Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2396: Eight ethnic groups

Oriental Bingbing thought that Qin Yun was about to face a strong enemy, and could not help but be shocked. She only hoped that if Qin Yun met those enemies, he would escape smoothly and not fall into their hands. star

God was transferred to the Jiuyang Gods by Qin Yun. Qin Yun discovered that she was not studying the star mirror, but was helping the evolution of the star mirror!

As for why Star God can do it, Qin Yun is not very clear. He thinks that it may be because of the gods. Now

In the star god, master the star god, it is an extraordinary position, can promote the evolution of the star mirror, it is normal. "

Father, what are you doing on the island? You are not saying, do you want to enter the Wanyang Shenyang? Mei Daguang suddenly asked.

"We were going to go in, but we were broken when we were on the road, so we are here waiting for you!" Mei Jie said, and looked at the direction of Wanyang Shenyang, sighed: "Thinking Is it easy to enter that Wanyang Shenyang?"

Father, why don't you come to us? We almost got killed! "Mei second whispered."

Sorry, we are underestimating the dangers of this place. We thought that with your strength, even if you face the gods and beasts, you will be able to escape, but you will not expect the double demons to shoot you! This group of demons, do not talk about credit! Speaking of this, Major is very angry.

Between the Mozu and the Ziyang Elf, it is clear that there is an agreement and there is no need to do anything.

"They are the devils they have, how can they keep the agreement?" Mei Daguang whispered: "Their emperors are also on the island, then it is useless to go to them, they will definitely die!" plum

Jie said: "You have been a magic arrowworm, you should have residual toxins in your body, we can use this as evidence!"

Daguang, their three brothers looked at each other and then looked at Qin Yun. "

Father, Uncle Qin can be awesome, help us clean up the toxins and eggs of the magic arrowworm! "Mei Daguang spread his hands and smiled and said: "We have no evidence now! ”

"Qin Xiong is really amazing!" Mei Jie was also very surprised, because the insect poison of the magic arrow insects, it does not take a long time, it is impossible to completely remove the virulence and eggs.

And Qin Yun can do it so quickly, just relying on this ability, it is better than many older people of Ziyang Elf.

"This is very easy for us, nothing!" Qin Yun smiled, he is also telling the truth, he has a meditation, can swallow to dissolve and purify various poisons.

Qin Yun suddenly saw a huge Shenyang beast flying, his face changed, whispered: "There are gods and gods coming over!"

Several of them flew in the fog and flew to the huge floating island. and

At this moment, it is just the area where the Shenyang Heavenly Beast flies.

"Not afraid, the gods and gods will not attack us easily!" Mei Jie said: "I will not be attacked as long as I don't provoke the gods and gods!"

The cloud nodded, pulling the oriental ice and ice, carefully following behind them, while paying attention to the movements in all directions. Look

Seeing that there are all kinds of giant gods and beasts around, Qin Yun also feels a lot of pressure.

Oriental ice and ice can not see the huge beasts inside the fog, but can feel the strong atmosphere of the gods and gods, which makes her can not help but hold Qin Yun's hand, very nervous and afraid.

Finally, they are very quiet through the barrier formed by the gods and gods, and fall into the Ziyang Tiandao! just

When they were on the road, they didn’t say anything, and they were worried that they would disturb the gods.

Now that he is on the island, Mei Daguang laughed and said, "It’s finally safe!"

"It's not safe! This island is still very dangerous!" Mei Jie hit the head of Mei Daguang and said: "You don't mess!"

"Father, why is there so much protection for this island?" asked Melo.

"The island has the eggs of the gods and gods, and the eggs are in the center of the island!" said Mei Jie: "There are many people on the island, but no one can enter the center of the island, and Shenyangtian The beast does not seem to worry about someone destroying the eggs!"

"This...this turned out to be the place where the gods and the beasts lay their eggs?" The Oriental Ice Blow took a deep breath and said in horror: "Since you know, why do you want to go to the island? Isn't that looking for death?"

Jie said: "I just came to see it, not to occupy the island, we dare not! We just probed to see if we can find some traces from this Ziyang Tiandao!"

The cloud also feels that people who board the island must not dare to make up their minds. If they anger those gods, they will definitely not be able to take them. "

remains? what is that? Qin Yun asked.

"This island is a shrine of Shenyu Ziyang! In general, within the powerful Shenyang, most of them have creatures and form an extremely powerful civilization!" Mei Jie said: "We are these purple yang elves, very It may be a continuation of this powerful civilization! We have found many relics in the Shenyu Ziyang Mountain in our family!"

"It turned out to be the case! The living beings who can survive in a powerful yang are bound to be very strong in order to develop their own strong civilization!" Qin Yun also thought of many things.

