Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2187: Strong title

If God knows that Qin Yun is not weak, he still feels that Qin Yun is too far away from the people of the Demon Protoss. "

Rough old man, take this guy away! The guy of the Demon Protoss, leave me to deal with it! Your two instinctive guys stay here, it will interfere with my play! "If God's eyes are cold, the tone is calm."

If this **** is arrogant at this moment, it is the strongest.

The unknown old man has come to Qin Yun, he put his hand on Qin Yun's shoulder and smiled: "Little friends, let's go! Since this goods are said, what are we still doing here?"

The cloud didn't want to go because he had just been attacked by the guys of the Demon Protoss and almost killed.

If you don't retaliate against the demon gods, he is not the king of Jiuyang!

Although he did not want to leave, Qin Yun was taken away.

The unknown old man is only carrying Qin Yun, away from the battlefield that is about to break out. Although they are far away from God, they can probably see the situation there.

Originally, the gods of the demon and the Protoss did not allow them to go, but the power of God is strong, blocking the people of the Demon Protoss. day

The Devils have already appeared. They are three silver-gray armor, holding weapons like giant ivory. They look like knives, but they have no blades.

The young man, who has a silver-gray long hair, has a twinkling green glow. The silver-gray armor on his body overflows with a strong force, similar to Wanxiang Shenyang, but not so much. image. Qin

The cloud was seen before in the Shenjian family. This kind of power is similar to the power of the universal world.

The unsung man and the gods, if they release their powerful power, are probably similar to the power of the world. Qin

The cloud suspects that those who are too ancient and strong have the ability to take advantage of the power of the Sunshine, or that they have powerful celestial bodies like the Wanyang Shenyang.

"If I become stronger through the power of Shenyu Ziyang, then what kind of family I am?" Qin Yun thought in his heart. he

There was some worry before, and my own Shenyu Ziyang would be perceived, especially when the Shenjian family pursued him. Rear

He is very certain that the Shenjian family could not perceive his Shenyu Ziyang, and the gods, the unknown old man, and the demon and the Protoss could not perceive the existence of Shenyu Ziyang. This

Let Qin Yun feel relieved. God

If there is still no sword, but his hand is placed on the hilt, he can pull the sword at any time.

"You should be Mo Duotian?" God looked at the young man with silver hair and long hair, cold and cold. "

You are God, right? "Mo is a cold and proud smile: "Although we met for the first time, we all know each other!" ”

If God chills out, "No, you don't know me, you can't understand me. No one in this world can understand me!"

You are as good as the rumors! Mo Motian laughed happily: "But you are too far away from me!" ""

Is the difference too far? "If God sneers: "Is that you are worse than me?" Mo

The smug smile said: "I have been named as the Viscount of the Demon Protoss, and you are still only the Baron, what do you say?"

"The title of this title is nothing but a false name! Among the gods of the gods, there are many strong people without title. The king and the duke are defeated by the people without the title, which is very common among the gods!" Said.

Qin Yun heard their voices and quickly asked the unknown old man around him, saying: "Predecessors, what is your title in the Jiuyang Tianzu?"

I am... I am a king! "The old man said."

really? Not quite like it! "Qin Yun looked disdainful, this unnamed old man is a very rude guy, actually a king. No.

The old man whispered: "Believe it or not!"

Qin Yun also asked: "Among these ancient and strong people, is the title important?"

"It is very important. There is a strong family emperor among the strong people. This is the supreme and strong ruler! The next is the Wang Jue. Among the Taikoo strong people, the Wang Jue generally does not exceed ten!

Then come down, the Duke, the Marquis, the Earl! They are generally under the command of Wang Jue and have their own power. The Viscounts and Barons, most of them are the sons of the king and the duke! ”

The unnamed old man looked serious and looked at the situation in the distance and explained it in a low voice.

"Predecessors, are you really a king?" Qin Yun learned that after the important position of the Taikoo strong family, Qin Yun felt that the unnamed old man was not like a king. "

fake! If I was a king, how could I brag about this little character like you? "The unknown old man laughed and said: "I am just an earl! ”

Qin Yun knows that this unnamed old man cannot have such a high status..."

The little grandson who I killed before? Is it the son of Wang Jue? "Qin Yun was shocked."

If it is really the son of Wang Jue, you can't do it, even if you get rid of it, you are cold! The chaotic people have the strongest blood and the gang, the ancestors basically have the title, and the worst is the Marquis! "The unknown old man said: "The chaotic people who are now ridiculous in the gods of the gods are just a group of mud legs, but they are still stronger than many of the gods!" ”

If God has a knight, although it is the lowest, it means that his family is very strong. that

Mo Duantian’s title is one level higher than that of God, so he feels that his strength is stronger than that of God. "

What are the predecessors, the gods and the gods, what is it? Qin Yun asked.

