Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2364: Inheritance

This large array of Jianlin Feng Mo is absorbing the power of the Wanyang Shenyang, and then open the space channel and connect for nine days. This process takes a while.

Qin Yun must rush to control the big array before those people come, and then close the passage. he

Not afraid of the group of people, just do not want the group of nine-day Protoss to do evil. root

According to his understanding of the nine-day Protoss, most of the nine-day Protoss in nine days were eating people. If

Suddenly a large number came, and after they came to the gods, they would definitely want to taste the gods of the gods, and they will surely eat and eat.

In the sky, the space fluctuates, and there is a wave of ripples. The sky is like a wave of water, and the center channel can be opened at any time. ten

Wan Jianshan is still trembled constantly, absorbing a lot of power from the world! Want

There is a lot of energy required to get through the space channel. can

Seeing the space between the nine days and the gods and gods is still very thick, and the gods and gods have their own space protection. Luo

Yao Feng is in the grassland and looks at Jiang Jiuchuan outside. ginger

Jiuchuan also looked at Luo Yaofeng and smiled: "Luo Princess, you came to the gods and met a good friend!"

"Jiang Jiuchuan, your father Jiang Xuan Shen Wang will not come in person?" Luo Yaofeng asked, her voice to Jiang Jiuchuan is very cold and full of momentum, as if looking at the junior.

"No, he said that he can't come for a while, because there are restrictions between the nine days and the gods!" Jiang Jiuchuan shook his head and then asked: "How about the Princess Luo, the shadow king?"

Luo Yao said with a cold smile: "Do you really don't know?"

Jiang Jiuchuan sighed: "I only know that the Shadow King had a big fight before, and then disappeared! This is what my father told me from nine days!"

Although Jiuchuan is in the destiny of the gods, it has been paying attention to what happened on the nine days. Because once the nine days are unstable, there will be a large number of people coming to the gods.

"Nine days no shadow king!" Luo Yaofeng looked into the sky, sighed: "Nine days of this dark hell, can leave early is also a relief!"

"Yes! I am lucky, I can come to the gods early!" Jiang Jiuchuan looked worried and said: "I am afraid that nine days will encroach on the gods!"

Jiang Jiuchuan, in addition to this big array, is there still a few places that can connect for nine days? Luo Yaofeng asked.

"There are channels in the ancestral yang! In addition, I am currently in control of the situation, the gods are at least three places, can connect for nine days!" Jiang Jiuchuan shook his head: "Nine days of the big, and the gods are expanding The space of the two gods will one day collide!"

"It seems that the conflict between the nine days and the gods of the gods is inevitable!" Luo Yao Feng is also worried.

For those who are tired of the hellish environment of nine days, the gods are like a paradise, they are very attached to this environment.

However, once it has been invaded for nine days, it is very likely that it will become nine days!

"The King of Jiuyang will not let them succeed, we must believe in his power!" Jiang Jiuchuan said: "Luo Princess, can I ask you a question?"

Just ask! Luo Yaofeng can also see that Jiang Jiuchuan does not want to invade the gods in nine days, so he is very resistant to his father.

"Yushan Yinshou is in your hands... Does it mean that you are the shadow of the king?" Jiang Jiuchuan said: "As far as I know, if you want to control the Tianyin, you must get the approval of Tianyin, and Tianyin only recognizes the soul! ""

Shadow God is dead! Luo Yaofeng said. Ginger

Da Liang heard his father ask, and suddenly realized that Luo Yaofeng is likely to be the shadow king! Shadow

The king of the gods is dead, it may just be destroyed by the flesh, and the princess of Luo Yaofeng is very likely to be a avatar! "

There are no shadow kings in nine days, and there is only one **** king in the gods of the gods. It seems that the shadow king really does not exist! "ginger

Jiuchuan nodded, then squeezed his son's head and let him stop talking about it. Luo

Yao Feng came to the lake and only hoped that Qin Yun would come up quickly.

Jianlin Fengmo will be controlled by nine days of people, which is also very unexpected.

Both she and Qin Yun are holy places, so it is very safe in the enchantment of this grassland. If a person of nine days comes, it is not necessarily.

If they control the sword forest peak desert, take away the enchantment of the grassland, and then use the large array of sword forest peaks to seal Qin Yun, then they are dangerous. in

Qin Yun under the lake quickly saw nine large swords of two tall, inserted under the lake to form a seal enchantment.

Nine swords are formed in a circle, and in the middle of the circle, there is a large golden crab.

There is a light white glow outside the big crab, which is a kind of seal power that wraps the big crab. This

The big crab is as big as a small house, struggling within the soul of the nine-day town, releasing a strong soul and power to break through the enchantment. "

Jiu Tian Zhen soul sword..." Qin Yun was close to a sword, and he was surprised: "These swords are all made with a lot of powerful souls. How many souls are used in order to gather such a strong sword?" ”

The nine-day demon is also the soul of the soul, the body is the soul, the soul is the body, so with a strong mental power to attack their souls without any thought.