For example, such a huge Shenyu Ziyang, how was it destroyed?

Qin Yun knows a lot about Shenyu Ziyang. He is very certain that no matter what the gods, Shenyu Ziyang is a very rare Shenyang.

It is even rarer to be able to grow a very large Shenyu Ziyang.

Such a big sun will be broken. If it is not self-destruction, but it is destroyed by others, it will be terrible to think about it! Qin

The clouds went all the way, and all the way to observe the surroundings, but also picked up the stones from time to time to see the pinch.

The stones and soil of this Ziyang Tiandao are not purple, and the purple yang power contained in it is very thin. "

Is it the Shenyu Ziyang burning exhaustion? "Qin Yun frowned: "It's not right... Generally, the powerful Shenyang, after the self-crash, will not crack such a large piece of debris!" ""

Uncle Qin, what is the reason for the huge fragmentation? Mei Daguang is also very curious.

"Affected by external forces, the Shenyu Ziyang is split!" Qin Yun said: "I only think of this reason!"

Mei Jie said: "Qin brother, this Ziyang Tiandao, there is no Ziyang power, mainly because the power is concentrated in the center of the island!"

Qin Yun immediately thought of something!

If this happens, it means that there may be a meditation in the middle of the island, and then a large amount of Ziyang spirit is gathered in the center.

"If there is a meditation, you can get it... that's a good thing!" Ling Yun said with a smile: "Xiaoyun, you will cultivate the image of the meditation road next time? The yangyang road is evolving into a holy heaven. When you are like, you will swallow a meditation, definitely stronger!" Qin

Clouds don't have this idea now, because this island is the nest of the gods and gods. If you come here, you will definitely be chased by the gods. huge

The big gods and gods look very docile, but it does not mean that they will not chase people.

The ultimate goal of Qin Yun is to enter the Wanyang Shenyang, so he must not come.

"Father, has this island bred humans?" Mei Daguang said: "Is it still, there is only the **** of heaven?"

"There is a very strong ethnic group here! Our understanding of the island is what the people of that ethnic group told us!" said Mei Jie: "The people of that ethnic group are very special. They insist that Ziyang Tiandao belongs to them. And they are still very strong!"

This island has a strong ethnic group! Qin

The cloud is more cautious, and the communities that can survive and grow in this environment are certainly very powerful. "

What kind of ethnic group is it? Good communication? Qin Yun asked.

Called the Eight Dao! They are born with eight images, and each image is the same, and there are many images, but they are not limited in growth! "May's face is a little angry," said: "I think these guys should be called hegemons!" "plum

Jie just said this, Qin Yun they will understand what the eight ethics are.

"What happened to them? Bullying us Ziyang Elf?" Mei Daguang was very upset.

"Ziyang Tiandao is not theirs... It should be the **** of heaven, otherwise it is impossible for the gods to lay eggs in the central area!" Mei Jie said with an angry look: "The Eight Dao has always wanted to break into the center." The area destroys the beasts of the gods and gods!"

Qin Yun did not say anything, he just thought that the island is not simple. God

The Yangtian beast should be the guardian of the universal world. The Wanyang Shenyang captures this huge Ziyang Tianshi from the sky as an island for the spawning of the gods and gods. It must be the undoubtedly the **** of heaven. that

Eight nationalities, it should be later!

The octopus only came to the island very early, so it was theirs.

"Mei brother, if they want to take down the island, Shenyang Tian beast will certainly not agree!" Qin Yun patted Mei Jie's shoulder and smiled: "When they die, they don't know!"

The eight ethnic groups are now joining a lot of people, attacking the middle of the island, occupying the island, and then attacking into the realm of Wanjie! Mei Jie shook his head and sighed: "The eight-way family of guys, from nine days, are very greedy. They want to kill those gods and gods and rob the beasts of the gods and gods. This will definitely lead to a great war, leading to the gods." The waste becomes chaotic! ”

At this moment, Mei Jie was also worried. With Qin Yun, they ran on the road and went to find other elders of Ziyang Elf.

Ziyang Tiandao is shrouded in a huge steam drum, and the light and fog are isolated from the bubbling outside, so the island also grows very strange trees, and all kinds of flowers and plants, are very resistant to high temperatures.

The people of Ziyang Elf are gathered in a purple wood. They built tree houses on the trees and temporarily lived in this tree house. Qin

The cloud followed Mayer into the woods, and Mei Daguang was also very excited: "It is the purple spirit tree, and our Ziyang Shenshan also has this kind of tree, really kind!"

After entering the woods, Qin Yun’s face gradually became cold and whispered: “Everyone is careful, I feel the breath of the double devil!”