Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2086: Fire liquid quenching

Lu Guangyu looked at Yangyang outside and was still very worried. He said: "Dong Qin, should there be no other dangerous things here? I am worried that Yangyang will be attacked by other powerful things!"

This is not afraid, Yangyang's strength is not weak! Qin Yun said with a smile: "If there is any danger, she will definitely run back in the first time!" ”

Later, he sang a Yang Yang in the sea of ​​fire. Yang

After Yang heard it, he nodded very cleverly and said: "Brother, don't worry, if you meet a guy who can't beat, I will hide!"

The Yangyang, which is played by the sea of ​​fire, absorbs the energy in the fire, which is a very rich amount of solar energy.

It is also from the sun spirit in the sun that you can easily absorb this kind of liquid.

"Yangyang, if I give you the Jiuyang Shen hammer and the stepping boots, is this okay?" Qin Yun asked.

"Yes, give me a play!" Yang Yang laughed. Qin

The cloud took out the Jiuyang Shen hammer and the stepping gods boots and handed them to Yangyang, so that she would soak the two pieces of the soul artifact in the fire.

Jiuyang Shen hammer and stepping on the gods boots, has been in a state of sleep.

As Qin Yun's strength becomes stronger and stronger, the energy saved by the core crystal mother will not last long and will consume energy. Qin

The cloud can only find another way to let them use the two artifacts for a long time, but it is very powerful. Yang

Yang can easily control the Jiuyang Shen hammer and the stepping **** boots, floating in the fire, which is very fun for her. land

Sitting on the wall, Light Yu absorbed the energy of Jiulong Tianyuan, while paying attention to Yangyang. She also let Yangyang not go too far.

She knows that Yangyang is very strong, but she has broken her heart for this cute little girl. She is worried that Yangyang will have an accident.

Qin Yun released Tianlong Town, and let Yangyang help to install some sun liquid. day

The sun fire inside the Long Ding of Shizhen is very hot, but the Tianding Town Dragon Ding can withstand it. Loading

After entering a little sun fire, Qin Yun placed Tianding Town Longding in the middle of the big array.

At this time, Lu Qingyu went to another layer to refine the energy absorbed.

For example, when Qin Yun uses the fire liquid to cultivate, it will not affect Lu Guangyu. Make

What happens with the cultivation of sun-fired liquid, Qin Yun is not clear, he has a strong flesh, even if he encounters any accident, he can cope. nine

Long Tianyuan array absorbs the sun's fire liquid in Ding, and cooperates with the energy inside Shenyu Jinshi to refine and refine a very hot nine-color energy. Qin

The Jiuyang Shengmai in the cloud can sense the nine kinds of burning energy and quickly absorb it into the body.

After the energy entered the body of Qin Yun, he made a low voice. "

It’s amazing! Although Qin Yun felt the pain in the body burning, but it was extremely unexpected, because the kind of sun fire liquid combined with the power of Shenyu, the effect after fusion is very good.

"Using this energy quenching body, I will soon be able to cultivate a very strong nine-definite body!" Qin Yun said: "There may be even the Jiuyang Shengmai will be tempered into a god, this is simply two birds!"

The cultivation method did not enhance the soul.

Qin Yun is not very anxious to cultivate the soul. Although his soul is still weak, it is very powerful compared to many powerful heavenly places.

Ling Yun said: "Xiaoyun, you have a moon, the soul is strong, it is a matter of time! You are now best to cultivate a strong body, soak in the sun fire liquid cultivation, in order to be more quickly reborn!"

It’s just that the body is just becoming a god, it’s not enough for Qin Yun!

He wants to have a stronger body to penetrate the barrier of the **** space. Yang

Yang is soaked in the sun's fire, and it grows very fast. Be

The Jiuyang Shen hammer and the Titanic boots, which were soaked in the sun's fire, all woke up and became very powerful.

"Great, as long as I have enough sun **** liquid in the future to soak the sun soul, I will no longer rely on the core crystal mother!" Qin Yun looked at the Shen hammer and the **** boots that Yang Yang sent, and smiled. . Yang

Yang has been holding the small bottle and helping Qin Yun to hold the sun's liquid, which has been installed a lot, but still not filled. that

The small bottle is like a bottomless pit, and the interior space is amazing.

Even Qin Yun didn't know how big the interior space was, because with his spiritual power at this time, he couldn't see how much space was inside.

Sun fire liquid is very useful. If it is used to refine a cannonball, the power is absolutely super. he

Now it is also necessary to cultivate, or else they will try to use the Huatian furnace to turn the fire into a shell. The power is violent.

Qin Yun thinks excited, this kind of sun fire liquid is stronger than the star fire **** liquid that Xingshen gave him.

There is not a lot of Sparks, it is very difficult for the Star God to get it. Even in the wild, it is a very precious material. and

The sun's fire liquid here can be said to be inexhaustible.