"Xiaoyun, in the nine days, the soul is definitely a lot, you can plunder at will!" Ling Yun said. "

Right! Qin Yun nodded and then came to a sword. He injected his mental strength into the sword to explore the situation.

After the investigation, he found that there was a lot of violent soul power inside the sword, and it was full of suffocation! "

This kind of thing should be a good deal! Qin

The cloud image is filled with the force of the arrogant force, poured into the blade, purifying the internal suffocation, and the nine-day town soul sword is stabilized. Such as

As a result, the souls inside the nine swords are no longer violent, and they can be further attacked, or they can easily be countered.

Like this kind of nine-day town soul sword, if it bursts out, the erupted soul, enough to make Qin Yun's soul hurt, even the soul will be hit hard. Array

The soul turned into a big crab, which was sealed for so long, and it must have been affected by the suffocation of the sword of Jiudian Town.

Therefore, Qin Yun also purifies the evil that breeds inside the soul. Only in this way can the soul be matched with Qin Yun to be controlled by him.

After the nine days of the soul sword and the big crab have been purified by Qin Yun, they are very stable, Qin Yun began to pull the sword! pull

The process of the sword was very easy. The nine swords of the nine-day town were quickly taken down by Qin Yun. The big crab was also very happy to swim at the bottom of the lake.

"Big crab, if you regain freedom, can you control this big array?" Qin Yun said: "At this moment, someone is controlling the big battle, is it the former bad guy who sealed you, can stop them from opening the space channel? "Big

The crab naturally knows that Qin Yun saved him, so he did not attack Qin Yun, but communicated with Qin Yun. The voice sounded quite old: "Young people, I am old now, I can’t completely control the sky. Sword array!"

"How can we get control of it?" Qin Yun asked.

"Need the help of the ancestors of the gods... The Tongtian sword array was born after the influence of the ancestors of the ancestors!" The big crab said: "I can ask the ancestors for help!"

Tongtianjian array, actually can be controlled by the ancestors Shenyang!

"Then you were sealed, does the ancestors care about it?" Qin Yun curiously said. "

The existence of Zu Shenyang is very special, and the gods are very old. He doesn't know everything. Unless he can contact him and let him know that the consequences are not good for the gods, he will intervene! "The big crabs talked and suddenly became golden under the lake."

Zu Shenyang shot a glare and entered the lake in the center of Jianlin Peak.

"I will do my best to control the swordsmanship!" The big crab said: "The power that the ancestors gave me can only temporarily control me for a while, but it is enough!"

The big crab allowed Qin Yun to stand on his back and then floated to the lake. Qin

After the cloud came out, Luo Yaofeng was relieved a lot. day

In the air, a vortex begins to appear, and the space fluctuates more strongly. A black giant hole slowly forms in the middle of the vortex.

The big crab floated and the two big pliers danced. positive

In the 100,000 Jianshan that trembles and releases the glare, it will not tremble at once, and the glare released by Jianshan will also dim!

The spatial fluctuations of the sky have gradually disappeared, and the passage has not been opened smoothly in nine days! but

Yes, they will not give up, and there are other channels that can come to the gods. "

King, I will leave before you, if the group of guys come, I will promptly inform the Temple of Jiuyang! "Jiang Jiuchuan saw Qin Yun's success, and he was relieved in his heart, and then quickly left this piece of Jianlin Fengmo.

In the mouth of the crab, a large bead suddenly emerged and floated to the front of Qin Yun. "Young people, you find the right soul, and pass the soul out!"

Seniors, what about you? Qin Yun asked.

I am going to the ancient wilderness! "The big crab smiled heartily, then hung up, slowly drifting to the sky, flying away from Jianlinfeng desert.

The big crab floated to the sky and disappeared. Qin Yun was on the grassland, holding the golden beads, this is the soul that controls the Tongtian sword array!

Luo Yaofeng walked to Qin Yun and saw that Qin Yun was fine. She was completely relieved. she was

Take off the mask and smile at Qin Yun: "Ayun Ge, I didn't expect you to be the king of the gods. I really had no eyes before!"

"Princess, you can rest assured that the gods are desolate! The gods need your strength to fight against the demon of nine days!" Qin Yun laughed. "

Ok! Luo Yaofeng Yan Yan smiled and nodded.

Next, Qin Yun will transfer the Jiuyang Temple to Jianlin Feng Mo. sword

Lin Feng Mo can accommodate 100,000 Jianshan, very vast, even if the Jiuyang Wang family came in, there is no problem.

Qin Yun took Luo Yaofeng and rushed back to the Jiuyang Temple.

After returning to the Temple of Jiuyang, Qin Yun saw his father Qin Long in the hall.

Qin Long, who has been missing for many days, appeared and was ragged, as if he had experienced a big war. "

Xiaoyun, you are finally back! "Xiao Yuelan learned that Qin Yun came back, and quickly and white death came, very anxious: "Daddy came back for a few days, has been sitting here, did not say a word! ”