Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1984: Big sister is her

Qin Yun said: "I thought that the founder of the Tiangong Palace had no name. It turned out that she called the moon sweet! Who started these names?"

Starting from the mother month! Xiao Yuelan pinched Qin Yun’s face and said: “Don’t interrupt, listen to me and continue! ”

"Okay, to the seventh row!" Qin Yun smiled and pinched Xiao Yuelan's thigh, making her laugh a few times.

Xiao Yuelan continued: "The name of the gentle sister is called the seventh month of the month!"

Xie Qirou turned out to be the Seven Sisters. Among the Jiuyang goddesses, it was relatively small. This made Qin Yun very surprised. He thought that Xie Qirou was a big sister.

Xiao Yuelan saw Qin Yun’s astonished look and smiled. “I was also very surprised. I thought I was a big sister!”

Then she continued to talk about the ranking: "Ice Star sister named Yue Bing, ranked sixth; Yang sister named Yue Ji ranked fifth; fourth is the moon sister; third is the master sister, that is your Yan Yan Sister, her original name is Yue Yao!"

At the time, Qin Yun’s eyes were already very big. Looking at Xiao Yuelan, he shouted: “Yue Lan, are you a big sister?”

Yang Shiyue is the fifth, the moon is the fourth, and Liu Yueyan is the third. Then the second and first remaining are Xiao Yuemei and Xiao Yuelan!

Qin Yun really did not expect it!

Xiao Yuemei and Xiao Yuelan, among the nine women, are the youngest, especially Xiao Yuemei’s wild hoe, which is so far ahead.

Xiao Yuelan spit out his tongue and whispered a little: "You guessed it wrong, the first is the little girl of Yuemei, she is the big sister!" Qin

The cloud is completely dumb!

He was actually wrong again, because Xiao Yuelan is Xiao Yuemei's sister, so he subconsciously believes that Xiao Yuelan is ranked first!

“Yuemei turned out to be a big sister!” Qin Yun began to doubt life and said: “Which is this based on what? I obviously think that Sui Rujie or Yang Sister, it should be a big sister!”

We also think so, but the moon is the big sister! "Xiao Yuelan said: "My original name is called Yuelan, and my eldest sister is Yuemei!" ”

Qin Yun said: "When the past life was in the Guanghan Palace, you were called Yuelan, and Yuemei was also Yuemei! Yang sister is Yue Ji, this is the name of her Jiuyang goddess, and Yan Yanjie is called Fang Yueyao... There is a month of sister, your name is very consistent with the original name, who started?"

绮 姐 姐 给 gave us the name! Xiao Yuelan smiled and said: "Although I am the second sister, she will always be my sister!" Although Yuemei is the eldest sister of Jiuyang Goddess, she will always be my sister! Qin

Yun said with emotion: "There was a lot of memories in the beginning of the sturdy sister!"

Well, she concentrated most of our sisters in the Guanghan Palace! "Xiao Yuelan painted a small circle in Qin Yun's chest, and smiled and said: "Then we met you, this is not an accident... It is all secretly arranged by the sister!" ”

"Wait, the smallest nine sisters, the eight sisters, the Tiangong, the sweetheart, the seven sisters, the sisters, the youngest three, are all fulfilling the mission of the goddess?" Qin Yun said: "And your sisters, It’s all about getting the mission of Goddess now!”

"Yeah, but we were born earlier than them!" Xiao Yuelan said: "Just don't know what we have experienced!" Qin

The cloud said: "I have ever had an intersection with you? I met the night princess and also prayed for her eight souls and gossip!"

Xiao Yuelan smiled and said: "I heard her say this. When she told us about this, she could not bite the meat on your body! I let her rest assured to bite, if not hate, pull the sisters together. Help bite you!"

"Hey! Yuelan, you have changed, don't help Xiaoxianggong, and bring sisters to bully me!" Qin Yun pinched her face, pretending to be sad. "

Xiao Xianggong, did Xiao Xiao have kissed you? Xiao Yuelan smiled and said: "She looks very proud, very clear and jade!" ""

Kiss! "Qin Yun also talked about the cultivation of the heart of the sun."

Xiao Yuelan touched the heart of Qin Yun and smiled: "I am jealous, your heart is a small help to cultivate, will she only have her without me?"

"How come?" Qin Yun kissed Xiao Yuelan and said: "You are always Xiaoyuelan I want to guard!" Xiao

Lu Lanton's heart is warm, a sweet smile, very sticky on the body of Qin Yun, whispered: "Small Xianggong, we Jiuyang goddess do not know why it will be born, we have their own difficulties In addition to the mission, we have a common mission..."

A common mission? Qin Yun said: "Is it difficult to do?" ""

Well, it's hard to do! Is to guard you! "Xiao Yuelan is the color."

"Guarding me?" Qin Yun frowned: "I am still guarding you, you have helped me so much!"

"It's not like this..." Xiao Yuelan shook his head. "I don't know what is going on in this matter. It may only be clear to the sister, but she just doesn't say it!"

Qin Yun said: "Don't your birth be related to me?"

Xiao Yuelan nodded: "Xiao Xiao said that after she completed the mission of helping the Jiuyang royal family to fight for three thousand days, there is a new mission, that is, to find a person and then to guard him!"

The clouds are smashing.

The night princess used a secret method to detect the person she was looking for.