Qin Yun put the Jiuyang Shen hammer and the stepping **** boots together, Yang Yang felt that there was nothing to play, suddenly it was very boring. Qin

The cloud thought about it and decided to take the Shenyu Fire Dragon Ball and Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball out and give Yangyang to play.

Shenyu Fire Dragon Ball absorbs the energy of the Sun Fire Liquid and also helps to strengthen.

Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball is even more strange. It likes to absorb the burning energy, and the more it absorbs, the stronger.

These two Dragon Balls are relatively old and have lost a lot of energy.

Soaking in the sun's fire, it helps to become stronger.

Yangyang is a very cute little girl. When something comes to her, she can be enjoyed by her. that

The two Shenyu Dragon Balls became bigger by her, and then she jumped up and down the Dragon Ball. Qin

The cloud throws out the Shenyu Demon Dragon Ball and the Shenyu Evil Dragon Ball, and gives it to Yangyang to toss and let her help to purify the violent energy inside. net

After the transformation, it is two dragon **** of pure energy. Yang

Yang is also idle, so I am very happy to help Qin Yun.

The stage of turning the gods is more difficult for Qin Yun and takes a lot of time. it is good

It is safe to be here, and there is enough energy to absorb it. It is not too boring to practice. he

While practicing and enduring pain, while pushing the operation and combination of grotesque in my mind, this can make him more familiar with the use of grotesque.

Especially after him, to transform those altars, you need to use a lot of deep grotesque combinations.

He mastered the Yan Yang pattern and the deep grotesque of the Sun Dragon Totem, which also helped him to transform the altar. that

The nine altars were created by Jiuyang and are very old.

Although the internal grotesque pattern is very high and deep, the Qin Yun has not been strong enough, and it needs to cooperate with the stronger Sun Dragon Totem. turn

In the eyes, three years have passed.

Qin Yun spent three years, finally cultivating nine unique gods, although only just cultivated, but in the wild, but it is a very powerful god.

After nine years of tempering, his Jiuyang Shengmai successfully evolved into the Jiuyang Shenmai. Yang

Yang looks like a little girl, but after she becomes a big nine-day bird, the strength will be stronger.

In addition, she helped Qin Yun to cultivate the four Shenyu Dragon Balls and became very strong, so Qin Yun was very satisfied. "

Brother, your little bottle looks so small, but it is very big inside, how can it be dissatisfied! Yang Yang looked at the small bottle and muttered softly.

She kept the small bottle on her body, then soaked it in the sun's fire, and controlled the small bottle to absorb the fire. three

Years passed and the small bottles were not filled. "

Then continue! Qin Yun smiled.

In the past three years, Yangyang has often ran to the Yunyun Tower and Qinyun to eat and drink, or to go back to Jiuyang Shenque and Momo, Xiaoyu Rabbit, Chuangling Tianding and Xiao ant. land

Xiaoyu likes Yangyang, a cute little girl, who treats her as her sister.

Yang Yang is also very good for Lu Qingyu, and also helps her cultivate the gods.

Lu Guangyu's practice of dragons and souls is also a god-level soul. Nowadays, the veins of the body have not yet cultivated the gods.

She has a god, she is not afraid of the burning power of the sun's fire, but she can't touch the sun.

From time to time, she will practice with Yang Yang, who has become a nine-day bird, to enhance her practical experience.

Qin Yun has a body and a god, and the soul has not yet recovered to the **** level.

Qin Yun, who has cultivated nine unique gods, has no problem in the sun fire. most

What's more, the Tianwei Pai body cover that he released can make him sneak into the sun's fire, and the clothes will not be burned. only

The time for support is limited and not very long.

"Light Yu, we are only one step away, we can become a god!" Qin Yun said: "You will definitely break through faster than me! Before that, I will help you prepare for the equipment needed for the gods!"

"Qin brother...we can't go to the gods together?" Lu Xiaoyu has some embarrassing words, she wants to be with Qin Yun. Qin

The cloud shook his head and then talked to Lu Yuyu about his curse of the punishment. It was difficult for him to enter the gods. If he went alone, he would be easier. land

There are Zijin Tianzhu and Zijin Shenyu swords on the light yoga body.

Qin Yun only needs to refine some of the gods, the charms, and the magic weapon. She will have enough self-protection power when she goes to the gods.

In the gods, Qin Yun has many acquaintances, such as the **** of space, the **** of stars, the avatar of Liu Yueyan, and the tree god.

If the odd-grained mountains and the gods ice dragons have gone to the gods, it is better.

As for the mother month, Qin Yun does not know.

But he feels that the mother's moon should evolve into a chaotic god, and the woman in the Guanghan Palace will certainly be able to make rapid progress.

The space of the gods has changed. The space singularity that Qin Yun had mastered before has no effect. Fortunately, after he has small ants, he can refine the magic weapon through the space power of the small ants. through

In a few months, he refines two transmission beads, handed it to Lu Yuyu, and a star soul, which is used to sense the star god. God

There are also a lot of things, which makes Lu Xiaoyu very moved, but the heart is even more reluctant, but also some sad, because she is worried that Qin Yun can not go to God.