Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2377: The boss is driving

Qin Yun felt that after the two bosses returned, they would definitely find a way to get rid of the contract in their soul.

If this is the case, then they will definitely suffer a lot. In terms of cracking the contract, Qin Yun is an expert in this area.

He can break the soul contract of others, so he is very clear about this aspect, so he has added a method to the souls of the two bosses. If they want to get rid of them, there will be a tear-like drama in the soul. pain.

Qin Yun followed Yunlong and came outside the Tiandao **** shop.

Yunlong knows that Qin Yun is very strong, but now he can't help but be shocked.

Qin Yun patted Yunlong’s shoulder and smiled: “Don’t be afraid, there will be nothing! Take me in!”

it is good! "Yunlong saw Qin Yun's smile, and seemed to be relieved a lot, and then took out a token.

The blue token, with the words "天道", flocked to the powerful heavenly power.

Yunlong touched the golden tall wall in front with a token.

On the wall, a white door suddenly appeared, undulating on the wall. "

This way you can go in! Yunlong said.

"There is no door!" Qin Yun also planned to look at the door of the Tiandao **** shop. he

Follow Yunlong and enter the Tiandao **** shop.

Yunlong hurriedly took Qin Yun and went to a very quiet secret room. This

The secret room is arranged in a small hall, surrounded by various enchantments and formations. Obviously this is Yunlong in order to avoid being monitored and monitored. Qin

The cloud really did not expect that this weekdays looked like a beautiful Tiandang **** shopkeeper, in the Tiandao **** shop, it was like a mouse to hide. This

It can be said that it is a very sinister life, and it is extremely wrong.

"Well, I am going to find the two bosses now!" Yunlong took Qin Yun smoothly, and finally gave a sigh of relief, showing a gentle smile.

"The other three bosses are there?" Qin Yun asked: "I want to see them directly!"

He has already got two bosses, and now he is only three!

As long as the bosses are settled, this day is the pawnshop. take advantage of

Now the two bosses are still in control of the life and death of the soul, so he has to sigh and take the remaining three bosses. "

This... Don't discuss with the two bosses? "Yunlong still has some concerns that the three bosses are too strong, and Qin Yun can't hold them."

You take me to a decent place first! It is best to see the three bosses! Qin Yun said.

"Okay!" Yunlong felt that Qin Yun had been brought in. There should be no need to worry so much. cloud

The dragon can only take Qin Yun out of this secret room and turn around in the corridor inside the Tiandao **** shop. This

The walkways inside are very luxurious, the walls are golden, engraving the strange patterns of many beasts.

The ceiling above the passageway is inlaid with many golden beads, and the ground is engraved with many patterns.

Yunlong was envious and brought Qin Yun to a very luxurious hall.

This hall is very spacious and can sit hundreds of people. The pillars are all golden dragon heads, tables and chairs, all of which are golden jade carvings. "

How can I see the three bosses? Qin Yun asked.

This... I will kneel down and ask for it! "Yunlong came to the middle of the hall. Big

In the middle of the hall, there is a circular pattern, and the pattern looks like a basaltic beast. cloud

The dragon just had to kneel down, Qin Yun quickly went over, grabbed his shoulder and said: "You don't need to marry anyone! Those guys are not qualified to let others kneel down!"

Yun feels that he is now the boss of Tiandao **** shop, and the three guys are just the villains who occupy the heavenly pawnshop. "

If you don't do this, they won't come out! "Yunlong sighed: "It's okay, anyway, I am used to it!" ”

Just when Yunlong wants to kneel down, Qin Yun, wearing a godshoe boots, makes a big step against the ground!


The hall trembled and the ground was not cracked, but the shock was just strong, but it was as strong as shaking the entire heavenly pawnshop. cloud

The dragon is dumbfounded! he

I didn't expect Qin Yun to be so chaotic. I haven't seen the three **** shop bosses, and I have made such a huge move. Qin

The cloud smiler went to a chair and sat down and said: "Yunlong treasurer, from now on, I am the boss of Tiandao **** shop! Come, give me this new boss to tea!"

This...this..." Yunlong stunned, he thought Qin Yun came here, mainly because his parents were given a nine-day spell, but did not expect Qin Yun to even want to be the boss of the day!

"How? You don't recognize my boss?" Qin Yunxiao smiled and said: "Come for me with a cup of tea! After the Tiandao **** shop is mine, Yunlong you are still the shopkeeper of the **** shop!"

The dragon bit his teeth and decided to mix with Qin Yun. Even if he had to work hard with the three bosses, he would also go out. "

Yes, boss! Yunlong quickly took out the teapot and teapot and gave Qin Yun a tea.

Pour tea or something, this is just a ritual.

Yunlong is willing to do this, which means that he is willing to mix with Qin Yun and recognize Qin Yun as the boss.

