Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2335: The rise of the temple

The group of the Shenxing people, before the siege of the Jiuyang Temple several times, the losses are not too big, and their strength is still very strong for the Jiuyang Temple.

But now, Qin Yun is only a few times, just make those hundreds of people into a ball, and then blow it up!

This is the peak power of superior strength!

The people present, wrapped in the gods of the heavenly emperor, are all sighed!

This kind of strength has surpassed those of the tribes. Even if several ethnic groups join forces to besiege, they may not be able to win Qin Yun!

The Shenxing family has been defeated by a large group of good-powered people, and the entire Shenxing family is almost finished!

Among the strong people, Wang Jue and the Duke are the most powerful people after the emperor, and can be said to be the backbone of the strong family.

The Shenxing, Shenjian and Chaozhou families, their Duke of the Duke and the emperors were all destroyed, and it can be said that they are almost the same as the Zeng.

Even if these three strong families still have resources in their hands, they will be crushed by other strong people in the near future! Such as

This is an environment of weak meat and strong food. Other strong people will never keep a hand on the declining strong family of the Shenxing.

Even if only Qin Yun can play, the Jiuyang Temple can completely compete with those strong people at the moment, and it is a powerful force that cannot be underestimated. on

Even the **** Tiandi emperor, at this time, Qin Yun has been very polite. "

King, let us speak in one step! "The **** of heaven is very peaceful."

The emperor of the Fang Qiang family, in front of Qin Yun, actually appeared very humble! Who

It can be seen that the strongest old man of the God of Heaven is trembled in front of the King of Jiuyang Temple. "

Say it here! Qin Yun said.

People can get the feeling from Qin Yun's tone. Qin Yun does not give the **** Tiandi emperor a little face. It is obviously a contradiction that happened before. God

The young people of the Tianzu are very upset, but they can’t say a word! he

They used to think that Qin Yun was trapped by the ten images and could not become stronger, so they were full of disdain for the king of Jiuyang.

But now, the King of Jiuyang Temple not only breaks the curse of the ten images, but also becomes extremely powerful!

The three emperors were killed, and even the powerful nine-day demon, they were all screwed down by Qin Yun!

With such a strong strength, but can easily destroy a strong family!

Therefore, even the Emperor of God, I dare not speak loudly to Qin Yun.

"Before, the **** of the gods of the heavenly king of the king came to talk with the king of the king about the dissolution of the contract!" God Tiandi can only talk to Qin Yun here, with a gentle smile on his face, said: "Ding Wang, you said at the time, you want a hundred gods and gold stones, you are willing to cancel the contract, right?"

It takes a hundred gods to lift the contract! This

Let the gods grow up and God if they want to swear, they don’t dare to speak now, they can only win the eyebrows of the King of Heavenly Swords, and signal that they will not agree to this!

Even their own, they think that they are not worth a hundred gods!

"This is a long time ago! People who have done business know that the price will change at any time! At that time, it was a hundred gods and gold stones. Now, for a long time, I think one hundred and fifty gods and gold stones. More suitable!" Qin

Before the cloud gave the unnamed old man a hundred gods Jinshi, he felt that now is a good time to return blood!

The gods long shouted out loudly, and then they went back to life.

The Qin Yun in front of him is very powerful. If you are not happy, screw down the heads of their emperors and let them cry. nine

The people in the temple of the sun are watching with a smile, and they like to watch their temple kings take advantage of others!

Qin Yun’s strength is so strong that he once again brought the Jiuyang Temple to a new peak. "

One hundred and fifty, ok! "God Tiandi Emperor frowned: "The deal! ""

The emperor...we..." God long wanted to say something, but he saw that the Emperor of Heaven waved his hand and motioned that he would not have to say more.

God Tiandi will redeem this group of young geniuses, mainly to bring them to the interior of the ancestors! Such as

Today's talents are the most important, and the God of Heaven will cultivate more powerful people as soon as possible, so that their gods can stand in the wild! God

The Heavenly Emperor knows more about the situation of the gods and gods than any other person.

At the beginning of this powerful **** world, they need to have enough powerful power to seize the opportunity, otherwise they will be beaten or even annihilated once they fall behind!

Qin Yun and the **** Tiandi Emperor traded, lifted the contract, and also got 150 tablets of Shenyu Jinshi! God

They can finally leave the Jiuyang Temple, but they are very uncomfortable because they have lost too much!

"This time, everyone is working hard to protect the temple of Jiuyang, go back and have a good rest!" Qin Yunhong's voice, the sound is ringing around the Temple of Jiuyang. nine

When the masses of the Yangshen Temple were amazed at the strength of Qin Yun, they also returned to the Temple of Jiuyang and laughed and laughed along the way. Qin

After the cloud returned to the Temple of Jiuyang, the elders were brought in and asked to call the disciples who had performed well during this time.

Then, he gave those disciples the appropriate singularity, and also strengthened their martial arts and soul, and pointed them out.

There are more than one hundred disciples selected. With the help of Qin Yun, the strength has improved a lot. As long as the future is a breakthrough, it must be a strong one.