Qin Yun was a casual test at that time, that is, the night princess was looking for someone. He and the night princess felt too clever and tried again, and as a result he was really the one the night princess was looking for. when

At the time, Qin Yun thought that the night princess was looking for his own enemies, so he was scared to death, fearing that he would be hacked to death by the night princess. "

Xiao Yan told us that she found that person, that is you! "Xiao Yuelan said here, smiled, pinched Qin Yun's nose, smiled and said: "Xiao Xiao said that you thought she was looking for revenge, but was scared to hold a slap in the face, are you doing something wrong? ”

"Nothing!" Qin Yun snorted and smiled: "You nine sisters are also true. I asked her what she was looking for. She didn't say it directly. She also said that the memory is incomplete... I knew she knew The reason for finding me!"

Change me to her, I can't say it! Xiao Yuelan laughed. "You were still more contradictory with her. She suddenly said that I was looking for you to protect you. She could not accept it!" ”

Qin Yun smiled and said: "Also, she was also looking suspicious of life!"

At the beginning, Qin Yun learned from Peng Hantao of the Peng family of the ancient era that he helped the Jiuyang royal family to become stronger, and finally went to find a man...

Qin Yun told this story to tell Xiao Yuelan.

"Looking for a man... I have been looking for many years!" Xiao Yuelan chuckled. "It seems that she has found it, and you have had a lot of things!"

Qin Yun said: "I was the king of Jiuyang Temple. Later, I died and passed away. She also died and reincarnation. Then I was looking for me in the subconscious. I must have been looking for a long time!"

Yue Lan was quite emotional and nodded. "Xiao Xiao lost eight souls and gossips, which was lost in the Jiuyang era! It is what you lost... So after her reincarnation, the memory is broken, but she knows to find someone. , to guard him!"

"The Jiuyang Emperor's sword of the Jiuyang Royal Family is the moon smashed!" Qin Yun said; "There must have been a very complicated thing!"

Xiao Yuelan smiled and said: "Small Xianggong, all this can only wait for you to integrate the Eight Souls and the Nine, we can understand more clearly!"

"The night princess, she can understand the words of the eight souls and gossips!" Qin Yun said.

"We are the time to go to the holy land!" Xiao Yuelan said: "It is not a problem for us to go to the holy land, but you are..."

What's wrong with me? I will soon be holy, and then enter the holy wilderness! Qin Yun's teeth pinched Xiao Yuelan's face and smiled: "Don't think that your little Xianggong is the object that you guarded, you can look down, I am very strong!" ""

You don't have a holy pulse, you can't be holy! "Xiao Yuelan said: "And we are different, we are at the core of the moon in the Guanghan Palace, through the sun and the moon, through the cultivation of the Holy Spirit, we will soon be holy, and then go to the Holy Land! "Correct

In the practice of the Holy Spirit, Qin Yun did not have a clue, and that is the key to the holy.

Qin Yun said: "Do not worry, this is not difficult for me! Nothing can stump your little Xianggong! Your little Xianggong, omnipotent!"

If Jingjie is in your Jiuyang shrine, isn't it? Xiao Yuelan smiled badly: "Don't let her out, hehe!" ”

"I don't practice the Holy Spirit through her!" Qin Yun screamed; "I want to rely on myself!"

"Well, that's with you!" Xiao Yuelan said with a smile: "False serious... If you are a quiet sister, tell me a lot of things she is with you!"

Clouds screamed; "This ice mother tiger is really, don't bite people, but talk nonsense!"

"Don't say her!" Xiao Yuelan vigorously squeezed Qin Yun's waist and smiled and said: "She is very good, often accompany me to practice!"

"Really? Can't see it!" Qin Yun was surprised.

"I used to practice a kind of exercise, my body will be angry, it is very hot and hot, and I can't help my ice star sister to cool down. Finally, she joined in and helped me cool down! I have practiced with her for a while!" Xiao Yuelan The smile is charming and sultry, saying: "Don't look at her cold, her body is very soft..."

At this time, someone knocked on the door. "

Yuelan, Xiaoxianggong, what are you doing inside? "The question is the moon Xiaoling."

We are sleeping! "Xiao Yuelan shouted."

I want to sleep with you! "Yue Xiaoling smiled and said: "I broke into the door! ""

Ok! "Xiao Yuelan Jiao smiled."

not good! "Qin Yun immediately got up and quickly sorted out the clothes. Qin

When the cloud came to the outside hall, I saw Xiao Yuemei holding a piece of barbecue in his hand and laughing. "I am a big sister, I am a big sister. Don't worry, as the big sister of Jiuyang goddess, I am I will take care of your sisters!"

The cloud finally knows why Xiao Yuemei likes to be the big sister, because her soul is deeply remembered, she is the big sister of Jiuyang goddess. "

Ah hahahahaha...” Xiao Yuemei saw Qin Yun coming out and laughed loudly: “Brother, I am a big sister, I am the big sister of Jiuyang Goddess, do you know? "see

To Xiao Yuemei, her sisters couldn't help but even the ice star and the dark night princess showed a sweet and charming smile. ice

Stars and the night princess sit together, they look exactly the same, even the temperament is very much the same. month

Although Yu and Yang Shiyue have the same face, but the moon is full of white hair, and slightly cold, but also with a kind of hegemony.

Qin Yun walked over and pinched Xiao Yuemei's pretty and lovely face. He smiled and said: "The big sister, I am going to go back to the strange mountain, you stay here, or go back with me?"