At this time, there were two middle-aged rushes coming in. he

They are all wearing golden robes, one is the chunky boss, Yunlong only knows that other bosses call this chunky fat to the ancient fat man. and

In addition, the slightly higher boss is called the old hot monkey, which is their nickname. From

Listening to the nickname, they are not too strong people. Want

Otherwise, they will not be scared by Qin Yun before.

"Ah... it was the king of the palace!" After the ancient fat man saw Qin Yun, he quickly lost his smile: "I didn't expect you to come so fast!"

"Dian Wang, you let Yunlong inform us, it is not necessary to make such a big move!" The old spicy monkey scratched his face, although his face was full of smiles, but he looked worried. "

Did the two of you send the dog head of the king messenger back? Qin Yun sat in a chair and took a sip of tea. The tone was slightly imposing.

"Send it back, just sent it back!" The old hot monkey quickly said: "Dian Wang, there are three other bosses here, the three guys are stronger, we can't hold them!"

Do you think I can hold them? "Qin Yun blinked and asked, laughing and laughing."

This is not good to say! "The old fat man finished, and hurriedly said: "Den Wang, I am not looking down on you, but the three guys are really strong, and very despicable! Qin

Cloud smiled: "Not afraid! I am here waiting for them to come, they will come, right?"

The old spicy monkey shook his head: "I am not sure, they are much bigger than our shelves. Even us, sometimes we don't necessarily see them!"

Suddenly, the door of this hall was blasted and more than 30 young people came in.

The young people, all dressed in luxury, walked in with laughter and laughter, and their spirits were very strong.

These people seem to be young, and there are actually a few gods. Others are also very strong holy places. The Holy Spirit of the body is very strong. It can be seen that there are many gods and gods in them. .

They seem to be at the party, so they came to this incomparably luxurious hall. "

Old hot monkeys, who are they? Qin Yun asked, he was very upset in his heart. He felt that the Tiandao **** shop was already his. There should be no such people here.

"Yes... from other gods... are the descendants of some gods! There are a few of them, the apprentices and descendants of the three bosses... I rarely contact them, and I don’t know very well. The juniors were all invited by the disciples of the three bosses!" The old spicy monkey secretly gave Qin Yun a voice, saying: "Don King, don't make a noise, let me deal with it!"

Qin Yun had some accidents, and other people in the realm of the gods had already come to the gods. he

The space that doubts the destiny of the gods has become incomparably large, and has touched the space of many gods. Otherwise, it is difficult for other gods to come to the gods. White

Su said before, she may not be able to return to the Baiyang gods for a lifetime, because the space of the Baiyang gods and the gods of the gods is difficult to get close together, and only when approaching, she can open the space wall and go back. when

Of course, even if she does not go back, she will be content with the gods and gods, especially after meeting Qin Yun’s little brother. Qin

Yun feels that he may meet the Baiyang God King of Baiyang Shenjie in the future, but that is Bai Suxin’s father.

After the group of young people came in, they saw Qin Yun sitting in the chair, and Yunlong and the two bosses were standing next to each other. "

Old hot monkey, who is that person? Look at his appearance, it is very attractive! "A man wearing a luxurious white robes, wearing a purple crown, and a handsome face like a jade, asked Qin Yun coldly. This

The skin of a man is like jade, as if it is shining with a hint of white jade, giving a very beautiful feeling.

The power of his body is very strange, there is an indescribable femininity, but there is a strong force from time to time.

"This is my friend!" said the old hot monkey: "Gongsun Yurong, you bring so many friends, are you going to party?"

Sun Yurong’s eyes were a little scornful, and a faint sweep of Qin Yun’s eyes, sneer: “The old hot monkey, you are also at this level... The friends who make it are not good! Right, the nine days before the nine days Respect, the messenger he sent, have you been entertained? My father has no time to let you be responsible for the messenger!"

"This...he has returned for nine days!" Although the old hot monkey smiled, but in her heart, she was a mother. that

The king's messengers were all smashed, and Qin Yun insisted that the broken dog's head sighed and gave a message to the nine-day Emperor. "

This is fine! Not surprisingly, my father and the two divisions will soon be able to unite with the nine-day Emperor. At that time, the nine-day **** demon king and Jiang Xuan Shen Wang, as well as the nine-day emperor, are my father's side! "The grandson Sun Yu smiled a little. Although

However, he is very lightly laughing, but full of glory, his eyes are even more proud. "

Gongsun brother, it seems that the third Wanxiang Shenyang is already destined to be ours! "A glamorous woman wearing a luxurious blue dress, came with a gorgeous smile: "Our father, one of the kings of the nine gods!" ”

This woman and the grandson of the grandson are all young people in the realm of the gods. Obviously the father of this woman is one of the three bosses.

"Oriental ice, when is your father coming back?" Gu Fatzi suddenly asked.

"When is my father coming back, what is your old fat man?" The blue skirt woman, snorted: "Ancient fat man, quickly take your friends away, we will hold a banquet here!"