral!" Yunlong laughed and said: "The Tiandao **** shop is finally going to reopen!"

Qin Yun said: "After many years, Tiandao **** shop has been closed for a long time?"

Yunlong nodded: "The door has been closed for many years, mainly because the previous shopkeeper did not do business! Now, the shopkeeper has rested!"

"Who is the last treasurer?" Qin Yun was curious and said: "I used to be the **** of my previous pawn?"

"The last treasurer, named Tiandaozi! It is more active in the fairyland!" Yunlong said: "Have you heard him?"

"This old **** stick... turned out to be the treasurer of Tiandao **** shop!" Qin Yun was very surprised. The soul of his floating clouds was originally preserved in Tiandaozi.

This day, the Tao said all day that he is the enemy of heaven and earth, and he is still mad, but he did not expect to be the treasurer of Tiandao **** shop. cloud

Long smiled: "It seems that you recognize him!"

Tiandaozi is in the altar of heaven, the body is finished, but the soul is still fierce, but it is smoked by Pippi pigs, and I don’t know how it is now..."

Then, I want to see you next time, how can I meet you? Qin Yun asked.

After the Tiandao **** shop is reopened, you can get in touch with me through your seal! But, you have just pawned it once, and the next time you want a pawn, it will be a hundred years later! Yunlong said.

"Okay!" Qin Yun said, for a hundred years, it was a long time for him. Qin

The cloud walked over and wanted to touch the crystal skull of Xiaotian, but this little thing immediately hid, worried that it would be taken away by Qin Yun.

Xie Qirou took Qin Yun’s hand and smiled: “Xiaoyun, let’s go! You should see your mother soon, you will be reunited!”

Ok! Qin Yun nodded, and his mood at the moment was much better.

"I will send you out!" Yunlong said: "The Tiandao **** shop can be reopened, and I can be the treasurer, you have contributed!"

"Yunlong, you said thank you before, how can you thank me?" Qin Yun suddenly thought of this.

"Reassured, I am the treasurer now, I will keep my promise!" Yunlong smiled and said: "You should first take the soul of the soul of the sun!"

Cloud always feels that Yunlong is not reliable, but it can't be done. thank

Qirou, the dark night princess and Qin Yun, walked out of the small hall together. he

After they went out, they were transferred to it. This

The grassland still overflows with the purple-red mist.

After coming up, the night princess was surprised: "I... I saw the purple-red mist of the grassland!"

After that, she looked at the sky to the sky and stunned: "Fuchsia Eyes!"

There is nothing special to see! "Qin Yun is now used to it."

It may be your three hearts, for the sake of heaven! "Xie Qi smiled softly."

Your heart is given, is there really nothing going on? Qin Yun thought about this matter and was very worried.

"Reassured, there will be nothing!" Xie Qirou held Qin Yun's hand and injected a self-contained force. He smiled and said: "Do you feel that my strength is still strong?"

The cloud is very confused and said: "How long will it take for you to cultivate your heart?"

"It won't take long!" said the night princess: "Where are we going next?"

Qi soft closed his eyes, sensed the position of the soul of the meditation, then pointed to the other side and said: "On there, let us go!"

The cloud took out the trespass, he and Xie Qirou and the night princess went in, and then flew to the direction of the soul of the soul of the sun. jump

Tissot was pressed down by a strong force, and now he has been self-healing and can be used with confidence. Qin

The cloud is in the sky, and he takes out the Huatian furnace and puts it into the big star. He is refining the star artillery. Now

In the dark, the day and night is still an hour.

Suddenly, the night sky has a soft moonlight!

Qin Yun, they immediately looked into the air.

In the sky of the land of burial, there was a big moon!

You know, there is no moon before here.

"Yuelan they succeeded!" Xie Qirou smiled happily: "They released the mother month!"

"What is the moon going on?" Qin Yun asked.

Before, Xie Qirou let Xiao Yuelan work together to break through a tomb and release the moon inside. "

Let them know the meaning of the nine yang goddess! "Xie Qirou said: "They will enter the mother month to become the real Jiuyang goddess! ”

Qin Yun said: "Suddenly a moon appears, will it cause other guys to attack?"

"No, the defense of this moon is very strong. They can become very strong as long as they can enter the core of the moon!" Xie Qi smiled softly. jump

Tissot quickly flew out of the red area. dark

The night princess looked at the moon in the sky and said, "I don't know much about the things of the nine yang goddess. It seems that I have to enter the mother month!"

Let’s go, there are me and Xiaoyun here! "Xie Qi soft nodded. Dark

After the night princess left the whistling shuttle, the body was shrouded in a moonlight and suddenly disappeared! versus

At the same time, on the grass that Yue Tiansuo flew, a bag was bulged! Big

The amount of monks popped out!

"Jiuyang Undead Army appeared!" Qin Yun shouted: "What happened?"

"After a small walk, the undead army appeared. Is it that they are afraid of Xiaoxiao?" Xie Qi said with a soft voice: "Xiaoyun, speed up, don't fight these things!"