Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2193: Six-pulse power

When Mo Tiantian came in, Qin Yun quickly rushed to the past and roughly said the situation here.

It was learned that Qin Yun had poured so much dirty water on Shen Ruoming, and he was very happy when he was surprised.

In this way, even if he loses to God, he will not be teased. He really admire Qin Yun in his heart, and feels that this uncle is not white.

"Father!" After Mo Diantian came in, he quickly came to Mofanshan and said, "I am fine, don't worry!"

If God has a big eyes and looks at Mo Duantian and Qin Yun, he immediately thinks that Na Motian may have succumbed to Qin Yun. Mo

Fanshan smiled and said: "Nothing is fine! Right, this little brother saved you. Did you just send an invitation to him?"

Of course not... I didn’t want to have a blood source for you before, I just used to thank Qin Xiong! Mo Duotian smiled and smiled. He could only sigh in his heart because he was forced by Qin Yun.

In Qin Yun's slutty, he can only do it along Qin Yun, Qin Yun said. God

If it is not stupid, he now understands what is going on. He really did not expect that Qin Yun’s means were so brilliant.

"Do you have anything to say?" Mo Fanshan looked at God if he was clear, and said coldly: "God is only going to sneak attack!"

The old man of the gods of the gods frowned and said: "If you have a soul contract just now, everyone knows everything!"

"What soul contract, this kind of thing, shouldn't it be anything to your gods?" Mo Fanshan said coldly: "Fortunately, my son is fine, or else I will make a fool of this kid!"

Mo Duotian quickly said: "Father, I will be injured by him, that is my skill is not as good as people, the strength of God is really strong, I am convinced orally!

Father, don’t be too embarrassed! This is my own business. When I improve my strength in the future, I will beat him! ”

This is what Qin Yun taught him!

Those middle-aged who were present, nodded secretly, and grew up in a good heart.

If God is mad at death, inexplicably he will take a sneak attack on the black pot. Qin

The cloud smiles and looks at God if it is clear. If God does not say anything, he will not deal with God. can

It is said that this is what God wants to talk about. This

At a time, not far from there was a man in a black gown who came over and came over with a few people. This

When some people came over, Qin Yun had already seen that they are all chaotic, and they have chaotic blood in their bodies.

The power of Chaos Shenyang, Qin Yun is already very familiar, and the blood of these people is still very strong.

Seeing them coming over, Mo Fanshan said: "Several people, what are you doing here? My demon gods have not provoked you to chaotic protoss!"

They didn't provoke us, but this guy is very unsightly! "The man in a black gown, with a sullen look, pointed at Qin Yun and said: "We are all from the strong, this guy is not! ”

"Xi Jianze, this is a friend of my demon gods!" Mo Fanshan said: "Where is this friend of ours, what hinders your eyes?"

Jianze is a chaotic family. His blood in his body is quite strong. He should be the top product of the Chaos or the best blood.

His strength is also stronger than that that Qin Yun had encountered before. eye

The former Xi Jianze, let Qin Yun find the feeling of the Chaos people encountered in the ancient wilderness. Creek

Jianze said: "He should be the surname Qin? Then he might be the nine-yang royal family... the low-weak ethnic group of the Jiuyang royal family, how can we match us in this hall?

If he is surnamed Qin and has the blood of the Jiuyang royal family, then he must be the Qin emperor! Everyone should know that it is the Qin family and let the Jiuyang royal family be born again! ”

Many people suddenly showed their hostile eyes and swept them around Qin Yun.

Qin Yun has some doubts. Compared with these strong people, the Jiuyang royal family is obviously not very strong, but why would these ancient people be hostile? Qin

The cloud said: "I did come from the Qin family!"

When people hear Qin Yun’s words, the hostility in their eyes is stronger.

Mo Fanshan said: "You really restored the blood of the Jiuyang royal family? Your eyebrows, why are there no Jiyang **** marks?"

"My situation is quite special, so there is no Jiyang **** mark!" Qin Yun replied. Creek

Jianze sneered and said: "Then you don't hurry out of this hall? Don't think that Wanyang Shenyang will regenerate you. You are the strongest group among the gods! Tell you, in our eyes, you are not fart!"

"We are not the nine-yang royal family fart, but I remember, the guys of your Chaos family, but many of them were destroyed by us on the same day!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "We are not fart, then what is your chaotic family?" Creek

The muscles on Jianze’s face suddenly jumped, and coldly said: “Do you dare to mock me?”

Qin Yun said: "I am only explaining the facts! Everyone knows, the guys of your Chaos family, how bad they lost on the day!"

