Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2240: Solution failure

Qin Yun and Tang’s mother-in-law walked on the avenue. On the way, they could see the first floor of the high-rise buildings on both sides of the street. There was a small mark next to the signboard above.

That imprint is the imprint of the Baiyang Palace, which means that it is the industry of the Baiyang Palace. Qin

The cloud didn't care about the Baiyang Wangfu. He just wanted to see Xiao Yuemei quickly to make sure she was fine.

Xiao Yuemei came to Baiyang Tiancheng alone. Qin Yun was worried that she would cause trouble everywhere, and then she was caught by the strongman of Baiyang Wangfu.

Qin Yun had seen Zhang Anxiao's strength of this group of people before. They came from the Baiyang **** world and their strength is still very strong.

Although Xiao Yuemei has good strength, if faced with multiple strong players, it is very dangerous. special

Don't be in this Baiyang Tiancheng, this is the gathering place of the Baiyang gods, and there must be many strong people from the Baiyang gods.

Along the way, Qin Yun took the chasing soul. this

Come, Qin Yun and Tang mother-in-law do not think that Xiao Yuemei will be in the Baiyang Wangfu, but now they have been moving forward, and they have not met Xiao Yuemei.

The direction of the chasing soul is also the Baiyang Wangfu. Big

Half a day has passed, and the direction of the chasing soul has not changed. "

This little girl is really in the White House? "Qin Yun looked at the front, they are very close to the Baiyang Wangfu."

Xiaoyun, what happened to your little girl? She can actually enter the White House! "Tang mother-in-law surprised.

"It seems that we all underestimated her!" Qin Yun smiled.

In front, it is the white giant door of Baiyang Wangfu. Like the white jade, the magnificent door is engraved with many beautiful reliefs, mainly based on dragon carvings.

The closed grand door, like the great art, stands in front of the big facade, just like standing in front of a white jade mountain wall. The exquisite white jade carving dragon is lifelike and quite powerful.

"This Baiyang Wangfu is very difficult to enter!" Tang mother-in-law frowned: "Let's stay nearby and talk about it!"

Qin Yun only slightly explored the enchantment of the lower Baiyang Wangfu, knowing that the enchantment is really difficult to penetrate the past, even if the space power of the small ants is used, it cannot be worn. he

I thought before that even the enchantment of this Baiyang Wangfu would not be much stronger than that of Baiyang Island. Come

After arriving at the door of Baiyang Wangfu, he realized that he was wrong. The enchantment of Baiyang Wangfu is higher than the ignorance of Baiyang Island. "

If this little girl knows that I am coming, I will definitely come out to find me! "Qin Yun looked at the chasing soul. Xiao

There is also a chasing soul in the hand of Yue Mei. If she is not naughty, as long as she sees the reaction of the chasing soul, she will definitely come out to find Qin Yun. soup

My mother-in-law took Qin Yun and stayed in a medium-sized inn. She asked for a suite with two rooms and a small hall.

When trading in Baiyang Tiancheng, it used something called Baiyang Shenjing, which looks like a sun crystal, but it is white.

Tang Po is a singularist, although not the top, but also very rich. Qin

The cloud waited for one night in the inn, Xiao Yuemei did not come to him, so he could not help but rush, worried that Xiao Yuemei would be arrested.

"Mother, I want to break into the White House!" Qin Yuntianliang came out of the room and asked after seeing her mother-in-law. soup

The mother-in-law was scared and almost shouted, and quickly said: "Xiaoyun, you are in danger of breaking into the Baiyang Wangfu... In Baiyang Island, facing Zhang Anxiao, this group of guys, we can't cope, more Don't say the strong inside the Baiyang Palace!"

I am worried that my little girl is caught! Qin Yun said: "I am not afraid, I should be able to go in!" ""

Xiaoyun, or else, I will contact an old friend to see if I can help us find out what news, you must wait patiently for me to come back! "Tang Po said: "Don't mess, otherwise I don't know how to save you!" ""

Ok, I will definitely wait for you to come back! Qin Yun nodded, if you don't need to take risks, of course, it is not risky.

Tang mother-in-law hastily left, she did not let Qin Yun wait for a long time, just came back at an hour. "

Mother-in-law, what did you hear? Qin Yun hurriedly asked.

My old friend compares... coveting is cheap, he wants to exchange things with me, and is willing to help me to inquire about the news! "Tang mother-in-law said.

"What to exchange? I give it!" Qin Yun hurried.

"Xiaoyun, don't worry, the guy is now open to the lion. He wants five days of magical lines, and he will help me to do things!" Tang said with a low voice: "This **** is too much!"

After the cloud heard it, it was also a wrinkle, because the five gods of the gods are a lot of.

Like the mother-in-law, she has mastered the gods and gods, but it is only a dozen. The gods and gods are not complete, but they are very good and can exert a strong force. "

Take me to see him! "Qin Yun said."

OK, I let him come here again in the afternoon to talk to me! "Tang mother-in-law nodded."

In the afternoon, Qin Yun and Tang’s mother-in-law were in the hall, waiting for the man.

Tang mother-in-law did not know much about that person. It was a friend she had known many years ago. It is said to have something to do with the city owner.