Qin Yun has finished these things, and it has been several days. and

In the past few days, the things of Shenyang Tiandao have gradually spread! First

Before the three Wanjie Shenyang came out, there was such a big thing happening in Shenyang Tiandao! listen

When I saw this news, many people could not believe it was true! before

During the period of time, the nine-day demon emperor, who was panicked by the gods, was actually taken by the king of Jiuyang Temple to take off his head and sacrifice the heavens!

One of the three tribes was killed, and two were sacrificed. The Duke of the King of the strong family was swept by Qin Yun!

The nine-day demon's demon enchantress will also be crushed to death, suffering from the pain of the soul!

The power of this person can shake four super-strong groups! can

It is said that in this area of ​​the gods and gods, Qin Yun is a hegemon.

There are nine days of Protoss inside the Wanyang Shenyang, which is also known to many people.

The veil of mysterious Wanxiang Shenyang has finally been unveiled.

Many things happened in Shenyang Tiandao. ratio

For example, Tianyu Shenyang and Chaos Shenyang were taken away by Qin Yun. For example, those strong people united the nine-day demon and the nine-day protoss, set traps to catch the gods and goddess of the goddess... and so on.

In the past few days, the people in the Temple of Jiuyang also know why Qin Yun did not give the God of Heaven the Emperor a good look.

Through various details, everyone knows that the new powerful gods of the gods and gods may be the best and most abundant gods in the nine days! This

It means that it is possible to attract other powerful powers to come to fight for hegemony!

If this is the case, then soon, the powerful forces of other gods will debut!

In the ever-expanding days of the gods, there are other super-powerful creatures, which is why many people are curious!

In addition, the gods can grow into a super-natural world. This is obviously something hidden in this great wilderness, and it must be related to Jiuyang!

There are nine Wanyang Shenyang, and now that it has reached the third, there have been many great events!

What if nine yangs are present? Nobody knows! various

The souls of the gods and gods, after receiving all kinds of news, only know that this great wilderness is at the beginning of the great era, and it will be full of waves, and the **** rain will surely come one after another!

Only when you become stronger can you stand firm in the waves and survive in the chaos!

Before the emergence of the third Wanxiang Shenyang, it triggered a big battle, which led to the death of three strong families. The demon of the nine-day demon was killed.

And the storm is not over yet, it is just the beginning! because

For the nine-day Protoss inside the Wanyang Shenyang, it is brewing for the right to stay in the third Wanxiang Shenyang, this will definitely be a big battle! Qin

The cloud is aware of this matter and is planning. Xiao

After Yuelan returned to the Jiuyang Shrine, she began to contact the Guanghan Palace. She also successfully communicated to Yuexiangyun. Qin

The cloud wants to talk to Yuexiangyun and join forces to compete for the third century of Shenyang. As for whether or not it can be done, it depends on Yuexiang’s willingness to do so.

Yue Xiangyun has not responded yet, Xiao Yuelan just contacted Xiao Caifeng of Guanghan Palace, let her go to talk.

Qin Yun waited patiently in the Temple of Jiuyang.

I haven't waited for the reply of Yue Xiangyun, then the three eyes will come!

The trinocular king from the trinocular gods, his three eyes in the heavenly city are all three eyes. The overall strength is also quite strong, except those who are strong, they go to the Sanmu Tiancheng, Baiyang Tiancheng and the Golden Wings.

The overall strength of the Jiuyang royal family is also improving, and may wait until the fourth Wanxiang Shenyang appears, and the strength of the Jiuyang royal family can be comparable to that of the strong family.

As for the strength of the God Temple, Qin Yun is still unclear. He has to ask the moon sweet to ask this question. three

Although Wang Wang has many eyes, his mouth is also very powerful, especially in bragging, and he is a trinocular king, so everyone thinks he is strong.

Now, many people think that he and the emperors are a level, even stronger than those who are strong.

The strength of the trinocular king is not weak, and it is a little worse than the emperor. It can make many people mistakenly think that he is stronger than the emperor. This is a manifestation of his bragging ability. also

There is, his relationship with Qin Yun is not bad, which can make him blow a wave and pull himself up. Qin

The cloud called this strange three eyes to the Tiandian Building. three

The king was dressed in a white dress with a modest smile on his face. He said, "Don brother Qin, I haven’t seen it for so long, you pulled the head of the nine-day demon, it’s faster than I thought!"

"Let's say, what are you doing when you come to me? You shouldn't just come to me to blow the cows?" Qin Yunxiao laughed. "

No, I really have something important! "The three eyes of the king took out two large blue crystal beads and smiled and said: "Qin brother, this is the heavenly inheritance beads that I got, these two are very big!" I will send one to you! ”

The three-eye king was blacked out by the celestial inheritance beads that he had obtained for many years, but his heartache was so painful, but now he has got two big ones so quickly, which makes Qin Yun quite unexpected! Qin

At the beginning of the cloud, it was because of the Tianyu curse of the three-headed Wang Chuanzhu, which made him spend several times.

The Tianyu Fire Curse is also very useful in the future. "

How did you get it? "Qin Yun asked curiously."

I started a lot of people to find it! "Three eyes Wang Xiao smiled and said: "It is also by playing tricks! "three

Wang Wang suddenly became very serious and serious: "Dr. Qin, look at this bead, it seems that there are unusual things! I don't see it clearly, but you should be able to see it clearly! It is not like the inheritance of heaven. !"