Those guys are all kinds of cockroaches under the blood, and they can't represent our entire chaotic protoss! "Xi Jianze's eyes are full of murderous murders, glaring at Qin Yun: "Even if you restore the blood of the Jiuyang royal family, you are in our eyes, no different from those stupid people! ""

is it? Do you have two tricks? Qin Yun rolled up his sleeve and smiled: "Whoever loses, who will get out of here!" ""

Ok, this is what you are looking for! "Xi Jianze fists a fist, a gray cold force surged out. That

The momentum of the chaotic power of the stock suddenly amazed many people present. "

Qin Xiong is careful, Xi Jianze is the late stage of the great deity, and is about to become a god. His chaotic blood is between the top grade and the best! Mo Duotian quickly said. Qin

The cloud took a deep breath and began to condense the power of the mysterious god. After the mysterious power overflowing on his body, the people present were somewhat surprised. he

We did not expect that only the mysterious gods were repaired, and in front of God Ruo Ming, there was such a sigh of relief. he

We didn't see Qin Yun's repair before!

Even if God is clear, there are some accidents. He did not expect that Qin Yun’s cultivation would be so low. "

Take over! "Xi Jianze is very confident and pushes forward a hand. They have to compete in the palm of their hand."

Qin Yun has already accumulated his strength, and he has also launched it!


At that moment, Ling Yun released the power of her little meditation, and then cooperated with Qin Yun's meditation, condensing a strong super gravity to fight out. Qin

The palm of the cloud looks very calm. When it is played out, the violent force shakes out the turbulence and collides with the palm of Xi Jianze! boom

! shock

When the sound broke out, the violent chaos of the gods surged like a gust of wind, blowing around, and Qin Yun was shocked and flew out and was hit on a distant wall. pause

Someone laughed and said: "What about the recovery of the blood of the Jiuyang royal family? Stupid people are stupid people, no matter what blood, it is useless!"

Although Qin Yun was beaten, he did not seem to have anything.

Xi Jianze’s arm is shaking and naturally falling down.

Just now, Qin Yun poured a powerful super gravity into the arm of Xi Jianze, and hit it through the Shenxuan. ultra

Gravity is the power of the meditation, with the powerful dissolving power of the meditation, directly melting the bones in the arm of the river.

"You..." Xi Jianze saw Qin Yunfei come over and was even more surprised. He thought his arm was injured, and Qin Yun would at least be scrapped.

But Qin Yun has nothing at all!

When Qin Yunfei went to Xi Jianze, he used the super gravity to hold Xi Jianze! fist

Head impact, the momentum is like a storm! Hit the nose of Xi Jianze!

It seems to be a very direct and casual punch, but it is Qin Yun Shizhan Tianjiu style, Tianzheng type played out! Creek

Jian Ze’s face was directly hit by a punch and a man was blasted out.

Qin Yun took a breath and he now knows his strengths. He has opened up six lines of mysterious gods. The strength of the power is comparable to that of the strong gods!

Mo Duantian knows that Qin Yun has three kinds of blood in his body. He also knows that Qin Yun is very strong, but he did not expect that Qin Yun could easily defeat Xi Jianze! God

If the face is dignified, when he saw Qin Yun last time, Qin Yun was not so strong. and also

That is to say, in the past ten days, Qin Yun has become a lot stronger!

This speed of improvement is terrible!

The unknown old man is also in the heart, he naturally knows that Qin Yun integrates the blood of the demon and the Protoss. Qin

The outbreak of the six-pulse power of the cloud made his body feel a little bit of pain, and how strong the power is! in

The hundreds of strong people in the field were all shocked and silent!

The kind of divine power just now is just a mysterious power, because there is a clear sense of power. only

It is such a degree of divine power that it is so powerful! this

People, what is it? This is what many strong people think about! "

You lost, are you getting out yourself, or am I getting you rolling? "Qin Yun went to Xi Jianze."

Don't let go! "A middle-aged chaotic family, angered.

At this time, an old man came in. see

To the old man, the middle-aged of the Chaos family said: "Jianyang elder, the kid is making trouble here, and will drive him out!"

The elders of Yangda looked at Qin Yun and then released a chain to bind Qin Yun. They said, "Come, please follow me to the nave! Our elders are attacked, and the people who shoot are very strong. We need everyone to help maintain order!"

Qin Yun’s heart jumped, and the person who shot it must be Liu Yueyan and Ice Star...”

Bring this guy together, I heard that there is a blood trough in the middle hall, which is used to bleed the sword, so use his blood to sacrifice the sword! "The middle-aged cold channel of the Chaos. Qin

The cloud can easily break the chain, but he heard that he is going to the middle hall. If you want to see them, you will not break free, and wait until you come. in

The temple is the most mysterious hall. It is not allowed to enter, but many people do not even know the existence of the nave.

"The people of the four halls of East, West, South and North are invited to the nave, and the sword can be born soon!" said the elder of Jianyang.