Not long after, that person came. Yes

A wide-faced, eagle-hooked old-fashioned old man, although wearing a plain white coat, is very powerful, and at first glance, he knows that he is a good old man. "

The Holy Spirit, and the body is very strong, and the spirit is also very strong! "Qin Yun was secretly surprised: "This guy is a very high level of sculpt fighting division, may be the level of the whispering fighting king!" "old

The name is Bai Qiang, and when he comes in, he smiles and says: "Tang, mother, is this your grandson?"

"He is my friend, he wants to enter the palace!" said Tang Po. "

friend? This young boy can be your friend, definitely have something to offer! Bai Qiang looked at Qin Yun and smiled.

"Predecessors, can you let me enter the palace?" Qin Yun asked. "

No! You are too low, at least you have to be a god, you are eligible to enter the palace! "Bai Qiangshu sensed the mysterious spirit of Qin Yun, shaking his head."

"Tell me to ask for news!" Qin Yun said. "

Three heavenly gods! "Bai Qiang book looked at Tang mother-in-law and smiled: "This is my biggest concession!" "soup

The mother-in-law bite her teeth and thought that Qin Yun was her savior. She also recognized, just wanted to promise, Qin Yun suddenly shouted at her. "

Mother-in-law, don't give it to him! "Qin Yun said: "Those heavenly gods are collected by you for many years. You are very cherished, can you give this guy, his level of singularity is too low, and it doesn't deserve your own magical pattern." ! ”

Bai Qiang’s brow wrinkled and his face was cold. He said, “The little devil, why do you say that I don’t deserve the goddess of the mother-in-law?”

"You are even worse than me. Why do you have the goddess of the goddess of the gods?" Qin Yun said. "

Hey, I haven't seen such an arrogant kid for many years! "White strong book picked up the sleeves and smiled: "Why do you say that I am not as good as you?" Qin

The cloud took out a piece of paper, which was a magical paper, saying: "I draw a set of plaids on the plaque. You can't crack the plaid in half an hour. This charm will burst!"

Do you want me to solve the problem? "Bai Qiang's book is a faint smile: "The charm of this kind of thing, it is hard to beat me!" Don't say it is a rune, even if it's a fairy charm! ”

Qin Yun said: "If you can't solve it?"

Strong book laughed and said: "If I can't solve it, then I prove that you are right. I don't deserve to have the goddess of the mother-in-law, but that's all. You don't want me to promise you what conditions!"

Qin Yun quickly took out the floating cloud **** needle, engraved in the flowing water of the paper, the speed is very fast, only a few blinks completed the bright and dark lines. With

After that, he handed the note to Bai Qiang.

Bai Qiang took a look and smiled. "I thought how strong it is, but it is so... see how I can unlock this character!"

"Please!" Qin Yun said: "The solution is successful, this character must be intact, you can only erase some of the strange lines, can not destroy the paper!"

"When I solve the problem, maybe your grandfather is still wearing open pants, you don't need to remind me!" Bai Qiang book smiled very proudly. With

After that, he concentrated his mental power on the charm, which he thought was easy to unravel, but found that the grotesque pattern of the character was not simple.

Those grotesques are not only fine-grained to a certain level, but the singularity has no rules, and it is useless. This

Zhang Runfu is an offensive deity that will burst. Generally, the singularity of this symbol will follow a certain rule to draw. can

It is the strange pattern of Qin Yun's charm, which makes him unable to understand.

Those strange patterns are things that he has never seen before, and they don't know what strange patterns are. At first glance, they look like children's paintings, they can look carefully, and they are filled with an indescribable charm.

What shocked Baiqiangshu most is that the fineness of the singularity is very high. that

Zhang Fu has a sun pattern, a star pattern and a moon pattern. This

The three kinds of singular patterns are so high in precision, and they are quickly made out, and they are perfectly matched and not conflicting. This is a very clever trick.

Star Jun, Yue Ji, Yang Di, these three strange spirits Qin Yun have. White

There is a little sky pattern that can't be seen in the strong book. The sky pattern is painted by Qin Yun in the form of dark lines, so it is difficult to see.

However, Bai Qiang's book can feel the ripples of the sky, but it can't be worn out. Such as

If you can't solve it, after half an hour, this character will burst open. Baiqiangshu can't be solved, which means he lost to a young boy!

Bai Qiang does not dare to try. If it is to erase the plain lines, it will only detonate this character in advance.

Qin Yun stood in the chair, knocking on Erlang's legs and smiling at Baiqiangshu. White

The strong book is already sweating. He is analyzing the seemingly plain lines on the surface of the character, but nothing can be analyzed. "

Brother, is this difficult? "Tang mother-in-law smiled.

"Tang mother-in-law, what is this little devil?" Bai Qiang has given up and gave the Zhang Fu to Qin Yun and said: "I only lost half of it because his strange pattern is unfamiliar to me. This little devil is definitely not Baiyang gods!"

Brother, you recognize it! "Tang Po said with a smile."

"Tang mother-in-law, I am not jealous of you, I am now the owner of Baiyang Tiancheng! I have seen a lot of knowledge, I have seen the other strange patterns of the gods, but I have never seen his strange lines!" Bai Qiang's book is serious.