"They should be just the peak of the gods, and they will soon become holy gods!" said the old man, "These young and old bloodlines are pure, so our old bones are not their opponents at all!"

Qin Yun secretly shocked, the unknown old man is a count of the Jiuyang Tianzu, but it is not the worst baron of the gods!

"The count of the Jiuyang Tianzu is worse than the baron of the gods... How is this possible?" Qin Yun was very confused. no

The old man touched Qin Yun’s eyes full of contempt and said: "The title is also a reward for merit. I am not very strong, but I have a lot of credit!"

"So, you are a water lord!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "You are a parallel!"

The unknown old man snorted and said: "They are ready to play, I don't talk to you, I want to concentrate, find opportunities to attack Mo Duotian!" Qin

The same is true of the cloud. He is looking for an opportunity to give Mo Zhentian a shot behind him. He actually put a dark arrow on him and said that he is a fool.

Qin Yun wants Mo to see how the stupid person in his mouth has ruined him. "

Xiaoyun, Mo Duantian and Shen Ruo Ming are very strong, but this is only their cultivation is high! If you are a big god, you should be able to deal with them easily! "Ling Yun said."

Yes! But I have to beat them now, it should be OK, but it will be more difficult! "Qin Yun is the fourth Xuan Shen Dao, and the flesh of his blood is still very strong.

However, if you cultivate the fifth mysterious path, you can be more stable. on

When Qin Yun calculated his own strength, the unknown old man shouted excitedly: "Little friends, if God knows this kid is pulling the sword!"

What surprised Qin Yun was that the sword turned out to be just the thick blade of the thumb. that

It is a very thin sword, but it has a very powerful force! Qin

At that moment, the cloud could feel the sword that swayed the sword and the terrible pride. "

This guy is out of the sword, how strong is it? "Qin Yun was shocked."

God Ruo Ming was born in the Wang Jue family, the king of his family, the **** of heavenly swords! "The old man said.

"No wonder he will run to **** the swords of the gods!" Qin Yun nodded and said: "I don't know if the sword king of the day came!"

The unknown old man reveals a trace of fear: "In the Taikoo strong family, the strength of the Duke and the Wangjue are not empty, otherwise they will not be able to get this status! Those Wang Jue should not come in person?"

If you say it clearly, when he leaves the sword, there will be someone who will die.

But now God Ruo Ming is not alone with Mo Du Tian, ​​but a dozen! "

This day, the demon gods, how so shameless, to play more? "Qin Yun frowned.

"As long as the stupid hat will be the one with the gods and the gods, the gods will be attacked by the group, or they will be fooled by the jokes!" said the unknown old man. "

Then how did you fight yourself with God before? Can you say that you are also a fool? Qin Yun smiled.

"I did be stupid. I thought he was a weaker guy. I didn't expect him to be a baron, but he was still from the home of the King of Heaven!" The old man who is now unknown is also a little scared.

Just when Qin Yun and the unnamed old man talked, if God had the fine sword in his hand, he suddenly penetrated the head of a demon god.

Mo Duotian was cold and very dignified. He underestimated the strength of God. but

Yes, Mo is not weak! The ivory-like weapon in his hand was strong, and he had not been beaten with a few strokes of the sacred sword. "

Mo Du Tian, ​​do you have this strength? The Viscount of the Demon Protoss is so far worse than the Baron of my God? "If God sneers in cold voice."

Mo Duantian has already killed a warrior here, and he will continue to kill him and another warrior. "

If God is clear, you are really strong, there will be a period! Although Mo Duantian is also very arrogant, but more rare his own life, he will die if he fights again. Mo

Just one day has just finished, another Tianmo Protoss has been killed.

"Give me a wait!" Mo Duantian did not know what powerful secrets he had used, and he made a strong space fluctuation and sneaked into the space. versus

At the same time, Qin Yun’s hand of the King’s gun shot a bullet! that

It is a space bullet. After playing out, it oscillates a strong space fluctuation! this

I thought that the use of space power to escape the Mo Tiantian, suddenly shocked by a space fluctuation!

Mo Duantian is near Qin Yun and the unknown old man. no

The old man looked shocked and said: "Little friend, have you done it?" Qin

As soon as the cloud waved, nine huge altars appeared, forming the Jiuyuan array in Kowloon, and the Mossian seal was suppressed in the big array.

Qin Yun looked at the big battle, and he was sneer at the face that was so arrogant. "You just shot me, right?"